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Bücher von Vishwajit Barbuddhe

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  • 18% sparen
    von Vishwajit Barbuddhe
    59,00 €

    The book contains: Functional elements of an instrument ¿ Static and dynamic characteristics ¿ Errors in measurement ¿ Statistical evaluation of measurement data ¿ Standards and calibration. Principle and types of analog and digital instruments ¿ Voltmeters ¿ Ammeters - Multi-meters ¿ Single and three phase watt-meters and energy meters ¿ Magnetic measurements ¿ Determination of B-H curve and measurements of iron loss ¿ Instrument transformers ¿ Instruments for measurement of frequency and phase. D.C and A.C potentiometers ¿ D.C and A.C bridges ¿ Transformer ratio bridges ¿ Self-balancing bridges ¿ Interference and screening ¿ Multiple earth and earth loops ¿ Electrostatic and electromagnetic interference ¿ Grounding techniques. Classification of transducers ¿ Selection of transducers ¿ Resistive, capacitive and inductive transducers ¿ Piezoelectric, optical and digital transducers ¿ Elements of data acquisition system ¿ A/D, D/A converters ¿ Smart sensors.

  • 15% sparen
    von Vishwajit Barbuddhe
    34,00 €

  • 18% sparen
    von Vishwajit Barbuddhe
    59,00 €

    The book contains: Generation and detection of AM wave-spectra-DSBSC, Hilbert Transform, Pre-envelope & complex envelope - SSB and VSB ¿ comparison - Superheterodyne Receiver. Phase and frequency modulation-Narrow Band and Wind band FM - Spectrum - FM modulation and demodulation ¿ FM Discriminator - PLL as FM Demodulator - Transmission bandwidth. Random variables, Central limit Theorem, Random Process, Stationary Processes, Mean, Correlation & Covariance functions, Power Spectral Density, Ergodic Processes, Gaussian Process, Transmission of a Random Process Through a LTI filter. Noise sources and types ¿ Noise figure and noise temperature ¿ Noise in cascaded systems. Narrow band noise ¿ PSD of in-phase and quadrature noise ¿ Noise performance in AM systems ¿ Noise performance in FM systems ¿ Pre-emphasis and de-emphasis ¿ Capture effect, threshold effect. Entropy - Discrete Memoryless channels - Channel Capacity - Hartley - Shannon law - Source coding theorem - Huffman & Shannon - Fano codes.

  • 16% sparen
    von Vishwajit Barbuddhe
    46,00 €

  • 16% sparen
    von Vishwajit Barbuddhe
    46,00 €

    The book contains: Electrostatic Fields ¿ Coulomb¿s Law ¿ Electric Field Intensity (EFI) ¿ EFI due to a line and a surface charge ¿ Work done in moving a point charge in an electrostatic field ¿ Electric Potential ¿ Properties of potential function ¿ Potential gradient ¿ Gauss¿s law ¿ Application of Gauss¿s Law ¿ Maxwell¿s first law, div (D)=¿v ¿ Laplace¿s and Poison¿s equations. Electric dipole ¿ Dipole moment ¿ potential and EFI due to an electric dipole. Dielectrics & Capacitance: Behavior of conductors in an electric field ¿ Conductors and Insulators ¿ Electric field inside a dielectric material ¿ polarization ¿ Dielectric ¿ Conductor and Dielectric ¿ Dielectric boundary conditions ¿ Capacitance ¿ Capacitance of parallel plates ¿ spherical cöaxial capacitors. Current density ¿ conduction and Convection current densities ¿ Ohm¿s law in point form ¿ Equation of continuity Magneto Statics: Static magnetic fields ¿ Biot¿Savart¿s law ¿ Magnetic field intensity (MFI) ¿ MFI due to a straight current carrying filament ¿ MFI due to circular, square and solenoid current Carrying wire ¿ Relation between magnetic flux and magnetic flux density ¿ Maxwell¿s second Equation.

  • 18% sparen
    von Vishwajit Barbuddhe
    51,00 €

    Radiation Mechanism ¿ single wire, 2 wire, dipoles, Current Distribution on a thin wire antenna. Antenna Parameters - Radiation Patterns, Patterns in Principal Planes, Main Lobe and Side Lobes, Beam-widths, Polarization, Beam Area, Radiation Intensity, Beam Efficiency, Directivity, Gain and Resolution, Antenna Apertures, Aperture Efficiency, Effective Height, illustrated Problems. Introduction, Traveling wave radiators ¿ basic concepts, Long wire antennas ¿ field strength calculations and patterns, Micro-strip Antennas-Introduction, Features, Advantages and Limitations, Rectangular Patch Antennas ¿ Geometry and Parameters, Impact of different parameters on characteristics. Broadband Antennas: Helical Antennas ¿ Significance, Geometry, basic properties; Design considerations for monofilar helical antennas in Axial Mode and Normal Modes (Qualitative Treatment).

