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Bücher von Tony Illis

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  • von Tony Illis
    79,99 €

    In de jaren na de kredietcrisis hebben financiële instellingen het nieuws gedomineerd en vaak op negatieve wijze. De oorzaak van de kredietcrisis lag, zoals inmiddels bekend, niet in de reguliere, traditionele dienstverlening van banken, maar lag in het trading-bedrijf (het voor eigen rekening handelen in complexe financiële producten.De Dealingroom is het eerste en enige boek dat inzicht geeft in hoe banken en hedgefunds precies hun geld verdienen met de handel in deze complexe producten. Het boek behandelt alle producten, processen en tradingstrategieën. Deze strategieën worden bekeken vanuit de optiek van de handelaar en niet vanuit de klant aan wie het product is verkocht. In dit boek legt Tony Illis begrijpelijk uit hoe- en op welke manier banken hun winst maken. Leer deze strategieën op eenvoudige wijze. Tony Illis heeft vijf jaar voor internationaal hedgefonds IMC gewerkt als equity derivatenhandelaar op de beursvloer. Daarna is Tony hoofd van de Equity Derivaten desk geweest van RDT, een dochteronderneming van Fortis Bank. Momenteel is Illis partner bij Seventrees, een in financiële markten gespecialiseerd consultancybedrijf.

  • von Tony Illis
    39,99 €

    The Financial Markets Professional training is a post-graduate training that is provided to personnel of banks and other financial institutions with the aim of providing them insight into the workings of a dealing room: which business lines exist within the dealingroom; per business line, which desks are recognized; per desk, which products are traded; and per product, how are these products traded, the processes around trading, which parties are involved, which systems are used for each product, how is supervision carried out, et cetera. At the end of the training, the participants will know the Financial Markets business inside out. The training is provided by TLM Academy and the University of Amsterdam. The training course consists of fourteen modules of three hours each: twelve content modules and two exam modules. If this exam is passed, the participant receives a certification as Financial Markets Professional. The exercises in this book help participants prepare for the FiMa exam. This book contains the exercises and the multiple-choice answers. There is also the Explanations Book which contains all the worked-out answers, and which is highly recommended.

  • von Tony Illis
    49,99 €

    The Financial Markets Professional training is provided by TLM Academy and the University of Amsterdam. The training has been given within the top tier banks in the Netherlands since 2009. The training course consists of fourteen modules of three hours each. If the FiMa exam is passed the participant receives a certification as Financial Markets Professional. The FiMa certificate is a post-graduate diploma from the University of Amsterdam which results in a registration in the worldwide FiMa-register. The title FiMa is a globally recognized and is an accredited title which alumni can put behind their name. The curriculum for the FiMa certificate runs parallel with the chapters of the book The Dealing Room (available in English and Dutch).To prepare for the FiMa exam an exercise book is available that contains 350 exercises including the multiple-choice ABCD answers. It is only available in English.The book you are holding now is the Explanations Book belonging to the Exercises Book. The Explanations Book contains all the 350 fully worked-out answers. It is essential for preparing for the FiMa exam and certification.

  • von Tony Illis
    79,99 €

    The Dealingroom is the first and only book that provides insight into exactly how banks and hedge funds make their money trading complex financial products. This is taken from the viewpoint/perspective of the trader/dealer and not from the customer to whom the product has been sold. A trader continuously buys and sells financial products such as stocks and bonds, structuring them in combinations to create more complex products such as synthetics, turbos, interest rate swaps, bond swaps, equity swaps, CFDs, ETFs, FX products and other derivatives. In this book, Tony Illis explains how exactly financial institutions trade these products, the strategies behind them, the way the trades are processed within the organization, and how they are supervised. This book is also the course material for the Financial Markets Professional (FiMa) wordlwide certification, certified by the University of Amsterdam (UVA). Tony is an ex trader, former head of an equity derivatives desk, and currently partner at Seventrees, a consulting firm specialized in Financial Markets. Tony is also CEO of TLM Academy and CCO at Seventrees Consulting.

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