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  • - A Memoir
    von Salman Rushdie
    15,00 €

    On Valentine's Day, 1989, Salman Rushdie received a telephone call from a BBC journalist that would change his life forever: Ayatollah Khomeini, a leading Muslim scholar, had issued him with a death sentence. This book offers an account of how he was forced to live in hiding for over a decade.

  • - My Journey Through Heaven and Hell with Black Sabbath
    von Tony Iommi
    15,00 €

    An electrifying tell-all autobiography from one of rock's greatest legends -- Black Sabbath's Tony Iommi

  • 14% sparen
    von Amy Chua
    12,00 €

    The most talked about book of the yearThe Sunday Times bestsellerThe New York Times bestsellerDer Spiegel bestseller

  • 18% sparen
    - The Cars and Bikes of a Hollywood Icon
    von Matt Stone
    21,00 €

  • von Carrie Fisher
    9,98 €

    In her first ever memoir, Carrie Fisher takes us on an intimate, hilarious and sobering journey through her life.

  • 14% sparen
    - Cellementer
    von Kristian Kragh
    31,00 €

    Denne bog er blevet til efter en pludselig indskydelse en dag. På daværende tidspunkt havde jeg gennem en årrække i forskellige sammenhænge forfattet småtekster omkring emner, som mere eller mindre 'tilfældigt' kom op i mit sind. Pludselig kom jeg til at tænke på, at disse småtekster kunne betragtes som fragmenter, der sammensat kunne udgøre en autobiografi - skønt ufuldstændig. Så fragmenter til en autobiografi er hvad denne bog er. Hvert afsnit i bogen er dermed et fragment, der som en celle i en større helhed eksisterer inden for sin egen helhed; men som samtidig i samspil med andre celler udgør en større helhed.

  • - Hemmeligheden bag det perfekte smil
    von Karina Vestergaard Kjærgaard
    19,00 €

    "Efter en sanghed havde jeg længe søgt, men med anoreksiens løgn blev jeg mødt. Den førte mig ind i en blindgyde Jeg var yderst nem at snyde". I en fælde hvor kun stemmen styre, afmagt og frustration blev mit hyrer. Ledte mig på en vej som aldrig ender, mig selv slet ingen mere kender" ... Alle der har stået tæt på en spiseforstyrrelse ved, hvor vanvittig en hård kamp det er. Alle, der ikke har, får her muligheden for et unikt indblik i spiseforstyrrelsens karakter. Udover at levere et sjældent indblik i spiseforstyrrelsens univers, så er Karina med sin bog med til at bryde et tabu, og det har vi brug for. Jeg anbefaler bogen på det varmeste til studerende, professionelle, pårørende og de, der selv kæmper mod spiseforstyrrelsen. "Her er en enestående mulighed for at blive klogere på spiseforstyrrelser, der handler om (næsten) alt andet end mad og vægt. Ligesom vi som både professionelle og pårørende får adgang til, hvordan vi bedst støtter." Trine Oxvig Pårørende, initiativtager af Facebook gruppen: Pårørende mod spiseforstyrrelser. "Karina tager os med på en svær rejse, hvor vi så godt som går side om side med hende. Ud over ærligheden gør hun det med stor charme, og efterhånden som man får siderne vendt, vokser håbet. For Karina og for dem, som læser med. Hun giver os et levende bevis på, at vi hver især står med det afgørende træk til at ændre på vores liv. Selv når man kæmper den største kamp mod en selv. Respekt herfra!" Sys Christina Vestergaard, journalist.

