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Bücher von Wei Zhang

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  • von Wei Zhang
    37,00 €

    Adéntrate en el fascinante mundo de la gastronomía china con "Sazón China: Secretos de la Cocina Milenaria," un libro que te llevará en un viaje culinario a través de los sabores más ricos y auténticos de China. Escrito por el experto culinario Wei Zhang, este libro es una ventana a la riqueza y diversidad de la cocina china.En "Sazón China," Wei Zhang comparte su profundo conocimiento y pasión por la cocina china, revelando secretos ancestrales y técnicas culinarias que han pasado de generación en generación. Este libro te sumergirá en un viaje que abarca desde las calles bulliciosas de Pekín hasta las regiones montañosas de Sichuán, ofreciéndote una amplia gama de sabores, ingredientes y recetas que capturan la esencia misma de la cocina china.Descubrirás platos emblemáticos como el Pato laqueado, el Dim Sum, el Mapo Tofu y muchos más, con instrucciones claras y consejos expertos para que puedas recrearlos en tu propia cocina. Además, aprenderás sobre la importancia de la armonía de sabores, la preparación adecuada de ingredientes y la presentación estética que son fundamentales en la cocina china."Sazón China" es el compañero perfecto para aquellos que desean explorar y dominar la cocina china, ya sea para sorprender a sus seres queridos o para embarcarse en un viaje culinario personal. Con la guía de Wei Zhang, estarás listo para experimentar la magia de los sabores del Lejano Oriente y convertirte en un maestro de la cocina china en tu propia casa. ¡Bienvenidos a un mundo de delicias chinas!

  • von Wei Zhang
    38,00 €

    Benvenuti in un viaggio straordinario attraverso i sapori autentici della Cina con "La Cucina Cinese Segreta" di Wei Zhang. Questo libro è molto più di una raccolta di ricette; è una porta d'accesso alla tradizione culinaria cinese e ai segreti della sua cucina deliziosa.L'autore, Wei Zhang, è un esperto culinario con una passione innata per la cucina cinese. Condivide le ricette tradizionali tramandate di generazione in generazione nella sua famiglia, aggiungendo il suo tocco personale e la sua esperienza per rendere ogni piatto eccezionale."La Cucina Cinese Segreta" presenta una vasta gamma di piatti, dai classici ai meno conosciuti, tutti accompagnati da istruzioni dettagliate per creare autentiche esperienze culinarie a casa tua. Scoprirete come preparare il perfetto riso fritto, la zuppa wonton avvolgente e deliziose pietanze a base di anatra, tra le molte altre.Wei Zhang ti guiderà attraverso l'arte della cucina cinese, condividendo consigli preziosi, tecniche e segreti che renderanno ogni tua creazione un successo. Che tu sia un cuoco esperto o un principiante, questo libro ti ispirerà a immergerti nella cucina cinese e ad esplorare nuovi sapori.Preparati a deliziare il palato e a sorprendere i tuoi ospiti con autentiche creazioni cinesi. Porta i sapori della Cina nella tua cucina con "La Cucina Cinese Segreta" di Wei Zhang.

  • von Wei Zhang
    113,00 €

  • von Wei Zhang
    113,00 €

    This book introduces the design and implementation of an assessment model for a new university-level English curriculum in China that aims at developing digital literacy skills.

  • - Appropriation and Intertextuality
    von Wei Zhang
    74,00 €

    This book examines the two-way impacts between Brecht and Chinese culture and drama/theatre, focusing on Chinese theatrical productions since the end of the Cultural Revolution all the way to the first decades of the twenty-first century.

  • - Emerging Research and Opportunities
    von Wei Zhang, Goeran Roos, Anthony Cheshire, usw.
    165,00 - 213,00 €

    Provides perspectives on the theoretical and practical aspects of developing a new business sector within the bio-marine industry. Featuring coverage on a range of topics such as competitive advantage, food industry, and production systems, this publication is designed for environmental researchers, business students, engineers, and academics.

  • von Wei Zhang, Gan Tian, Zhigao Xu & usw.
    90,00 - 103,00 €

    This book concentrates on the subject of health monitoring technology of Liquid Rocket Engine (LRE), including its failure analysis, fault diagnosis and fault prediction. The readers can learn the system stage modeling, analyzing and testing methods of the LRE system as well as corresponding fault diagnosis and prediction methods.

  • von Wei Zhang, Fuxue Zhang & Guosheng Wang
    89,00 - 97,00 €

  • - CCSD-1 Well Drilling Engineering and Construction
    von Wei Zhang, Xiaoxi Zhang, Guolong Zhao, usw.
    88,00 - 89,00 €

    This book comprehensively introduces the drilling theory and practice behind CCSD-1 well drilling, the first stage of a key national scientific engineering project of China.

  • von Wei Zhang, Xinyi Yuan & Shou-wu Zhang
    84,00 €

    This comprehensive account of the Gross-Zagier formula on Shimura curves over totally real fields relates the heights of Heegner points on abelian varieties to the derivatives of L-series. The formula will have new applications for the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture and Diophantine equations. The book begins with a conceptual formulation of the Gross-Zagier formula in terms of incoherent quaternion algebras and incoherent automorphic representations with rational coefficients attached naturally to abelian varieties parametrized by Shimura curves. This is followed by a complete proof of its coherent analogue: the Waldspurger formula, which relates the periods of integrals and the special values of L-series by means of Weil representations. The Gross-Zagier formula is then reformulated in terms of incoherent Weil representations and Kudla's generating series. Using Arakelov theory and the modularity of Kudla's generating series, the proof of the Gross-Zagier formula is reduced to local formulas. The Gross-Zagier Formula on Shimura Curves will be of great use to students wishing to enter this area and to those already working in it.

  • von Wei Zhang & Wen-Bin Yi
    46,00 €

    This book emphasizes the atom economy aspect of multicomponent reactions. Multicomponent reactions are widely applied to the preparation of complex and diverse molecular structures in academic and industrial research laboratories.

  • von Quanxi Gao & Feilong Tian
    47,00 - 64,00 €

    This book is a grand review of the centurial development of rule of law in China. It covers the most important issues in this area and presents "political constitution," a new interpretative framework that allows the Chinese experience of rule of law to be more fully and correctly expressed.

  • von Wei Zhang & Lu Yang
    47,00 €

    This SpringerBrief presents interference coordination techniques for future 5G cellular networks. The proposed schemes aim to deal with the inter-cell interference in multi-cell MIMO networks, cross-tier interference in device-to-device communications underlaying cellular network, and inter-network interference in cognitive radio networks.

  • von Zhe Wang & Wei Zhang
    47,00 €

    The results demonstrate the secondary performance is significantly improved by limited feedback and is further improved by more feedback bits, more secondary receivers and more primary side information.

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