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Bücher von Vikas Kumar

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  • 19% sparen
    von Vikas Kumar
    65,00 €

    Les cultures de légumes biologiques sont très importantes dans notre alimentation quotidienne et améliorent notre position économique en cultivant plus de légumes. La production de légumes biologiques peut contribuer efficacement non seulement à satisfaire les besoins en légumes d'une grande partie de notre population, mais aussi à créer des millions d'emplois supplémentaires. Les légumes biologiques sont bons pour la santé humaine.

  • 19% sparen
    von Vikas Kumar
    65,00 €

    As culturas de produtos hortícolas biológicos são muito importantes na nossa dieta diária e melhoram a nossa posição económica através do cultivo de mais produtos hortícolas. A produção de produtos hortícolas biológicos pode efetivamente ajudar não só a aumentar as necessidades de produtos hortícolas de um grande segmento da nossa população, mas também a criar milhões de postos de trabalho suplementares. Os produtos hortícolas biológicos são bons para a saúde humana.

  • 19% sparen
    von Vikas Kumar
    65,00 €

    Le coltivazioni di ortaggi biologici sono molto importanti nella nostra dieta quotidiana e migliorano la nostra posizione economica grazie alla coltivazione di un maggior numero di ortaggi. Con l'aumento della popolazione, la domanda di ortaggi rimarrà al suo picco massimo. La produzione di ortaggi biologici può contribuire efficacemente non solo a soddisfare il fabbisogno di ortaggi di un ampio segmento della popolazione, ma anche a creare milioni di posti di lavoro aggiuntivi. Gli ortaggi biologici fanno bene alla salute umana.

  • 19% sparen
    von Vikas Kumar
    65,00 €

    Los cultivos de hortalizas ecológicas son muy importantes en nuestra dieta diaria y mejoran nuestra posición económica al cultivar más hortalizas. La producción ecológica de hortalizas no sólo puede ayudar a satisfacer las necesidades de un amplio segmento de la población, sino que también creará millones de puestos de trabajo adicionales. Las verduras ecológicas son buenas para la salud humana.

  • von Vikas Kumar
    79,90 €

    Der Anbau von Bio-Gemüse ist ein wichtiger Bestandteil unserer täglichen Ernährung und verbessert unsere wirtschaftliche Position durch den Anbau von mehr Gemüse, denn mit der ständig wachsenden Bevölkerung wird die Nachfrage nach Gemüse auf ihrem höchsten Stand bleiben. Der ökologische Gemüseanbau kann nicht nur dazu beitragen, den Gemüsebedarf eines großen Teils unserer Bevölkerung zu decken, sondern schafft auch Millionen von zusätzlichen Arbeitsplätzen. Bio-Gemüse ist gut für die menschliche Gesundheit.

  • 19% sparen
    von Vikas Kumar
    65,00 €

    Organic vegetables crops are very much important in our daily diet and improve our economic position by growing more vegetables.With ever increasing population the demand fr vegetables will remain at its highest peak. Organic vegetable production can effectively help not only in enhancing vegetables requirement of large segment of our population but also will create millions of extra jobs. Organic vegetables is good for human health.

  • 13% sparen
    von Vikas Kumar
    25,00 €

    Organicheskie owoschnye kul'tury igraüt ochen' wazhnuü rol' w nashem ezhednewnom racione i uluchshaüt nashe äkonomicheskoe polozhenie za schet wyraschiwaniq bol'shego kolichestwa owoschej. S postoqnno rastuschim naseleniem spros na owoschi budet ostawat'sq na samom wysokom urowne. Proizwodstwo äkologicheski chistyh owoschej ne tol'ko pomozhet udowletworit' potrebnosti w owoschah shirokih sloew naseleniq, no i sozdast milliony dopolnitel'nyh rabochih mest. Organicheskie owoschi polezny dlq zdorow'q cheloweka.

