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Bücher von Vaclav Havel

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  • von Vaclav Havel
    12,00 €

  • von Vaclav Havel
    12,00 €

    «Die Menschen in den Ländern Mittel- und Osteuropas haben sich die ersehnte Freiheit hart erkämpft. Doch in dem Augenblick, in dem sie sie gewonnen haben, sind sie auf einmal völlig überrascht. Sie waren ihr in einem Maße entwöhnt, daß sie plötzlich nicht mehr wissen, was sie mit ihr anfangen sollen. Sie fürchten sie. Sie wissen nicht, womit sie sie füllen sollen. Als habe das Leben auf einmal den Sinn verloren.Aber ist nicht das Gefühl der Lebensleere und des Verlustes des Lebenssinns nur der Aufruf, nach einem neuen Inhalt und Sinn der eigenen Existenz zu suchen? Sind es nicht gerade die Augenblicke der tiefsten Zweifel, in denen neue Gewißheiten geboren werden?»Juli 1990

  • - The Expectations of World Leaders at the Dawn of the 21st Century
    von Vaclav Havel
    37,00 €

    Contains essays dealing with spiritual preconditions of the global survival of humankind and the quintessence of the author's views on the world which we have inherited - as well as his views on our hopes for the future. This book closes with the author's personal reflection on the deeper meaning and aim of the Forum 2000 meetings.

  • - Views from Prague
    von Vaclav Havel, Ivan Klima & Josef Skvorecky
    26,00 €

    In the face of Europe's rising nationalism and intolerance, this timely anthology by Czech writers addresses a key issue for today. The courage of Czech writers is legendary. During the Cold War they kept their nation's conscience alive by clandestine publishing while imprisoned as "dissidents" or collecting garbage, washing windows or selling fish as "non-persons," and then they took the lead in the Velvet Revolution of 1989 that overthrew communism.In Europe and the West today - with its rising nationalism and political extremism - subtlety, humour and sharp intelligence are needed more than ever, and this volume of stories, poetry, essays and drama showcases some of the best Czech writing on these important topics. The volume also lends insight into the role of Czech writers during two of the darkest periods of Central European history: the struggles against fascism and communism.

  • von Vaclav Havel
    20,00 €

    Forming part of the Vanek Plays trilogy, Audience is a cleverly-constructed satire on power and those who wield it. Vanek is summoned to a meeting with the Head Maltster and offered promotion, but only if he informs on himself!2 men

  • von Vaclav Havel
    19,00 €

    Private View has the same irony and touch of comic absurdity as its two companion pieces in the Vanek trilogy. Invited by his ridiculous friends Michael and Vera, the mild-mannered writer, Vanek, endeavours to enthuse over their newly, pretentiously refurbished flat. But as the couple happily express the perfection of their marriage their tone gradually develops into a personal attack on Vanek.|1 woman, 2 men

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