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Bücher von Tom Holland

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  • - The Making of the Western Mind
    von Tom Holland
    17,00 €

    A revisionist, controversial account of Western history, sure to be widely reviewed and debated.

  • - The Triumph and Tragedy of the Roman Republic
    von Tom Holland
    17,00 €

    'The Book that really held me, in fact, obsessed me, was Rubicon . . . This is narrative history at its best. Bloody and labyrinthine political intrigue and struggle, brilliant oratory, amazing feats of conquest and cruelty' Ian McEwan, Books of the Year, Guardian'Marvellously readable' Niall FergusonThe Roman Republic was the most remarkable state in history. What began as a small community of peasants camped among marshes and hills ended up ruling the known world. Rubicon paints a vivid portrait of the Republic at the climax of its greatness - the same greatness which would herald the catastrophe of its fall. It is a story of incomparable drama. This was the century of Julius Caesar, the gambler whose addiction to glory led him to the banks of the Rubicon, and beyond; of Cicero, whose defence of freedom would make him a byword for eloquence; of Spartacus, the slave who dared to challenge a superpower; of Cleopatra, the queen who did the same.Tom Holland brings to life this strange and unsettling civilization, with its extremes of ambition and self-sacrifice, bloodshed and desire. Yet alien as it was, the Republic still holds up a mirror to us. Its citizens were obsessed by celebrity chefs, all-night dancing and exotic pets; they fought elections in law courts and were addicted to spin; they toppled foreign tyrants in the name of self-defence. Two thousand years may have passed, but we remain the Romans' heirs.

  • 11% sparen
    - The Battle for Global Empire and the End of the Ancient World
    von Tom Holland
    17,00 €

    In this 'thrilling. . .profoundly important book' (Christopher Hart, Sunday Times) and Sunday Times Top Ten Bestseller, the acclaimed author of Rubicon gives a panoramic-and timely-account of the rise of IslamIn the 6th century AD, the Near East was divided between two great empires: the Persian and the Roman. A hundred years on, and one had vanished for ever, while the other was a dismembered, bleeding trunk. In their place, a new superpower had arisen: the empire of the Arabs. So profound was this upheaval that it spelled, in effect, the end of the ancient world.But the changes that marked the period were more than merely political or even cultural: there was also a transformation of human society with incalculable consequences for the future. Today, over half the world's population subscribes to one of the various religions that took on something like their final form during the last centuries of antiquity. Wherever men or women are inspired by belief in a single god to think or behave in a certain way, they bear witness to the abiding impact of this extraordinary, convulsive age - though as Tom Holland demonstrates, much of what Jews, Christians and Muslims believe about the origins of their religion is open to debate.In the Shadow of the Sword explores how a succession of great empires came to identify themselves with a new and revolutionary understanding of the divine. It is a story vivid with drama, horror and startling achievement, and stars many of the most remarkable rulers ever seen.'A compelling detective story of the highest order, In the Shadow of the Sword is also a dazzlingly colourful journey into the world of late antiquity. Every bit as thrilling a narrative history as Holland's previous works, In the Shadow of the Sword is also a profoundly important book. It makes public and popular what scholarship has been discovering for several decades now; and those discoveries suggest a wholesale revision of where Islam came from and what it is' (Christopher Hart, Sunday Times)

  • - The End of the World and the Forging of Christendom
    von Tom Holland
    15,00 €

    Of all the civilisations existing in the year 1000, that of Western Europe seemed the unlikeliest candidate for future greatness. Compared to the glittering empires of Byzantium or Islam, the splintered kingdoms on the edge of the Atlantic appeared impoverished, fearful and backward. But the anarchy of these years proved to be, not the portents of the end of the world, as many Christians had dreaded, but rather the birthpangs of a radically new order.MILLENNIUM is a stunning panoramic account of the two centuries on either side of the apocalyptic year 1000. This was the age of Canute, William the Conqueror and Pope Gregory VII, of Vikings, monks and serfs, of the earliest castles and the invention of knighthood, and of the primal conflict between church and state. The story of how the distinctive culture of Europe - restless, creative and dynamic - was forged from out of the convulsions of these extraordinary times is as fascinating and as momentous as any in history.

