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Bücher von Trina Wilburn

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  • von Trina Wilburn
    34,00 €

    Vietnam is categorized as one of the very few countries in the world most heavily affected by climatechange. Particularly, the country's agriculture, on which nearly two-thirds of the population depend,has experienced severe impacts of climate change. Many studies have investigated climate changeimpacts, vulnerability and adaptation in the agriicultural sector in Vietnam. However, very few studiesfocus on North Vietnam where climate change is increasingly affecting farmers' livelihood. Inaddition, the gender dimension, which is a substantial element of climate change vulnerability andadaptation, has not been investigated and analyzed in current climate change studies of Vietnam, ingeneral, and North Vietnam, in particular. This study investigates climate change vulnerability andadaptation in the agricultural sector and analyzes climate change vulnerability and adaptation fromthe gender perspective. Focusing on North Vietnam, the objectives of this study are to examinefarmers' perceptions of climate change impacts, assess the vulnerability and resilience of agricultureto climate change, investigate the livelihood vulnerability of farmers to climate change, explore thefactors affecting farmers' choices of adaptation to climate change, and investigate the livelihoodvulnerability and adaptation to climate change from a gender perspective.

  • von Trina Wilburn
    31,00 €

    This inquiry explored the issue of the under-representation of women in local politics in Alberta.Drawing on action-oriented research, feminist work, and intersectionality, this project addressedthe research question: "How might the Alberta Ministry of Culture, Multiculturalism, and Statusof Women (CMSW) support female candidates in the 2021 Alberta Municipal Elections?"Participants in this inquiry were women who ran for office in the 2017 Edmonton MunicipalElection. The opinions and experiences they relayed suggested that these women faced multiplechallenges during their election campaigns, the greatest of which revolved around difficulties infundraising, being a new candidate, and building a team of skilled and committed volunteers.Recommendations for the sponsor, CMSW, were (a) to help women candidates overcome thefundraising challenge and (b) to revise the content of the Ready for Her resource guide accordingto women candidates' need and hosting events relevant to them.Key words: women in local politics; under-representation; women in leadership; Readyfor Her online resource guide; Ministry of Culture, Multiculturalism and Status of Women;Women in Alberta politics.

  • von Trina Wilburn
    35,00 €

    Divine Conflicts in Early Christianity: Revelation, RomanImperial Visions, and the Province of Asia's Cosmology" is acompelling scholarly work that delves deep into the intricacies ofearly Christian history. It meticulously examines the clash ofdivine forces, the enigmatic book of Revelation, and the cosmicbeliefs of the Province of Asia. This book provides acomprehensive understanding of the religious and politicallandscape of the time, shedding light on the complex interactionsbetween Christianity and the Roman Empire.Through meticulous research and insightful analysis, the authorunravels the threads of religious syncretism, revealing how theburgeoning Christian faith navigated the challenges posed by theimperial cults and the prevailing cosmological beliefs. Thisexploration offers readers a nuanced perspective on how thesedivine conflicts influenced the development of early Christianity.The book is a treasure trove of historical context and scholarlyperspectives, offering readers a profound insight into theevolving religious dynamics of the era. It is an essential read foranyone interested in the intersection of religion, politics, andcosmology in the early Christian world. With its rich content andacademic rigor, "Divine Conflicts in Early Christianity" is avaluable resource that deepens our understanding of theformative years of Christianity and its place within the RomanEmpire.

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