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Bücher von Valmiki

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  • - Complete Edition Of Seven Volumes, Vol. I - VII.; Bala Kandam, Ayodhya Kandam, Aranya Kandam, Kishkindha Kandam, Sundara Kandam, Yuddha Kandam, Uttarakandam. Translated Into English Prose From The Original Sanskrit Of Valmiki. Edi
    von Valmiki
    55,00 €

    The R¿m¿yana (Complete): Complete Edition Of Seven Volumes, Vol. I - VII.; B¿la K¿ndam, Ayodhy¿ K¿ndam, ¿ranya K¿ndam, Kishkindh¿ K¿ndam, Sundara K¿ndam, Yuddha K¿ndam, Uttarak¿ndam. Translated Into English Prose From The Original Sanskrit Of Valmiki. Edited By Manmatha Nath Dutt.This book is a result of an effort made by us towards making a contribution to the preservation and repair of original classic literature.In an attempt to preserve, improve and recreate the original content, we have worked towards:1. Type-setting & Reformatting: The complete work has been re-designed via professional layout, formatting and type-setting tools to re-create the same edition with rich typography, graphics, high quality images, and table elements, giving our readers the feel of holding a 'fresh and newly' reprinted and/or revised edition, as opposed to other scanned & printed (Optical Character Recognition - OCR) reproductions.2. Correction of imperfections: As the work was re-created from the scratch, therefore, it was vetted to rectify certain conventional norms with regard to typographical mistakes, hyphenations, punctuations, blurred images, missing content/pages, and/or other related subject matters, upon our consideration. Every attempt was made to rectify the imperfections related to omitted constructs in the original edition via other references. However, a few of such imperfections which could not be rectified due to intentional\unintentional omission of content in the original edition, were inherited and preserved from the original work to maintain the authenticity and construct, relevant to the work.We believe that this work holds historical, cultural and/or intellectual importance in the literary works community, therefore despite the oddities, we accounted the work for print as a part of our continuing effort towards preservation of literary work and our contribution towards the development of the society as a whole, driven by our beliefs. We are grateful to our readers for putting their faith in us and accepting our imperfections with regard to preservation of the historical content. HAPPY READING!

  • von Valmiki
    34,00 €

    Le Râmâyana (Tome premier) Poème sanscrit de Valmiky, un livre classique et rare qui a été considéré comme essentiel tout au long de l'histoire de l'humanité, pour que cet ouvrage ne soit jamais oublié, nous chez Alpha Editions avons fait des efforts pour sa préservation en rééditant ce livre dans un format moderne pour les générations présentes et futures. Tout ce livre a été reformaté, retapé et conçu. Ces livres ne sont pas constitués de copies numérisées de leur ¿uvre originale et le texte est donc clair et lisible.

  • von Valmiki
    34,00 €

    Le Râmâyana (Tome Second) Poème sanscrit de Valmiky, un livre classique et rare qui a été considéré comme essentiel tout au long de l'histoire de l'humanité, pour que cet ouvrage ne soit jamais oublié, nous chez Alpha Editions avons fait des efforts pour sa préservation en rééditant ce livre dans un format moderne pour les générations présentes et futures. Tout ce livre a été reformaté, retapé et conçu. Ces livres ne sont pas constitués de copies numérisées de leur ¿uvre originale et le texte est donc clair et lisible.

  • von Valmiki
    29,90 €

    " Il est une vaste contrée, grasse, souriante, abondante en richesses de toute sorte, en grains comme en troupeaux, assise au bord de la Sarayoû et nommée Kauçala. Là, était une ville, célèbre dans tout l¿univers et fondée jadis par Manou, le chef du genre humain. Elle avait nom Ayaudhyâ. Heureuse et belle cité, large de trois yaudjanas, elle étendait sur douze yaudjanas de longueur son enceinte resplendissante de constructions nouvelles. Munie de portes à des intervalles bien distribués, elle était percée de grandes rues, largement développées, entre lesquelles brillait aux yeux la rue Royale, où des arrosements d¿eau abattaient le vol de la poussière. De nombreux marchands fréquentaient ses bazars, et de nombreux joyaux paraient ses boutiques. Imprenable, de grandes mai- sons en couvraient le sol, embelli par des bocages et des jardins publics. Des fossés profonds, impossibles à franchir, l¿environnaient ; ses arsenaux étaient pleins d¿armes variées ; et des arcades ornementées couronnaient ses portes, où veillaient continuellement des archers."

