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Bücher von Zacharias Tanee Fomum

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  • von Zacharias Tanee Fomum
    20,00 €

    Ce livre vise à t'emmener à posséder Christ et à le laisser te posséder totalement afin de voir la puissance de Dieu agir puissamment pour la gloire de Christ.Le but ultime de Dieu est que l'église manifeste et libère Sa pleine et totale puissance.La totalité de cette puissance est à l'¿uvre aujourd'hui dans la personne du Saint Esprit habitant l'esprit de l'homme, donnant la possibilité au croyant de manifester cette puissance d'une manière extraordinaire.Le fardeau du professeur Fomum dans ce livre est de montrer qu'au-delà du fait que la puissance de Dieu peut se manifester, se répandre à travers des canaux tels que la discipline, la parole, la sainteté, etc., nous devons fixer nos regards sur Jésus car il est la plénitude de la divinité.Le fardeau du professeur Fomum dans ce livre est de montrer qu'au-delà du fait que la puissance de Dieu peut se manifester, se répandre à travers des canaux tels que la discipline, la parole, la sainteté, les dons de puissance, etc., nous devons fixer nos regards sur Jésus car il est la plénitude de la divinité.

  • von Zacharias Tanee Fomum
    20,00 €

    Voici un livre qui nous présente les voies et moyens pour expérimenter la délivrance du péché de l'adultère et de la fornication.Dans son introduction, l'auteur signale qu'il s'agit d'un livre pour les croyants qui ont reçu Jésus Christ; car le sexe opposé a été, jusqu'à ce jour, une grande pierre d'achoppement pour bon nombre d'enfants de Dieu et de serviteurs de Dieu.L'auteur, Z.T. Fomum, présente ce péché dans toutes les formes sous lesquelles il se manifeste. Il présente le Seigneur Jésus Christ comme libérateur et donne des applications pratiques pour une marche dans la victoire totale à l'égard de ce péché, de l'emprise duquel plusieurs personnes, voudraient être libérées.Lis ce livre! Plusieurs témoignent de ses bienfaits.

  • von Zacharias Tanee Fomum
    21,00 €

    Dans un monde où l'église semble souvent impuissante et où les vies des croyants contredisent leur foi proclamée, un besoin désespéré de puissance spirituelle émerge. Z.T. Fomum révèle que cette puissance, provenant du Père, du Fils et du Saint-Esprit, détient la clé pour incarner le caractère et les actions du Christ.Cependant, de nombreux croyants se trouvent sans pouvoir face aux afflictions, aux démons et aux doutes. Fomum remet en question la dépendance prédominante envers les techniques et les organisations humaines, appelant à un retour à la puissance de la présence de Dieu. À travers des prières sincères, une immersion profonde dans la Parole et une poursuite de la sainteté, les lecteurs découvriront les canaux qui appellent à l'intervention divine.Le Chemin de la Puissance Spirituelle souligne la nécessité d'embrasser la sainteté et l'obéissance dans ce voyage. L'auteur démontre que ceux qui abandonnent leur vie au Seigneur et coopèrent avec Lui feront l'expérience du pouvoir de transformation de la puissance spirituelle. À chaque pas en avant, leur compréhension du Seigneur et de Ses capacités impressionnantes s'approfondira.Ce livre sert comme un catalyseur pour éveiller une profonde soif pour le Seigneur et Sa puissance incomparable. Ses pages inspirent un voyage remarquable où l'ordinaire devient extraordinaire et où la présence de Dieu se manifeste dans tous les aspects de la vie.

  • von Zacharias Tanee Fomum
    19,00 €

    Ce livre présente la souffrance pour le Seigneur comme une chose inévitable, comme l'une des grandes promesses du Seigneur Jésus Christ à tous ceux qui sont déterminés à le servir dans la fidélité, comme il mérite d'être servi.Z.T. Fomum démontre à travers des enseignements de Jésus Christ qu'il est impossible d'échapper à la persécution tout en demeurant vrai envers le Seigneur. Aussi, l'église doit être préparée solidement afin de tenir ferme et inébranlable toutes les fois qu'elle sera visitée par les vagues de la persécution.Vous trouverez dans ce livre des stratégies et des méthodes pour déjouer les ruses et frustrer les desseins du diable et du persécuteur (le diable).Un ouvrage dont le message ne doit être jamais oublié.

