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Bücher von Vincenzo Vespri

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  • von Massimo Chiappini
    36,00 €

    This CIME Series book provides mathematical and simulation tools to help resolve environmental hazard and security-related issues.The contributions reflect five major topics identified by the SIES (Strategic Initiatives for the Environment and Security) as having significant societal impact: optimal control in waste management, in particular the degradation of organic waste by an aerobic biomass, by means of a mathematical model; recent developments in the mathematical analysis of subwave resonators; conservation laws in continuum mechanics, including an elaboration on the notion of weak solutions and issues related to entropy criteria; the applications of variational methods to 1-dimensional boundary value problems, in particular to light ray-tracing in ionospheric physics; and the mathematical modelling of potential electromagnetic co-seismic events associated to large earthquakes.This material will provide a sound foundation for those who intend to approach similar problems from a multidisciplinary perspective.

  • von Vincenzo Vespri, Dario Daniele Monticelli, Ugo Gianazza, usw.
    147,00 €

  • von Emmanuele DiBenedetto, Ugo Pietro Gianazza & Vincenzo Vespri
    113,00 - 114,00 €

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