  • von Valmiki
    35,00 €

  • von Valmiki
    22,00 €

  • - Uttara Kandam. Translated Into English Prose From The Original Sanskrit Of Valmiki. Edited By Manmatha Nath Dutt. In Seven Volumes, Vol. VII.
    von Valmiki
    19,00 €

    The R¿m¿yana (Volume VII): Uttara K¿ndam. Translated Into English Prose From The Original Sanskrit Of Valmiki. Edited By Manmatha Nath Dutt. In Seven Volumes, Vol. VII.This book is a result of an effort made by us towards making a contribution to the preservation and repair of original classic literature.In an attempt to preserve, improve and recreate the original content, we have worked towards:1. Type-setting & Reformatting: The complete work has been re-designed via professional layout, formatting and type-setting tools to re-create the same edition with rich typography, graphics, high quality images, and table elements, giving our readers the feel of holding a 'fresh and newly' reprinted and/or revised edition, as opposed to other scanned & printed (Optical Character Recognition - OCR) reproductions.2. Correction of imperfections: As the work was re-created from the scratch, therefore, it was vetted to rectify certain conventional norms with regard to typographical mistakes, hyphenations, punctuations, blurred images, missing content/pages, and/or other related subject matters, upon our consideration. Every attempt was made to rectify the imperfections related to omitted constructs in the original edition via other references. However, a few of such imperfections which could not be rectified due to intentional\unintentional omission of content in the original edition, were inherited and preserved from the original work to maintain the authenticity and construct, relevant to the work.We believe that this work holds historical, cultural and/or intellectual importance in the literary works community, therefore despite the oddities, we accounted the work for print as a part of our continuing effort towards preservation of literary work and our contribution towards the development of the society as a whole, driven by our beliefs. We are grateful to our readers for putting their faith in us and accepting our imperfections with regard to preservation of the historical content. HAPPY READING!

  • - Sundara Kandam. Translated Into English Prose From The Original Sanskrit Of Valmiki. Edited By Manmatha Nath Dutt. In Seven Volumes, Vol. V.
    von Valmiki
    18,00 €

    The R¿m¿yana (Volume V): Sundara K¿ndam. Translated Into English Prose From The Original Sanskrit Of Valmiki. Edited By Manmatha Nath Dutt. In Seven Volumes, Vol. V.This book is a result of an effort made by us towards making a contribution to the preservation and repair of original classic literature.In an attempt to preserve, improve and recreate the original content, we have worked towards:1. Type-setting & Reformatting: The complete work has been re-designed via professional layout, formatting and type-setting tools to re-create the same edition with rich typography, graphics, high quality images, and table elements, giving our readers the feel of holding a 'fresh and newly' reprinted and/or revised edition, as opposed to other scanned & printed (Optical Character Recognition - OCR) reproductions.2. Correction of imperfections: As the work was re-created from the scratch, therefore, it was vetted to rectify certain conventional norms with regard to typographical mistakes, hyphenations, punctuations, blurred images, missing content/pages, and/or other related subject matters, upon our consideration. Every attempt was made to rectify the imperfections related to omitted constructs in the original edition via other references. However, a few of such imperfections which could not be rectified due to intentional\unintentional omission of content in the original edition, were inherited and preserved from the original work to maintain the authenticity and construct, relevant to the work.We believe that this work holds historical, cultural and/or intellectual importance in the literary works community, therefore despite the oddities, we accounted the work for print as a part of our continuing effort towards preservation of literary work and our contribution towards the development of the society as a whole, driven by our beliefs. We are grateful to our readers for putting their faith in us and accepting our imperfections with regard to preservation of the historical content. HAPPY READING!

  • - Yuddha Kandam. Translated Into English Prose From The Original Sanskrit Of Valmiki. Edited By Manmatha Nath Dutt. In Seven Volumes, Vol. VI.
    von Valmiki
    24,00 €