  • 16% sparen
    von Vishwajit Barbuddhe
    46,00 €

    The book contains: Representation of vectors in Cartesian, Cylindrical and Spherical coordinate system, Vector products, Coordinate transformation. The Law of force between elementary electric Charges, Electric Field Intensity and Potential due to various charge configuration, Electric Flux density, Gauss law and its application, Application of Gauss Law to differential Volume element, Divergence Theorem. Potential Gradient, Dipole, and Energy Density in Electrostatic Field. Current and Conductors, Continuity of Current, Conductor Properties and Boundary Conditions. The Method of Images, Nature of dielectric Materials, Boundary Conditions for Perfect Dielectric Materials Capacitance, Poisson¿s & Laplace equation, Uniqueness Theorem, Analytical Solution in one dimension. Use of MATLAB.

  • 15% sparen
    von Vishwajit Barbuddhe
    34,00 €

    The book contains: Measurement systems ¿ Static and dynamic characteristics ¿ Units and standards of measurements ¿ Error analysis ¿ Moving coil, moving iron meters ¿ Multi-meters ¿ True RMS meters ¿ Bridge measurements ¿ Maxwell ¿ Hay ¿ Schering ¿ Anderson and Wien Bridge.Electronic multi-meters ¿ Cathode ray oscilloscopes ¿ block schematic ¿ applications ¿ special oscilloscopes ¿ delayed time base oscilloscopes, analog and digital storage oscilloscope, sampling oscilloscope ¿ Q meters ¿ Vector meters ¿ RF voltage and power measurements ¿ True RMS meters.Comparison of analog and digital techniques ¿ digital voltmeter ¿ multi-meters ¿ frequency counters ¿ measurement of frequency and time interval ¿ extension of frequency range ¿ Automation in digital instruments, Automatic polarity indication, automatic ranging, automatic zeroing, fully automatic digital instruments, Computer controlled test systems, Virtual instruments.

  • 18% sparen
    von Vishwajit Barbuddhe
    51,00 €

    The book contains: Antenna Basics: Introduction, Basic Antenna Parameters ¿ Patterns, Beam Area, Radiation Intensity, Beam Efficiency, Directivity-Gain-Resolution, Antenna Apertures, Illustrative Problems. Fields from Oscillating Dipole, Field Zones, Front - to-back Ratio, Antenna Theorems, Radiation, Retarded Potentials ¿ Helmholtz Theorem. Thin Linear Wire Antennas ¿ Radiation from Small Electric Dipole, Quarter Wave Monopole and Half Wave Dipole ¿ Current Distributions, Field Components, Radiated Power, Radiation Resistance, Beam Width, Directivity, Effective Area, Effective Height, Natural Current Distributions, Far Fields and Patterns of Thin Linear Centre-fed Antennas of Different Lengths, Illustrative Problems.

  • 18% sparen
    von Vishwajit Barbuddhe
    59,00 €

    The book contains: P-N Junction diode: Qualitative Theory of P-N Junction, P-N Junction as a diode, diode equation, volt-amper characteristics temperature dependence of V-I characteristic, ideal versus practical ¿ resistance levels (static and dynamic), transition and diffusion capacitances, diode equivalent circuits, load line analysis, breakdown mechanisms in semiconductor diodes, zener diode characteristics. Special purpose electronic devices: Principal of operation and characteristics of Tunnel Diode with the help of energy band diagrams, Varactar Diode, SCR and photo diode RECTIFIERS, FILTERS: P-N Junction as a rectifier, Half wave rectifier, full wave rectifier, Bridge rectifier, Harmonic components in a rectifier circuit, Inductor filter, Capacitor filter, L-section filter, section filter and comparison of various filter circuits, Voltage regulation using zener diode. BIPOLAR JUNCTION TRANSISTOR: the Junction transistor, Transistor current components, Transistor as an amplifier, Transistor construction, Input and Output characteristics of transistor in Common Base, Common Emitter, and Common collector configurations.

