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Bücher von Vlada Tao

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  • von Vlada Tao & Vadym Zubakhin
    19,99 €

    In jedem Kapitel wird eine Anzahl an Vokabeln vermittelt, die anschliessend direkt in kurzen, einprägsamen Sätzen und Texten veranschaulicht werden. Dabei handelt es sich durchgehend um alltagstaugliches Material für Berufssituationen wie Telefonate, Besprechungen, Geschäftsreisen und Geschäftskorrespondenz. Die Übungen bauen logisch aufeinander auf, sodass die Texte allmählich komplexer werden. Die Audiodateien sind online inklusive erhältlich. Mithilfe von QR-Codes kann man im Handumdrehen eine Audiodatei aufrufen, ohne Webadressen manuell eingeben. Zum Sprachenlernen gibt es kaum eine effizientere Methode als Bilinguale Bücher. Diese bieten eine parallele Übersetzung, die dem Leser das Erlernen einer Sprache in kürzester Zeit ermöglicht. Auf einem Blick kann hier sofort gesehen werden, was unbekannte Wörter bedeuten ¿ denn die Übersetzung befindet sich meist auf derselben Seite. So macht Vokabeln lernen Spaß und gelingt spielend leicht. Besonders neue Wörter und Sätze, die immer wieder vorkommen, werden sich fast automatisch im Gehirn festsetzen. Das geschieht häufig sogar unbewusst. Dieses Buch hat schon vielen Menschen geholfen, ihr wahres Sprach-Potenzial zu entdecken. So bleiben Sie motiviert und optimieren Ihren Lernprozess. Vergessen Sie nicht: 20 Minuten am Tag sind die Grundlage für Ihren Erfolg!

  • - Bilingual for Speakers of English
    von Vlada Tao
    27,00 €

    First German Medical Reader will give you the words and phrases necessary for helping patients making appointments, informing them of their diagnosis, and their treatment options. Medical specialties range from ENT to dentistry. The method utilizes the natural human ability to remember words used in texts repeatedly and systematically. With the translation on the same page, you can effortlessly learn what any unfamiliar words mean. You can quickly pick up new vocabulary and phrases that are used over and over in the book. As you read the book, your brain begins to remember words and phrases simply because you are exposed to them several times. You don't even realize, until you have to recall what you've learned, that you have already learned the new words and phrases. The audio tracks are available inclusive online. With the help of QR codes, call up an audio file without manually entering web addresses. This book has already helped a lot people to discover their true language potential. Twenty minutes a day is the rule for success!

  • - Bilingual for Speakers of English
    von Vlada Tao
    27,00 €

    First Russian Medical Reader will give you the words and phrases necessary for helping patients making appointments, informing them of their diagnosis, and their treatment options. Medical specialties range from ENT to dentistry. The method utilizes the natural human ability to remember words used in texts repeatedly and systematically. The author composed each sentence using only words explained in previous chapters. Supplementary resources include the Russian/English and English/Russian dictionaries, audio tracks, grammar rules and tables, the 1300 important Russian words. With the translation on the same page, you can effortlessly learn what any unfamiliar words mean. You can quickly pick up new vocabulary and phrases that are used over and over in the book. As you read the book, your brain begins to remember words and phrases simply because you are exposed to them several times. You don't even realize, until you have to recall what you've learned, that you have already learned the new words and phrases. The audio tracks are available inclusive online. With the help of QR codes, call up an audio file without manually entering web addresses. This book has already helped a lot people to discover their true language potential. Twenty minutes a day is the rule for success!

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