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Hier finden Sie eine Auswahl von über Biographien spannenden Büchern zum Thema 261.113.
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  • von Marty Meierotto
    28,00 - 38,00 €

    If you are a long-time Alaskan hunter and trapper or an adventurous person that has dreamed about wilderness experiences in Alaska, you will not be able to put this book down. As other have said, "e; Marty is the real deal"e; when it comes to a person who has lived the wilderness lifestyle in Alaska. Luckily for us readers, Marty was willing to share his wonderful stories (some humorous, some harrowing) in this book. - Ted Spraker My good friend, Marty Meierotto, has lived a life that most of us have only dreamed of. His new book is filled with true life adventures that reflect both the joys and hazards of living in the remote Alaskan Bush. It is definitely a read worth your time. John Daniel President, National Trappers Association When I first met Marty Meierotto, I thought he looked like the vending machine repairman at a bowling alley in Cleveland. Three days later, having gotten lost in the Arctic while trapping with him and having him rescue me, I realized that there was nothing the guy couldn't do. Read this book and you'll see what I mean. -Bill Heavey editor-at-large Field & Stream

  • von Various
    12,00 €

  • - Intimate Tales, Untold Secrets and Advice for Living Your Best Life
    von Ali Wong
    12,98 €

    Sharp and hilariously funny advice for growing up female from the Netflix star of Baby Cobra and Hard Knock Wife, and Always Be My Maybe; now a New York Times bestseller

  • - The Scariest Serial Killers Coloring Book. A True Crime Adult Gift - Full of Notorious Serial Killers. For Adults Only
    von Brian Berry
    20,00 €

  • von Masayoshi Sukita
    29,90 €

    On the occasion of the 5th anniversary of Bowie's death, photographer Masayoshi Sukita presents an extraordinary illustrated book on the celebrated musician, actor and producer. Text in English and German.

  • von G H Hardy
    17,00 €

  • 10% sparen
    - How to Find the Words for Tender Conversations
    von Kathryn Mannix
    13,00 €

  • 10% sparen
    von David Sedaris
    13,00 - 17,00 €

  • von Thomas Bailey
    39,00 €

  • von James L Dickerson
    30,00 €

  • 10% sparen
    - Storvildt og vulkaner
    von Poul Bæk Pedersen
    24,00 €

    Bror Blixen var en af de store figurer i 20ernes og 30ernes Østafrika. Han var professionel jæger i storslåede landskaber med vulkaner som Kilimanjaro og stepper som Serengeti.I bogen knyttes hans liv med de mange safarier i Tanganyika sammen med andre personligheder som Ernest Hemingway, Denys Finch-Hatton og Beryl Markham. Personer som sammen med Bror Blixen oplevede et fantastisk Afrika med store mængder af vildt, og hvor jægerne tog de første initiativer til at beskytte vildt og landområder, som var starten på vore dages "conservation movement".Med denne bog sammenbinder forfatteren interessen for Afrika og dets vildt med de gamle store jægeres beretninger og bedrifter.

  • von Ismail Ibn Katheer
    41,00 - 45,00 €

  • von Hafiz Ibn Kathir
    40,00 - 50,00 €

  • - A History in Twenty Lives
    von Christopher Harding
    16,00 €

  • - The Autobiography of Veronica Lake
    von Veronica Lake
    22,00 €

  • 12% sparen
    - Why Charlie Watts Matters
    von Mike Edison
    18,00 €

    Sympathy for the Drummer: Why Charlie Watts Matters is both a gonzo rush--capturing the bristling energy of the Rolling Stones and the times in which they lived--and a wide-eyed reflection on why the Greatest Rock 'n' Roll Band in the World needed the world's greatest rock 'n' roll drummer.

  • von Samantha Cristoforetti
    15,00 €

    von Clover Stroud
    15,00 €

  • - Walt Disney and the Invention of the Amusement Park That Changed the World
    von Richard Snow
    22,00 €

  • - The Restored Edition
    von Ernest Hemingway
    10,48 - 11,00 €

    Featuring a personal foreword by Patrick Hemingway, Ernest's sole surviving son, and an introduction by the editor and grandson of the author, Sean Hemingway, this new edition also includes a number of unfinished, never-before-published Paris sketches revealing experiences that Hemingway had with his son Jack and his first wife, Hadley.

