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Bücher von Zaheer Soomro

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  • von Zaheer Soomro
    35,00 €

    Cette importante recherche est finalisée sur l'impact de la réduction de la pauvreté dans la région du district de Khairpur. Dans cette recherche, l'analyse de la littérature est définie par de nombreux chercheurs. Cette recherche définit comment la microfinance fonctionne pour améliorer la réduction de la pauvreté ? Même si elle est confrontée à de nombreux défis liés aux crises communautaires, politiques et économiques. Le pourcentage de pauvres au Pakistan a augmenté en raison du taux d'inflation, qui est passé à 5,9 % selon l'inflation de base.

  • von Zaheer Soomro
    35,00 €

    Esta importante investigação está finalizada sobre o impacto da redução da pobreza na área do Distrito de Khairpur. Nesta investigação, a revisão bibliográfica é definida por muitos investigadores. Esta investigação define que a microfinança funciona para a melhoria da redução da pobreza? Mesmo que enfrente muitos desafios de crises comunitárias, políticas e económicas. A percentagem de má qualidade no Paquistão está a aumentar devido à taxa de inflação que aumentou agora de acordo com a inflação de base foi registada em 5,9 por cento.

  • von Zaheer Soomro
    35,00 €

    Esta importante investigación está finalizada sobre el impacto del alivio de la pobreza en la zona del distrito de Khairpur. En esta investigación, la revisión de la literatura es definida por muchos investigadores. Esta investigación define cómo funciona la microfinanciación para mejorar la mitigación de la pobreza. A pesar de que se enfrenta a muchos desafíos de la comunidad, las crisis políticas y económicas. El porcentaje de pobres en Pakistán se incrementa debido a la tasa de inflación que aumentó ahora de acuerdo con la inflación subyacente se registró en el 5,9%.

  • von Zaheer Soomro
    35,00 €

    Questa importante ricerca è finalizzata all'impatto della riduzione della povertà nell'area del distretto di Khairpur. In questa ricerca la revisione della letteratura è stata definita da molti ricercatori. Questa ricerca definisce in che modo la microfinanza lavora per migliorare la riduzione della povertà. Anche se deve affrontare molte sfide di crisi comunitarie, politiche ed economiche. La percentuale di povertà in Pakistan è aumentata a causa del tasso di inflazione, che secondo l'inflazione di base è stata registrata al 5,9%.

  • von Zaheer Soomro
    43,90 €

    Diese wichtige Forschungsarbeit befasst sich mit den Auswirkungen der Armutsbekämpfung im Bezirk Khairpur. In dieser Untersuchung wird die Literatur von vielen Forschern ausgewertet. In dieser Untersuchung wird definiert, wie die Mikrofinanzierung zur Verbesserung der Armutsbekämpfung beiträgt. Auch wenn sie mit vielen Herausforderungen der Gemeinschaft, politischen und wirtschaftlichen Krisen konfrontiert ist. Der prozentuale Anteil der Armen in Pakistan ist aufgrund der Inflationsrate gestiegen, die laut der Kerninflation jetzt bei 5,9 Prozent liegt.

  • von Zaheer Soomro
    35,00 €

    This important research is finalized on the impact of poverty alleviation in the area of Khairpur District. In this research the literature review is defined by many researchers. This research defines that how microfinance works for the betterment of poverty alleviation? Even that it faces many challenges of community, political and economic crises. The percentage of poor quality in Pakistan is increased due to inflation rate it increased now according to the core inflation was recorded at 5.9 percent.

  • von Zaheer Soomro
    47,00 €

    Benazir Bhutto tornou-se presidente do partido do povo em 1982 depois de ter enforcado o seu pai num processo judicial de assassinato de um rival político em 4 de Abril de 1979.em breve o partido do povo iniciou o Movimento para a Restauração da Democracia, um movimento democrático não violento que se opõe à ditadura no regime de Zia-ul-haq. As lutas políticas que Benazir Bhutto iniciou após a morte do seu pai zulifqar Ali Bhutto. O partido popular também deu total apoio político a Benazir, mas Zia-ul-haq não tolerou que um Bhutto voltasse a aparecer na linha política perante ele. Primeiro Zia fez relaxar as pessoas após a morte de Zulifqar, anunciando eleições livres e justas. Benazir Bhutto prosseguiu os esforços democráticos para restaurar a democracia, pôr fim à lei marcial através da atribuição de poder ao público, razão pela qual associou uma aliança de nome de grupo de partidos políticos ao Movimento para a Restauração da Democracia (MRD).

  • von Zaheer Soomro
    47,00 €

    Benazir Bhutto divenne presidente del People's Party nel 1982, dopo l'impiccagione del padre in un processo per l'assassinio di un rivale politico avvenuto il 4 aprile 1979. Ben presto il People's Party diede vita al Movimento per il ripristino della democrazia, un movimento democratico non violento che si opponeva alla dittatura del regime di Zia-ul-haq. Le lotte politiche di Benazir Bhutto iniziarono dopo la morte del padre Zulifqar Ali Bhutto. Anche il Partito Popolare diede pieno sostegno politico a Benazir, ma Zia-ul haq non tollerava che un'altra Bhutto si presentasse in politica davanti a lui. Per prima cosa Zia fece rilassare il popolo dopo la morte di Zulifqar annunciando elezioni libere ed eque. Benazir Bhutto ha proseguito gli sforzi democratici per ripristinare la democrazia, terminata la legge marziale, assegnando il potere ai cittadini e per questo ha associato un'alleanza di partiti politici con il nome di Movimento per il ripristino della democrazia (MRD).

