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Bücher von Ulrich Zwingli

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  • von Ulrich Zwingli & Samuel Lutz
    16,80 €

    Ulrich Zwingli, der grosse Zürcher Reformator, ist weithin bekannt. Doch was hat Zwingli wirklich gesagt und geschrieben, wofür hat er sich eingesetzt, zu welchen Themen hat er sich geäussert?Die Sammlung von über 500 Zitaten aus Zwinglis Werken, Randglossen und Korrespondenzen gibt Gelegenheit, den Leutpriester des Zürcher Grossmünsters von ganz verschiedenen Seiten kennenzulernen. Die Zitate sind Stichworten von heute zugeordnet, die einen weiten zeitlichen und thematischen Bogen spannen. Die Aussagen Zwinglis zu Freiheit, Glück und Lebensführung geben einen Einblick in sein Denken über Kirche und Gesellschaft, Leben und Glauben, Wirtschaft und Politik.Ein Buch mit Zwinglisätzen zum Blättern und Stöbern, als Inspiration und Predigtgrundlage.

  • - Nach der in Zurich schriftlich eingefuhrten UEbersetzung
    von Ulrich Zwingli
    22,90 €

  • von Ulrich Zwingli
    77,00 €

    Pittsburgh Theological Monograph - New Series General Editor - Dikran Y. Hadidian

  • - Reformation, Pastoral, and Eucharistic Writings
    von Ulrich Zwingli
    79,00 €

    Pittsburgh Theological Monograph - New Series General Editor - Dikran Y. Hadidian

  • von Ulrich Zwingli
    46,00 €

    Next to Luther himself, Ulrich Zwingli (1484-1531) was probably the most important and certainly the most influential of the early Protestant reformers. His Commentary on True and False Religion, addressed to King Francis I of France and published by the printer Froschauer in Zurich in 1525, contrasted what Zwingli regarded as the true religion of the Protestants, grounded in Scripture, with the false religion of tradition and reason advocated by the opponents of the Reformation. In twenty-nine chapters Zwingli discussed all of the principal topics of Christian theology, from the meaning of the word ""religion"" itself to the role and place of images in Christian worship. All the disputed issues of the early Reformation--the doctrine of Church and ministry, baptism, penance, eucharist, the nature of civil authority--are explained lucidly and concisely. The Commentary makes clear not only the grounds for Zwingli''s break with the medieval Catholic tradition in which he had been raised but also the nature of his disagreements with Erasmus, Luther, and the Swiss Anabaptists. The result is the most significant dogmatic work which Zwingli ever wrote and the most important systematic statement of Reformed theology before Calvin''s Institutes.

  • von Ulrich Zwingli
    33,00 €

    This volume contains several of Zwingli's pre-Reformation writings and his earliest Reformation treatises, which defended the freedom of Christians by attacking such issues as regulations governing Lenten fasts, clerical marriage and clerical celibacy.

  • von Ulrich Zwingli
    34,00 €

    Description:A collection of of Zwingli's later writings (1525-1531) , including such works as his treatise on original sin, essay on providence and his Short and Clear Exposition of the Christian Faith.

  • von Ulrich Zwingli
    59,00 €

    Pittsburgh Theological Monograph - New Series General Editor - Dikran Y. Hadidian

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