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Bücher von Tina Folsom

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  • von Tina Folsom
    42,00 €

    Édition Gros CaractèresSamson, le vampire célibataire, ne peut plus la lever. Même son psy ne sait pas comment l'aider. Mais tout change lorsque Delilah, la belle mortelle et audit, tombe dans ses bras après ce qui ressemble à une banale agression. Soudain, les problèmes physiques du vampire s'évanouissent, du moins tant que Delilah se trouve dans ses bras.Les scrupules du vampire de mettre Delilah dans son lit disparaissent lorsque son psy avance qu'il s'agit de l'unique façon de résoudre son problème. Pensant que tout ce dont il a besoin est de quelques heures en sa compagnie, Samson se laisse tenter par une nuit de plaisir et de passion.Cependant, une autre agression contre Delilah et un cadavre plus tard, et voilà Samson qui se retrouve à jongler avec de nouveaux problèmes : non seulement tenter de cacher le fait qu'il est un vampire mais également découvrir les secrets de la jeune femme concernant une personne qui lui veut du mal. Je suis accro aux livres de Tina Folsom! La série des Scanguards se révèle être la plus chaude que l'on puisse trouver dans les romans d'amour mettant en scène des vampires. Si vous aimez les histoires torrides qui se lisent rapidement, ne ratez pas cette série excitante! --- Lara Adrian, auteur à succès révélée par le New York Times pour sa série Midnight BreedLes Vampires Scanguards:Tome 1 - La belle mortelle de SamsonTome 2 - La provocatrice d'AmauryTome 3 - La partenaire de GabrielTome 4 - L'enchantement d'YvetteTome 5 - La rédemption de ZaneTome 6 - L'éternel amour de QuinnTome 7 - Les désirs d'OliverTome 8 - Le choix de ThomasTome 8 1/2 - Discrète morsureTome 9 - L'identité de CainTome 10 - Le retour de LutherUne nouvelle: Ardent désirTome 11 - La promesse de BlakeTome 11 ¿ - Fatidiques retrouvaillesTome 12 - L'espoir de JohnLe Club des éternels célibataires :Tome 1 : SéduisantTome 2 : AttirantTome 3 : EnvoûtantTome 4 : TorrideTome 5 : AttrayantTome 6: Passionné

  • von Tina Folsom
    42,00 €

    Édition Gros CaractèresEn tant que vampire garde du corps, la dernière mission que Zane souhaite remplir est de surveiller une jeune femme hybride, mi-vampire, mi-humaine, dont le père souhaite préserver la virginité. Connu pour la violence de son tempérament et son manque de compassion, Zane renferme une rage incontrôlable qui provient de la cruauté dont il a été victime durant l'Holocauste. Il est obsédé par un désir de vengeance qu'il ne pourra assouvir qu'en retrouvant le dernier de ses bourreaux. C'est là le but ultime de sa vie.Portia est une jeune femme aux prises avec un sérieux dilemme. Dans quelques semaines, son corps se figera sous sa forme définitive. Douée d'immortalité, elle doit rapidement trouver un amant si elle veut éviter de rester vierge sa vie durant. Voulant l'en empêcher, son père engage Zane pour la chaperonner.Dès l'instant où Portia et Zane se rencontrent, les règles du jeu commencent à plier. Une attirance interdite voit le jour, bien plus chaude que les flammes de l'enfer que Zane a vécu dans son passé. C'est ce passé, justement, qui menacera de les séparer à moins qu'ils ne surmontent leurs préjugés, en remplaçant la haine par l'amour, et la vengeance par le pardon. Je suis accro aux livres de Tina Folsom! La série des Scanguards se révèle être la plus chaude que l'on puisse trouver dans les romans d'amour mettant en scène des vampires. Si vous aimez les histoires torrides qui se lisent rapidement, ne ratez pas cette série excitante! --- Lara Adrian, auteur à succès révélée par le New York Times pour sa série Midnight BreedLes Vampires Scanguards:Tome 1 - La belle mortelle de SamsonTome 2 - La provocatrice d'AmauryTome 3 - La partenaire de GabrielTome 4 - L'enchantement d'YvetteTome 5 - La rédemption de ZaneTome 6 - L'éternel amour de QuinnTome 7 - Les désirs d'OliverTome 8 - Le choix de ThomasTome 8 1/2 - Discrète morsureTome 9 - L'identité de CainTome 10 - Le retour de LutherUne nouvelle: Ardent désirTome 11 - La promesse de BlakeTome 11 ¿ - Fatidiques retrouvaillesTome 12 - L'espoir de JohnLe Club des éternels célibataires :Tome 1 : SéduisantTome 2 : AttirantTome 3 : EnvoûtantTome 4 : TorrideTome 5 : AttrayantTome 6: Passionné

  • von Tina Folsom
    41,00 €

    Édition Gros CaractèresPour sortir son frère du pétrin dans lequel il s'est fourré, le chasseur de primes et tueur de vampires Haven doit s'emparer de la jeune actrice Kimberly et la remettre à la sorcière qui l'a engagé à cette fin. Malheureusement, la jeune étoile montante est protégée par le genre de créatures qu'Haven déteste le plus au monde: un vampire.Après s'être fait kidnapper par ce chasseur de vampires, la première réaction d'Yvette - vampire et garde du corps de la jeune actrice- est de vouloir tuer cet enfoiré. Mais avant qu'elle n'en ait l'occasion, elle se rend compte qu'il est tout autant qu'elle en danger : il s'est fait rouler par la sorcière qui l'a engagé.Alors qu'Yvette et Haven tentent de s'échapper de leur prison tout en secourant l'actrice et le frère d'Haven, leur haine réciproque continuera-t-elle à les habiter ? La passion qui semble bouillir entre eux sera-t-elle assez forte pour qu'ils acceptent de risquer leur vie et de faire tout ce qu'ils peuvent pour combattre la sorcière et l'empêcher de s'emparer du plus grand pouvoir de tous les temps? Je suis accro aux livres de Tina Folsom! La série des Scanguards se révèle être la plus chaude que l'on puisse trouver dans les romans d'amour mettant en scène des vampires. Si vous aimez les histoires torrides qui se lisent rapidement, ne ratez pas cette série excitante! --- Lara Adrian, auteur à succès révélée par le New York Times pour sa série Midnight BreedLes Vampires Scanguards:Tome 1 - La belle mortelle de SamsonTome 2 - La provocatrice d'AmauryTome 3 - La partenaire de GabrielTome 4 - L'enchantement d'YvetteTome 5 - La rédemption de ZaneTome 6 - L'éternel amour de QuinnTome 7 - Les désirs d'OliverTome 8 - Le choix de ThomasTome 8 1/2 - Discrète morsureTome 9 - L'identité de CainTome 10 - Le retour de LutherUne nouvelle: Ardent désirTome 11 - La promesse de BlakeTome 11 ¿ - Fatidiques retrouvaillesTome 12 - L'espoir de JohnLe Club des éternels célibataires :Tome 1 : SéduisantTome 2 : AttirantTome 3 : EnvoûtantTome 4 : TorrideTome 5 : AttrayantTome 6: Passionné

