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Bücher von Zeynep Akyar

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  • von Zeynep Akyar
    19,00 €

    The Florya Chronicles Journal is the scholarly publication of the ¿stanbul Ayd¿n University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences. The Journal is distributed on a twice a year basis. The Florya Chronicles Journal is a peer-reviewed in the area of economics, international relations, management and political studies and is published in both Turkish and English languages. Language support for Turkish translation is given to those manuscripts received in English and accepted for publication. The content of the Journal covers all aspects of economics and social sciences including but not limited to mainstream to heterodox approaches. The Journal aims to meet the needs of the public and private sector employees, specialists, academics, and research scholars of economics and social sciences as well as undergraduate and postgraduate level students. The Florya Chronicles offers a wide spectrum of publication includingAbout the publisher (IAU International)Istanbul Aydin University (IAU) has been providing flexible and relevant education to students, giving them both knowledge and opportunities. IAU is one of the best Turkish Universities that improves lives by producing leaders to society need, has programs suitable for and relevant to all life stages.

  • von Zeynep Akyar
    18,00 - 36,00 €

  • von Zeynep Akyar
    28,00 €

    IAU Ayd¿n Journal of Health is the open access, scientific publication organ of ¿stanbul Ayd¿n University, Faculty of Sciences of Health and Vocational School of Health Services that is published under double-blind peer review principles.About the publisher (IAU International)Istanbul Aydin University (IAU) has been providing flexible and relevant education to students, giving them both knowledge and opportunities. IAU is one of the best Turkish Universities that improves lives by producing leaders to society need, has programs suitable for and relevant to all life stages.

  • von Zeynep Akyar
    18,00 €

    The Florya Chronicles Journal is the scholarly publication of the ¿stanbul Ayd¿n University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences. The Journal is distributed on a twice a year basis. The Florya Chronicles Journal is a peer-reviewed in the area of economics, international relations, management and political studies and is published in both Turkish and English languages. Language support for Turkish translation is given to those manuscripts received in English and accepted for publication. The content of the Journal covers all aspects of economics and social sciences including but not limited to mainstream to heterodox approaches. The Journal aims to meet the needs of the public and private sector employees, specialists, academics, and research scholars of economics and social sciences as well as undergraduate and postgraduate level students. The Florya Chronicles offers a wide spectrum of publication including- Research Articles-Case Reports that adds value to empirical and policy oriented techniques, and topics on management-Opinions on areas of relevance- Reviews that comprehensively and systematically covers a specific aspect of economics and social sciences. About the publisher (IAU International)Istanbul Aydin University (IAU) has been providing flexible and relevant education to students, giving them both knowledge and opportunities. IAU is one of the best Turkish Universities that improves lives by producing leaders to society need, has programs suitable for and relevant to all life stages.

  • 11% sparen
    von Zeynep Akyar
    62,00 €

    The prevalence of dental caries in primary teeth in most world countries is very high. That is strange, to say the least, ¿s dental caries is a preventable disease. Why is a preventable disease so prevalent? The answer is related, among others, to socio-economic status, level of education of the mother and cultural habits of the children. What research has told us is that placing restorations is not the answer to the abundance of cavities present in these children. Dental caries is a sugar-driven biofilm-related disease that can be controlled through following a healthy life-style. Removal of dental biofilm regularly from tooth surfaces is known to reduce the prevalence of dental carious lesions. Controlling the dental biofilm is, therefore, paramount important in the fight against the development of carious lesions. This implies that removal of biofilm from within cavities can be a successful treatment in controlling carious lesion progression. Suitable cavities should be accessible, the pulp be healthy and symptomless and the biofilm should be removed daily. That requires understanding, practice, assistance from parents and support from dentists. This treatment has been researched and found having merits but more studies are needed to fully understand when and when not to apply this cavity treatment in children's primary teeth. About the publisher (IAU International)Istanbul Aydin University (IAU) has been providing flexible and relevant education to students, giving them both knowledge and opportunities. IAU is one of the best Turkish Universities that improves lives by producing leaders to society need, has programs suitable for and relevant to all life stages.