  • von Signe Adams
    20,00 €

    Denne bog er en personlig og åbenhjertig beretning om Signe Adams' spirituelle og fysiske rejse gennem livet. Den fysiske med udstationeringer i Østberlin, Washington, Manila og Moskva samt den sideløbende spirituelle rejse, blandt andet affødt af diverse bump på livets vej. Hun fortæller om, hvordan stress og en alvorlig kræftsygdom fik vækket hende til live, så hun transformerede sit liv og dermed, ved at tage ansvar og lederskab, blev i stand til at skabe den tilværelse, hun drømte om. Ordene fra lægen: "Du har kræft, og det kan du dø af", fik Signe Adams til at stoppe op, og lytte til kroppens signaler og hendes sjæls kalden. Noget hun havde ignoreret og undertrykt i årevis. Signes spirituelle livssyn og tro på, at alt har en mening, gav hende modet til selv at taget ansvaret for sit helbred og sit liv. Hun begyndte at lytte til den eneste sande ekspert i hendes liv. Hendes egen indre stemme. En indre stemme vi alle har adgang til, når vi bliver stille og lytter. Vi behøver ikke dramaet fra alvorlig sygdom, før vi justerer kurs. Det kan vi gøre nu. Lige nu. Gennem nye og bedre daglige valg. Har du, kære læser, tænkt over hvad der skal til, før DU gør det, du inderst inde kan mærke du skal? Lad dig gerne inspirere af min eventyrlystne og spirituelle tilgang til livets udfordringer. Og uendelige muligheder.

  • 10% sparen
    - Studie- og arbejdsbog i 1. grad
    von Else Marie Post
    27,00 €

    "Mysterieskolen i Frimureriet" giver de Søstre og Brødre, der søger at gå Vejen ved hjælp af ritualer og ceremoni, en hjælp til at gå fra eksoterisk arbejde til esoterisk arbejde. "Mysterieskolen i Frimureriet" støtter Søstre og Brødre i at gå fra mørke til lys og fra uvirkelighed til virkelighed. "Mysterieskolen i Frimureriet" er en studie- og arbejdsbog, der kan anvendes til undervisning i 1. grad. Den kan ligeledes anvendes til studiekreds eller selvstudie. Undervisningen i "Mysterieskolen i Frimureriet" er bygget op i 14 lektioner. Hver lektion indeholder studier, meditation og anvendelse.Lektionerne formidler esoteriske kundskaber, som kommer til udtryk gennem den tidløse visdomslære. Gennem meditation og anvendelse kan den studerende – gennem vedholdende og grundigt arbejde - forvandle indsigten i ritualet til visdom. De første 7 lektioner giver en tilgang til ritualet set fra mikrokosmos; det betyder, at der arbejdes med menneskets opbygning og livet og universet - set ud fra menneskets perspektiv.De sidste 7 lektioner giver en tilgang til symbolerne gennem arbejdet med at forstå makrokosmos's 7 energier og deres indflydelse på mennesket og logens arbejde."Mysterieskolen i Frimureriet" giver ikke færdige svar, men den stiller spørgsmål, så den studerende gennem eget arbejde selv kan finde svarene. ”Jeg kan ikke lære dig noget. Alt, jeg kan gøre, er at stille dig spørgsmål og lade dig selv finde svaret.” Sokrates

  • - En thybokvindes minder fra næsten hundrede år
    von Gudrun Margrethe Møller
    10,00 €

    Agnes Møller fra Thy (født 1909) fortæller sine gribende erindringer fra næsten et helt århundrede.

  • 22% sparen
    von Zandra Rhodes
    25,00 €

  • 17% sparen
    von Jake Adelstein
    12,00 €

    The sequel to bestseller Tokyo Vice, now a major HBO drama, with a second season coming in 2024.It's been a while since Jake Adelstein was the only gaijin crime reporter for the Yomiuri Shimbun. The global economy is in shambles, Jake is off the police beat but still chain-smoking clove cigarettes, and Tadamasa Goto, the most powerful boss in the Japanese organised-crime world, has been banished from the yakuza, giving Adelstein one less enemy to worry about - for the time being.Adelstein has a new gig these days: due-diligence work, or using his investigative skills to dig up information on entities whose bosses would prefer that some things stay hidden. Underneath layers of paperwork, corporations are thinly veiled fronts for the yakuza. Pachinko parlors are a hidden battleground between disenfranchised Japanese Koreans and North Korean extortion plots. TEPCO, the electric power corporation keeping the lights on for all of Tokyo, scrambles to hide its willful oversights that ultimately led to the 2011 Fukushima meltdown. And the Japanese government shows levels of corruption that make gangsters look like philanthropists.In this riveting memoir, Jake Adelstein once again reveals Japan's dark underworld, as he battles to keep himself in the light.