  • von Tina Folsom
    42,00 €

    Edición de Letra Grande Nueva edición revisada y reeditada. Esta traducción y edición está basada en el Español Latinoamericano y no en el Español Castellano hablado en España. Lo último que el vampiro guardaespaldas Zane quiere hacer es cuidar a un híbrido, un ser mitad vampiro, mitad humano, cuyo padre quiere mantenerla virgen. Conocido por su carácter violento y su cruel falta de compasión, la ira, nacida de la crueldad que sufrió durante el Holocausto y cuyo control está fuera del alcance de Zane, lo lleva a concentrarse sólo en la venganza. Tratar de encontrar al último de sus verdugos, es su única meta en la vida.Portia es una muchacha híbrido con un serio dilema: en pocas semanas su cuerpo asumirá su forma final de vampiro. Si ella quiere evitar tener que vivir su vida inmortal como una virgen, deberá encontrar un amante en ese corto tiempo... algo por lo que su padre contrata a Zane para prevenirlo.En el momento en que Portia y Zane se conocen, las reglas comienzan a quebrantarse, y una atracción prohibida explota en llamas, más calientes que las del infierno del pasado de Zane. Pero ese pasado amenaza con separarlos a menos que puedan superar sus prejuicios, cambiar el odio por el amor y la venganza por el perdón.Vampires de ScanguardsLibro 1 - La Mortal Amada de SamsonLibro 2 - La Revoltosa de AmauryLibro 3 - La Compañera de GabrielLibro 4 - El Refugio de YvetteLibro 5 - La Redención de ZaneLibro 6 - El Eterno Amor de QuinnFuera del OlimpoLibro 1 - Un Toque GriegoLibro 2 - Un Aroma a GriegoLibro 1 - Amante al Descubierto

  • von Tina Folsom
    41,00 €

    Edición de letra grandeComedia romántica sobre dioses griegos¿¿¿¿Esta traducción y edición está basada en el Español Latinoamericano y no en el Español Castellano hablado en España. El egoísta y hermoso dios griego Tritón, es expulsado del Olimpo después de seducir a la amante de Zeus, y sólo puede ganar su reingreso si encuentra una mujer que lo ame por su bondad y generosidad, no por su belleza. Cuando la mortal Sophia, quien se está recobrando de una operación de la vista y está virtualmente ciega, necesita un enfermero a domicilio, él asume ese papel, esperando que ella sea su boleto de regreso a casa.Mientras defendía a Sophia de un adversario desconocido, el instinto protector de Tritón emerge. Al mismo tiempo, los dioses rivales hacen todo lo posible para condenarlo al fracaso. E incluso si Tritón puede ganar el amor de Sophia, ¿lo desperdiciará para volver a casa, o se enamorará de la única mujer que realmente capta su verdadera esencia?Un Toque Griego, es el primer libro de la serie de comedia romántica paranormal Fuera del Olimpo, siguiendo las románticas aventuras de cuatro dioses: Tritón, Dioniso, Eros y Hermes.Fuera del OlimpoLibro 1 - Un Toque GriegoLibro 2 - Un Aroma a GriegoVampiros de ScanguardsLibro 1 - La Mortal Amada de SamsonLibro 2 - La Revoltosa de AmauryLibro 3 - La Compañera de GabrielLibro 4 - El Refugio de YvetteLibro 5 - La Redención de ZaneLibro 6 - El Eterno Amor de QuinnAmante al Descubierto

  • von Tina Folsom
    43,00 €

    Edición de Letra GrandeEsta traducción y edición está basada en el Español Latinoamericano y no en el Español Castellano hablado en España. El vampiro Amaury LeSang, está condenado a sentir las emociones de todo el mundo como una migraña permanente. La única manera de aliviar el dolor, es a través del sexo. Cuando conoce a la arisca mujer humana Nina, una cura para su enfermedad parece estar al alcance: con su presencia, todo el dolor desaparece.Por desgracia, Nina está dispuesta a matarlo, porque ella cree que él está involucrado en la muerte de su hermano. Y tendría éxito, sólo si el encanto de éste hombre malo Amaury, no causase estragos en sus hormonas y la catapultara hacia sus brazos y hacia su cama, cada vez que está cerca de él.A medida que cada beso los acerca más físicamente, el peligro está al acecho y amenaza con destruir la poca confianza que se tienen entre sí.Vampires de ScanguardsLibro 1 - La Mortal Amada de SamsonLibro 2 - La Revoltosa de AmauryLibro 3 - La Compañera de GabrielLibro 4 - El Refugio de YvetteLibro 5 - La Redención de ZaneLibro 6 - El Eterno Amor de QuinnFuera del OlimpoLibro 1 - Un Toque GriegoLibro 2 - Un Aroma a GriegoAmante al Descubierto

  • von Tina Folsom
    26,00 €

    As a hybrid vampire who not only works as a bodyguard for Scanguards, but also moonlights at the nightclub Mezzanine, owned by his father and Samson, Damian has his pick of beautiful women. But when journalist Naomi Sutton breaks into the nightclub's office while investigating allegations of supposed blood rituals at the club, Damian's blood stirs in a way it never has before. But how can he keep Naomi from digging up his secrets when he wants nothing more than to make love to her and sink his fangs into her lovely neck?The disappearance of a bartender, a mix-up with his twin brother, and a theft throw a wrench into Damian's life and might force him to tell Naomi the truth about himself. But can a reporter keep such a secret?¿¿ ¿¿ ¿¿ ¿¿ ¿¿ Lara Adrian, New York Times Bestselling Author of the Midnight Breed series: "I'm addicted to Tina Folsom's books! The Scanguards® series is one of the hottest things to happen to vampire romance. If you love scorching, fast-paced reads, don't miss this thrilling series!"ABOUT THE SERIESThe Scanguards Vampires series is full of fast-paced action, scorching love scenes, witty dialogue, and strong heroes and heroines. Vampire Samson Woodford lives in San Francisco and owns a security/bodyguard company, Scanguards, which employs both vampires and humans. And eventually some witches. Throw in a few immortal guardians and demons later in the series, and you'll get the drift! Each book can be read as a standalone and always centers around a new couple finding love, but the series is more enjoyable when read in order. And of course, there are always a few running jokes - you'll understand when you meet Wesley, a wannabe witch. Enjoy!Scanguards VampiresBook 1: Samson's Lovely MortalBook 2: Amaury's HellionBook 3: Gabriel's MateBook 4: Yvette's HavenBook 5: Zane's RedemptionBook 6: Quinn's Undying RoseBook 7: Oliver's HungerBook 8: Thomas's ChoiceBook 8 1/2: Silent Bite (A Scanguards Wedding Novella)Book 9: Cain's IdentityBook 10: Luther's ReturnNovella: Mortal WishBook 11: Blake's PursuitNovella 11 1/2: Fateful ReunionBook 12: John's YearningBook 13: Ryder's Storm (Scanguards Hybrids #1)Book 14: Damian's Conquest (Scanguards Hybrids #2)Book 14: Damian's Conquest (Scanguards Hybrids #2)Book 15: Grayson's Challenge (Scanguards Hybrids #3)Book 16: Isabelle's Forbidden Love (Scanguards Hybrids #4) pre-orderStealth GuardiansLover Uncloaked (#1)Master Unchained (#2)Warrior Unraveled (#3)Guardian Undone (#4)Immortal Unveiled (#5)Protector Unmatched (#6)Demon Unleashed (#7)Code Name StargateAce on the Run (#1)Fox in plain Sight (#2)Yankee in the Wind (#3)Tiger on the Prowl (#4)Venice VampyrVenice Vampyr (#1)Venice Vampyr (#2): Final AffairVenice Vampyr (#3): Sinful TreasureVenice Vampyr (#4): Sensual DangerThe Scanguards Vampires series has it all: love at first sight, enemies to lovers, meet cute, instalove, alpha hero, fated mates, bodyguard, band of brothers, damsel in distress, woman in peril, beauty and the beast, hidden identity, soul mates, first love, virgins, tortured hero, age gap, second chance love, grieving lover, return from the dead, secret baby, playboy, kidnappings, friends to lovers, coming out, secret admirer, last to know, unrequited love, amnesia, royalty, forbidden love, identical twins, partners in fighting crime.