  • von Zacharias Tanee Fomum
    17,00 €

    Cada pessoa é responsável pelo tipo de coração que possui.Inspirado pela parábola do semeador, o professor Fomum ensina sobre os diferentes tipos de coração:O coração ao longo do caminho,O coração de pedra,O coração espinhoso,O bom coração.O autor explica a importância do coração e apresenta as características de cada um, mostrando que cada pessoa é responsável pelo tipo de coração que possui.Para ter um coração que seja um bom solo, é preciso derrubar seu ego e livrar seu coração de todas as formas de ídolos. O autor também falou longamente sobre como dar frutos abundantes.Vale a pena estudar esse livro para uma mudança radical de coração e para ter um ministério evangelístico frutífero, pois, como disse o autor, "é o fruto maduro que produz o fruto maduro!"

  • von Zacharias Tanee Fomum
    19,00 €

    L'état de la conscience, la foi et la vie remplie de l'Esprit sont en relation. Le péché, la désobéissance, l'endurcissement et l'impureté détruit la conscience et produit une conscience souillée, et quand la conscience est souillée la foi ne peut pas naitre. Le manque de repentance, et un c¿ur endurci produit une conscience obscurcie et flétrie au point où quand Dieu parle tu ne ressens plus rien.Ce livre du Professeur Fomum est une description de l'état de la conscience de l'homme dont le fardeau est d'amener chaque croyant à coopérer avec Dieu pour avoir une conscience claire devant Dieu et devant l'homme; une forte et claire conscience parle de la possibilité de laisser entrer la lumière de Dieu, car la conscience forte est pleine du Saint-Esprit.A partir d'une explication détaillée de chaque état de la conscience, le professeur Fomum démontre que le Seigneur a fait tout son possible pour se rassurer que chaque croyant ait une conscience qui fonctionne au niveau le plus élevé possible. Sa prière est que chacun puisse entrer dans la santé de Dieu pour sa conscience et devenir tout ce que Dieu veut qu'il devienne dans sa relation avec Lui.Puisses-tu lire ce livre afin d'accomplir tout ce qu'il t'a demandé de faire pour ses desseins éternels.

  • von Zacharias Tanee Fomum
    19,00 €

    What does it mean to be filled with the Holy Spirit?How can believers experience the transformative power of the Spirit in their lives?This book, In the Power of Another, is a treasure trove of divine wisdom and insight, birthed out of the author's intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit. Although Z.T. Fomum often acknowledged his human frailty, his life and ministry were transformed by the mighty power of the Holy Spirit.Through his personal testimony, the author reminds the readers that the Holy Spirit is the ultimate solution to all problems in the believer's relationship with God. The Holy Spirit is not merely a theological concept but a living and breathing reality that has the power to revolutionize our lives. The Holy Spirit is the key to unlocking our full potential in Christ.In the Power of Another will help you understand the principle of giving your ALL to God, which in turn brings down the ALL of God through the infilling of the Holy Spirit.If you desire to experience the power of God in your life and to serve Him more effectively, then In the Power of Another is the book for you.

  • von Zacharias Tanee Fomum
    19,00 €

    In May 2003, Professor Z.T. Fomum and a team of dedicated pastors led a Salvation, Healing, and Deliverance Convention in the city of Douala, Cameroon. This book is a riveting account of this convention that became a powerful testament to the enduring miracles, signs, and wonders performed in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.Through the compelling synthesis of these sixteen days, you will experience the unaltered reality and unyielding power of Jesus in providing salvation, healing, and deliverance from the clutches of demons and curses. The testimonies shared by participants is a profound declaration that Jesus Christ has not changed, and His ability to transform lives remains as potent as ever.Published as both a testimony and an offering of gratitude to the Lord, the book will inspire and encourage you to embrace the salvation, healing, and deliverance that Jesus offers.