  • 18% sparen
    von Vishwajit Barbuddhe
    59,00 €

  • 16% sparen
    von Vishwajit Barbuddhe
    46,00 €

    The book contains: Computer System Overview - Basic Elements, Instruction Execution, Interrupts, Memory Hierarchy, Cache Memory, Direct Memory Access, Multiprocessor and Multi-core Organization. Operating system overview - objectives and functions, Evolution of Operating System - Computer System Organization - Operating System Structure and Operations - System Calls, System Programs, OS Generation and System Boot. Processes-Process Concept, Process Scheduling, Operations on Processes, Inter-process Communication; Threads - Overview, Multi-core Programming, Multi-threading Models; Windows 7 ¿ Thread and SMP Management. Process Synchronization ¿ Critical Section Problem, Mutex Locks, Semophores, Monitors; CPU Scheduling and Deadlocks. Main Memory-Contiguous Memory Allocation, Segmentation, Paging, 32 and 64 bit architecture Examples; Virtual Memory - Demand Paging, Page Replacement, Allocation, Thrashing; Allocating Kernel Memory, OS Examples.

  • 18% sparen
    von Vishwajit Barbuddhe
    59,00 €

  • 16% sparen
    von Vishwajit Barbuddhe
    46,00 €

    The book contains Review of Number Systems, Number Base Conversion. Postulates and Theorems, Representation of Switching Functions, SOP and POS Forms, Canonical Forms, Digital Logic Gate. Karnaugh Maps: Minimization using Three variable, Four variable, Five variable K-Maps; Don't Care Conditions, NAND and NOR implementation, Other Two-level Implementation, Exclusive¿OR function. Combinational versus Sequential circuits, Latches, Flip Flops: RS Flip Flop, JK Flip Flop, T Flip Flop, D Flip Flop, Master-Slave Flip Flop, Flip Flops Excitation Functions, Conversion of one Flip Flop to another Flip Flop, Shift Registers, Design of Asynchronous and Synchronous Circuits, State Table, State Diagram.

  • 18% sparen
    von Vishwajit Barbuddhe
    77,00 €

    The book contains of ICs over discrete components ¿ Manufacturing process of monolithic Ics ¿ Construction of monolithic bipolar transistor ¿ Monolithic diodes ¿ Integrated Resistors ¿ Monolithic Capacitors ¿ Inductors. Current mirror and current sources, Current sources as active loads, Voltage sources, Voltage References, BJT Differential amplifier with active loads, General operational amplifier stages - and internal circuit diagrams of IC 741, DC and AC performance characteristics, slew rate, Open and closed loop configurations. Sign Changer, Scale Changer, Phase Shift Circuits, Voltage Follower, V-to-I and I-to-V converters, adder, subtractor, Instrumentation amplifier, Integrator, Differentiator, Logarithmic amplifier, Antilogarithmic amplifier, Comparators, Schmitt trigger, Precision rectifier, peak detector, clipper and clamper, Low-pass, high-pass and band-pass Butterworth filters.

  • 16% sparen
    von Vishwajit Barbuddhe
    46,00 €

  • 15% sparen
    von Vishwajit Barbuddhe
    34,00 €

  • 16% sparen
    von Vishwajit Barbuddhe
    46,00 €

    The book contains: Measuring Instruments: Classification, Absolute and secondary instruments, indicating instruments, control, balancing and damping, constructional details, characteristics, errors in measurement, Ammeters, voltmeters: (DC/ AC) PMMC, MI, Electrodynamometer type Watt-meters: Electrodynamometer type, induction type, single phase and three phase watt-meter, compensation, Energy-meters: AC. Induction type single phase and three phase energy meter, compensation, creep, error, testing, Frequency Meters: Vibrating reed type, electrical resonance type. DC/ AC Bridges: General equations for bridge balance, measurement of self inductance by Maxwell¿s bridge (with variable inductance & variable capacitance), Hay¿s bridge, Owen¿s bridge, measurement of capacitance by Schearing bridge, errors, Wagner¿s earthing device, Kelvin¿s double bridge. Transducer: Strain Gauges, Thermistors, Thermocouples, Linear Variable Differential Transformer (LVDT), Capacitive Transducers, Peizo-Electric transducers, Optical Transducer, Torque meters, inductive torque transducers, electric tachometers, photo-electric tachometers, Hall Effect Transducer.

  • 18% sparen
    von Vishwajit Barbuddhe
    51,00 €

  • 18% sparen
    von Vishwajit Barbuddhe
    51,00 €

  • 18% sparen
    von Vishwajit Barbuddhe
    59,00 €

    Electronics is a key influence in today¿s society and is therefore a key area of study in Technological Studies. This component unit should be studied early in the course after pupils have some knowledge of systems.The book contains, Resources, Assessment, Detailed resource list; ¿Component Electronic Systems ¿Modular Electronic Systems ¿Logic in Electronics. Switching logic, Binary numbers, Combinational logic & Pin-out diagrams.