  • von Tina Folsom
    25,00 €

    Grayson Woodford, the stubborn heir to the Scanguards empire, resents the fact that his father, Samson, is trying to play matchmaker and set him up with the daughter of an old friend.Vampire hybrid Monique Montague is just as pissed off with her father, Cain, the vampire king of Louisiana, for trying to trick her into dating Grayson, whom she only remembers as spoiled and arrogant from when they were kids. She refuses to attend the party where she's supposed to meet Grayson, and instead, picks up a stranger in a bar for a night of wild sex, not realizing that the stranger is no other than Grayson.After their night of passion, a kidnapping suddenly turns their world upside down and thrusts them back together. Forced to work with each other, they have to set aside their prejudices in order to save their families.¿¿ ¿¿ ¿¿ ¿¿ ¿¿ Lara Adrian, New York Times Bestselling Author of the Midnight Breed series: "I'm addicted to Tina Folsom's books! The Scanguards® series is one of the hottest things to happen to vampire romance. If you love scorching, fast-paced reads, don't miss this thrilling series!"ABOUT THE SERIESThe Scanguards Vampires series is full of fast-paced action, scorching love scenes, witty dialogue, and strong heroes and heroines. Vampire Samson Woodford lives in San Francisco and owns a security/bodyguard company, Scanguards, which employs both vampires and humans. And eventually some witches. Throw in a few immortal guardians and demons later in the series, and you'll get the drift! Each book can be read as a standalone and always centers around a new couple finding love, but the series is more enjoyable when read in order. Scanguards Vampires:Book 1: Samson's Lovely MortalBook 2: Amaury's HellionBook 3: Gabriel's MateBook 4: Yvette's HavenBook 5: Zane's RedemptionBook 6: Quinn's Undying RoseBook 7: Oliver's HungerBook 8: Thomas's ChoiceBook 8 1/2: Silent BiteBook 9: Cain's IdentityBook 10: Luther's ReturnNovella: Mortal WishBook 11: Blake's PursuitNovella 11 1/2: Fateful ReunionBook 12: John's YearningBook 13: Ryder's Storm (Scanguards Hybrids #1)Book 14: Damian's Conquest (Scanguards Hybrids #2)Book 15: Grayson's Challenge (Scanguards Hybrids #3)Thriller (T.R. Folsom)EyewitnessStealth GuardiansLover Uncloaked (#1)Master Unchained (#2)Warrior Unraveled (#3)Guardian Undone (#4)Immortal Unveiled (#5)Protector Unmatched (#6)Demon Unleashed (#7)Code Name StargateAce on the Run (#1)Fox in plain Sight (#2)Yankee in the Wind (#3)Tiger on the Prowl (#4)Venice VampyrVenice Vampyr (#1)Venice Vampyr (#2): Final AffairVenice Vampyr (#3): Sinful TreasureVenice Vampyr (#4): Sensual DangerOut of OlympusBook 1: A Touch of GreekBook 2: A Scent of GreekBook 3: A Taste of GreekBook 4: A Hush of GreekThe Scanguards Vampires series has it all: love at first sight, enemies to lovers, meet cute, instalove, alpha hero, fated mates, bodyguard, band of brothers, damsel in distress, woman in peril, beauty and the beast, hidden identity, soul mates, first love, virgins, tortured hero, age gap, second chance love, grieving lover, return from the dead, secret baby, playboy, kidnappings, friends to lovers, coming out, secret admirer, last to know, unrequited love, amnesia, royalty, forbidden love.

  • von Tina Folsom
    31,98 - 55,00 €

  • von Tina Folsom
    21,00 - 28,00 €

  • von Tina Folsom
    41,00 €

    After a painful betrayal in his past, Immortal Stealth Guardian Hamish MacGregor vows to never get involved with another human. But when he is charged with protecting Councilwoman Tessa Wallace from the Demons of Fear, his powerful desire for her soon makes this routine assignment the greatest challenge he's ever faced.Caught between mortal danger and immortal passion, Tessa and Hamish must work together to defeat their enemies and bring peace back to a city in turmoil... and they discover that falling in love can be the most dangerous adventure of all.¿¿ ¿¿ ¿¿ ¿¿ ¿¿ Lara Adrian, New York Times Bestselling Author of the Midnight Breed series: "Get ready for a wild ride! The Stealth Guardians are the only thing standing between humanity and a demonic race determined to rule the world. For fast-paced, high-stakes paranormal romance, be sure to add Tina Folsom to your must-read list!"ABOUT THE SERIESAble to render themselves invisible, immortal Stealth Guardians have been protecting humans from the dark power of the Demons of Fear for centuries. The Guardians live in compounds, which are invisible to humans and demons alike, but danger is never far away. Only the Stealth Guardians stand between mankind and the demons' evil plans of ruling mankind. While protecting humans from the demons and their evil leader Zoltan, the Great One, they have to risk their own lives to fulfill their mission without the humans finding out who they are. But not everything goes according to plan. And even immortal guardians can fall in love.Scanguards fans: Toward the end of book 2, Master Unchained, Scanguards witch Wesley will make an entrance into the world of the Stealth Guardians. He will be the hero in book 3, Warrior Unraveled, and more Scanguards characters will play guest roles in the Stealth Guardians series.Stealth GuardiansLover Uncloaked (#1)Master Unchained (#2)Warrior Unraveled (#3)Guardian Undone (#4)Immortal Unveiled (#5)Protector Unmatched (#6)Demon Unleashed (#7)Scanguards VampiresBook 1: Samson's Lovely MortalBook 2: Amaury's HellionBook 3: Gabriel's MateBook 4: Yvette's HavenBook 5: Zane's RedemptionBook 6: Quinn's Undying RoseBook 7: Oliver's HungerBook 8: Thomas's ChoiceBook 8 1/2: Silent Bite (A Scanguards Wedding Novella)Book 9: Cain's IdentityBook 10: Luther's ReturnNovella: Mortal WishBook 11: Blake's PursuitNovella 11 1/2: Fateful ReunionBook 12: John's YearningBook 13: Ryder's Storm (Scanguards Hybrids #1)Book 14: Damian's Conquest (Scanguards Hybrids #2)Book 15: Grayson's Challenge (Scanguards Hybrids #3)Book 16: Isabelle's Forbidden Love (Scanguards Hybrids #4) pre-orderCode Name StargateAce on the Run (#1)Fox in plain Sight (#2)Yankee in the Wind (#3)Tiger on the Prowl (#4)The Stealth Guardians series has it all: love at first sight, enemies to lovers, meet cute, alpha hero, fated mates, bodyguard, band of brothers, damsel in distress, woman in peril, hidden identity, invisibility, soul mates, tortured hero, age gap, second chance love, grieving lover, return from the dead, secret baby, kidnappings, friends to lovers, secret admirer, last to know, unrequited love, forbidden love, partners in fighting crime.