  • von Zacharias Tanee Fomum
    35,00 €

    Miracles, Healings, and Deliverances by Professor Zacharias Tanee Fomum is a captivating and breathtaking compilation of supernatural encounters, with a treasure trove of over 1000 testimonials, showcasing the remarkable healings, deliverances, and miraculous interventions witnessed throughout his impactful ministry.Brace yourself for a riveting journey into the realm of the extraordinary, where headaches are banished, diseases are cured, and lives are forever transformed, demonstrating the boundless love and compassion of our Heavenly Father.As you immerse yourself in these testimonies and exhilarating journey of faith, where the sick are made whole and the broken find restoration, may your own faith be revived, and may the Lord bring healing to your life.We attribute all glory to Jesus Christ, the source of every miraculous work. Amen!

  • von Zacharias Tanee Fomum
    22,00 €

    Many marriages end in divorce, and even those that do not end in physical separation are largely broken. Many people are just managing to keep it up because the laws of society demand it, or because of the children. Many people discover in the marriage relationship that they made a tragic mistake. They married the wrong person. They made an irreversible mistake in their choice.The crucial prerequisite for a happy marriage is that both parties be in the centre of God's will for them; that they be rightly related to God, understand what God wants marriage to be, and be committed to that purpose. It also demands that the partners know themselves, know what they want in the partner, look for the right person and make the right choice. After the choice has been made, the relationship needs also to be rightly handled for it to truly succeed.We believe that God meant marriage to be a wonderful experience - a foretaste of heaven on earth. We believe that He has the right partner for you and that if you co-operate with Him, you will find that partner and be truly blessed. The question is, "Who is that partner? How can I find him/her? How can we carry out our relationship so that it remains a blessing?" This book will tell you.God bless you!

  • von Zacharias Tanee Fomum
    21,00 €

    "This book is light. If you got married in darkness, read it; it will help your marriage to come out of darkness."God is the Author of the marriage institution. A successful marriage begins in God, continues in God, leans entirely on God, and culminates in God.Marriage was also meant to be a lifelong wonderful experience; yes, a kind of "heaven on earth." However, marriage for many, has played out differently as "hell on earth."In this one-of-a-kind book, Z.T. Fomum postulates a number of factors that may help heal already broken marriages. These factors, if obeyed, will make good marriages better and better marriages best.The author expounds on the basic problems of marriage, such as:sexual matters,financial matters,the problem of children in marriage,servants in a home, as well as the thorny problem offamily members.It is a book to read in order to find a lasting solution to these problems.It is a tool that the Holy Spirit can use to make your married life pleasant.

  • von Zacharias Tanee Fomum
    18,00 €

    This book deals with the problems encountered in the premarital life. It looks at the sexual life, when it should be started, and the solution to the problems that arise from it. These solutions are brought forth to ensure lasting happiness.God is the Creator of sexual intercourse. He wanted men to enjoy it, but only on the condition that it happens according to established rules. However, many, willingly or out of ignorance, violate this rule by abusing their sexual lives with all forms of vices.The kind of premarital life you lead has multiple consequences, with a real impact, on the present, and on the future. God, in His love, has given us salvation through the incarnation of Christ, His death, and His resurrection.Illustrated by several testimonies of healing and restoration, you will find, in this book, the answer to your problem.

  • von Zacharias Tanee Fomum
    20,00 €

    You will not find superfluous ideas in this book.The author, Z.T. Fomum, presents, with clarity and doctrinal accuracy, the conditions for becoming and remaining a disciple of Jesus, as the Lord Himself intended and taught them.After repentance, new converts have before them two fundamental possibilities: whether or not to become disciples of Jesus.The choice to be a disciple is fundamental in the way of discipleship. The conditions to be fulfilled for one to be a disciple of Christ are abundantly developed.The disciple, in the upward call of God in Christ, must work hard and, with the help of the Holy Spirit, avoid the many detours that are generally characterised by disobedience, love of the world, love of the self, immoral thoughts, tangled emotions, and carnal ambitions.This book is a must-read. It is to be read in a spirit of prayer and obedience.