  • von Zeynep Akyar
    28,00 - 63,00 €

  • von Zeynep Akyar
    18,00 €

  • von Zeynep Akyar
    16,00 €

    Modern geneti¿in babas¿ olarak bilinen Gregor Mendel, bitki hibridizasyonundaki deneyler üzerine arät¿rmalar¿n¿ sunmü ve 1865 y¿l¿nda kal¿t¿m kurallar¿n¿ ortaya ç¿karm¿¿t¿r. 1953 y¿l¿nda genetik kal¿t¿m molekülü olan DNA yap¿s¿ ke¿fedilmi¿ ve 2000 y¿l¿nda "tüm çälar¿n en özel günü" ifadesi ile ¿nsan Genom Projesinin ilk ayä¿n¿n tamamlanmas¿ dünyaya ilan ediliyor. Bu büyük çal¿¿malar sonucunda genetik alan¿nda çal¿¿malar tüm h¿zl¿ temposuyla klinik t¿p, halk säl¿¿¿ ve t¿bbi arät¿rmalar alan¿nda önemli uygulamalara sahip olmütur. T¿bbi genetik alan¿nda önemli geli¿melerden birisi de bireysel t¿p alan¿ndaki yeni ve ki¿iye özel tedavi yöntemleri olmütur.About the publisher (IAU International)Istanbul Aydin University (IAU) has been providing flexible and relevant education to students, giving them both knowledge and opportunities. IAU is one of the best Turkish Universities that improves lives by producing leaders to society need, has programs suitable for and relevant to all life stages."Bireysel T¿p" terimi ilk olarak 1800'lerin sonunda Kanada'l¿ Hekim Sir William Osler taraf¿ndan "bireyler aras¿ndaki dev çe¿itlilik" notu ile literatüre kazand¿r¿lm¿¿ ve daha sonra tedavi süreçlerinin yönetilmesi amac¿yla hastan¿n klinik de¿erlendirilmesi ve aile geçmi¿i arät¿rmalar¿na bireysel genetik bilginin dahil edilmesi ile geli¿im göstermi¿tir. "Bireysel T¿p" alan¿nda en çok çal¿¿¿lan uygulama arät¿rmalar¿ aras¿nda; ortak hastal¿klar¿n genetik temelinin tespit edilmesi, genlerin çevre ile nas¿l bir etkile¿im göstererek insan hastal¿klar¿na neden olduklar¿ ve sonras¿nda daha etkili bir ilaç tedavisi geli¿tirmek amac¿yla farmakogenetik belirteçlerin kullan¿lmalar¿ say¿labilir. Tüm bu arät¿rmalar içerisinde ilaç yan¿t¿ de¿i¿kenli¿indeki farmakogenetik varyantlar¿n klinik olarak test edilmesi özellikle son on y¿lda büyük bir ivme ve ilerleme kaydederek farmakogenetik çal¿¿malar¿n bireysel t¿p alan¿nda en aktif arät¿rmalar haline gelmesini sälam¿¿t¿r. Dergimizin bu say¿s¿nda derleme makalemizin konusu genetik faktörlerin ilaç metabolizmas¿na etkisidir.

  • von Zeynep Akyar
    35,00 €

    Akademik dergi yay¿n¿ konusunda nitelikli ve istikrarl¿ bir çizgi yakalamaya çal¿¿an Ayd¿n Sanat'¿n be¿inci say¿s¿nda yine birlikteyiz. Bu say¿da da önceki say¿lar¿m¿zda oldüu gibi "Sanat" bäl¿¿¿ alt¿nda geni¿ bir yelpaze olüturmaya çal¿¿t¿k.Be¿inci say¿m¿z¿n hakemli makaleler bölümünde dört makale var: Birinci makale, kent olgusunun ve kente dair estetik sorunlar¿n tart¿¿¿ld¿¿¿, Arzu Parten taraf¿ndan yaz¿lan "Kent ve Sessizlik" bäl¿kl¿ makale. Bask¿ teknolojilerinin öncesinden, geleneksel yöntemlerden bälayarak, günümüz teknolojisiyle bas¿lan kitab¿n geli¿im evrelerini anlatan, cilt ve kitap sanatlar¿n¿n döu ve bat¿ kar¿¿lät¿rma çabas¿n¿ içeren, Elanur K¿z¿l¿afak'a ait, "Kitab¿n Geli¿iminden Ciltlemeye" bäl¿kl¿ makale ise Ayd¿n Sanat'¿n bu say¿s¿nda ikinci hakemli makale olarak yerini al¿yor.About the publisher (IAU International)Istanbul Aydin University (IAU) has been providing flexible and relevant education to students, giving them both knowledge and opportunities. IAU is one of the best Turkish Universities that improves lives by producing leaders to society need, has programs suitable for and relevant to all life stages.

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