  • von Zaheer Soomro
    47,00 €

    Benazir Bhutto est devenue présidente du parti du peuple en 1982 après que son père ait été pendu dans une affaire d'assassinat d'un rival politique le 4 avril 1979. Le parti du peuple a bientôt lancé le Mouvement pour la restauration de la démocratie, un mouvement démocratique non violent opposé à la dictature du régime de Zia-ul-haq. Les luttes politiques de Benazir Bhutto ont commencé après la mort de son père Zulifqar Ali Bhutto. Le parti du peuple a également apporté un soutien politique total à Benazir, mais Zia-ul-haq n'a pas toléré qu'un Bhutto apparaisse à nouveau sur la scène politique avant lui. Zia a d'abord détendu le peuple après la mort de Zulifqar en annonçant des élections libres et équitables. Benazir Bhutto a poursuivi les efforts démocratiques pour restaurer la démocratie, mettre fin à la loi martiale en attribuant le pouvoir au public, c'est pourquoi elle a associé une alliance de partis politiques dont le nom de groupe était Mouvement pour la restauration de la démocratie (MRD).

  • von Zaheer Soomro
    47,00 €

    Benazir Bhutto became chairwomanship of people¿s party in 1982 after hanged up his father in a court case of assassinating a political rival in April 4, 1979. Soon the people¿s party commenced Movement for the restoration of Democracy, a most nonviolent democratic movement opposed to dictatorship in the regime of Zia-ul-haq. The political struggles that Benazir Bhutto started after death of his father Zulifqar Ali Bhutto. People¿s party also gave full political support to Benazir but Zia-ul haq did not tolerate again a Bhutto appear in political line before him. First Zia made relax people after Zulifqar death by heralding free and fair election. Benazir Bhutto continued democratic efforts to restore democracy, terminate of martial law by allocating power towards public, that¿s why she associated an alliance of political parties¿ group name was Movement for restoration of democracy (MRD).

  • von Zaheer Soomro
    47,00 €

  • von Zaheer Soomro
    35,00 €

  • von Zaheer Soomro
    60,90 €

  • von Zaheer Soomro
    43,90 €

  • von Zaheer Soomro
    47,00 €

  • von Zaheer Soomro
    35,00 €

  • von Zaheer Soomro
    47,00 €

  • von Zaheer Soomro
    35,00 €

  • von Zaheer Soomro
    35,00 €

  • von Zaheer Soomro
    47,00 €

  • von Zaheer Soomro
    79,90 €

  • von Zaheer Soomro
    61,00 €

  • von Zaheer Soomro
    29,00 €

  • von Zaheer Soomro
    61,00 €

    Europe is the land of different people and modernization. The mother of idealism and power of military in the world. The European were first people who changed scenario of Europe and became mother of colonies. In Europe, the first king was Minion who controlled the Crete Island and formed their government. He ruled with power and formed a civilization in the Europe. After it other civilization like Aegean civilization, Greece civilization, the Greek civilization and Roman civilization were buildup. European enhanced their bounders and occupied the other continents land. The kings were worshiped and they ruled as Divine rights. The Caroling Empire and Byzantine Empire continues the old system and faced the different nations and saved Europe. The Reformation in Religion and Medieval in Europe changed the European scenario and the treaty of Westphalia signed and state system emerged with nationalism. The nationalism brought the French Revolution and discovered the land routes for colonies and fought two great wars. After Second World War the world divided into blocks and one of them lead from the Europe.

  • von Zaheer Soomro
    47,00 €

    Un-employment throughout the world is chronicled and caressed in every kind of society, it is the major factor to devastation the families economically, psychologically and socially because deprived of a good employment a citizen are existing as a communal person and sighted as a disbelief person he is not including a respectable citizen, everybody is repudiating to generating social relations with him.

  • von Zaheer Soomro
    35,00 €

    The aim of this study helps to understand the successful path of micro-financing, which can plays a vital role in poverty alleviation in Pakistan. The purpose of current research is to identify the effect of microfinance on eradication of poverty in the area of Khairpur District. In my research the microfinance is independent variable whereas the income, health, education and living standard of people are dependent variable. In this research the sample size of population is 300. Most of barrower was satisfy from the microfinance that helps the poor to remove the poverty and encourage them towards the business so that they may be self-confidence, and may start their own business, and earn profit, build the living standard of life. Instead of regrets on their lives, and pass the worst life. So in this research the study applied is the statistical method in the shape of table and graph.

  • von Zaheer Soomro
    43,00 €

  • von Zaheer Soomro
    32,00 €

    Benazir Bhutto the first lady prime minister , Benazir Bhutto was looking vigorous and striking child thus her aunt entitled her ¿Pinkie¿ later she was known with this nick name in her family.. She became first lady prime minister in islamic Pakistan. she became the role model for women of pakistan and face the many challenges during political carrer. she worked for the poor people and gave them basic rights.

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