  • von Zacharias Tanee Fomum
    21,00 €

    In the ongoing war between God and the forces of darkness, you are an integral part, whether you realize it or not. If you have accepted the Lord Jesus as your Savior, God has enlisted you in His army, calling you to fight alongside Him. However, if you have not yet embraced Him, you find yourself aligned with the enemy, fully enlisted in the devil's army, even with the best of intentions.Whether you belong to the Lord Jesus or not, the devil seeks to ensure your allegiance remains with him. If you are a believer, he aims to render you ineffective or turn you into a spy to betray the Lord. Neutrality is not an option. Every thought, word, and deed aligns you with one side or the other. Your choices determine whether you contribute to the advancement of God's kingdom or the devil's domain."The Way of Spiritual Warfare" proclaims the great victory won by the Lord Jesus on the cross. With deep reverence for the truth, Z.T. Fomum presents Jesus as the Savior, Teacher, Deliverer, Healer, and Victor, drawing from personal experiences and the profound insights of influential works such as "Love not the World" by Watchman Nee and "War on the Saints" by Jessie Penn-Lewis.Complemented by companion volumes, "Deliverance from Demons" and "The Overthrow of Principalities," this book provides a comprehensive understanding of spiritual warfare.

  • von Zacharias Tanee Fomum
    21,00 €

    Too often, believers find themselves trapped in a "human-centered theology," where they focus solely on their own accomplishments and rely on their strength. However, this book presents a compelling argument for a shift in perspective, urging you to embrace the immeasurable strength and boundless love of the Lord.With an unwavering emphasis on grace and the magnificence of God's divine plans, the author, Z.T. Fomum speaks directly to the hearts of both believers and backsliders, offering solace and inspiration. A profound exploration of God's abundant provision through the indwelling Holy Spirit is presented. By unveiling the reasons behind the sorrow and disillusion that plague many believers today, it is evident that these struggles arise from a lack of awareness and understanding of God's limitless power and purpose.This book will teach you how the Holy Spirit can fill your faith with a sense of completeness, enabling you to overcome feelings of sadness and frustration.Ultimately, it offers a message of hope and spiritual encouragement that will leave you with a deeper love for God.

  • von Zacharias Tanee Fomum
    19,00 €

    This book, "Come Back Home, My Son. I Still Love You", is the first book in the series: "God Loves You." The series has its goal to bring every human being into a reconciling experience with God that will set him free from all his sin and bring him into union with the living God; a union that begins in time and continues in eternity.In "Come Back Home, My Son. I Still Love You", the deliberate separation from God is presented and the unhappy fruit that man reaps because of his separation from God is exposed. The love of God for rebellious and independent man is brought out clearly. Finally, the beauty of the warm reception that man received upon turning back from his erring ways and returning to his Father (God) and his Father's house, is demonstrated very convincingly.This book is a must reading for you. You must read it to see most clearly the goodness of God towards you. You must read it to come to grips with the fact that you are living in independence from God by personal choice. You must read it to confront the consequences of your rebellion from God, consequences which are very clearly manifested in your life. You must read it in order to be fully persuaded of God 's limitless love for you, a love that has moved Him to work everything out, so that you may come back home to Him and to His love. You must read it so as to know what you must do to go back to God today. Finally, you must read it so as to go back to God today. Now read on.

  • von Zacharias Tanee Fomum
    19,00 €

    I believe that there are some who yearn in an increasing way for the Lord, and in whose hearts the evidence of His soon coming awakens, with each passing day, greater desires to see Him-the Hope of the Ages-face to face. It is because of the presence of such saints in the church today, though their number be few, that I dare share these feelings of my heart in this way.The Way of Loving the Lord is very different from many of the books in The Christian Way Series. It is not an attempt to present the Bible's position on some aspects of Christian Truth. Rather, it is an expression of the yearning and longing-the spiritual emotions of my heart-after the Lord Jesus.May you read this book and be motivated to seek the Beloved, so that the unique desire of your heart should be to know Him and see Him face to face.