  • von Tom Holland
    23,00 - 30,00 €

  • von Tom Holland
    16,00 €

    'Eine meisterhafte Darstellung dieses ersten bösen Jahrhunderts des Römischen Reiches.'¿Sunday TimesLebendig, spannend und dramatisch wie in einem Historienroman erzählt Tom Holland das Leben und Wirken der ersten römischen Kaiser. Ein großartiges und packendes Porträt der julisch-claudischen Dynastie, die die römische Welt grundlegend verwandelte. 'Holland hat eine Geschichte des frühen Roms geschaffen, die alle packenden Details und den erzählerischen Schwung eines Romans aufweist.'¿Michiko Kakutani, New York Times

  • von Tom Holland
    32,00 €

    'Kein anderer Historiker kann dem  Leser die antike Welt so nahe bringen.' Christopher Hart, Daily Mail  Mit erzählerischer Brillanz erweckt der internationale Bestseller-Autor Tom Holland das Goldene Zeitalter Roms zum Leben: Spannend wie in einem Historienroman schildert er die große Politik in der Hauptstadt, das Leben der einfachen Menschen in den Provinzen und die großen militärischen Konflikte an den Grenzen des Imperiums: ein grandioses und stets fesselndes Porträt des ultimativen antiken Weltreichs auf dem Höhepunkt seiner Macht.  'Eine großartige Darstellung des römischen Reiches' Peter Frankopan  'Die umfassende, farbenfrohe Geschichte Roms in seiner prahlerischen Blütezeit von Bestseller-Autor Tom Holland.' Robbie Millen, The Times

  • 17% sparen
    von Tom Holland
    12,00 €

    Make room Herodotus, stand down Bede, pipe down Pepys . . . There's a new history book in town. Pre-order your copy now.From the chart-topping podcast The Rest is History, a whistle-stop tour through the past - from Alexander the Great to Tolkien, the Wars of the Roses to Watergate. The nation's favourite historians Tom Holland and Dominic Sandbrook take on the most curious moments in history, answering the questions we didn't even think to ask:- Did the Trojan War actually happen?- What was the most disastrous party in history?- Was Richard Nixon more like Caligula or Claudius?- How did a hair appointment almost blow Churchill's cover?- Why did the Nazis believe they were descended from Atlantis?Whether it is sending historical figures to Casa Amor in a series of Love Island, ranking history's most famous eunuchs and pigeons (including Winky, the unsung hero of the Second World War), or debating the meaning of greatness, there is nothing too big or too small for Tom and Dominic to unpick.So run your Egyptian milk bath, strap up your best Spartan sandals, and prepare for a journey down the highways and byways of the human past. . .

  • von Tom Holland
    13,00 €

    This is a book that will challenge your ideas and comfort your mind, that will make you cross and yet give you peace. It is a book that respects your views yet introduces you to something that is entirely new. That will make you laugh and then cause you to cry.In this fast-moving book, you are introduced to a group of people who soon become your friends. They are like the neighbors next door and you will soon recognize them in the characters that you meet in its pages. You will hear their arguments and challenge their claims. You may even hear your own voice being added to those of the group discussions.

  • von Tom Holland
    20,00 - 28,00 €

  • von Tom Holland
    15,00 €

    Tom Holland erzählt den erstaunlichen Aufstieg der Araber im 7. und 8. Jahrhundert n. Chr. zu einer imperialen Weltmacht, die die antiken Reiche ablöste. Mit stilistischer Brillanz und mit historischem Scharfsinn schildert er die ungeheure Dynamik, mit der der Islam in religiös-politischen Konflikten mit Juden und Christen die antike Welt von Grund auf veränderte.Niemand ahnte um die Wende vom 6. zum 7. Jahrhundert, dass die Araber eine weltgeschichtliche Revolution herbeiführen würden. Ausgehend von den legendenumrankten Lebensbeschreibungen des Propheten, schildert der Autor das politische Wirken Mohammeds und der Kalifen bis zur Gründung Bagdads im Jahre 762. Im Zentrum stehen die geistig-politischen Umwälzungen und die kriegerischen Auseinandersetzungen mit den Großmächten der damaligen Zeit. Zugleich spürt er den tiefer liegenden Gründen nach, warum und wie Mohammeds Offenbarungen in einem abgelegenen Winkel der damaligen Welt und seine unbedingte Forderung nach einer Unterwerfung unter Allah der menschlichen Zivilisation ein neues Gesicht gaben.

