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Bücher von Wolfgang Nolting

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  • von Wolfgang Nolting
    49,99 €

  • von Wolfgang Nolting
    44,99 €

  • von Wolfgang Nolting & Markus Donath
    47,00 €

  • - Thermodynamics
    von Wolfgang Nolting
    50,00 - 62,00 €

  • - Elektrodynamik
    von Wolfgang Nolting
    59,99 €

    Der Grundkurs Theoretische Physik deckt in sieben Banden alle fur Bachelor-, Master- oder Diplom-Studiengange mageblichen Gebiete ab. Jeder Band vermittelt gut durchdacht das im jeweiligen Semester benotigte theoretisch-physikalische Wissen. Der 3. Band behandelt die Elektrodynamik in ihrer induktiven Formulierung. Mathematische Inhalte (Vektoranalysis) werden immer dann in den Text eingeschoben, wenn sie fur das weitere Verstandnis unverzichtbar sind. Der Band enthalt in der 10. Auflage mehr als 200 Abbildungen, neue Ubungsaufgaben und Losungen und ist im Ganzen uberarbeitet und aktualisiert worden.

  • - Fundamentals of Many-body Physics
    von Wolfgang Nolting
    87,00 €

    This textbook addresses the special physics of many-particle systems, especially those dominated by correlation effects. It develops modern methods to treat such systems and demonstrates their application through numerous appropriate exercises, mainly from the field of solid state physics. The book is written in a tutorial style appropriate for those who want to learn many-body theory and eventually to use this to do research work in this field. The exercises, together with full solutions for evaluating one's performance, help to deepen understanding of the main aspects of many-particle systems.This revised second edition presents new sections on the finite-temperature Matsubara formalism, in particular with respect to Dyson equation, the Hartree-Fock approximation, second order perturbation theory, spin density waves, Hubbard model, Jellium model, quasi particles, Fermi liquids and multi particle Matsubara functions.Completing the outstanding Theoretical Physics series, this book will be a valuable resource for advanced students and researchers alike.

  • - Statistical Physics
    von Wolfgang Nolting
    79,00 €

    This textbook offers a clear and comprehensive introduction to statistical physics, one of the core components of advanced undergraduate physics courses. It follows on naturally from the previous volumes in this series, using methods of probability theory and statistics to solve physical problems. The first part of the book gives a detailed overview on classical statistical physics and introduces all mathematical tools needed. The second part of the book covers topics related to quantized states, gives a thorough introduction to quantum statistics, followed by a concise treatment of quantum gases. Ideally suited to undergraduate students with some grounding in quantum mechanics, the book is enhanced throughout with learning features such as boxed inserts and chapter summaries, with key mathematical derivations highlighted to aid understanding. The text is supported by numerous worked examples and end of chapter problem sets. About the Theoretical Physics series Translated from the renowned and highly successful German editions, the eight volumes of this series cover the complete core curriculum of theoretical physics at undergraduate level. Each volume is self-contained and provides all the material necessary for the individual course topic. Numerous problems with detailed solutions support a deeper understanding. Wolfgang Nolting is famous for his refined didactical style and has been referred to as the "German Feynman" in reviews.

  • - Thermodynamik
    von Wolfgang Nolting
    39,99 €

    Die beliebte Lehrbuchreihe zur Theoretischen Physik deckt in sieben Bänden alle für den Bachelor-/Masterstudiengang maßgeblichen Gebiete ab. Jeder Band vermittelt gut durchdacht das im jeweiligen Semester nötige theoretische-physikalische Rüstzeug. Zahlreiche Übungsaufgaben mit ausführlichen Lösungen dienen der Vertiefung des Stoffes. Die vorliegende 9. Auflage des 4 Bandes erfolgt nun in zwei getrennten Bänden. Der neue Band 4/2 behandelt ausschließlich die klassische Thermodynamik als phänomenologische Theorie.Die vorliegende neue Auflage wurde grundlegend überarbeitet und ergänzt. Die durchgehend zweifarbige Darstellung ermöglicht einen übersichtlichen und schnellen Zugriff auf den Lehrstoff.

  • - Spezielle Relativitatstheorie
    von Wolfgang Nolting
    19,99 €

  • - Quantum Mechanics - Methods and Applications
    von Wolfgang Nolting
    59,00 €

    This textbook offers a clear and comprehensive introduction to methods and applications in quantum mechanics, one of the core components of undergraduate physics courses.  It follows on naturally from the previous volumes in this series, thus developing the understanding of quantized states further on. The first part of the book introduces the quantum theory of angular momentum and approximation methods. More complex themes are covered in the second part of the book, which describes multiple particle systems and scattering theory.  Ideally suited to undergraduate students with some grounding in the basics of quantum mechanics, the book is enhanced throughout with learning features such as boxed inserts and chapter summaries, with key mathematical derivations highlighted to aid understanding.  The text is supported by numerous worked examples and end of chapter problem sets. About the Theoretical Physics series Translated from the renowned and highly successful German editions, the eight volumes of this series cover the complete core curriculum of theoretical physics at undergraduate level. Each volume is self-contained and provides all the material necessary for the individual course topic. Numerous problems with detailed solutions support a deeper understanding.  Wolfgang Nolting is famous for his refined didactical style and has been referred to as the "German Feynman" in reviews.

