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Bücher von Wesley Armstrong

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  • von Wesley Armstrong
    30,00 €

    ¡Descubre cómo puede utilizar el poder de las Terapias TCC, TDC y ACT para protegerte, mejorar tu bienestar mental y emocional y vivir una vida más feliz y satisfactoria! ¿Sufres de problemas de salud mental con regularidad?¿Has probado todas las píldoras, técnicas y métodos que recomiendan las "lecturas de 5 minutos" en línea?¿Quieres una guía holística paso a paso para superar tus desafíos de salud mental de una vez por todas? Si has respondido afirmativamente a cualquiera de estas preguntas, estás en el lugar correcto.Sin embargo, por la razón que sea, todavía parece haber cierto estigma sobre su discusión, aprendizaje o el recibir Terapia.De hecho, creo que hay muchas más personas que podrían beneficiarse de la Terapia de las que realmente van a la Terapia. Y ahí es donde este libro puede ayudarte a dar ese primer paso tan importante. Este libro no solo te ayudará a comprender los 3 tipos principales de Terapia: TCC, TDC y ACT, sino que, en lugar de ser solo un libro sobre teoría sin fin, te enseñaré técnicas reales y métodos prácticos que podrás comenzar a usar HOY, para ayudarte frente a cualquier situación con la que estés luchando actualmente. Te daré un plan básico que podrás usar para comenzar a lidiar verdaderamente con los problemas subyacentes detrás de tus luchas.A partir de ahí, te ayudaré a comprender qué es lo que hace que un terapeuta sea GRANDIOSO (en lugar de simplemente BUENO) y cómo encontrar uno que te ayude a largo plazo en tu situación, si quieres uno, por supuesto.Mereces ser emocional, mental y psicológicamente saludable.Te mereces ser feliz. Este libro te ayudará a emprender el camino hacia una vida más felíz y satisfactoria. Aquí hay una pequeña vista previa de lo que encontrarás dentro ...¿Por qué la TCC se ha vuelto tan popular? Una mirada práctica a la terapia cognitivo-conductual y 3 formas en que puede ayudarte a superar tu ansiedad, TOCS, depresión y más.¡7 técnicas simples, pero tremendamente efectivas para reducir tu depresión y ansiedad HOY!Cómo una práctica simple, que toma tan solo 5 minutos por día, podría reducir rápidamente su ansiedadExploración de los 3 fundamentos clave para la terapia basada en la aceptación y el compromiso, y cómo aplicarlos en tu vidaLa diferencia clave que separa al ACT de otras terapias ...Cómo identificar tus patrones de pensamiento irracionales cuando surgen y cómo hacer para que sean más acordes con la realidad acerca de tu situación actualCómo la procrastinación está relacionada con la salud mental y cómo puedes superar fácilmente la procrastinación con un método únicoCómo combinar espiritualidad y desarrollo personal, y cómo ambos pueden mejorar drásticamente tu salud mental...¡Y mucho más!

  • von Wesley Armstrong
    30,00 €

    Discover How You Can Use The Power Of CBT, DBT & ACT To Protect Yourself, Improve Your Mental & Emotional Wellbeing & Live A More Happy and Fulfilling Life! Do you suffer from Mental Health issues on a regular basis?Have you tried every pill, technique & method those '5 minute reads' online recommend?Do you want a step by step, holistic guide to overcoming your mental health challenges once and for all? If you answered yes to any of those questions, you're in the right place. Thankfully, it's more and more common in modern society for people to open up about their struggles with mental health. As a result, we're all able to begin our own healing journeys to a happier, healthier life. Yet, for whatever reason, there still seems to be some stigma about discussing, learning about, or getting Therapy. But Therapy, when done right, can be one of the best tools towards long term mental wellbeing & truly overcoming the mental health challenges you are suffering from by firstly identifying and then treating the root cause. In fact, I believe there are far more people who could benefit from Therapy than are actually going to Therapy. And that is where this book can help you take that all-important first step. Not only will this book help you understand the 3 main types of Therapy: CBT, DBT & ACT, but instead of just being a book on endless theory, I will give you actual techniques & practical methods you can start using TODAY to help you, whatever situation you're currently struggling with. I'll give you a basic blueprint you can use to start to truly deal with the underlying issues behind your struggles. From there, I'll help you understand what makes a therapist GREAT (instead of just OK) and how to find one that will help you long-term in your situation - if you want one, of course. You deserve to be emotionally, mentally & psychologically healthy.You deserve to be happy.This book will help you start on the path to a happier, more fulfilling life.Here's a Tiny Preview of What's Inside…Why Has CBT Become So Popular? A Practical Look At Cognitive Behavioral Therapy & 3 Ways It Can Help You Overcome Your Anxiety, OCD, Depression & More!7 Simple, Yet Wildly Effective, Techniques To Reduce The Severity Of Your Depression & Anxiety TODAY!How 1 Simple Practice Take Takes As Little As 5 Minutes Per Day Could Rapidly Reduce Your AnxietyThe Single Key difference That Separates ACT From Other Therapies…How Procrastination Is Linked To Mental Health & How You Can Easily Overcome Procrastination With This 1 MethodHow To Combine Spirituality & Personal Development, And How Both Can Drastically Improve Your Mental Health3 Must-Know Strategies For Breaking Your Bad Habits, And Building Habits That Support A Healthy, Happy LifestyleHow You Can Use Dialectical Behavioral Therapy To Transform Negative Thinking Patterns & Destructive Behaviors Into Positive Outcomes (And To Regulate Your Emotions, Healthily)...And SO Much More!