  • von Zacharias Tanee Fomum
    21,00 €

    The contents of this book are fundamental. God calls all who are His to a sanctified life. The life of a believer in which sin reigns is subnormal. However, many believers find themselves bound by sin. They are like Lazarus walking out of the tomb with life, but in bondage.In this book, we have attempted to show as clearly as we can, the way to deliverance from sin. We do not believe that anyone can be as sinless as the Lord Jesus was while in this body of flesh, but this state is already accomplished in the Lord Jesus and therefore, we can be delivered once and for all from the bondage of sin. We also see that this deliverance, though entered into as a crisis, must be maintained daily by a very close walk with the Lord, in full co-operation with Him, by the use ofthe sanctified mind.The Psalmist asked, "How can a young man keep his way pure?" He provided the answer as follows, "By guarding it according to thy word. With my whole heart I seek thee, let me not wander from thy commandment! I have laid up thy word in my heart, that I might not sin against thee. Blessed be thou, O Lord; teach me thy statutes! With my lips I declare all the ordinances of thy mouth. In the way of thy testimonies I delight as much as in all riches. I will meditate on thy precepts, and fix my eyes on thy ways. I will delight in thy statutes; I will not forget thy word" (Psalm 119:9-16).We believe with him that daily Bible study and prayer (The Quiet Time) is indispensable in maintaining the sanctified life which is first entered into by faith in the finished work of Christ.Holiness is not just the absence of sin. It includes conformity to God. Sanctification is an aspect of holiness. Our prayer is that the Lord will use this book to work out sanctification in many lives and that many will attain unto "the holiness without which no one will see the Lord."

  • von Zacharias Tanee Fomum
    21,00 €

    There are many people who are physically sick. Some have diseases that are visible from the outside of their bodies while others have diseases that are hidden inside their bodies. These need healing. Jesus Christ is the Answer to their need.There are other people whose sicknesses are deeper than the physical dimension. They are crippled by fear, bitterness, jealousy and the like. Psychologists are doing the best that they can to provide answers for these people.We, however, believe that Jesus is the right Answer for these people as well. He is God's Answer to all of man's need of healing and health. He has provided in His death, resurrection and enthronement, all that man needs for total healing at all levels.The believer is called to enter into all that the Lord Jesus has provided for his total healing. He must co-operate with the Lord Jesus in order to enter into all that the Lord has provided for him. Sometimes this co-operation will demand that he, too, like his Lord, take up his cross, follow his Lord and die on it - to his love of "self" in all its forms. Out of this death comes, not only perfect inner healing, but also perfect inner health in perpetuity.This book is a modest attempt to enable the believer to receive inner healing and enjoy inner health.I consider it a great privilege to have been used by the Lord to minister to His children through this book. It is my prayer that it should help some who are bound by fear, jealousy, bitterness, lovelessness and the like, to enter into the glorious liberty of the sons of God.

  • von Zacharias Tanee Fomum
    17,00 €

    This book is not written to attack the modern practice of medicine. We thank God for modern medicine and all that it is doing to relieve pain.However, without the touch of God, medicine cannot heal. God is the Healer. Jesus is the Healer. He can work through modern medicine and He can work without medicine. He is not limited. He is God. You can turn to Him and be healed of your disease, and when doctors tell you that your case is hopeless, God remains your hope. Turn to Him and receive your miracle from Him.You may want me to stand with you in prayer and fasting for your healing. I will gladly do so. Please read this book and act on its message. When you have received your healing, write and share it with me so that, together, we may praise the Lord who has healed you. God bless you abundantly.

  • von Zacharias Tanee Fomum
    19,00 €

    The book of Ephesians, on which this study is based, was not written to independent individuals. It was written to the church. All of God's power is available to us in the context of the church.Total power was manifested in Christ, the Head of the church. After that, God has purposed that His total power would be manifested not in the arm, foot or eye, but in the whole body; the body of Christ, which is the church.The church is not a human creation. The church is not a creation of the apostles. The church is the creation of the Triune God. The church was in the mind of the Triune God-Father, Son and Holy Spirit - from the very beginning.The purposes of God are tied to the church. The exaltation of Christ has the church in view. It has nothing else in view. In a sense, He has only the church in mind. He does not have individual believers in mind, even if they are very consecrated and holy.Unless I find my place in the church, in the local context, I have missed it all; I am out of His purpose. Unless I see myself, my character, and my work, in the context of that which God has set Christ as head, I have missed it. It is from this perspective that the Lord Jesus could say, …I will build my church, and the powers of death shall not prevail against it (Matthew 16:16).