  • - Quantum Mechanics - Basics
    von Wolfgang Nolting
    79,00 €

    This textbook offers a clear and comprehensive introduction to the basics of quantum mechanics, one of the core components of undergraduate physics courses. It follows on naturally from the previous volumes in this series, thus developing the physical understanding further on to quantized states. The first part of the book introduces wave equations while exploring the Schrödinger equation and the hydrogen atom. More complex themes are covered in the second part of the book, which describes the Dirac formulism of quantum mechanics. Ideally suited to undergraduate students with some grounding in classical mechanics and electrodynamics, the book is enhanced throughout with learning features such as boxed inserts and chapter summaries, with key mathematical derivations highlighted to aid understanding. The text is supported by numerous worked examples and end of chapter problem sets.About the Theoretical Physics series Translated from the renowned and highly successful German editions, the eight volumes of this series cover the complete core curriculum of theoretical physics at undergraduate level. Each volume is self-contained and provides all the material necessary for the individual course topic. Numerous problems with detailed solutions support a deeper understanding. Wolfgang Nolting is famous for his refined didactical style and has been referred to as the "German Feynman" in reviews.

  • - Special Theory of Relativity
    von Wolfgang Nolting
    35,00 €

    This concise textbook offers a clear and comprehensive introduction to special relativity, one of the core components of undergraduate physics courses. It follows on naturally from the previous volumes in this series, thus developing the relativistic expansion of classical mechanics and electrodynamics. The first part of the book introduces Lorentz transformations, time dilation, length contraction and Minkowski diagrams. More complex themes are covered in the second part of the book, which describes the four-dimensional covariant formulation for classical mechanics and electrodynamics, including discussion of Maxwell¿s equations, the Lorentz force and the covariant Lagrangian formulation. Ideally suited to undergraduate students with some grounding in classical mechanics and electrodynamics, the book is enhanced throughout with learning features such as boxed inserts and chapter summaries, with key mathematical derivations highlighted to aid understanding. The text is supported by numerous worked examples and end of chapter problem sets. About the Theoretical Physics series Translated from the renowned and highly successful German editions, the eight volumes of this series cover the complete core curriculum of theoretical physics at undergraduate level. Each volume is self-contained and provides all the material necessary for the individual course topic. Numerous problems with detailed solutions support a deeper understanding. Wolfgang Nolting is famous for his refined didactical style and has been referred to as the "German Feynman" in reviews.

  • - Electrodynamics
    von Wolfgang Nolting
    96,00 €

    Band 3 des Grundkurses Theoretische Physik behandelt die Elektrodynamik in ihrer induktiven Formulierung. Mathematische Inhalte werden erwahnt, soweit sie fur das Verstandnis unverzichtbar sind. Das 7-bandige Werk deckt alle wichtigen Gebiete im Studium ab.

  • - Analytical Mechanics
    von Wolfgang Nolting
    70,00 €

    This textbook offers a clear and comprehensive introduction to analytical mechanics, one of the core components of undergraduate physics courses. The book starts with a thorough introduction into Lagrangian mechanics, detailing the d¿Alembert principle, Hamilton¿s principle and conservation laws. It continues with an in-depth explanation of Hamiltonian mechanics, illustrated by canonical and Legendre transformation, the generalization to quantum mechanics through Poisson brackets and all relevant variational principles. Finally, the Hamilton-Jacobi theory and the transition to wave mechanics are presented in detail.Ideally suited to undergraduate students with some grounding in classical mechanics, the book is enhanced throughout with learning features such as boxed inserts and chapter summaries, with key mathematical derivations highlighted to aid understanding. The text is supported by numerous worked examples and end of chapter problem sets. About the Theoretical Physics series Translated from the renowned and highly successful German editions, the eight volumes of this series cover the complete core curriculum of theoretical physics at undergraduate level. Each volume is self-contained and provides all the material necessary for the individual course topic. Numerous problems with detailed solutions support a deeper understanding. Wolfgang Nolting is famous for his refined didactical style and has been referred to as the "German Feynman" in reviews.

  • - Classical Mechanics
    von Wolfgang Nolting
    95,00 €

    This textbook offers a clear and comprehensive introduction to classical mechanics, one of the core components of undergraduate physics courses. The book starts with a thorough introduction to the mathematical tools needed, to make this textbook self-contained for learning. The second part of the book introduces the mechanics of the free mass point and details conservation principles. The third part expands the previous to mechanics of many particle systems. Finally the mechanics of the rigid body is illustrated with rotational forces, inertia and gyroscope movement.Ideally suited to undergraduate students in their first year, the book is enhanced throughout with learning features such as boxed inserts and chapter summaries, with key mathematical derivations highlighted to aid understanding. The text is supported by numerous worked examples and end of chapter problem sets. About the Theoretical Physics series Translated from the renowned and highly successful German editions, the eight volumes of this series cover the complete core curriculum of theoretical physics at undergraduate level. Each volume is self-contained and provides all the material necessary for the individual course topic. Numerous problems with detailed solutions support a deeper understanding. Nolting is famous for his refined didactical style and has been referred to as the "German Feynman" in reviews.

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