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  • von Arnold Schwarzenegger
    21,00 €

    In his signature larger-than-life style, Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Total Recall is a revealing self-portrait of his illustrious, controversial, and truly unique life.The greatest immigrant success story of our time. His story is unique, and uniquely entertaining, and he tells it brilliantly in these pages. He was born in a year of famine, in a small Austrian town, the son of an austere police chief. He dreamed of moving to America to become a bodybuilding champion and a movie star. By the age of twenty-one, he was living in Los Angeles and had been crowned Mr. Universe. Within five years, he had learned English and become the greatest bodybuilder in the world. Within ten years, he had earned his college degree and was a millionaire from his business enterprises in real estate, landscaping, and bodybuilding. He was also the winner of a Golden Globe Award for his debut as a dramatic actor in Stay Hungry. Within twenty years, he was the world’s biggest movie star, the husband of Maria Shriver, and an emerging Republican leader who was part of the Kennedy family. Thirty-six years after coming to America, the man once known by fellow body­builders as the Austrian Oak was elected governor of California, the seventh largest economy in the world. He led the state through a budget crisis, natural disasters, and political turmoil, working across party lines for a better environment, election reforms, and bipartisan solutions. With Maria Shriver, he raised four fantastic children. In the wake of a scandal he brought upon himself, he tried to keep his family together. Until now, he has never told the full story of his life, in his own voice. Here is Arnold, with total recall.

  • von Jeannette Walls
    17,00 €

  • 18% sparen
    von Christine Quinn
    21,00 €

  • von Nyimpini Mabunda
    26,00 €

  • von Jim McEwan
    68,50 €

    A journey around the world begins on a small island. A revolution begins step by step. One man sets out to change an entire industry. This is his story - and with it the story of single malt whisky. A declaration of love to taste and smell, to the beauty of the homeland, to life itself.

  • von Jen Silverman
    20,00 €

    Die Anthologie Internationale queere Dramatik versammelt Theatertexte, die neue Narrative von Geschlecht und Identität wagen. Die Stückauswahl bildet den Versuch eines Querschnitts durch das bestehende Korpus zeitgenössischer Bühnentexte, die Alternativen jenseits der heterosexuellen Norm finden, nicht-binäre Realitäten greifbar machen und einen Einblick in den Status quo der zeitgenössischen Dramatik bieten, die sich unter dem Label "queer" fassen lässt: ein aufschlussreicher Ausschnitt aus dem zeitgenössischen Kanon wichtiger Erzählungen für eine Zukunft, die Differenz zulässt, ohne zu diskriminieren.Raphael Khouri aus Jordanien verhandelt die Lebensgeschichten von Trans*Personen und Homosexuellen in der arabischen Welt. In Dany Boudreaults chorischem Stück wird eine Jugendsünde zum Ausgangspunkt für das plastische Erleben und Erleiden einer Geschlechtsangleichung. Fünf weiße und nicht-weiße, privilegierte und weniger privilegierte Bettys machen sich in Jen Silvermans Stück auf, mit ihrer "Quelle der Kraft" in Verbindung zu treten. Marie Henrys experimentelle Arbeit ist eine Familiengeschichte um Vater und Sohn in Frauenkleidern. In Magne van den Bergs Stück für junges Publikum liefern sich zwei Jugendliche einen Schlagabtausch über starre Geschlechterrollen.Marine Bachelot Nguyen nimmt Begegnungen und Interviews mit vietnamesischen Aktivist*innen und Künstler*innen zum Ausgangspunkt für ein Dokumentarstück über die Verwirklichung persönlicher und politischer Wünsche junger vietnamesischer Mitglieder der LSBTI*-Community. Milja Sarkola verhandelt weibliches* Begehren in einem Text voller Seitenhiebe auf den Theaterbetrieb und seine heterosexistische Ausprägung. Von Ebru Celkan stammt der performative Monolog einer Trans*Frau, die von den Widrigkeiten im Istanbuler Sexarbeiter*innen-Milieu erzählt. Olga Dimitrijevic präsentiert ein klassisches Dialogstück über lesbische Liebe und Trauer im Alter. Mit den Theaterstücken Marine Bachelot Nguyen: Schatten und Lippen (Übersetzung: André Hansen)Dani Boudreault: Wir sind schön für hässliche Leute (Übersetzung: Wolfram Höll)Ebru Celkan: Der Tag nach dem Tag, an dem niemand starb (Übersetzung: Oliver Kontny)Olga Dimitrijevic: Mein Du (Übersetzung: Blazena Radas)Marie Henry: Pink Boys und Old Ladies (Übersetzung: Lisa Wegener)Raphael Khouri: Er Sie Ich (Übersetzung: Paul Spittler)Milja Sarkola: Bühne des Begehrens (Übersetzung: Katja von der Ropp)Jen Silverman: Kollektive Wut (Übersetzung: Barbara Christ)Magne van den Berg: Gender (Übersetzung: Eva Pieper)