  • von Zacharias Tanee Fomum
    17,00 €

    If you remove idols from your heart, the Holy Spirit will fill you. If you leave the idols there, the Holy Spirit will also leave you alone. What will you do with the idols in your heart?Do you know what took away the love that you had for Jesus? It could be a more dangerous situation not to know what took away your first love for Him. If you do not know, how then will you be restored? If you know what stood between the Lord and you, put it away immediately. Do not relent until the barrier or barriers are removed.God follows a specific pattern to prepare people for service. First, the blood of the Lamb and then the anointing of the Holy Spirit. In preparation for Pentecost, firstly you need cleansing by the blood, then the anointing of the Holy Spirit can come. The cleansing power of the blood must cleanse a life before the Holy Spirit falls on that life.Where the blood has cleansed, the Spirit may fall! What qualifies a person for the anointing of the Holy Spirit is the cleansing by the blood of the Lamb. Total filling requires total cleansing!It is self-seduction to expose and repent of some sins but leave others, while expecting to be totally filled. Until the blood has cleansed, the oil cannot come. We repeat, the Holy Spirit can only fall upon the person who has been cleansed by the blood.

  • von Zacharias Tanee Fomum
    22,00 €

    In this book, the author, Z.T. Fomum, highlights the need for God to have men and women determined and committed to the triumph and glory of God. He's looking for people who are ready for critical battles requiring faith and obedience.The author explains that the Lord is looking for groups of individual overcomers that He will use. Ultimately, He wants the whole Body, the Bride of His Son, to be committed to establishing the kingdom of God on earth through their lives of sacrifice and total surrender.All this is illustrated bythe life of Gideon and the 300 overcomers,the life of an individual overcomer like Caleb,an overcomer at work like Joshua, and then, finally,the church and the overcomers.This book is a real instrument of revival in order to lead each saint to cooperate with the Holy Spirit toovercome the flesh and its desires,overcome the world and its desires,overcome the devil and his inspired desires.

  • von Zacharias Tanee Fomum
    23,00 €

    God gives limitless authority to those whom He places in leadership. He backs them without any reservation but judges them with the greatest severity. Divine privileges carry with them great responsibilities.Are you a spiritual leader at any level?Is someone looking up to you to lead them to Christ or along the Christian way?Has God called you to lead one or more people out of the captivity of sin and self into the fullness of the obedient and sanctified life?Are you at a loss on how to become and continue to be the spiritual leader that God meant you to be?In Spiritual Leadership in the Pattern of Moses, the author, Z.T. Fomum, will take you through the necessary ingredients required to build the leadership wealth that sets you apart and promotes a mere seeker after God into a spiritual leader. He highlights twelve different sources of rebellion among God's people and their causes and provides godly solutions/pathways for each type.If you are looking for divine guidance in spiritual leadership delegation and succession or leadership perils and how to avoid them, then this is the book you need.From another angle, the author demonstrates that leadership is conditioned on a life sacrificed, spent, and sold out for others. It all starts with a deep and intimate knowledge of God, without which all spiritual leadership exercised would be from skill, talent, or natural endowment. Such can never satisfy God's heart; neither can it lead God's people to their destiny.If God has called you to lead one or more people, then this is a must-read for you!

  • von Zacharias Tanee Fomum
    14,00 €

    In this book: A Word to the Students, Professor Fomum, based on his personal testimony, makes it clear that the student life is not incompatible with a rich spiritual life. Rather, academic excellence depends on the priority the student gives to God during his student years.This book overturns many misconceptions supported by Christians to justify their mediocrity at the University. Indeed, the student years are the most determinant because it is the time a person ought to walk with God with all his strength and invest his all in his studies.The author argues that the best certificates are for believers, and gives the secret in this book. Indeed, if God has destined you for university studies, you have to honour Him by putting in your best efforts to achieve the results that God expects of you.Among the obstacles to a successful academic life, the author cites, among others,The lack of a sense of destiny,Emotional entanglementEtc.Read this book, and may you be blessed.