  • von Tina Folsom
    41,00 €

    After a devastating heartbreak, Eros, the god of love, is disillusioned with love and refuses to shoot his arrows. As a result, people on earth aren't falling in love anymore. When Zeus gets wind of it, he's furious and seeks help from Eros's best friends and fellow gods Triton, Dionysus, and Hermes. They are tasked with making Eros believe in love again. And what better way than to make him fall in love with the enticing human florist Psyche, who's just as cynical about love as Eros?¿¿ ¿¿ ¿¿ ¿¿ ¿¿ "A Touch of Greek is a fun, blazing hot read that will have you asking, Where's MY Greek God?" Tina Folsom's super sexy romances will be your favorite guilty pleasure!" --- Stephanie Bond, Author of the #1 Kindle bestselling romantic comedy Stop the Wedding! (A Hallmark movie)About the SeriesOut of Olympus is a humorous and sexy paranormal romantic comedy series following the romantic adventure of four gods in Charleston, South Carolina: Triton, Dionysus, Hermes, and Eros. It's full of mischief, laughter, comedic scenes, sensual love scenes, witty dialogue, and a little slapstick. Interference by Zeus and Hera, and other Greek Gods, is guaranteed!Out of OlympusBook 1: A Touch of GreekBook 2: A Scent of GreekBook 3: A Taste of GreekBook 4: A Hush of GreekScanguards VampiresBook 1: Samson's Lovely MortalBook 2: Amaury's HellionBook 3: Gabriel's MateBook 4: Yvette's HavenBook 5: Zane's RedemptionBook 6: Quinn's Undying RoseBook 7: Oliver's HungerBook 8: Thomas's ChoiceBook 8 1/2: Silent Bite (A Scanguards Wedding Novella)Book 9: Cain's IdentityBook 10: Luther's ReturnNovella: Mortal WishBook 11: Blake's PursuitNovella 11 1/2: Fateful ReunionBook 12: John's YearningBook 13: Ryder's Storm (Scanguards Hybrids #1)Book 14: Damian's Conquest (Scanguards Hybrids #2)Book 15: Grayson's Challenge (Scanguards Hybrids #3)Book 16: Isabelle's Forbidden Love (Scanguards Hybrids #4) (pre-order)Thriller (as T.R. Folsom)EyewitnessStealth GuardiansLover Uncloaked (#1)Master Unchained (#2)Warrior Unraveled (#3)Guardian Undone (#4)Immortal Unveiled (#5)Protector Unmatched (#6)Demon Unleashed (#7)Code Name StargateAce on the Run (#1)Fox in plain Sight (#2)Yankee in the Wind (#3)Tiger on the Prowl (#4)Venice VampyrVenice Vampyr (#1)Venice Vampyr (#2): Final AffairVenice Vampyr (#3): Sinful TreasureVenice Vampyr (#4): Sensual DangerThe Hamptons Bachelor ClubTeasingEnticingBeguilingScorchingAlluringSizzlingShort storiesSteal MeThe Wrong SuitorTime Quest - Reversal of FateThe Out of Olympus series has it all: weddings, fake fiancés, humor, mischief, love at first sight, blind protagonist, forced proximity, kidnappings, Greek Gods, idyllic settings, instalove, hidden identity, soul mates, amnesia, woman in peril, damsel in distress, band of brothers, romantic comedy, fish out of water.

  • von Tina Folsom
    41,00 €

    Selfish and gorgeous Greek God Triton is cast out of Olympus after seducing Zeus' mistress and can only gain reentry if he finds a woman who loves him for his kindness and selflessness, not his beauty. When the mortal Sophia - recovering from an eye operation and virtually blind - needs a home healthcare worker, he takes on the role, hoping she will be his ticket home.While defending Sophia from an unknown adversary, Triton's protective instinct emerges. At the same time rival Gods do everything to doom him to failure. And even if Triton can win Sophia's love, will he throw it away to return home, or will he lose his own heart to the only woman who truly sees him?¿¿ ¿¿ ¿¿ ¿¿ ¿¿ "A Touch of Greek is a fun, blazing hot read that will have you asking, Where's MY Greek God?" Tina Folsom's super sexy romances will be your favorite guilty pleasure!" --- Stephanie Bond, Author of the #1 Kindle bestselling romantic comedy Stop the Wedding! (A Hallmark movie)About the SeriesOut of Olympus is a humorous and sexy paranormal romantic comedy series following the romantic adventure of four gods in Charleston, South Carolina: Triton, Dionysus, Hermes, and Eros. It's full of mischief, laughter, comedic scenes, sensual love scenes, witty dialogue, and a little slapstick. Interference by Zeus and Hera, and other Greek Gods, is guaranteed!Out of OlympusBook 1: A Touch of GreekBook 2: A Scent of GreekBook 3: A Taste of GreekBook 4: A Hush of GreekScanguards VampiresBook 1: Samson's Lovely MortalBook 2: Amaury's HellionBook 3: Gabriel's MateBook 4: Yvette's HavenBook 5: Zane's RedemptionBook 6: Quinn's Undying RoseBook 7: Oliver's HungerBook 8: Thomas's ChoiceBook 8 1/2: Silent Bite (A Scanguards Wedding Novella)Book 9: Cain's IdentityBook 10: Luther's ReturnNovella: Mortal WishBook 11: Blake's PursuitNovella 11 1/2: Fateful ReunionBook 12: John's YearningBook 13: Ryder's Storm (Scanguards Hybrids #1)Book 14: Damian's Conquest (Scanguards Hybrids #2)Book 15: Grayson's Challenge (Scanguards Hybrids #3)Book 16: Isabelle's Forbidden Love (Scanguards Hybrids #4) (pre-order)Thriller (as T.R. Folsom)EyewitnessStealth GuardiansLover Uncloaked (#1)Master Unchained (#2)Warrior Unraveled (#3)Guardian Undone (#4)Immortal Unveiled (#5)Protector Unmatched (#6)Demon Unleashed (#7)Code Name StargateAce on the Run (#1)Fox in plain Sight (#2)Yankee in the Wind (#3)Tiger on the Prowl (#4)Venice VampyrVenice Vampyr (#1)Venice Vampyr (#2): Final AffairVenice Vampyr (#3): Sinful TreasureVenice Vampyr (#4): Sensual DangerThe Hamptons Bachelor ClubTeasingEnticingBeguilingScorchingAlluringSizzlingShort storiesSteal MeThe Wrong SuitorTime Quest - Reversal of FateThe Out of Olympus series has it all: weddings, fake fiancés, humor, mischief, love at first sight, blind protagonist, forced proximity, kidnappings, Greek Gods, idyllic settings, instalove, hidden identity, soul mates, amnesia, woman in peril, damsel in distress, band of brothers, romantic comedy, fish out of water.