  • von Maggie Nelson
    10,00 €

    Blau. Die Geschichte einer Obsession.Die Geschichte einer tragischen Liebe. Denn er, der Prinz des Blauen, hat sie verlassen. Also gibt sie sich mit ganzer Kraft dem hin, was von ihm übrig ist: dem Blau. Maggie Nelson kennt all seine Schattierungen und Geheimnisse - stolz hütet sie ihre Sammlung blauer Objekte -, und sie kennt alle Künstler, die dem Blau verfallen waren: ob Joni Mitchell, Billie Holiday oder Yves Klein. Aber zugleich nutzt sie die Farbe, um sich selbst zu erkunden. Kaum jemand hat seinen Schmerz auf so poetische, inspirierende Weise seziert, wie Maggie Nelson es tut - eine lyrische, philosophische und sehr persönliche Erkundung der eigenen Leidensfähigkeit.

  • von Leander Kahney
    24,99 €

    2011 stirbt Steve Jobs. Alle sind sich einig, dass Apple ohne ihn dem Untergang geweiht ist. Jobs' Nachfolger Tim Cook halten viele für die falsche Wahl - zu wenig innovativ, zu wenig schillernd. Doch Cook beweist: Er ist der rechte Mann zur rechten Zeit. Unter seiner Leitung wird das iPhone das erfolgreichste Produkt aller Zeiten, das Dienstleistungs­geschäft wächst rasant und Apple steigt zum ersten Billionen-Dollar-Unternehmen der Welt auf. Leander Kahney legt nun die erste Biografie überhaupt zu Tim Cook vor. Wer ist der Mann, den viele für einen Langweiler halten, wirklich? Wie hat er Apple verändert und wo will er noch hin? Welchen Herausforderungen wird er sich in Zukunft stellen müssen? Und wird es ihm gelingen, Apple weiterhin an der Spitze zu halten?

  • 20% sparen
    von The Try Guys
    19,98 €

    To be our selves, we must become secure in our insecurities. In The Hidden Power of F*cking Up, The Try Guys—Keith, Ned, Zach, and Eugene—reveal their philosophy of trying: how to fully embrace fear, foolishness, and embarrassment in an effort to understand how we all get paralyzed by a fear of failure. They’ll share how four shy, nerdy kids have dealt with their most poignant life struggles by attacking them head-on and reveal their—ahem—sure-fail strategies for achieving success.But they’re not just here to talk; they’re actually going to put their advice to work. To demonstrate their unique self-improvement formula, they’ll each personally confront their deepest insecurities. A die-hard meat-lover goes vegan for the first time. A straitlaced father transforms into a fashionista. A perpetually single sidekick becomes the romantic lead. A child of divorce finally grows more intimate with his family. Through their insightful, emotional journeys and surprising, hilarious anecdotes, they’ll help you overcome your own self-doubt to become the best, most f*cked-up version of yourself you can be!

