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Bücher von Umavathi Subramaniam

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  • 19% sparen
    von Umavathi Subramaniam
    65,00 €

  • 18% sparen
    von Umavathi Subramaniam
    50,00 €

    El objetivo principal de este libro es proporcionar una exploración exhaustiva del comportamiento animal, abarcando varias dimensiones del campo. Nos adentraremos en los mecanismos genéticos y fisiológicos subyacentes que contribuyen al desarrollo y la expresión del comportamiento, desentrañando la intrincada interacción entre genes, hormonas y circuitos neuronales. Comprender las bases genéticas del comportamiento nos permite apreciar la notable diversidad y las estrategias adaptativas que muestran los animales.Además, nos adentraremos en el fascinante mundo de la cognición animal, explorando las capacidades intelectuales y las habilidades de resolución de problemas de diferentes especies. Desde el uso de herramientas en los primates hasta la resolución de problemas en las aves, examinaremos las fascinantes formas en que los animales perciben, aprenden y se adaptan a su entorno.Al estudiar la cognición animal, obtenemos información sobre los complejos procesos cognitivos que sustentan sus comportamientos y les permiten navegar por su mundo con notable habilidad e ingenio.

  • von Umavathi Subramaniam
    60,90 €

    Das Hauptziel dieses Buches ist es, eine umfassende Erforschung des Verhaltens von Tieren zu bieten, die verschiedene Dimensionen des Fachgebiets umfasst. Wir werden uns mit den zugrunde liegenden genetischen und physiologischen Mechanismen befassen, die zur Entwicklung und Ausprägung von Verhalten beitragen, und das komplizierte Zusammenspiel zwischen Genen, Hormonen und neuronalen Schaltkreisen enträtseln. Das Verständnis der genetischen Grundlagen des Verhaltens ermöglicht es uns, die bemerkenswerte Vielfalt und die Anpassungsstrategien der Tiere zu verstehen. Vom Werkzeuggebrauch bei Primaten bis zum Problemlösen bei Vögeln werden wir die faszinierende Art und Weise untersuchen, wie Tiere ihre Umwelt wahrnehmen, lernen und sich an sie anpassen.

  • 18% sparen
    von Umavathi Subramaniam
    50,00 €

    O principal objetivo deste livro é fornecer uma exploração abrangente do comportamento animal, englobando várias dimensões do campo. O objetivo principal deste livro é fornecer uma exploração abrangente do comportamento animal, abrangendo várias dimensões do campo. Iremos aprofundar os mecanismos genéticos e fisiológicos subjacentes que contribuem para o desenvolvimento e expressão do comportamento, desvendando a intrincada interação entre genes, hormonas e circuitos neurais. A compreensão da base genética do comportamento permite-nos apreciar a notável diversidade e as estratégias adaptativas exibidas pelos animais. Além disso, mergulharemos no fascinante mundo da cognição animal, explorando as capacidades intelectuais e as capacidades de resolução de problemas de diferentes espécies. Desde a utilização de ferramentas nos primatas até à resolução de problemas nas aves, examinaremos as formas fascinantes como os animais percepcionam, aprendem e se adaptam ao seu ambiente. Ao estudar a cognição animal, ficamos a conhecer os processos cognitivos complexos que estão na base dos seus comportamentos e que lhes permitem navegar no seu mundo com uma habilidade e engenho notáveis.

  • 13% sparen
    von Umavathi Subramaniam
    25,00 €

    Osnownaq cel' dannoj knigi - wsestoronnee izuchenie powedeniq zhiwotnyh, ohwatywaüschee razlichnye aspekty ätoj oblasti. My pogruzimsq w glubinnye geneticheskie i fiziologicheskie mehanizmy, sposobstwuüschie razwitiü i proqwleniü powedeniq, razgadaem slozhnoe wzaimodejstwie mezhdu genami, gormonami i nejronnymi cepqmi. Ponimanie geneticheskih osnow powedeniq pozwolqet nam ocenit' porazitel'noe raznoobrazie i adaptiwnye strategii, demonstriruemye zhiwotnymi. Krome togo, my pogruzimsq w uwlekatel'nyj mir poznaniq zhiwotnyh, issleduq intellektual'nye sposobnosti i wozmozhnosti resheniq problem u razlichnyh widow. Izuchaq poznanie zhiwotnyh, my poluchim predstawlenie o slozhnyh kognitiwnyh processah, lezhaschih w osnowe ih powedeniq i pozwolqüschih im orientirowat'sq w mire s porazitel'nym masterstwom i izobretatel'nost'ü.