  • von Wesley Armstrong
    31,00 €

    Do you want the exact techniques to protect against Dark Psychology & Manipulation?We're never truly taught the importance of body language, despite Non-Verbal Communication (NVC) making up over 60% (some say up to 93%) of our communication.We're also never taught how to discern between those who are trying to manipulate us using Dark Psychology & persuasion, and those who genuinely have our best interests at heart.Luckily, that is exactly what this book is designed to do.In this book, I'll teach you the step-by-step process of how to master body language & become an effortless people analyzer, while also making sure you know how to protect yourself and your loved ones from the constant stream of manipulators out there.Are you ready to take your Emotional Intelligence to levels you never believed possible?Here's a preview of what's inside.. 7 easy to apply non-verbal techniques top politicians use to establish trust and authority in all situationsThe surprising truth about what eyelids, thumbs and feet can reveal about people's true motivesThe 3 things that are completely messing up your speed-reading abilities without you even knowing itThe truth about people's facial expressions and what this reveals about people's true feelings and intentions5 tips on how to get good at speed reading people3 strategies for protecting yourself against the dark psychology & manipulation that you are bombarded with on a daily basisHow you can use this 1 trick to emit confidence in all your interactions, even if you're the most anxious person known to man3 signs someone is lying to you and how to develop the 6th sense of becoming a 'human lie detector'6 essential step-by-step tips to decode people's body language and understand people's true motivations behind their behaviorsHow to develop your body language & project authority to prevent work colleagues, family and friends from treating you like a doormat5 simple habits you can use to prevent opening yourself up to mass manipulationWhy Emotional Intelligence is more valuable than IQ in today's worldHow to prevent mind control before it happens & how to snap yourself out of it when you're in a 'trance-like state'How to tell the difference between someone using tools such as NLP & hypnosis for positive reasons, and those trying to manipulate youHow To Use Reverse Psychology to get what you truly want (in an ethical and non-manipulative way)The 7 most common brainwashing techniques used to control you & how to deal with themDiscover the truth about why people lie along with 3 obvious giveaways that someone is lying to youand SO Much More!This book will help you to master body language, speed read people with ease & protect against the endless manipulation in our modern world!Get it now.

  • von Wesley Armstrong
    32,00 €

    Descubre cómo puedes aprender a leer rápidamente a las personas sin esfuerzo, entender realmente sus motivaciones y deseos aprendiendo a analizar a la gente y dominando el lenguaje corporal¿Quieres descubrir cómo analizar el comportamiento de las personas?¿Quieres decodificar el comportamiento de la gente mientras te proteges a ti mismo y a los demás de la psicología oscura y la manipulación? La comunicación no verbal constituye más del 60% (¡algunos creen que hasta el 93%!) de toda la comunicación. Sí, es así de importante. De todos modos, aquí hay un pequeño adelanto de lo que encontrarás dentro...7 técnicas no verbales fáciles de aplicar, que los políticos más populares utilizan, para establecer la confianza y la autoridad en todas las situaciones (¡quizás no siempre para bien!)La verdad sobre las expresiones faciales de las personas y lo que esto revela sobre sus verdaderos sentimientos e intencionesCómo aprovechar la superpotencia más infravalorada que existe: Lectura rápida de personas (¡Incluyendo 5 consejos para hacerte bueno rápidamente!)3 estrategias para protegerte contra la psicología oscura y la manipulación con la que se nos bombardea diariamente.Cómo puedes usar este truco para inspirar confianza en todas tus interacciones, incluso si eres la persona más ansiosa del universo.3 signos de que alguien te está mintiendo y cómo desarrollar el sexto sentido para convertirte en un "detector de mentiras humano".Cómo desarrollar tu lenguaje corporal y proyectar autoridad para evitar que tus colegas de trabajo, familia y amigos te traten como un felpudo.Y, ¡mucho, MUCHO más! Así que, si quieres convertirte en un maestro del análisis de la gente y revolucionar tu propio lenguaje corporal, mientras te proteges contra los manipuladores, desplázate hacia arriba y haz clic en "Añadir al carrito".