  • von Tina Folsom
    41,00 €

    When the god of wine and ecstasy, Dionysus, callously dumps his latest conquest, the mortal Ariadne, the goddess Hera has had enough. She robs Dionysus of his memory to teach him a lesson in humility.Ariadne is deeply hurt after Dionysus dismisses their night of passion as "just sex" and doesn't want to see her anymore. When she finds him bloodied and beaten and suffering from amnesia, she quickly forms a plan to get back at him. As she pretends to be his fiancée, Ariadne makes Dionysus believe he loves her. But the longer the charade continues, the more difficult it becomes to really see who teaches whom a lesson.And what if Dionysus gains his memory back? Will there be hell to pay for her deception, or can a mortal woman truly win a god's love?¿¿ ¿¿ ¿¿ ¿¿ ¿¿ "A Touch of Greek is a fun, blazing hot read that will have you asking, Where's MY Greek God?" Tina Folsom's super sexy romances will be your favorite guilty pleasure!" --- Stephanie Bond, Author of the #1 Kindle bestselling romantic comedy Stop the Wedding! (A Hallmark movie)About the SeriesOut of Olympus is a humorous and sexy paranormal romantic comedy series following the romantic adventure of four gods in Charleston, South Carolina: Triton, Dionysus, Hermes, and Eros. It's full of mischief, laughter, comedic scenes, sensual love scenes, witty dialogue, and a little slapstick. Interference by Zeus and Hera, and other Greek Gods, is guaranteed!Out of OlympusBook 1: A Touch of GreekBook 2: A Scent of GreekBook 3: A Taste of GreekBook 4: A Hush of GreekScanguards VampiresBook 1: Samson's Lovely MortalBook 2: Amaury's HellionBook 3: Gabriel's MateBook 4: Yvette's HavenBook 5: Zane's RedemptionBook 6: Quinn's Undying RoseBook 7: Oliver's HungerBook 8: Thomas's ChoiceBook 8 1/2: Silent Bite (A Scanguards Wedding Novella)Book 9: Cain's IdentityBook 10: Luther's ReturnNovella: Mortal WishBook 11: Blake's PursuitNovella 11 1/2: Fateful ReunionBook 12: John's YearningBook 13: Ryder's Storm (Scanguards Hybrids #1)Book 14: Damian's Conquest (Scanguards Hybrids #2)Book 15: Grayson's Challenge (Scanguards Hybrids #3)Book 16: Isabelle's Forbidden Love (Scanguards Hybrids #4) (pre-order)Thriller (as T.R. Folsom)EyewitnessStealth GuardiansLover Uncloaked (#1)Master Unchained (#2)Warrior Unraveled (#3)Guardian Undone (#4)Immortal Unveiled (#5)Protector Unmatched (#6)Demon Unleashed (#7)Code Name StargateAce on the Run (#1)Fox in plain Sight (#2)Yankee in the Wind (#3)Tiger on the Prowl (#4)Venice VampyrVenice Vampyr (#1)Venice Vampyr (#2): Final AffairVenice Vampyr (#3): Sinful TreasureVenice Vampyr (#4): Sensual DangerThe Hamptons Bachelor ClubTeasingEnticingBeguilingScorchingAlluringSizzlingShort storiesSteal MeThe Wrong SuitorTime Quest - Reversal of FateThe Out of Olympus series has it all: weddings, fake fiancés, humor, mischief, love at first sight, blind protagonist, forced proximity, kidnappings, Greek Gods, idyllic settings, instalove, hidden identity, soul mates, amnesia, woman in peril, damsel in distress, band of brothers, romantic comedy, fish out of water.

  • von Tina Folsom
    42,00 €

    Messenger god Hermes' sandals have been stolen by a mortal, thus robbing all gods of their gift of teleportation. Zeus is furious, but Hermes has more to worry about than his father's anger. Retrieving the sandals becomes a race against time as others are after the precious artifacts, too.Hermes knows the identity of the thief: the lovely Greek studies professor, Penelope. Now, not only does he have to get to his sandals first, but he has to do so before Penelope steals something else: his heart.¿¿ ¿¿ ¿¿ ¿¿ ¿¿ "A Touch of Greek is a fun, blazing hot read that will have you asking, Where's MY Greek God?" Tina Folsom's super sexy romances will be your favorite guilty pleasure!" --- Stephanie Bond, Author of the #1 Kindle bestselling romantic comedy Stop the Wedding! (A Hallmark movie)About the SeriesOut of Olympus is a humorous and sexy paranormal romantic comedy series following the romantic adventure of four gods in Charleston, South Carolina: Triton, Dionysus, Hermes, and Eros. It's full of mischief, laughter, comedic scenes, sensual love scenes, witty dialogue, and a little slapstick. Interference by Zeus and Hera, and other Greek Gods, is guaranteed!Out of OlympusBook 1: A Touch of GreekBook 2: A Scent of GreekBook 3: A Taste of GreekBook 4: A Hush of GreekScanguards VampiresBook 1: Samson's Lovely MortalBook 2: Amaury's HellionBook 3: Gabriel's MateBook 4: Yvette's HavenBook 5: Zane's RedemptionBook 6: Quinn's Undying RoseBook 7: Oliver's HungerBook 8: Thomas's ChoiceBook 8 1/2: Silent Bite (A Scanguards Wedding Novella)Book 9: Cain's IdentityBook 10: Luther's ReturnNovella: Mortal WishBook 11: Blake's PursuitNovella 11 1/2: Fateful ReunionBook 12: John's YearningBook 13: Ryder's Storm (Scanguards Hybrids #1)Book 14: Damian's Conquest (Scanguards Hybrids #2)Book 15: Grayson's Challenge (Scanguards Hybrids #3)Book 16: Isabelle's Forbidden Love (Scanguards Hybrids #4) (pre-order)Thriller (as T.R. Folsom)EyewitnessStealth GuardiansLover Uncloaked (#1)Master Unchained (#2)Warrior Unraveled (#3)Guardian Undone (#4)Immortal Unveiled (#5)Protector Unmatched (#6)Demon Unleashed (#7)Code Name StargateAce on the Run (#1)Fox in plain Sight (#2)Yankee in the Wind (#3)Tiger on the Prowl (#4)Venice VampyrVenice Vampyr (#1)Venice Vampyr (#2): Final AffairVenice Vampyr (#3): Sinful TreasureVenice Vampyr (#4): Sensual DangerThe Hamptons Bachelor ClubTeasingEnticingBeguilingScorchingAlluringSizzlingShort storiesSteal MeThe Wrong SuitorTime Quest - Reversal of FateThe Out of Olympus series has it all: weddings, fake fiancés, humor, mischief, love at first sight, blind protagonist, forced proximity, kidnappings, Greek Gods, idyllic settings, instalove, hidden identity, soul mates, amnesia, woman in peril, damsel in distress, band of brothers, romantic comedy, fish out of water.