  • von Tom Holland
    18,00 €

    Aufstieg und Untergang der Römischen Republik: Mit stilistischer Brillanz und historischem Scharfsinn erzählt Tom Holland die römische Geschichte von ihren etruskischen Anfängen bis zur Ermordung Caesars.»Erzählte Geschichte vom Feinsten. Ein Buch, das mich wirklich gefesselt hat.« Ian McEwan»Eine atemberaubende und glänzend geschriebene Gesamtschau der Machtkämpfe im Rom von Caesar und Cicero.« Uwe Walter »Eine packende, spannende und ungemein unterhaltsame Darstellung der römischen Republik.«Books of the Year, Sunday Times»Tom Holland erzählt den Untergang der römischen Republik neu: ein geistreiches Werk. Hochaktuell.«Independent on Sunday

  • von Tom Holland
    30,00 €

    Es geschah vor 2500 Jahren, dass Ost und West Krieg miteinander führten. Im 5. Jahrhundert v. Chr. war eine globale Supermacht fest entschlossen, zwei Staaten Wahrheit und Ordnung zu bringen, die sie für terroristische Schurkenstaaten ansah. Die Supermacht war Persien, dessen Könige das erste Weltreich gegründet hatten. Die terroristischen Staaten waren Athen und Sparta, eigenwillige Städte in einem weit abgelegenen armen und bergigen Land: Griechenland. Die Geschichte, wie die Bürger dieses Landes dem mächtigsten Mann der Welt widerstanden und ihn besiegten, ist eine der beeindruckendsten Episoden der Geschichte.»Persisches Feuer« gibt nicht nur eine dramatische Darstellung dieser großen Auseinandersetzung, sondern auch ein einzigartiges Gesamtbild von Ost und West. Von den Priestern in Babylon bis zur Geheimpolizei der Spartaner, von den Luxusgärten der Perser bis zu den athenischen Prostituierten, von Darius, dem Mörder und größten politischen Genie des Orients bis zu Themistokles, dem Mann, der den Westen rettete, werden alle Akteure in der faszinierenden Erzählung Tom Hollands lebendig.Der populäre Bestseller aus Großbritannien vom Jungstar der Historikerszene

  • von Tom Holland & Dustin Warburton
    30,00 €

  • - How reading scripture with the first century church can help us find our lost identity
    von Tom Holland
    34,00 €

  • - A Theological Evaluation 2nd edition revised and expanded
    von Tom Holland
    35,00 - 40,00 €

  • - A Biblical Theological Commentary, Second Edition Revised
    von Tom Holland
    28,00 - 34,00 €

  • - A Biblical Theological Commentary, Second Edition Revised
    von Tom Holland
    28,00 - 34,00 €

  • - Paul's Letter to the Romans
    von Tom Holland
    35,00 - 41,00 €

  • von Tom Holland
    35,00 €

    From Simon & Schuster, Slave of My Thirst is Tom Holland's novel following the aftermath of an investigation of a vampire attack.Dr. John Eliot's search for a missing friend leads him to the seductive Lilah--who will not rest until she has coaxed Eliot's most monstrous impulses out into the open--in this mesmerizing tale set in the back streets of 19th-century London.

  • von Tom Holland
    29,00 €

    Famed nineteenth-century poet and rake Lord Byron travels to Greece and becomes the world's most formidable vampire?entering a dark, intoxicating world of ancient arts and scorching excesses of evil?in this offbeat book by the author of Slave of My Thirst.Traveling in the mountains of Greece, Byron falls under the spell of a mysterious fugitive slave, whose pale, slim body arouses his lust. Utterly entranced, his fate is sealed. The supreme sensualist embarks on a life of adventure?that of the world's most formidable vampire. Chosen to enjoy powers beyond those any vampire has ever known, Byron enters a dark, intoxicating world of long-lost secrets, ancient arts, and scorching excesses of evil. He drinks deeply of terror and sex. But his diversions, delicious and cruel, are also his torment: an all-consuming thirst damning all those he loves...

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