  • 24% sparen
    von Dan Ariely
    11,00 €

  • von Ahed Tamimi
    18,00 €

    "What would you do if you grew up repeatedly seeing your home raided? Your parents arrested? Your mother shot? Your uncle killed? Try, if just for a moment, to imagine this was your life. How would you want the world to react?" Ahed Tamimi's father was born in 1967, the year that the Israeli occupation of the West Bank began, and every aspect of their family's life has been touched by it. One of Ahed's earliest memories is visiting her father in prison, poking her three-year-old fingers through the fence to touch his hand. The ubiquitous security checkpoints and armed guards even found their way into her childhood fairytales and playdates. Her grandmother regaled her not with nursery rhymes, but with the sage of her family and its tragedies. Instead of cops and robbers, there was Jaysh o 'Arab, or "Army and Arabs," where children roleplayed as Israeli soldiers opposing a community of Palestinians. She recounts all of this and more in her vivid and riveting memoir, one of the first to deal directly with what life in occupation actually means for the people in it, beyond geography or policy. It brings readers into the daily life of the young woman seen as a freedom-fighting hero by some and a naèive agitator by others. Beyond recounting her well-publicized interactions with Israeli soldiers, there is her unwavering commitment to family and her fearless command of her own voice, despite threats, intimidation, and even incarceration"--

  • von Nawal El Saadawi
    14,00 €

  • von Wilbur Smith
    12,00 €

    An epic new novel of Ancient Egypt, from the Master of Historical Adventure, Wilbur Smith.FROM THE RUINS OF BATTLEA HERO MUST RISEFOR THE GLORY OF EGYPTYears of Hyksos rule have seen the plunder of once-mighty Egypt. Though the two kingdoms have now been reunited by the armies of the true Pharaoh, his position is perilous, his rule under threat from those who seek to take advantage of the turmoil created by the overthrow of the Hyksos. Desperate to keep Egypt united, Taita the Magus summons his protégé, Piay, to solve a millennia-old riddle which has the power to secure Egypt's future forever.But in the tumult of war, an evil has thrived. Malevolent followers of Seth, the god of chaos, are determined to claim this power and usher in a new age of darkness.The fate of Egypt is at stake. Can Piay prevent their land falling into the hands of those who would see its ruin?Book 3 in The New Kingdom Sequence and book 9 in the Ancient Egyptian series from the master historical adventure writer, Wilbur Smith. Don't miss House of Two Pharaohs, the next action-packed Egyptian adventure from Wilbur Smith. Coming August 2025.

  • von Andrew Wilkinson
    30,00 €

    "By the age of thirty-five, Andrew Wilkinson had built a business worth over a billion dollars, but his path to success was anything but a straight line. Never Enough shares both the lessons Wilkinson has learned as well as the many mistakes made on the road to wealth-some of which cost him money, happiness, and important relationships"--

  • 46% sparen
    von Hampton Sides
    19,00 €

    "An epic account of the most momentous voyage of the Age of Exploration, which culminated in Captain James Cook's death in Hawaii, and left a complex and controversial legacy still debated to this day ... On July 12th, 1776, Captain James Cook, already lionized as the greatest explorer in British history, set off on his third voyage in his ship the HMS Resolution. Two-and-a-half years later, on a beach on the island of Hawaii, Cook was killed in a conflict with native Hawaiians. How did Cook, who was unique among captains for his respect for Indigenous peoples and cultures, come to that fatal moment? Hampton Sides' bravura account of Cook's last journey both wrestles with Cook's legacy and provides a thrilling narrative of the titanic efforts and continual danger that characterized exploration in the 1700s. Cook was renowned for his peerless seamanship, his humane leadership, and his dedication to science--the famed naturalist Joseph Banks accompanied him on his first voyage, and Cook has been called one of the most important figures of the Age of Enlightenment. He was also deeply interested in the native people he encountered. In fact, his stated mission was to return a Tahitian man, Mai, who had become the toast of London, to his home islands. On previous expeditions, Cook mapped huge swaths of the Pacific, including the east coast of Australia, and initiated first European contact with numerous peoples. He treated his crew well, and endeavored to learn about the societies he encountered with curiosity and without judgment. Yet something was different on this last voyage. Cook became mercurial, resorting to the lash to enforce discipline, and led his two vessels into danger time and again. Uncharacteristically, he ordered violent retaliation for perceived theft on the part of native peoples. This may have had something to do with his secret orders, which were to chart and claim lands before Britain's imperial rivals could, and to discover the fabled Northwest Passage. Whatever Cook's intentions, his scientific efforts were the sharp edge of the colonial sword, and the ultimate effects of first contact were catastrophic for Indigenous people around the world. The tensions between Cook's overt and covert missions came to a head on the shores of Hawaii. His first landing there was harmonious, but when Cook returned after mapping the coast of the Pacific Northwest and Alaska, his exploitative treatment of the Hawaiians led to the fatal encounter"--