  • 15% sparen
    von Vishwajit Barbuddhe
    34,00 €

    The book contains: Practical sources, Source transformations, Network reduction using Star ¿ Delta transformation, Loop and node analysis With linearly dependent and independent sources for DC and AC networks, Concepts of super node and super mesh. Network Theorems: Superposition, Reciprocity, Millman¿s theorems, Thevinin¿s and Norton¿s theorems, Maximum Power transfer theorem and Millers Theorem. Transient behavior and initial conditions: Behavior of circuit elements under switching condition and their Representation, evaluation of initial and final conditions in RL, RC and RLC circuits for AC and DC excitations. Laplace Transformation & Applications: Solution of networks, step, ramp and impulse responses, waveform Synthesis.

  • 15% sparen
    von Vishwajit Barbuddhe
    34,00 €

    The book contains: Concept of Elements of Optical Fiber Communication System, Basic Optical Laws and Definitions, Optical Fiber Modes and Configurations, Single Mode Fiber, Graded Index Fiber Structure, Attenuation and Distortion in optical Fibers, LED and LASER Diodes, PIN Photo Detector, Avalanche Photo Diode, Optical Fiber System Link Budget. Kepler¿s Law, Satellite Orbits, Spacing and Frequency Allocation, Look Angle, Orbital Perturbation, Satellite Launching, Earth Station, Satellite Sub-systems, Satellite System Link Models, Link Equations, Multiple Access, Direct Broadcast Satellite Services, Application of LEO, MEO and GEO Satellites.

  • 18% sparen
    von Vishwajit Barbuddhe
    51,00 €

  • 19% sparen
    von Vishwajit Barbuddhe
    67,00 €

    Data processing is any computer process that converts data into information. The aim of this book is to understand: Data Processing ¿ Data & Information ¿ Types of Data ¿ Input, Processing and Output ¿ Architecture of Computer System ¿ Input Devices ¿ Output Devices File ¿ File Contents ¿ Operations on the file ¿ File Organization ¿ Storing Files ¿ Backing-up files ¿ File Terminology ¿ Data Capturing ¿ Data Verification ¿ Data Validation.

  • 18% sparen
    von Vishwajit Barbuddhe
    59,00 €

    The book contains: Concept of Different stages of Image processing & Analysis Scheme. Components of Image Processing System, Multiprocessor Interconnections. A Review of various Mathematical Transforms. Image Formation: Geometric Model, Photo-metric Model. Image Digitization: A review of Sampling and quantization processes. An Image Enhancement: Contrast Intensification, Smoothing, Image sharpening. Restoration: Minimum Mean ¿ Square Error Restoration by Homomorphic Filtering. Image Compression: Schematic diagram of Data Compression Procedure, Lossless compression ¿ coding. Multi-valued Image Processing, Multi-spectral Image Processing, Processing of color images.

  • 16% sparen
    von Vishwajit Barbuddhe
    46,00 €

  • 18% sparen
    von Vishwajit Barbuddhe
    51,00 €

  • 15% sparen
    von Vishwajit Barbuddhe
    34,00 €

    The book contains: Cellular systems - Frequency Management and Channel Assignment - types of handoff and their characteristics, dropped call rates & their evaluation - MAC ¿ SDMA ¿ FDMA ¿ TDMA ¿ CDMA ¿ Cellular Wireless Networks. Wireless LAN ¿ IEEE 802.11 Standards ¿ Architecture ¿ Services ¿ Mobile Ad hoc Networks - WiFi and WiMAX - Wireless Local Loop. GSM-architecture-Location tracking and call setup - Mobility management - Handover - Security GSM SMS ¿ International roaming for GSM-call recording functions-subscriber and service data mgt ¿ Mobile Number portability - VoIP service for Mobile Networks ¿ GPRS ¿Architecture GPRS procedures-attach and detach procedures-PDP context procedure-combined RA/LA update procedures-Billing.

  • 16% sparen
    von Vishwajit Barbuddhe
    46,00 €

    The book contains: Basic Operational Concepts, Bus Structures, Performance ¿ Processor Clock, Basic Performance Equation, Clock Rate, Performance Measurement. Machine Instructions and Programs: Memory Location and Addresses, Memory Operations, Instructions and Instruction Sequencing, Addressing Modes, Assembly Language, Basic Input and Output Operations, Stacks and Queues, Subroutines, Additional Instructions, Encoding of Machine Instructions. Accessing I/O Devices, Interrupts ¿ Interrupt Hardware, Direct Memory Access, Buses, Interface Circuits, Standard I/O Interfaces ¿ PCI Bus, SCSI Bus, USB.

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