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Bücher von Whitney Hanson

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  • von Whitney Hanson
    15,00 €

  • von Whitney Hanson
    19,00 €

  • von Whitney Hanson
    18,00 €

  • von Whitney Hanson
    15,00 €

    "From TikTok phenomenon Whitney Hanson, a brand-new collection of poems exploring the cadences of love, loss, grief, and healing. In this exquisite poetry collection, Whitney Hanson, chronicles the loss of a loved one, tracing the progression of grief and healing through the lens of music. We each begin with a simple note, but as life progresses, we're led to the next note, and the next-all of which combine to form the melody of a song and a life. As life becomes more complicated and complex, we find that loss, grief, and heartache can muffle our music, making the world go silent. But as Whitney's poems show, all of these rests and pauses in the music are part of the composition of life, and it is only by moving through the variations that we can find the harmony and grace that come with healing"--

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