  • 10% sparen
    von Sarah Bakewell
    13,00 €

  • 12% sparen
    von Alice Slater
    11,00 €

  • von Molly Roden Winter
    29,00 €

    NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER - An intimate memoir of love, desire, and personal growth that follows a happily married mother as she explores sex and relationships outside her marriage - "This book about open marriage is going to blow up your group chat"--The Washington Post Molly Roden Winter was a mother of small children with a husband, Stewart, who often worked late. One night when Stewart missed the kids' bedtime--again--she stormed out of the house to clear her head. At a bar, she met Matt, a flirtatious younger man. When Molly told her husband that Matt had asked her out, she was surprised that Stewart encouraged her to accept. So began Molly's unexpected open marriage and, with it, a life-changing journey of self-discovery. Molly signs up for dating sites, enters into passionate flings, and has sex in hotels and public places around New York City. For Molly it's a mystery why she wants what she wants. In therapy sessions, fueled by the discovery that her parents had an open marriage, too, she grapples with her past and what it means to be a mother and a whole person. Molly and Stewart, who also begins to see other people, set ground rules: Don't date an ex. Don't date someone in the neighborhood. Don't go to anyone's home. And above all, don't fall in love. In the years that follow, they break most of their rules, even the most important one. They grapple with jealousy, insecurity, and doubts, all the while wondering: Can they love others and stay true to their love for each other? Can they make the impossible work? More is an electric debut that offers both steamy fun and poignant reflections on motherhood, daughterhood, marriage, and self-fulfillment. With warmth, humor, and style, Molly Roden Winter delivers an unputdownable journey of a woman becoming her most authentic self.

  • 16% sparen
    von Crystal Hefner
    18,00 €

  • von Riley J. Ford
    35,00 €

    USA TODAY BESTSELLING AUTHOR Mike Majlak was a seventeen-year-old from a loving, middle-class family in Milford, Connecticut, when he got caught up in the opioid epidemic that swept the nation. For close to a decade thereafter, his life was a wasteland of darkness and despair. While his peers were graduating from college, buying homes, getting married, having kids, and leading normal lives, Mike was snorting OxyContin, climbing out of cars at gunpoint, and burying his childhood friends. Unable to escape the noose of addiction, he eventually lost the trust and support of everyone who had ever loved him. Alone, with nothing but drugs to keep him company, darkness closed in, and the light inside him-the last flicker of hope-began to dim. His dreams, potential, and future were all being devoured by a relentless addiction too powerful to fight. Despair filled him as he realized he wasn't going to survive.Somehow, he did… HE NOT ONLY SURVIVED, HE THRIVED. Now he's a social media personality with millions of followers, and an entrepreneur, marketer, podcaster, YouTuber, and author who hopes to use his voice to shine a light for those whose own lights have grown dim. This is his story.

  • 17% sparen
    von John Sims
    15,00 €

    An illustrated exploration of the story behind Rolex, one of the most recognisable luxury watch brands in the world.

  • von Brent Underwood
    26,00 €

    "A radical vision for setting impossible goals and being brave enough to see them through-no matter the risk or the challenge-from the creator of hit YouTube channel Ghost Town Living"--

  • 17% sparen
    von Hua Hsu
    12,00 €

  • von Anna Funder
    13,00 - 21,00 €

  • von Robert Ruark
    26,00 €

    No other book can give you the feel of Africa like this one can.

  • - A Memoir of Disintegration
    von David Wojnarowicz
    13,00 €

    The powerful, personal and iconoclastic memoir of David Wojnarowicz, AIDS activist, author and one of the most provocative artists of his generation. With a new introduction by Olivia Laing.

  • von Woniya Dawn Thibeault
    23,00 €

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