  • von Rainer Maria Rilke
    14,00 €

    Im Jahr 1902 erhält Rainer Maria Rilke Post von einem jungen Mann, Franz Xaver Kappus, einem literarisch begabten, 19-jährigen Offiziersanwärter. Kappus ist sich nicht sicher, welche Richtung er in seinem Leben einschlagen soll, und fragt daher den großen, nur wenige Jahre älteren Dichter um Rat. Rilke antwortet ihm - auf gänzlich unerwartete Weise. In den folgenden Jahren schreibt ihm Rilke neun weitere Briefe. Sie reden, mit der ihm eigenen bescheidenen Eindringlichkeit, von nichts Geringerem als dem richtigen Leben.Die von Kappus 1929 herausgegebene Sammlung der Rilke-Briefe hat Epoche gemacht und ganze Generationen immer wieder von Neuem inspiriert. Hier wird sie in der neuen, modernen Übersetzung von dem Rilke-Kenner Ulrich Baer vorgelegt.

  • 14% sparen
    von Bianca Del Rio
    19,00 €

    Uproarious advice and never-before-seen color photos from drag queen extraordinaire Bianca Del RioThe cheeky, larger-than-life drag queen and outrageous comic—"The Joan Rivers of the Drag World," (New York Times)—who isn't afraid to shock or offend brings her trademark acerbic wit and sharp commentary to the page in an illustrated collection of advice.When it comes to insult comics, Bianca Del Rio is in a class by herself. Fierce, funny, and fabulous—a would-be love child sired by John Waters and birthed by Joan Rivers—Bianca sandblasted her name in the annals of pop culture on RuPaul's Drag Race. Thanks to her snarky frankness, impeccable comedic timing, and politically incorrect humor, she became the show's breakout star, winning its sixth season.In Blame It On Bianca Del Rio, Bianca shares her opinions loudly and proudly, offering raucous, hilarious, no-holds-barred commentary on the everyday annoyances, big and small, that color her world, and make it a living, albeit amusing, hell for anyone who inhabits it. A collection of biting advice filled with vibrant photos from Bianca's twisted universe, Blame It On Bianca Del Rio will shock you and keep you laughing. But be warned: it is not for the faint of heart!

  • von Robert Moor
    17,00 €

    "In 2009, while thru-hiking the Appalachian Trail, Robert Moor began to wonder about the paths that lie beneath our feet: How do they form? Why do some improve over time while others fade? What makes us follow or strike off on our own? Over the course of the next seven years, Moor traveled the globe, exploring trails of all kinds, from the miniscule to the massive. He learned the tricks of master trail-builders, hunted down long-lost Cherokee trails, and traced the origins of our road networks and the Internet. In each chapter, Moor interweaves his adventures with findings from science, history, philosophy, and nature writing--combining the nomadic joys of Peter Matthiessen with the eclectic wisdom of Lewis Hyde's The Gift. Throughout, Moor reveals how this single topic--the oft-overlooked trail--sheds new light on a wealth of age-old questions: How does order emerge out of chaos? How did animals first crawl forth from the seas and spread across continents? How has humanity's relationship with nature and technology shaped the world around us? And, ultimately, how does each of us pick a path through life? With a breathtaking arc that spans from the dawn of animal life to the digital era, On Trails is a book that makes us see our world, our history, our species, and our ways of life anew"--Book jacket flap.