  • 13% sparen
    von Stanislav Martinat, Evgeny Kuzmin, Yuliya Lavrikova, usw.
    130,00 €

    The book explores the uneven spatial distribution of territory resources and its implication for the sustainable development of regions and cities. The authors analyze the features of the localization of assets, paying attention to both the manifested factors and the conditions that determine the specificity of the current spatial organization. On the basis of multivariate analysis, gravity models, clustering method, as well as the evaluation of concentration parameters, the authors propose various approaches to systematize territorial units, paying special attention to the peculiarities of their economic structure, resource diffusion barriers, and quality of life parameters. The obtained results indicate the need for a differentiated approach in the choice of guidelines for the transformation of the socio-economic space, allowing the researchers to propose various transformation models for differing regions. Thus, this book presents spatial organization models for different regional economies, highlighting various approaches to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals and reducing inequality.The book seeks to balance the benefits of polarized development with the need to avoid significant interregional disparities. At the same time, the book offers various solutions for differentiating territories, distinguishing different spatial elements, and determining the most appropriate transformation options. The results obtained may be of interest to scholars in regional and spatial science as well as to professionals in the field of territorial development management.

  • 13% sparen
    von Victoria Akberdina, Evgeny Kuzmin, Grigorios L. Kyriakopoulos & usw.
    158,00 €

    This book offers a selection of the best papers presented at the annual international scientific conference ¿Digital Transformation in Industry: Trends, Management, Strategies,¿ which was held by the Institute of Economics of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Ekaterinburg, Russia) on October 28, 2022.The book focuses on concepts for initiating digitalization processes and identifying successful digital transformation strategies in all sectors of industry. Key topics include the sustainability of digital transformation in uncertain dynamics; conditions of uncertainty and barriers; industrial logistics in the new reality; best practices for implementing digital solutions to ensure sustainable, barrier-free and flexible supply chains; the achievement of sustainability in the process of digital transition; the adaptation of enterprises to the ESG concept through digital solutions; assessing the impact of industrial digital transformation on society and the environment; and clarifying how ESG aspects affect the economy. The experiences of various countries, regions and types of enterprise implementing IT and other technological innovations are also included, making the book a valuable asset for researchers and managers alike.

  • von Vikas Kumar
    204,00 €

    This book presents selected papers of the Euro-Asian Symposium on Economic Theory, held by the Institute of Economics of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Ekaterinburg, Russia) on June 29-30, 2022. The conference aims to promote research and develop effective solutions to urgent challenges in economic theory in the context of stability and uncertainty.The main theme of the 2022 Conference is the "Viability of Economic Theories". The chaos of the modern world forces us to rethink many theoretical positions. Researchers are trying to overcome the contradictions between theory and empiricism through new models, mechanisms and approaches. The challenges of recent social change have led to an adjustment in the perception, interpretation, and use of many concepts, necessitating an updating of these terms. The problems and contradictions identified in the studies will help to reconcile theoretical approaches with practice. The volume covers topics suchas sustainable development issues, economic shocks in the history of economic thought, modern economic concepts of identity, theory of organizations under uncertainty, review of economic theories with the "Corona crisis," models of consumer behavior, business cycles, theory of investment, issues of economic growth and market equilibrium, impact of social factors on the sustainability of the economy, etc. Moveover, the volume presents new solutions for the synthesis of mainstream and political economy ideas. These topics will be of great interest to academics, researchers and practitioners.

  • von Vikas Kumar
    32,00 €

    Social media is new age media which has presented an opportunity to marketers to communicate their product offerings to the target customers. Social media embodies low-cost tools used to combine technology with social interaction. These tools are internet and mobile based. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube are some of the most used social media platforms (Gaál, 2015). Brand promotions are now done via social media apart from the traditional media. Every major sportswear brand has presence on one or many social media sites, including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Youtube. Social media presents marketers one more way to communicate with peers, customers, and potential consumers. It personalizes the "brand" and helps in spreading the message in a relaxed and conversational way (Whitler,2017).