  • von Tina Folsom
    20,00 - 28,00 €

  • von Tina Folsom
    41,00 €

    Grayson Woodford, the stubborn heir to the Scanguards empire, resents the fact that his father, Samson, is trying to play matchmaker and set him up with the daughter of an old friend.Vampire hybrid Monique Montague is just as pissed off with her father, Cain, the vampire king of Louisiana, for trying to trick her into dating Grayson, whom she only remembers as spoiled and arrogant from when they were kids. She refuses to attend the party where she's supposed to meet Grayson, and instead, picks up a stranger in a bar for a night of wild sex, not realizing that the stranger is no other than Grayson.After their night of passion, a kidnapping suddenly turns their world upside down and thrusts them back together. Forced to work with each other, they have to set aside their prejudices in order to save their families.¿¿ ¿¿ ¿¿ ¿¿ ¿¿ Lara Adrian, New York Times Bestselling Author of the Midnight Breed series: "I'm addicted to Tina Folsom's books! The Scanguards® series is one of the hottest things to happen to vampire romance. If you love scorching, fast-paced reads, don't miss this thrilling series!"ABOUT THE SERIESThe Scanguards Vampires series is full of fast-paced action, scorching love scenes, witty dialogue, and strong heroes and heroines. Vampire Samson Woodford lives in San Francisco and owns a security/bodyguard company, Scanguards, which employs both vampires and humans. And eventually some witches. Throw in a few immortal guardians and demons later in the series, and you'll get the drift! Each book can be read as a standalone and always centers around a new couple finding love, but the series is more enjoyable when read in order. Scanguards Vampires:Book 1: Samson's Lovely MortalBook 2: Amaury's HellionBook 3: Gabriel's MateBook 4: Yvette's HavenBook 5: Zane's RedemptionBook 6: Quinn's Undying RoseBook 7: Oliver's HungerBook 8: Thomas's ChoiceBook 8 1/2: Silent BiteBook 9: Cain's IdentityBook 10: Luther's ReturnNovella: Mortal WishBook 11: Blake's PursuitNovella 11 1/2: Fateful ReunionBook 12: John's YearningBook 13: Ryder's Storm (Scanguards Hybrids #1)Book 14: Damian's Conquest (Scanguards Hybrids #2)Book 15: Grayson's Challenge (Scanguards Hybrids #3)Thriller (T.R. Folsom)EyewitnessStealth GuardiansLover Uncloaked (#1)Master Unchained (#2)Warrior Unraveled (#3)Guardian Undone (#4)Immortal Unveiled (#5)Protector Unmatched (#6)Demon Unleashed (#7)Code Name StargateAce on the Run (#1)Fox in plain Sight (#2)Yankee in the Wind (#3)Tiger on the Prowl (#4)Venice VampyrVenice Vampyr (#1)Venice Vampyr (#2): Final AffairVenice Vampyr (#3): Sinful TreasureVenice Vampyr (#4): Sensual DangerOut of OlympusBook 1: A Touch of GreekBook 2: A Scent of GreekBook 3: A Taste of GreekBook 4: A Hush of GreekThe Scanguards Vampires series has it all: love at first sight, enemies to lovers, meet cute, instalove, alpha hero, fated mates, bodyguard, band of brothers, damsel in distress, woman in peril, beauty and the beast, hidden identity, soul mates, first love, virgins, tortured hero, age gap, second chance love, grieving lover, return from the dead, secret baby, playboy, kidnappings, friends to lovers, coming out, secret admirer, last to know, unrequited love, amnesia, royalty, forbidden love.

  • von Tina Folsom
    26,00 €

    Vampiress Roxanne thought that, by joining Scanguards as a bodyguard and starting a new life, she could put her painful past to rest. However, old wounds are opened when a new client surfaces, requesting protection for himself and his companion.Charles, a witch, has never been able to forget Roxanne, though duty had forced him to leave her without explanation twenty-three years earlier. Now he needs her help to save the vampire and witch world from a dangerous force. But saving the world isn't the only thing on his mind. He wants Roxanne back.As a bonus this paperback edition contains the novella "Mortal Wish".¿¿ ¿¿ ¿¿ ¿¿ ¿¿ Lara Adrian, New York Times Bestselling Author of the Midnight Breed series: "I'm addicted to Tina Folsom's books! The Scanguards® series is one of the hottest things to happen to vampire romance. If you love scorching, fast-paced reads, don't miss this thrilling series!"ABOUT THE SERIESThe Scanguards Vampires series is full of fast-paced action, scorching love scenes, witty dialogue, and strong heroes and heroines. Vampire Samson Woodford lives in San Francisco and owns a security/bodyguard company, Scanguards, which employs both vampires and humans. And eventually some witches. Throw in a few immortal guardians and demons later in the series, and you'll get the drift! Each book can be read as a standalone and always centers around a new couple finding love, but the series is more enjoyable when read in order. Scanguards Vampires:Book 1: Samson's Lovely MortalBook 2: Amaury's HellionBook 3: Gabriel's MateBook 4: Yvette's HavenBook 5: Zane's RedemptionBook 6: Quinn's Undying RoseBook 7: Oliver's HungerBook 8: Thomas's ChoiceBook 8 1/2: Silent BiteBook 9: Cain's IdentityBook 10: Luther's ReturnNovella: Mortal WishBook 11: Blake's PursuitNovella 11 1/2: Fateful ReunionBook 12: John's YearningBook 13: Ryder's Storm (Scanguards Hybrids #1)Book 14: Damian's Conquest (Scanguards Hybrids #2)Book 15: Grayson's Challenge (Scanguards Hybrids #3)Thriller (T.R. Folsom)EyewitnessStealth GuardiansLover Uncloaked (#1)Master Unchained (#2)Warrior Unraveled (#3)Guardian Undone (#4)Immortal Unveiled (#5)Protector Unmatched (#6)Demon Unleashed (#7)Code Name StargateAce on the Run (#1)Fox in plain Sight (#2)Yankee in the Wind (#3)Tiger on the Prowl (#4)Venice VampyrVenice Vampyr (#1)Venice Vampyr (#2): Final AffairVenice Vampyr (#3): Sinful TreasureVenice Vampyr (#4): Sensual DangerOut of OlympusBook 1: A Touch of GreekBook 2: A Scent of GreekBook 3: A Taste of GreekBook 4: A Hush of GreekThe Scanguards Vampires series has it all: love at first sight, enemies to lovers, meet cute, instalove, alpha hero, fated mates, bodyguard, band of brothers, damsel in distress, woman in peril, beauty and the beast, hidden identity, soul mates, first love, virgins, tortured hero, age gap, second chance love, grieving lover, return from the dead, secret baby, playboy, kidnappings, friends to lovers, coming out, secret admirer, last to know, unrequited love, amnesia, royalty, forbidden love.