  • - Mac Miller Lyric Edition
    von Marina Cardenas
    18,00 €

  • - A Memoir
    von Anna Wiener
    13,00 €

    A NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER. ONE OF THE NEW YORK TIMES''S 10 BEST BOOKS OF 2020. Named one of the Best Books of 2020 by The Washington Post, The Atlantic, NPR, the Los Angeles Times, ELLE, Esquire, Parade, Teen Vogue, The Boston Globe, Forbes, The Times (UK), Fortune, Chicago Tribune, Glamour, The A.V. Club, Vox, Jezebel, Town & Country, OneZero, Apartment Therapy, Good Housekeeping, PopMatters, Electric Literature, Self, The Week (UK) and BookPage. A New York Times Book Review Editors'' Choice and a January 2020 IndieNext Pick."A definitive document of a world in transition: I won''t be alone in returning to it for clarity and consolation for many years to come." --Jia Tolentino, author of Trick Mirror: Reflections on Self-DelusionThe prescient, page-turning account of a journey in Silicon Valley: a defining memoir of our digital ageIn her mid-twenties, at the height of tech industry idealism, Anna WienerΓÇöstuck, broke, and looking for meaning in her work, like any good millennial--left a job in book publishing for the promise of the new digital economy. She moved from New York to San Francisco, where she landed at a big-data startup in the heart of the Silicon Valley bubble: a world of surreal extravagance, dubious success, and fresh-faced entrepreneurs hell-bent on domination, glory, and, of course, progress.Anna arrived amidst a massive cultural shift, as the tech industry rapidly transformed into a locus of wealth and power rivaling Wall Street. But amid the company ski vacations and in-office speakeasies, boyish camaraderie and ride-or-die corporate fealty, a new Silicon Valley began to emerge: one in far over its head, one that enriched itself at the expense of the idyllic future it claimed to be building. Part coming-of-age-story, part portrait of an already-bygone era, Anna WienerΓÇÖs memoir is a rare first-person glimpse into high-flying, reckless startup culture at a time of unchecked ambition, unregulated surveillance, wild fortune, and accelerating political power. With wit, candor, and heart, Anna deftly charts the tech industryΓÇÖs shift from self-appointed world savior to democracy-endangering liability, alongside a personal narrative of aspiration, ambivalence, and disillusionment.Unsparing and incisive, Uncanny Valley is a cautionary tale, and a revelatory interrogation of a world reckoning with consequences its unwitting designers are only beginning to understand.

  • von W M Rhodes
    28,00 €

  • - Memory Keeper First Time Parent As You Grow Baby Shower Gift
    von Holly Placate
    21,00 €

  • - The inspiring true story of a young girl surviving Mengele's hell
    von Eva Mozes Kor
    11,98 €

    The heart-breaking and inspiring memoir of a 10-year-old Auschwitz twin.

  • - Joseph Pilates and His Legacy
    von John Howard Steel
    19,00 €

  • - Beretning om Rita Roulunds usædvanlige liv
    von Lena Lassen
    18,00 €

    Beretningen om Rita Roulunds usædvanlige liv er en spændingsroman i sig selv. Kærlighed, tro, liv, død og ondskab har sat sit præg. Som læser kan man genkende, hvordan man som menneske ofte må rumme både sorg og glæde samtidig. Som ung forelsker Rita Roulund sig i den jævnaldrende Torben, der læser til læge. De flytter sammen til Burundi, hvor Torben skal drive et hospital. Personlige årsager tvinger dem til at forlade Burundi og rejse hjem til Danmark. Tiden hjemme bliver dog en følelsesmæssig rutsjebanetur. Efter nogle år vender de tilbage til Burundi. De næste tre år er en lykkelig tid, men onde kræfter vender op og ned på alt. Senere i livet bliver Rita syg og der er tilsyneladende ingen helbredelse i sigte. I dag er Rita pensioneret og lever et roligt liv i Viborg. "Til sidst slap kaptajnens tålmodighed op. Han opgav sin venlige facon og gjorde tegn til sine soldater, der tog opstilling overfor Torben og pegede på ham med deres geværer. Der lød et højt klik, da de afsikrede dem."