  • 15% sparen
    von Anupama Panghal, Rahul S Mor & Vikas Kumar
    100,00 €

  • 19% sparen
    von Vikas Kumar
    67,00 €

    This present study aims to understand the customer attitude toward solar energy products. Descriptive analysis, chi-square, exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, multiple regression analysis, SERVQUAL model, and paired sample t-test have been used to examine the data. The study collected data from total 855 respondents which were interviewed through a well-structured, pretested research schedule. The results of research validated that customer attitude towards solar products is significantly determined by green purchase behavior, government initiatives, environmental knowledge, promotion and advertisement, environmental concern, and peers influence whereas high investment cost and lack of awareness regarding government subsidies are the main reason for non-adoption of solar energy products.

  • 17% sparen
    von Vikas Kumar
    49,00 €

    Cukrzyca to rosn¿ca epidemia XXI wieku, przeciwko której nie s¿ obecnie dost¿pne powszechnie akceptowane i niedrogie metody leczenia. W tej ksi¿¿ce opisano wyniki badä porównawczych sugeruj¿cych terapeutyczny potencjä Hypericum perforatum, Picrorhiza kurroa i Quassia amara w zwalczaniu ró¿nych patologii zwi¿zanych z t¿ epidemi¿. Obserwacje te nie tylko ujawniaj¿ nowy potencjä terapeutyczny trzech zió¿, ale tak¿e potwierdzaj¿ nasze przekonanie, ¿e strategia oparta na fitochemii medycznej zastosowana do opracowania badania jest ekonomicznie bardziej wykonalna do identyfikacji zió¿ potencjalnie przydatnych w zwalczaniu cukrzycy i innych chorób niezakänych zró¿nicowane spektrum chorób wspó¿istniej¿cych. Ta ksi¿¿ka powinna pomóc badaczom w opracowaniu alternatywnych strategii badä zio¿owych i powinna by¿ szczególnie przydatna dla profesjonalistów, naukowców, badaczy i nauczycieli w dziedzinie badä farmaceutycznych lub kädego, kto rozwäa wykorzystanie farmakologii odwrotnej jako strategii badä nad lekami zio¿owymi .Cukrzyca to rosn¿ca epidemia XXI wieku, przeciwko której nie s¿ obecnie dost¿pne powszechnie akceptowane i niedrogie metody leczenia. W tej ksi¿¿ce opisano wyniki badä porównawczych sugeruj¿cych terapeutyczny potencjä Hypericum perforatum, Picrorhiza kurroa i Quassia amara w zwalczaniu ró¿nych patologii zwi¿zanych z t¿ epidemi¿. Obserwacje te nie tylko ujawniaj¿ nowy potencjä terapeutyczny trzech zió¿, ale tak¿e potwierdzaj¿ nasze przekonanie, ¿e strategia oparta na fitochemii medycznej zastosowana do opracowania badania jest ekonomicznie bardziej wykonalna do identyfikacji zió¿ potencjalnie przydatnych w zwalczaniu cukrzycy i innych chorób niezakänych zró¿nicowane spektrum chorób wspó¿istniej¿cych. Ta ksi¿¿ka powinna pomóc badaczom w opracowaniu alternatywnych strategii badä zio¿owych i powinna by¿ szczególnie przydatna dla profesjonalistów, naukowców, badaczy i nauczycieli w dziedzinie badä farmaceutycznych lub kädego, kto rozwäa wykorzystanie farmakologii odwrotnej jako strategii badä nad lekami zio¿owymi .

  • 11% sparen
    von R. Vidhyalakshmi & Vikas Kumar
    95,00 €

    This book presents both qualitative and quantitative approaches to cloud reliability measurements, together with specific case studies to reflect the real-time reliability applications.

  • 16% sparen
  • 18% sparen
    von Vikas Kumar, Bimal S Desai & Ajeesh R
    51,00 €

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