  • von Tina Folsom
    41,00 €

    As a hybrid vampire who not only works as a bodyguard for Scanguards, but also moonlights at the nightclub Mezzanine, owned by his father and Samson, Damian has his pick of beautiful women. But when journalist Naomi Sutton breaks into the nightclub's office while investigating allegations of supposed blood rituals at the club, Damian's blood stirs in a way it never has before. But how can he keep Naomi from digging up his secrets when he wants nothing more than to make love to her and sink his fangs into her lovely neck?The disappearance of a bartender, a mix-up with his twin brother, and a theft throw a wrench into Damian's life and might force him to tell Naomi the truth about himself. But can a reporter keep such a secret?¿¿ ¿¿ ¿¿ ¿¿ ¿¿ Lara Adrian, New York Times Bestselling Author of the Midnight Breed series: "I'm addicted to Tina Folsom's books! The Scanguards® series is one of the hottest things to happen to vampire romance. If you love scorching, fast-paced reads, don't miss this thrilling series!"ABOUT THE SERIESThe Scanguards Vampires series is full of fast-paced action, scorching love scenes, witty dialogue, and strong heroes and heroines. Vampire Samson Woodford lives in San Francisco and owns a security/bodyguard company, Scanguards, which employs both vampires and humans. And eventually some witches. Throw in a few immortal guardians and demons later in the series, and you'll get the drift! Each book can be read as a standalone and always centers around a new couple finding love, but the series is more enjoyable when read in order. Scanguards Vampires:Book 1: Samson's Lovely MortalBook 2: Amaury's HellionBook 3: Gabriel's MateBook 4: Yvette's HavenBook 5: Zane's RedemptionBook 6: Quinn's Undying RoseBook 7: Oliver's HungerBook 8: Thomas's ChoiceBook 8 1/2: Silent BiteBook 9: Cain's IdentityBook 10: Luther's ReturnNovella: Mortal WishBook 11: Blake's PursuitNovella 11 1/2: Fateful ReunionBook 12: John's YearningBook 13: Ryder's Storm (Scanguards Hybrids #1)Book 14: Damian's Conquest (Scanguards Hybrids #2)Book 15: Grayson's Challenge (Scanguards Hybrids #3)Thriller (T.R. Folsom)EyewitnessStealth GuardiansLover Uncloaked (#1)Master Unchained (#2)Warrior Unraveled (#3)Guardian Undone (#4)Immortal Unveiled (#5)Protector Unmatched (#6)Demon Unleashed (#7)Code Name StargateAce on the Run (#1)Fox in plain Sight (#2)Yankee in the Wind (#3)Tiger on the Prowl (#4)Venice VampyrVenice Vampyr (#1)Venice Vampyr (#2): Final AffairVenice Vampyr (#3): Sinful TreasureVenice Vampyr (#4): Sensual DangerOut of OlympusBook 1: A Touch of GreekBook 2: A Scent of GreekBook 3: A Taste of GreekBook 4: A Hush of GreekThe Scanguards Vampires series has it all: love at first sight, enemies to lovers, meet cute, instalove, alpha hero, fated mates, bodyguard, band of brothers, damsel in distress, woman in peril, beauty and the beast, hidden identity, soul mates, first love, virgins, tortured hero, age gap, second chance love, grieving lover, return from the dead, secret baby, playboy, kidnappings, friends to lovers, coming out, secret admirer, last to know, unrequited love, amnesia, royalty, forbidden love.

  • von Tina Folsom
    41,00 €

    Newly turned vampire and Scanguards bodyguard Oliver has trouble controlling his thirst for blood. Every night is a struggle against temptation, but when Asian beauty Ursula literally falls into his arms, he fears he will lose the battle over his inner demons and succumb to bloodlust.Enslaved by vampires for her special blood, Ursula has just escaped her captors. She's rescued by a handsome stranger, only to realize that he's a vampire. He claims he wants to help her, but can she trust a vampire who's not only lusting after her body, but also her blood?Her promise to rescue her fellow blood whores compels her to join forces with Oliver and his colleagues at Scanguards. Will her choice lead to her salvation or her downfall?¿¿ ¿¿ ¿¿ ¿¿ ¿¿ Lara Adrian, New York Times Bestselling Author of the Midnight Breed series: "I'm addicted to Tina Folsom's books! The Scanguards® series is one of the hottest things to happen to vampire romance. If you love scorching, fast-paced reads, don't miss this thrilling series!"ABOUT THE SERIESThe Scanguards Vampires series is full of fast-paced action, scorching love scenes, witty dialogue, and strong heroes and heroines. Vampire Samson Woodford lives in San Francisco and owns a security/bodyguard company, Scanguards, which employs both vampires and humans. And eventually some witches. Throw in a few immortal guardians and demons later in the series, and you'll get the drift! Each book can be read as a standalone and always centers around a new couple finding love, but the series is more enjoyable when read in order. Scanguards Vampires:Book 1: Samson's Lovely MortalBook 2: Amaury's HellionBook 3: Gabriel's MateBook 4: Yvette's HavenBook 5: Zane's RedemptionBook 6: Quinn's Undying RoseBook 7: Oliver's HungerBook 8: Thomas's ChoiceBook 8 1/2: Silent BiteBook 9: Cain's IdentityBook 10: Luther's ReturnNovella: Mortal WishBook 11: Blake's PursuitNovella 11 1/2: Fateful ReunionBook 12: John's YearningBook 13: Ryder's Storm (Scanguards Hybrids #1)Book 14: Damian's Conquest (Scanguards Hybrids #2)Book 15: Grayson's Challenge (Scanguards Hybrids #3)Thriller (T.R. Folsom)EyewitnessStealth GuardiansLover Uncloaked (#1)Master Unchained (#2)Warrior Unraveled (#3)Guardian Undone (#4)Immortal Unveiled (#5)Protector Unmatched (#6)Demon Unleashed (#7)Code Name StargateAce on the Run (#1)Fox in plain Sight (#2)Yankee in the Wind (#3)Tiger on the Prowl (#4)Venice VampyrVenice Vampyr (#1)Venice Vampyr (#2): Final AffairVenice Vampyr (#3): Sinful TreasureVenice Vampyr (#4): Sensual DangerOut of OlympusBook 1: A Touch of GreekBook 2: A Scent of GreekBook 3: A Taste of GreekBook 4: A Hush of GreekThe Scanguards Vampires series has it all: love at first sight, enemies to lovers, meet cute, instalove, alpha hero, fated mates, bodyguard, band of brothers, damsel in distress, woman in peril, beauty and the beast, hidden identity, soul mates, first love, virgins, tortured hero, age gap, second chance love, grieving lover, return from the dead, secret baby, playboy, kidnappings, friends to lovers, coming out, secret admirer, last to know, unrequited love, amnesia, royalty, forbidden love.

