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Bücher von Tristan Fynn-Aiduenu

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  • von Tristan Fynn-Aiduenu
    15,00 €

    Mars is a street-smart, enthusiastic, lyrically-saturated man on-the-edge about to propose to the girl of his dreams in present-day London.Bounty is a very quiet boy in a very loud Borough paddling through the 90s with this new politically charged Black identity swirling around him.As the worlds of Mars and Bounty collide, can they find their place in these times or will they get chewed, swallowed and digested by it?Sweet Like Chocolate Boy, by award-winning theatre-maker Tristan Fynn-Aiduenu, is a storytelling epic that melts timelines, lives, fantasy, Garage and Jungle and critiques Black British Protest in the broiling estates of London.

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