  • 18% sparen
    von Umavathi Subramaniam
    50,00 €

    L'objectif principal de ce livre est de fournir une exploration complète du comportement animal, englobant les différentes dimensions du domaine. Nous nous pencherons sur les mécanismes génétiques et physiologiques sous-jacents qui contribuent au développement et à l'expression du comportement, en démêlant l'interaction complexe entre les gènes, les hormones et les circuits neuronaux. La compréhension de la base génétique du comportement nous permet d'apprécier la remarquable diversité et les stratégies adaptatives dont font preuve les animaux. En outre, nous nous plongerons dans le monde fascinant de la cognition animale, en explorant les capacités intellectuelles et les aptitudes à la résolution de problèmes de différentes espèces. De l'utilisation d'outils chez les primates à la résolution de problèmes chez les oiseaux, nous examinerons les façons fascinantes dont les animaux perçoivent, apprennent et s'adaptent à leur environnement. En étudiant la cognition animale, nous comprenons mieux les processus cognitifs complexes qui sous-tendent leurs comportements et leur permettent de naviguer dans leur monde avec une habileté et une ingéniosité remarquables.

  • 18% sparen
    von Umavathi Subramaniam
    50,00 €

    L'obiettivo primario di questo libro è fornire un'esplorazione completa del comportamento animale, comprendendo varie dimensioni del campo. Ci addentreremo nei meccanismi genetici e fisiologici che contribuiscono allo sviluppo e all'espressione del comportamento, svelando l'intricata interazione tra geni, ormoni e circuiti neurali. Comprendere le basi genetiche del comportamento ci permette di apprezzare la notevole diversità e le strategie di adattamento mostrate dagli animali. Inoltre, ci addentreremo nell'affascinante mondo della cognizione animale, esplorando le capacità intellettuali e le abilità di problem solving di diverse specie. Dall'uso degli strumenti nei primati alla risoluzione dei problemi negli uccelli, esamineremo gli affascinanti modi in cui gli animali percepiscono, apprendono e si adattano al loro ambiente. Studiando la cognizione degli animali, ci rendiamo conto dei complessi processi cognitivi che sono alla base dei loro comportamenti e che permettono loro di navigare nel loro mondo con notevole abilità e ingegno.

  • 18% sparen
    von Umavathi Subramaniam
    50,00 €

    The primary objective of this book is to provide a comprehensive exploration of animal behavior, encompassing various dimensions of the field. We will delve into the underlying genetic and physiological mechanisms that contribute to the development and expression of behavior, unraveling the intricate interplay between genes, hormones, and neural circuits. Understanding the genetic basis of behavior allows us to appreciate the remarkable diversity and adaptive strategies displayed by animals. Moreover, we will delve into the fascinating world of animal cognition, exploring the intellectual capacities and problem-solving abilities of different species. From tool use in primates to problem-solving in birds, we will examine the fascinating ways in which animals perceive, learn, and adapt to their environment. By studying animal cognition, we gain insights into the complex cognitive processes that underpin their behaviors and allow them to navigate their world with remarkable skill and ingenuity.

  • 19% sparen
    von Umavathi Subramaniam
    65,00 €

    Research methodology is a fundamental aspect of any scientific inquiry. It provides a systematic and structured approach to conducting research, ensuring that the study is well-planned, executed, and analyzed. By following established research methodologies, researchers can enhance the validity, reliability, and generalizability of their findings. Research methodology involves various stages, including problem identification, literature review, research design, data collection, data analysis, and interpretation of results. Each stage is carefully planned and executed to address the research objectives effectively. By employing appropriate research methods and techniques, researchers can gather accurate and relevant data, analyze it using suitable statistical or qualitative analysis methods, and draw meaningful conclusions. Moreover, research methodology emphasizes ethical considerations, such as obtaining informed consent, protecting the rights and privacy of participants, and ensuring the responsible conduct of research.

  • 18% sparen
    von Umavathi Subramaniam
    50,00 €

    "Research and Publication Ethics: A Comprehensive Guide" is a book that delves into the ethical considerations and guidelines surrounding the conduct of research and the publication of research findings. The book provides a comprehensive overview of the key ethical principles, regulations, and best practices that researchers and authors should adhere to in order to ensure integrity, transparency, and responsible conduct in their work. It covers various topics such as plagiarism, data fabrication and falsification, authorship and contribution, conflicts of interest, ethical considerations in human and animal research, peer review, publication misconduct, and ethical guidelines for specific disciplines. The book serves as a valuable resource for researchers, scholars, journal editors, and anyone involved in the research and publication process, offering practical guidance and insights to promote ethical behavior and maintain the highest standards of integrity in academic and scientific endeavors.

  • 18% sparen
    von Umavathi Subramaniam
    50,00 €

  • 18% sparen
    von Umavathi Subramaniam
    50,00 €

  • 18% sparen
    von Umavathi Subramaniam
    50,00 €

  • von Umavathi Subramaniam
    60,90 €

  • 18% sparen
    von Umavathi Subramaniam
    50,00 €

  • 16% sparen
    von Umavathi Subramaniam
    37,00 €

  • von Umavathi Subramaniam
    43,90 €

  • 16% sparen
  • 16% sparen
    von Umavathi Subramaniam
    37,00 €

  • 16% sparen
    von Umavathi Subramaniam
    37,00 €

  • 16% sparen
    von Umavathi Subramaniam
    37,00 €

  • 15% sparen
  • 15% sparen
  • 15% sparen
  • 15% sparen
  • 16% sparen
    von Umavathi Subramaniam
    37,00 €

  • von Umavathi Subramaniam
    43,90 €

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