  • - Med bidrag af Maria Helleberg og familien
    von Anna Filges
    14,00 €

    Jeg vil ikke græde endnu – en autentisk beretning om ægteparret Anna og Vilhelm Filges. Vilhelm var grænsegendarm under 2. verdenskrig og blev sammen med sine kolleger taget af tyskerne den 19. september 1944 og senere sendt til Neuengamme koncentrationslejr. Anna skrev dagbog mens Vilhelm sad i lejrene og Vilhelm indtalte mange år efter krigen en mundtlig beretning om tiden i koncentrationslejr på bånd. Både Annas dagbog og Vilhelms mundtlige beretning er gengivet uredigeret som skrevet og sagt, med enkelte udeladte passager. Bogen er blevet til takket være et stort bidrag fra Maria Helleberg, som lagde linjen og skrev det første omfattende og væsentlige udkast. En stor tak til Maria, uden hvem denne bog aldrig var blevet til noget.Familien er enige om ikke at ville profitere på at udgive Anna og Vilhelms historie. Alt overskud, der ellers ville tilfalde forfatterne, gives derfor ubeskåret videre til Ungdomsgården i Vamdrup. Hvorfor valget lige er faldet på Ungdomsgården i Vamdrup, vil være klart for enhver, som giver sig tid til at læse denne bog og høre Annas stemme.

  • - Elementer til en receptionshistorie
    von Niels Brügger
    12,00 €

    Der er i dag ingen tvivl om, at den nu afdøde franske filosof Jean-François Lyotard på godt og ondt er uløseligt knyttet til og identificeret med begrebet 'det postmoderne', samt at dette begreb - ligeledes på godt og ondt - har bevæget sig fra human- og samfundsvidenskabelige diskussioner og ind i dagligsproget. Helt centralt i disse to bevægelser står Lyotards bog fra 1979 Viden og det postmoderne samfund. Men hvordan blev Lyotards mest kendte bog læst, diskuteret og kritiseret i sin umiddelbare samtid? Det er emnet for Lyotard og det postmoderne samfund. Elementer til en receptionshistorie. Bogen præsenterer i kort og overskuelig form de væsentligste positioner i 1980ernes human- og samfundsvidenskabelige diskussioner af Lyotards bog i henholdsvis Danmark, Frankrig og hos Lyotard selv. Således præsenteres de franske teoretikere Gilles Lipovetsky, Alain Badiou, Michel Foucault, Jacques Bouveresse samt Luc Ferry og Alain Renaut, mens der fra Danmark bl.a. optræder Hans-Jørgen Schanz, Johan Fjord Jensen og Ole Thyssen.

  • - The Definitive Biography of Freddie Mercury
    von Lesley-Ann Jones
    14,98 €

    'Exactly the sort of tribute Mercury himself would have wanted' SPECTATOR'No one has captured better than Lesley-Ann Jones the magical, enchanting dualism of Freddie Mercury'THE TIMES'Truly definitive, truly Freddie, an energetic, entertaining and essential account'SIR TIM RICE'This book grabs you with its opening, then builds. Insight and anecdote in perfect harmony' SIMON NAPIER-BELL'At last a massive tribute to a massive talent'STEVE HARLEY, COCKNEY REBELThis is the definitive biography of Freddie Mercury. Written by an award-winning rock journalist, Lesley-Ann Jones toured widely with Queen forming lasting friendships with the band. Now, having secured access to the remaining band members and those who were closest to Freddie, from childhood to death, Lesley-Ann has written the most in depth account of one of music's best loved and most complex figures. Meticulously researched, sympathetic, unsensational, the book will focus on the period in the 1980s when Queen began to fragment, before their Live Aid performance put them back in the frame. In her journey to understand the man behind the legend, Lesley-Ann Jones has travelled from London to Zanzibar to India. Packed with exclusive interviews and told with the invaluable perspective that the twenty years since Mercury's death presents, Freddie Mercury is the most up to date portrait of a legendary man.

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