    The R¿m¿yana (Volume VI): Yuddha K¿ndam. Translated Into English Prose From The Original Sanskrit Of Valmiki. Edited By Manmatha Nath Dutt. In Seven Volumes, Vol. VI.This book is a result of an effort made by us towards making a contribution to the preservation and repair of original classic literature.In an attempt to preserve, improve and recreate the original content, we have worked towards:1. Type-setting & Reformatting: The complete work has been re-designed via professional layout, formatting and type-setting tools to re-create the same edition with rich typography, graphics, high quality images, and table elements, giving our readers the feel of holding a 'fresh and newly' reprinted and/or revised edition, as opposed to other scanned & printed (Optical Character Recognition - OCR) reproductions.2. Correction of imperfections: As the work was re-created from the scratch, therefore, it was vetted to rectify certain conventional norms with regard to typographical mistakes, hyphenations, punctuations, blurred images, missing content/pages, and/or other related subject matters, upon our consideration. Every attempt was made to rectify the imperfections related to omitted constructs in the original edition via other references. However, a few of such imperfections which could not be rectified due to intentional\unintentional omission of content in the original edition, were inherited and preserved from the original work to maintain the authenticity and construct, relevant to the work.We believe that this work holds historical, cultural and/or intellectual importance in the literary works community, therefore despite the oddities, we accounted the work for print as a part of our continuing effort towards preservation of literary work and our contribution towards the development of the society as a whole, driven by our beliefs. We are grateful to our readers for putting their faith in us and accepting our imperfections with regard to preservation of the historical content. HAPPY READING!

  • - Kishkindha Kandam. Translated Into English Prose From The Original Sanskrit Of Valmiki. Edited By Manmatha Nath Dutt. In Seven Volumes, Vol. IV.
    von Valmiki
    18,00 €

    The R¿m¿yana (Volume IV): Kishkindh¿ K¿ndam. Translated Into English Prose From The Original Sanskrit Of Valmiki. Edited By Manmatha Nath Dutt. In Seven Volumes, Vol. IV.This book is a result of an effort made by us towards making a contribution to the preservation and repair of original classic literature.In an attempt to preserve, improve and recreate the original content, we have worked towards:1. Type-setting & Reformatting: The complete work has been re-designed via professional layout, formatting and type-setting tools to re-create the same edition with rich typography, graphics, high quality images, and table elements, giving our readers the feel of holding a 'fresh and newly' reprinted and/or revised edition, as opposed to other scanned & printed (Optical Character Recognition - OCR) reproductions.2. Correction of imperfections: As the work was re-created from the scratch, therefore, it was vetted to rectify certain conventional norms with regard to typographical mistakes, hyphenations, punctuations, blurred images, missing content/pages, and/or other related subject matters, upon our consideration. Every attempt was made to rectify the imperfections related to omitted constructs in the original edition via other references. However, a few of such imperfections which could not be rectified due to intentional\unintentional omission of content in the original edition, were inherited and preserved from the original work to maintain the authenticity and construct, relevant to the work.We believe that this work holds historical, cultural and/or intellectual importance in the literary works community, therefore despite the oddities, we accounted the work for print as a part of our continuing effort towards preservation of literary work and our contribution towards the development of the society as a whole, driven by our beliefs. We are grateful to our readers for putting their faith in us and accepting our imperfections with regard to preservation of the historical content. HAPPY READING!

  • - Aranya Kandam. Translated Into English Prose From The Original Sanskrit Of Valmiki. Edited By Manmatha Nath Dutt. In Seven Volumes, Vol. III.
    von Valmiki
    18,00 €

    The R¿m¿yana (Volume III): ¿ranya K¿ndam. Translated Into English Prose From The Original Sanskrit Of Valmiki. Edited By Manmatha Nath Dutt. In Seven Volumes, Vol. III.This book is a result of an effort made by us towards making a contribution to the preservation and repair of original classic literature.In an attempt to preserve, improve and recreate the original content, we have worked towards:1. Type-setting & Reformatting: The complete work has been re-designed via professional layout, formatting and type-setting tools to re-create the same edition with rich typography, graphics, high quality images, and table elements, giving our readers the feel of holding a 'fresh and newly' reprinted and/or revised edition, as opposed to other scanned & printed (Optical Character Recognition - OCR) reproductions.2. Correction of imperfections: As the work was re-created from the scratch, therefore, it was vetted to rectify certain conventional norms with regard to typographical mistakes, hyphenations, punctuations, blurred images, missing content/pages, and/or other related subject matters, upon our consideration. Every attempt was made to rectify the imperfections related to omitted constructs in the original edition via other references. However, a few of such imperfections which could not be rectified due to intentional\unintentional omission of content in the original edition, were inherited and preserved from the original work to maintain the authenticity and construct, relevant to the work.We believe that this work holds historical, cultural and/or intellectual importance in the literary works community, therefore despite the oddities, we accounted the work for print as a part of our continuing effort towards preservation of literary work and our contribution towards the development of the society as a whole, driven by our beliefs. We are grateful to our readers for putting their faith in us and accepting our imperfections with regard to preservation of the historical content. HAPPY READING!

