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Bücher von Thomas Docherty

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  • von Thomas Docherty
    15,00 €

    Entdecke die Wildnis in der Stadt Joe liebt alles, was wild ist. Wie schade, dass es in der Stadt keine Wildnis gibt! Oder ... etwa doch?  Mit offenen Augen und Ohren und vor allem viel Fantasie lässt sich sogar in der Stadt jede Menge Wildnis aufspüren. Ein fantasievolles Bilderbuch, das zum Entdecken der kleinen und großen Wunder in der Welt um uns herum einlädt.

  • von Thomas Docherty
    11,00 €

    Joe loves Wild things, but can't find any in the city he lives in. When the Wild invites him to explore the night-time city, he is going to learn that nature can be found just about everywhere.

  • von Thomas Docherty
    12,00 €

    A magical celebration of friendship - and the perfect bedtime story for every child who dreams of a horse of their own! Once there was a horse ... that jumped. It jumped over a flower. It jumped over a rock. It jumped right over a fence ... and out into the world.

  • von Thomas Docherty
    94,00 €

    There is a war on for the future of the university worldwide. The stakes are high, and they reach deep into our social condition. This book analyses the position, and argues for the necessity of taking sides with the latter. It does so with a sense of urgency, because the market fundamentalists are on the march.

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