  • von Zacharias Tanee Fomum
    19,00 €

    God created man in His image and likeness but when man sinned, he became susceptible to diseases and infirmities some of which medical science has failed to treat. Worse still, sin will take the sinner to hell unless he repents radically.The son of man, the Lord Jesus came to seek and to save what was lost.In this action-packed book, Professor Fomum shares some of the lessons the Lord is teaching him. The fact that God ordainedsalvation from sin,healing of all sickness,freedom from curses and demons, anda life of blessingsas one complete package paid for by the Lord Jesus.Using examples from the old and New Testament and also the fruit of his ministry, this book is a powerful witness to the living, healing, and abiding grace of God in the lives of His people.

  • von Zacharias Tanee Fomum
    19,00 €

    ''... I was praying in my room at 5 pm, yearning for the supernatural power that would allow me to preach at a 'Christian union' meeting at Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda. I didn't expect anything in particular other than reassurance that the Lord would come with us to this meeting. I hadn't prayed for more than five minutes yet when suddenly I found myself praying out loud, actually shouting praises to God in other tongues ...'' We take these words from author Z.T. Fomum describing his experience of the baptism into the Holy Spirit, which was followed by tremendous success in the ministry of evangelism. This experience of the author justifies the publication of this book in which is all the advice needed to be baptised in the Holy Spirit and to remain there.

  • von Zacharias Tanee Fomum
    20,00 €

    In a world where the church often appears powerless and believers' lives contradict their proclaimed faith, a desperate need for spiritual power arises. Z.T. Fomum reveals that this power, originating from the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, holds the key to embodying the character and deeds of Christ.However, many believers find themselves standing powerless in the face of afflictions, demons, and doubt. Fomum challenges the prevailing reliance on human techniques and organizations, urging a return to the power of God's presence. Through heartfelt prayers, deep immersion in the Word, and a pursuit of holiness, readers will discover the channels that beckon divine intervention.The Way of Spiritual Power emphasizes the necessity of embracing holiness and obedience on this journey. The author demonstrates that those who surrender their lives to the Lord and cooperate with Him will experience the transformative might of spiritual power. With each step forward, their understanding of the Lord and His awe-inspiring abilities will deepen.This book serves as a catalyst to awaken a profound hunger for the Lord and His matchless power. Its pages inspire a remarkable journey where the ordinary becomes extraordinary, and the presence of God manifests in every aspect of life.

  • von Zacharias Tanee Fomum
    23,00 €

    This is one of the most serious books the author has written!"To sin willfully is to crucify anew the Son of God! Do you want to be responsible for such a thing? If you do such a thing, it may be impossible for you to be brought back to repentance. You should be wise and turn away completely from the sin before you. If you commit it, it could be the end of your life!"These are heavy words indeed. We quote these words from Z.T. Fomum, the author, praying that they should have the intended effect on you.It is a scary thing for anyone to know that an act may be final and fatal but still commit it willfully. For anyone to know that a sin could lead him to death, and still commit it, that person is idiotic or suicidal!This book can help you reconsider the gravity of sin in order to make progress in the path of sanctification that Christ, by His death on the cross, acquired for you. We highly recommend this book!

  • von Zacharias Tanee Fomum
    14,00 €

    This book is the fifth in the series ''God sex and you." From an impeccable knowledge, understanding, and mastery of the Scriptures, the author, Professor Z.T. Fomum, argues convincingly that, as the king of the household, the prophet, and the priest of his wife, a man is solely responsible for the success of the marriage according to God's bidding.The need arises for the husband to put his 'self' under control, to love his wife as Christ loved the Church, to have a supreme goal, and to pray and fast for her.Every man is to love his wife using God's evaluation system in the Bible. Many marriages fail because the partners are using personal, traditional, customary, or modern evaluation systems.This book can make you wise onto salvaging and saving your marriage, for those who are married and providing a solid foundation for those who will marry one day.

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