  • von Tina Folsom
    26,00 - 41,00 €

    The Scanguards Vampires series continues with the Scanguards hybrids.When vampire hybrid Ryder Giles is assigned to protect bookish trust fund baby and PhD candidate Scarlet King, whom other bodyguards call difficult and manipulative, he believes he'll be able to calm the waters. After all, he's the cool-headed bodyguard Scanguards assigns when all others throw in the towel.Little does he know that Scarlet is the hot-blooded seductress who gave him a false name the night before during their wild sexual encounter at a nightclub, an encounter that turns out to be life-altering for Ryder.When secrets and intrigue collide, Scarlet and Ryder have to find the courage to trust each other to avert the coming tragedy, or lose each other before their love has a chance to blossom.Scanguards VampiresBook 1: Samson's Lovely MortalBook 2: Amaury's HellionBook 3: Gabriel's MateBook 4: Yvette's HavenBook 5: Zane's RedemptionBook 6: Quinn's Undying RoseBook 7: Oliver's HungerBook 8: Thomas's ChoiceBook 8 1/2: Silent Bite (A Scanguards Wedding Novella)Book 9: Cain's IdentityBook 10: Luther's ReturnNovella: Mortal WishBook 11: Blake's PursuitNovella 11 1/2: Fateful ReunionStealth Guardians #3: Warrior Unraveled (featuring Wesley, Scanguards' resident witch, as the hero)Book 12: John's YearningBook 13: Ryder's Storm (Scanguards Hybrids #1)Stealth GuardiansLover Uncloaked (#1)Master Unchained (#2)Warrior Unraveled (#3)Guardian Undone (#4)Immortal Unveiled (#5)Protector Unmatched (#6)Demon Unleashed (#7)Code Name StargateAce on the Run (#1)Fox in plain Sight (#2)Yankee in the Wind (#3)Tiger on the Prowl (#4) - pre-orderVenice VampyrVenice Vampyr (#1)Venice Vampyr (#2): Final AffairVenice Vampyr (#3): Sinful TreasureVenice Vampyr (#4): Sensual DangerVenice Vampyr (#5): Wicked Seduction (by Michele Hauf)The Hamptons Bachelor ClubTeasingEnticingBeguilingScorchingAlluringSizzlingOut of OlympusBook 1: A Touch of GreekBook 2: A Scent of GreekBook 3: A Taste of GreekBook 4: A Hush of Greek

  • von Tina Folsom
    20,00 €

  • von Tina Folsom
    19,00 - 23,00 €

  • von Tina Folsom
    21,00 - 28,00 €

  • von Tina Folsom
    21,00 - 28,00 €

  • von Tina Folsom
    23,00 €

  • - En plus: Ardent desir
    von Tina Folsom
    18,00 €

  • von Tina Folsom
    25,00 - 41,00 €

  • von Tina Folsom
    19,98 €

    A passionate one-night stand, a contentious investigation, a risk neither can take...A standalone contemporary romanceRochelle Wright is an investigator with the Securities and Exchange Commission and lives for her job. But sometimes even she has to let off steam, so she spends a passionate night with a charming stranger, whom she thinks she'll never see again.Business mogul Zach Ivers is successful, handsome, and single. But his entire world is turned upside down when the SEC suddenly investigates him for insider trading. Because the agent heading the investigation is none other than the attractive Rochelle, in whose arms he spent the night before.Although Zach and Rochelle suddenly stand on opposing sides, the passion from the night before ignites again. However, by surrendering to it, Rochelle may jeopardize her job and Zach his company.NOTE: Sizzling was previously published under the title One sizzling Touch.The Hamptons Bachelor Club (contemporary romance):TeasingEnticingBeguilingScorchingAlluringSizzlingScanguards Vampires Series:Book 1: Samson's Lovely MortalBook 2: Amaury's HellionBook 3: Gabriel's MateBook 4: Yvette's HavenBook 5: Zane's RedemptionBook 6: Quinn's Undying RoseBook 7: Oliver's HungerBook 8: Thomas's ChoiceBook 8 1/2: Silent Bite (A Scanguards Wedding)Book 9: Cain's IdentityBook 10: Luther's ReturnNovella: Mortal WishBook 11: Blake's PursuitBook 11 1/2: Fateful ReunionBook 12: John's YearningStealth Guardians Series:Lover Uncloaked (#1)Master Unchained (#2)Warrior Unraveled (#3)Guardian Undone (#4)Immortal Unveiled (#5)Protector Unmatched (#6)Demon Unleashed (#7)Venice Vampyr Novella Series:Venice Vampyr (#1)Venice Vampyr (#2): Final AffairVenice Vampyr (#3): Sinful TreasureVenice Vampyr (#4): Sensual DangerVenice Vampyr (#5): Wicked Seduction (by Michele Hauf)Out of Olympus Series (A romantic comedy series about Greek Gods):Book 1: A Touch of GreekBook 2: A Scent of GreekBook 3: A Taste of GreekBook 4: A Hush of Greek

  • von Tina Folsom
    19,98 €

    A playful deception, a long overdue rebellion, a most eligible bachelor…A standalone contemporary romanceTara Pierpont has had it with her interfering parents who want her to find a rich guy to marry just like her older sister did. She's ready to rebel against them, and a chance for her rebellion appears in the form of a handsome waiter at an exclusive Hampton's party.When Jay Bohannon attends the anniversary party of his friend's parents and is mistaken for a waiter, he wants to immediately clear up the misunderstanding. But then Tara opens up to him and confesses that she's sick of entitled rich guys and just wants to have fun with somebody who wasn't born with a silver spoon in his mouth.The thing is: Jay is anything but poor or ordinary. He's exactly the kind of guy Tara is trying to avoid.NOTE: Alluring was previously published under the title One long Embrace.The Hamptons Bachelor Club (contemporary romance):TeasingEnticingBeguilingScorchingAlluringSizzlingScanguards Vampires Series:Book 1: Samson's Lovely MortalBook 2: Amaury's HellionBook 3: Gabriel's MateBook 4: Yvette's HavenBook 5: Zane's RedemptionBook 6: Quinn's Undying RoseBook 7: Oliver's HungerBook 8: Thomas's ChoiceBook 8 1/2: Silent Bite (A Scanguards Wedding)Book 9: Cain's IdentityBook 10: Luther's ReturnNovella: Mortal WishBook 11: Blake's PursuitBook 11 1/2: Fateful ReunionBook 12: John's YearningStealth Guardians Series:Lover Uncloaked (#1)Master Unchained (#2)Warrior Unraveled (#3)Guardian Undone (#4)Immortal Unveiled (#5)Protector Unmatched (#6) (pre-order)Venice Vampyr Novella Series:Venice Vampyr (#1)Venice Vampyr (#2): Final AffairVenice Vampyr (#3): Sinful TreasureVenice Vampyr (#4): Sensual DangerVenice Vampyr (#5): Wicked Seduction (by Michele Hauf)Out of Olympus Series (A romantic comedy series about Greek Gods):Book 1: A Touch of GreekBook 2: A Scent of GreekBook 3: A Taste of GreekBook 4: A Hush of Greek

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