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Bücher von Zoe Sugg

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  • von Zoe Sugg & Amy McCulloch
    12,00 €

  • von Zoe (Zoella) Sugg
    11,00 €

    GIRL ONLINE is the stunning debut romance novel by YouTube phenomenon Zoe Sugg, aka Zoella.I have this dream that, secretly, all teenage girls feel exactly like me. And maybe one day, when we realize that we all feel the same, we can all stop pretending we're something we're not... But until that day, I'm going to keep it real on this blog and keep it unreal in real life.Penny has a secret. Under the alias Girl Online, Penny blogs her hidden feelings about friendship, boys, high school drama, her crazy family, and the panic attacks that have begun to take over her life. When things go from bad to worse, her family whisks her away to New York, where she meets Noah, a gorgeous, guitar-strumming American. Suddenly Penny is falling in love - and capturing every moment of it on her blog.But Noah has a secret, too, one that threatens to ruin Penny's cover - and her closest friendship - forever.

  • von Zoe Sugg
    18,00 €

    Solo für Girl Online. U novomu navchal'nomu roci Penni zadumue taemnichij proekt, pro jakij ne rozpovidae navit' najblizhchim druzjam. Noa pokidae svitove turne do jogo zakinchennja, i nihto, navit' Penni, ne znae, de vin. A shhe v zhitti divchini z'javljaet'sja charivnij fotograf Kallum i novi druzi. Ta chi zmozhe Penni po-spravzhn'omu pochati nove zhittja, jakshho zdaet'sja, shho za kozhnim rogom na neji chatue privid Noa? Chitajte u tretij chastini.

  • von Zoe Sugg
    15,00 €

    Ein glamouröses Internat. Eine tote Schülerin. Ein mysteriöser GeheimbundAls die 17-jährige Audrey aus den USA neu auf das traditionsreiche britische Internat Illumen Hall kommt, ahnt sie nicht, was auf der Abschlussparty im letzten Sommer passiert ist: Die Leiche einer Schülerin wurde ans Ufer gespült. Ivy, mit der sie das Zimmer teilt, lässt Audrey deutlich spüren, dass sie es lieber für sich alleine hätte. Und damit nicht genug: Es war vorher das Zimmer des toten Mädchens, Lola. Doch als ein mysteriöser Podcast behauptet, Lolas Tod sei kein Unfall gewesen, beginnen die beiden gegensätzlichen Mädchen gemeinsam Nachforschungen anzustellen. Denn offenbar ist ein Mörder auf freiem Fuß ...

  • von Zoe Sugg & Zoe Sugg alias Zoella
    14,99 €

  • 16% sparen
    von Zoe Sugg & Amy McCulloch
    13,00 €

    The brand-new fiction book from Zoe Sugg (aka Zoella)! Co-written with the acclaimed writer Amy McCullough. Seven for a secret, never to be told . . . Illumen Hall is a boarding school of tradition and achievement. But tragedy strikes when the body of a girl, a student, is discovered - on her back is an elaborate tattoo of a magpie. For new student Audrey, it is just another unsettling thing about her new surroundings. And for her roommate Ivy, well, she's just annoyed she has to share with the new girl from America. As an unlikely friendship develops, the two are drawn deeper into the mystery of this strange and terrible murder. They will discover that something dangerous is at the heart of their school. Welcome to The Magpie Society. Told from two alternating view-points, this is the first book in a modern gothic thriller series that will have you gripped like no other book this year. Get ready for your new YA obsession . . .

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