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Bücher von Varun Gupta

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  • von Varun Gupta
    109,99 €

    "Innovationsmechanismen in Start-ups - Praxis, Strategien und Auswirkungen" dient als praktische Ressource für Start-ups, die ihre Geschäftsmodelle auf dem heimischen und globalen Markt innovieren möchten. Das Hauptziel dieses Buches ist es, die innovativen Geschäftspraktiken zu beschreiben, die von Start-ups während der Pandemie angenommen wurden, wobei ein besonderer Schwerpunkt auf der Innovation von Wertversprechen und Geschäftsmodellen liegt. Um offene Innovation zu fördern, betont dieses Buch den Wert strategischer Allianzen mit wissenschaftlichen Bibliotheken, gleichrangigen Start-ups und Freiberuflern. Darüber hinaus wurde anhand tatsächlicher Fallstudien von Start-ups gezeigt, wie wichtig technologische Innovation für die Rückmeldungserfassung, Prototypenentwicklung und sowohl sekundäre als auch primäre Marktforschung ist. Start-ups können die Bewertungs- und Adoptionsframeworks für Technologien als nützliche Referenz nutzen, wenn sie eine Technologie strategischübernehmen. In diesem Buch wird auch auf die Notwendigkeit hingewiesen, regelmäßig neue Ansätze auszuprobieren, aus Fehlern zu lernen und aktuelle Prozesse zu verbessern. Die Fähigkeit, Falschinformationen zu entlarven, von technologischen Fortschritten zu profitieren und strategische Allianzen zu bilden, wird selbst in Zeiten von Pandemien für Innovationen unerlässlich sein. Dieses Buch verknüpft theoretische Erkenntnisse mit praktischen Erfahrungen von Start-ups während der Pandemie. Mit einem perfekten Gleichgewicht zwischen empirischer Forschung und verschiedenen Studientypen ist dieses Buch eine Informationsquelle für Unternehmer, Akademiker und Forscher darüber, wie man die Innovationsfähigkeiten und Erfolgsquoten eines Unternehmens verbessern kann. Das BMI-Pandemic 2.15-Modell, eine erweiterte Version des Odyssey 3.14-Modells, wird in diesem Buch vorgestellt, das 15 Leitlinien zur Innovation von Geschäftsmodellen in Pandemien hervorhebt. Dieses Buch richtet sich an Unternehmer,Akademiker, Forscher und Technologen.

  • - From Empirical Studies to Open Source Artifacts
    von Varun Gupta
    112,00 €

    Research and Evidence in Software Engineering: From Empirical Studies to Open Source Artifacts introduces advanced software engineering to software engineers, scientists, postdoctoral researchers, academicians, software consultants, management executives, doctoral students, and advanced level postgraduate computer science students.This book contains research articles addressing numerous software engineering research challenges associated with various software development-related activities, including programming, testing, measurements, human factors (social software engineering), specification, quality, program analysis, software project management, and more. It provides relevant theoretical frameworks, empirical research findings, and evaluated solutions addressing the research challenges associated with the above-mentioned software engineering activities.To foster collaboration among the software engineering research community, this book also reports datasets acquired systematically through scientific methods and related to various software engineering aspects that are valuable to the research community. These datasets will allow other researchers to use them in their research, thus improving the quality of overall research. The knowledge disseminated by the research studies contained in the book will hopefully motivate other researchers to further innovation in the way software development happens in real practice.

  • von Varun Gupta
    130,00 €

    The proceedings volume presents selected papers from the International Conference on Sustainability in Software Engineering & Business Information Management: Innovation & Applications (SSEBIM 2022) held in Olten, Switzerland from September 23-24, 2022. It includes research related to sustainability from both a business and technical point of view. From a business perspective, it not only addresses how to make the business operations more sustainable, but also considers factors such as human values, ethics, environment and responsibility of the businesses. From the technical perspective of software development companies, it focuses on sustainability in software engineering ranging from practices, tools, techniques and methods. The contributions reflect how software engineering teams exhibited pro-activeness in their approaches to lead to sustainable development of the software that is of highest quality and reliability.It is intended for a broad audience, including students, researchers and practitioners who work in software engineering and business information management fields.

  • von Varun Gupta
    139,00 €

    Innovation Mechanisms in Start-ups: Practice, Strategies and Impacts serves as a practical resource for startups looking for innovating their business models in domestic and global markets. This book's main objective is to describe the innovative business practices adopted by startups during the pandemic, with a special emphasis on value proposition innovation and business model innovation more generally. In order to promote open innovation, this book emphasizes the value of strategic alliances with academic libraries, peer startups, and freelancers. Additionally, using actual startup case studies, it was shown how important technological innovation is for gathering feedback, prototyping, and conducting both secondary as well as primary market research. Startups can utilize the technology evaluation and adoption frameworks as a useful reference when choosing a technology to embrace strategically. The need of regularly experimenting with new approaches, learning from mistakes, and enhancing current processes is also emphasized in this book. The ability to dispel falsehoods, capitalize on technological advancements, and form strategic alliances will be essential for innovation even in times of pandemic. This book links theoretical insights with practical experiences of startups amid the pandemic. With a perfect balance of empirical research and assessment study types, this book is a source of quick knowledge for entrepreneurs, academics and researchers on how to enhance a company's innovative capacities and success rates. The BMI-Pandemic 2.15 model, which is an expanded version of the Odyssey 3.14 model, is presented in this book which highlight 15 guidelines to follow in order to innovate business models in pandemics. This book is suitable for Entrepreneurs, Academicians, Researcher and Technologists.

  • 11% sparen
    von Varun Gupta
    76,00 €

    This book aims to increase the success rates of startups by focusing on value proposition innovation, which is propelled by the involvement of potential consumers as well as other resources such as freelancers and strategic relationships with academia. The author shows how startups who are resource constrained can invest efforts exploring the potential market of their products. The author also explores how global markets can be beneficial for a startup's success, while showing the workarounds in hard-to-access markets. The book investigates gaining knowledge shared by freelancers, customers, and academia, whose involvement can be crucial in supporting value proposition innovation activities such as ideas generation, implementation, and commercialization. Combined, the author leads readers to discover their ability to foster value proposition innovations that result into long term competitive advantage in a highly fluctuating business environment.

  • 17% sparen
    von Varun Gupta
    85,00 €

    This book presents interdisciplinary research in software engineering with applications for the social sector. The author focuses on software applications that are used for social good and that serve the needs of society. The author aims to bridge the knowledge gap between requirement engineers, industry, and users in order to help identify a diverse range of needs in the social sector (taking into account user crowd diversity in terms of technological competencies, geography, demographics, and behavioral and psychographic aspects). The book provides rigorous empirical studies and validates solutions that serve as a guide to the software engineering community, researchers, graduate students, and teachers.Provides interdisciplinary research in software engineering and the needs of the social sector, helping to increase success rates of society focused startups and applicationsIdeal for social entrepreneurs who can use the book for doing customer development with diverse usersEstablishes a new research line of social sector requirement engineering, taking into account user age, language, ability, and access

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