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Bücher von Terri Downes

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  • von Terri Downes
    19,00 €

    Delilah had spent the morning asleep, recovering from her long journey, waking in the late. She had washed and dressed, and should have headed downstairs already. But instead she had been sitting by the bedroom window for almost an hour, watching everyone who passed...She looked at each man she saw and tried to imagine how she would feel, if this were Jacob...Some looked a little frightening. Some were old, or a little too young, but many seemed as though they could be a twenty-eight year old deputy...Don't get your hopes up, Delilah told herself sternly, as an unreasonably good-looking man walked up the road toward the Moss's place...It's not him...She looked at him again. No, far too handsome...But what if it was him?

  • von Terri Downes
    20,00 €

    Rancher Elijah receives a prize on his doorstep...A mail order bride courtesy of the mystery matchmaker in town. Unmoved, Elijah takes the woman's arrival in stride, realizing that a wife may be just what he needs. But Shelby has arrived out of convenience. She is on the run from her dark past. Can Shelby and Elijah make their marriage work in the new frontier?

  • von Terri Downes
    20,00 €

    Fiona's life has fallen apart and she wants nothing more than a fresh start. She has an unearned reputation around her community and wants to leave the gossiping town. In order to do so, she decides to become a mail order bride. She's sent to a cranky rancher named Frank. The two clash immediately as Frank has a different idea of what married life should be like while the precocious Fiona wants nothing more than redemption in her life. As time goes on, the two realize that they have more in common than they realize and a true love begins to grow. But will a secret from Fiona's past return to tear their marriage apart?

  • von Terri Downes
    18,00 €

    Farrah's has finally caught up to her and she wants to leave her toxic town. She decides to become a mail order bride but finds herself in a marriage with a man she doesn't love. She traded one small town for an even smaller one, and soon the residents begin disappearing one by one. Are they leaving or is something more sinister at work?Carl is a local rancher fighting off his personal demon of alcoholism. He feels attraction to Farrah but doesn't feel worthy. Farrah feels the romantic pull toward Carl herself but after a life of breaking rules she doesn't want to add to her troubles...or his...Farrah turns to God for guidance - a faith she once rejected - but Carl soon becomes a suspect in the disappearances. Is she in love with a killer? Or worse, is her own husband the killer?

  • von Terri Downes
    17,00 €

    Mary asks her grandfather about her the history of her family and he tells a tale that touches her in a way that is both surprising and hurtful for them both as he remembers the past. The more research Mary does, the better she understands both her Amish culture and what it takes to sustain a marriage for as many decades as her grandparents did.

  • von Terri Downes
    21,00 €

    Hannah had not said a word about her marriage to John, but Matthew had been able to read between the lines. She had obviously not been happy. She had married John when she was sixteen - to Matthew's dismay, at the time - and had spent her life on their remote farm, rarely coming out into the wider community to make friends...Hannah had been so excited over finally being able to join in with quilting or canning parties, all the simple pleasures that she had not been permitted to pursue before...Matthew had married himself, and was now also a widower, but he and his wife had married as friends. Their love had grown over several years, slowly and with space. With Hannah, Matthew never had to look far for his feelings...He just hoped that she would realise she could enjoy her life while also leaving room for a relationship - but that might take time. Matthew would just have to be patient...This was a difficult decision to make, but he believed that it was the right one. If the love was real, and it was meant to be returned, then it would be...But was it in Gott's plan?

  • von Terri Downes
    19,00 €

    Amity is an Amish woman faces tragedy as her older sister dies shortly after giving birth to a daughter. She helps around the house and with raising the baby until she feels affection toward her sister's husband. Feeling as if she'd be betraying her sister, she distances herself from the man...But is their budding romantic feelings toward one another real and in Gott's plan?

  • von Terri Downes
    20,00 €

    Englischer Paul gets the wrong directions and accidentally enters the home of a young Amish woman named Emma. He is in the Amish community to collect on his uncle's inheritance, who has a series of properties in the town. His eyes are on the money but when he gets to know Emma and the people in he community he begins to realize that this could be a place he could call home.

  • von Terri Downes
    20,00 €

    A faded letter found in an attic forces reporter Hannah Foster to delve deeper into an investigation...a pursuit that finds her hot on the trail of a killer. The search leads her to a peaceful Amish town where all may not be as it appears. She finds herself attracted to a handsome farmer named Peter but clashes with his traditional values. Still, after one serendipitous event after the other, Hannah finds her meticulously built emotional walls slowly broken down by a loving God as she delves deeper into the mystery.

  • von Terri Downes
    20,00 €

    Ellen is on the run. She is out of her job as a lounge singer and takes to the road with no money. So she takes the path of least resistance...She becomes a mail order bride to Finn, a rancher in dire need of female company. But with her sights set on becoming a famous opera singer, Ellen's heart is not even half into the marriage...Until Finn's former fiancee arrives. She's willing to do anything to keep the marriage from happening, even when Ellen begins to see Finn for the catch he really is. But will the God-fearing Finn see Ellen as the right choice for him?

  • von Terri Downes
    18,00 €

    Aaron and Hannah have been a popular couple in the Amish community for a long time. Their fellow Amish view them as a couple that other young people should see as role models. But behind the scenes, an anger simmers. They fight on a daily basis, with small squabbles soon turning into mutual verbal abuse. They both try to find ways to fix their marriage and are about to give up when one night a fire hits their home and burns part of their attic. married things were absolutely great. But when a fire burns down part of their attic, they begin sifting through the ash and find items of their past to remind them of how deeply they were in love. Can they rebuild their love from the ashes?

  • von Terri Downes
    20,00 €

    AN ANTHOLOGY OF AMISH ROMANCE SOMETHING NEW Esther visits the Amish cemetery on a daily basis, mourning the loss of her Matthew. She talks to Gott during these times, asking for his guidance in raising her young daughter without the father she loved so much. Still quite the young beauty, Esther doesn't lack for any suitors. She feels drawn to one man in town because of his chiseled features but the more she prays the more she realizes that another man may be best suited for her and her daughter. Which will she choose? AMISH TUESDAYS Joel and Rachel Yoder are a young Amish couple that discover that they cannot have a baby. They pray and pray to no avail until they begin volunteering at a local Children's hospital. There they meet an orphan who pulls at their heartstrings. Will they be able to see what Gott has in mind for them? A REDEEMING AMISH LOVE After six years of living as an Englischer, David Schmidt finally returned home to Bird-in-Hand, hoping to reconcile with his estranged family. He had made some pretty bad choices in life, and one of them had been Kate. He knew all too well he would not be welcomed with open arms, but he was willing to do what needed to be done to find forgiveness. And it was Mary Weber, the Bishop's daughter who made the biggest difference of all. She stood up for him when no one else was willing and she showed him that there is redemption to be found. With a few weeks to Christmas, their relationship started to grow stronger, but he was still not sure how he truly felt about her. Was this a friendship, or was it something more, and then Kate shows up a day before Christmas...

  • von Terri Downes
    21,00 €

  • von Terri Downes
    21,00 €

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