  • von Wesley Armstrong
    49,00 €

    Do you want the exact techniques to protect against Dark Psychology & Manipulation?We're never truly taught the importance of body language, despite Non-Verbal Communication (NVC) making up over 60% (some say up to 93%) of our communication.We're also never taught how to discern between those who are trying to manipulate us using Dark Psychology & persuasion, and those who genuinely have our best interests at heart.Luckily, that is exactly what this book is designed to do.In this book, I'll teach you the step-by-step process of how to master body language & become an effortless people analyzer, while also making sure you know how to protect yourself and your loved ones from the constant stream of manipulators out there.Are you ready to take your Emotional Intelligence to levels you never believed possible?Here's a preview of what's inside.. 7 easy to apply non-verbal techniques top politicians use to establish trust and authority in all situationsThe surprising truth about what eyelids, thumbs and feet can reveal about people's true motivesThe 3 things that are completely messing up your speed-reading abilities without you even knowing itThe truth about people's facial expressions and what this reveals about people's true feelings and intentions5 tips on how to get good at speed reading people3 strategies for protecting yourself against the dark psychology & manipulation that you are bombarded with on a daily basisHow you can use this 1 trick to emit confidence in all your interactions, even if you're the most anxious person known to man3 signs someone is lying to you and how to develop the 6th sense of becoming a 'human lie detector'6 essential step-by-step tips to decode people's body language and understand people's true motivations behind their behaviorsHow to develop your body language & project authority to prevent work colleagues, family and friends from treating you like a doormat5 simple habits you can use to prevent opening yourself up to mass manipulationWhy Emotional Intelligence is more valuable than IQ in today's worldHow to prevent mind control before it happens & how to snap yourself out of it when you're in a 'trance-like state'How to tell the difference between someone using tools such as NLP & hypnosis for positive reasons, and those trying to manipulate youHow To Use Reverse Psychology to get what you truly want (in an ethical and non-manipulative way)The 7 most common brainwashing techniques used to control you & how to deal with themDiscover the truth about why people lie along with 3 obvious giveaways that someone is lying to youand SO Much More!This book will help you to master body language, speed read people with ease & protect against the endless manipulation in our modern world!Get it now

  • von Wesley Armstrong
    37,00 €

  • - A Practical Guide To Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), DBT & ACT for Overcoming Social Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Depression, Phobias & Addictions
    von Wesley Armstrong
    28,00 - 33,00 €

  • von Wesley Armstrong
    30,00 €

  • - The Guide To Speed Reading People & Techniques Against Dark Persuasion & Mind Control
    38,00 €

    Discover How To Analyze People, Master Body Language & Protect Yourself Against The Bombardment Of Dark Psychology & Manipulation In Modern Society

  • - Discover How To Analyze Body Language & Increase Emotional Intelligence To Protect Against Persuasion, NLP, Narcissists & Mind Control Techniques
    24,00 - 31,00 €

    Discover How You Can Protect Yourself Against The Constant Manipulation & Dark Psychology You Are Bombarded With On A Daily Basis In The Modern World

  • - Una Guia Practica Para Leer a las Personas, la Inteligencia Emocional (IE) y Protegerte la manipulacion de la psicologia oscura
    24,00 - 31,00 €

    Descubre como puedes aprender a leer rapidamente a las personas sin esfuerzo, entender realmente sus motivaciones y deseos aprendiendo a analizar a la gente y dominando el lenguaje corporal

  • - A Practical Guide To Speed Reading People, Increasing Emotional Intelligence (EQ) & Protecting Against Manipulation By Dark Psychology
    22,00 - 30,00 €

    Discover How You Can Effortlessly Speed Read People, Truly understand Their Motives And Desires By learning How To Analyze People & Mastering Body Language!

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