  • - Bala Kandam. Translated Into English Prose From The Original Sanskrit Of Valmiki. Edited By Manmatha Nath Dutt. In Seven Volumes, Vol. I.
    von Valmiki
    18,00 €

    The R¿m¿yana (Volume I): B¿la K¿ndam. Translated Into English Prose From The Original Sanskrit Of Valmiki. Edited By Manmatha Nath Dutt. In Seven Volumes, Vol. I.This book is a result of an effort made by us towards making a contribution to the preservation and repair of original classic literature.In an attempt to preserve, improve and recreate the original content, we have worked towards:1. Type-setting & Reformatting: The complete work has been re-designed via professional layout, formatting and type-setting tools to re-create the same edition with rich typography, graphics, high quality images, and table elements, giving our readers the feel of holding a 'fresh and newly' reprinted and/or revised edition, as opposed to other scanned & printed (Optical Character Recognition - OCR) reproductions.2. Correction of imperfections: As the work was re-created from the scratch, therefore, it was vetted to rectify certain conventional norms with regard to typographical mistakes, hyphenations, punctuations, blurred images, missing content/pages, and/or other related subject matters, upon our consideration. Every attempt was made to rectify the imperfections related to omitted constructs in the original edition via other references. However, a few of such imperfections which could not be rectified due to intentional\unintentional omission of content in the original edition, were inherited and preserved from the original work to maintain the authenticity and construct, relevant to the work.We believe that this work holds historical, cultural and/or intellectual importance in the literary works community, therefore despite the oddities, we accounted the work for print as a part of our continuing effort towards preservation of literary work and our contribution towards the development of the society as a whole, driven by our beliefs. We are grateful to our readers for putting their faith in us and accepting our imperfections with regard to preservation of the historical content. HAPPY READING!

  • - Ayodhya Kandam. Translated Into English Prose From The Original Sanskrit Of Valmiki. Edited By Manmatha Nath Dutt. In Seven Volumes, Vol. II.
    von Valmiki
    21,00 €

    The R¿m¿yana (Volume II): Ayodhy¿ K¿ndam. Translated Into English Prose From The Original Sanskrit Of Valmiki. Edited By Manmatha Nath Dutt. In Seven Volumes, Vol. II.This book is a result of an effort made by us towards making a contribution to the preservation and repair of original classic literature.In an attempt to preserve, improve and recreate the original content, we have worked towards:1. Type-setting & Reformatting: The complete work has been re-designed via professional layout, formatting and type-setting tools to re-create the same edition with rich typography, graphics, high quality images, and table elements, giving our readers the feel of holding a 'fresh and newly' reprinted and/or revised edition, as opposed to other scanned & printed (Optical Character Recognition - OCR) reproductions.2. Correction of imperfections: As the work was re-created from the scratch, therefore, it was vetted to rectify certain conventional norms with regard to typographical mistakes, hyphenations, punctuations, blurred images, missing content/pages, and/or other related subject matters, upon our consideration. Every attempt was made to rectify the imperfections related to omitted constructs in the original edition via other references. However, a few of such imperfections which could not be rectified due to intentional\unintentional omission of content in the original edition, were inherited and preserved from the original work to maintain the authenticity and construct, relevant to the work.We believe that this work holds historical, cultural and/or intellectual importance in the literary works community, therefore despite the oddities, we accounted the work for print as a part of our continuing effort towards preservation of literary work and our contribution towards the development of the society as a whole, driven by our beliefs. We are grateful to our readers for putting their faith in us and accepting our imperfections with regard to preservation of the historical content. HAPPY READING!

  • von Valmiki & Manmatha Nath Dutt
    25,90 €

    The Ramayana is an unchanged, high-quality reprint of the original edition of 1894.Hansebooks is editor of the literature on different topic areas such as research and science, travel and expeditions, cooking and nutrition, medicine, and other genres. As a publisher we focus on the preservation of historical literature. Many works of historical writers and scientists are available today as antiques only. Hansebooks newly publishes these books and contributes to the preservation of literature which has become rare and historical knowledge for the future.

  • - A selection of legends drawn from Valmiki's Sanskrit poem, the Ramayana
    von Valmiki
    26,90 €

  • - Balakanda
    von Valmiki
    75,00 €

    A translation of "Valmiki Ramayana", the great Sanskrit epic of the life of Rama, ideal man and incarnation of the great god Visnu.

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