  • 12% sparen
    von Kim Gordon
    15,00 €

    “Unconventional. . . . Not a garden-variety rock memoir . . . [but] a strange and lovely book about  a woman finding and losing herself onstage and off and crafting a complicated creative life when  none of the molds quite fit.”—Los Angeles Times Book Review“Engaging and surprisingly intimate.”—Vanity Fair“More than a memoir, though one of the most riveting music biographies ever penned.”—Examiner.comFor many, Kim Gordon, vocalist, bassist, and founding member of Sonic Youth—one of the most influential and successful bands to emerge from the post-punk New York scene—has always represented the epitome of cool. And almost as celebrated as the band’s defiantly dissonant sound was the marriage between Gordon and her then husband, Thurston Moore. When it was announced that the couple was splitting after twenty-seven years of marriage, fans were devastated.In Girl in a Band, this famously reserved superstar speaks candidly about her past and the future. From her childhood in the sunbaked suburbs of Southern California, growing up with a mentally ill sibling, to New York’s downtown art and music scene in the eighties and nineties and the birth of a band that would pave the way for acts like Nirvana, as well as help inspire the Riot Grrl generation, here is an edgy and evocative portrait of a life in art.Exploring the artists, musicians, and writers who influenced her, and the relationship that defined her life for so long, Girl in a Band is filled with the sights and sounds of a pre-Internet world and is a deeply personal portrait of a woman who has become an icon.

  • von Patti Smith
    26,00 €

    National Best Seller From the National Book Award-winning author of Just Kids: an unforgettable odyssey of a legendary artist, told through the prism of the cafés and haunts she has worked in around the world. It is a book Patti Smith has described as "a roadmap to my life." M Train begins in the tiny Greenwich Village café where Smith goes every morning for black coffee, ruminates on the world as it is and the world as it was, and writes in her notebook. Through prose that shifts fluidly between dreams and reality, past and present, and across a landscape of creative aspirations and inspirations, we travel to Frida Kahlo's Casa Azul in Mexico; to a meeting of an Arctic explorer's society in Berlin; to a ramshackle seaside bungalow in New York's Far Rockaway that Smith acquires just before Hurricane Sandy hits; and to the graves of Genet, Plath, Rimbaud, and Mishima. Woven throughout are reflections on the writer's craft and on artistic creation. Here, too, are singular memories of Smith's life in Michigan and the irremediable loss of her husband, Fred Sonic Smith. Braiding despair with hope and consolation, illustrated with her signature Polaroids, M Train is a meditation on travel, detective shows, literature, and coffee. It is a powerful, deeply moving book by one of the most remarkable multiplatform artists at work today.

  • von Johann Sebastian Bach
    10,95 €

    Die 15 Inventionen, die nach wie vor zum grundlegenden Repertoire eines jeden Klavierunterrichts gehören, werden hier nach aktuellem Forschungsstand in modernem Notenstich vorgelegt. Auf der Grundlage von Bachs Autograph und seinem selbst verfassten Vorwort, bereinigt von Fingersätzen und Zusätzen aus Quellen zweiter Hand.

  • von Edvard Grieg
    21,95 €

    Die drei Violinsonaten von Edward Grieg nehmen eine wichtige Stellung im Schaffen des Komponisten ein. Zusammen mit seinen anderen Kammermusikwerken zeugen diese bemerkenswert originellen Sonaten von Griegs Fähigkeit, die klassisch-romantische Form wirkungsvoll durch norwegisches Nationalkolorit zu bereichern.

  • 15% sparen
    von Miles Davis
    20,00 €

    Timed to the twentieth anniversary of Miles Davis's death, Miles is the classic, unfiltered, bestselling autobiography of an American legend--now updated with a new introduction.

  • 18% sparen
    13,98 €

    Brilliant, funny, charming, imperious, Diana Vreeland—the fashion editor of Harper's Bazaar and editor-in-chief of Vogue—was a woman whose passion and genius for style helped define the world of high fashion for fifty years. Among her eclectic circle of friends were some of the most renowned and famous figures of the twentieth century—artists and princes, movie stars and international legends, including Chanel, the Duke and Duchess of Windsor, Isak Dinesen, Clark Gable, and Swifty Lazar.Moving from English palaces to the nightclubs of 1930s Paris, the wilds of Wyoming to the exclusive venues of New York high society, D.V. takes readers into this iconic woman's dazzling life, evoking the luxury and brio of an era that encompassed Josephine Baker, England's Queen Mary, Buffalo Bill, and Diaghilev.Vibrant with the vivid, irresistible voice that elevated every tête-à-tête and dinner party, D.V. brings this renowned and uninhibited raconteur alive, whether recalling herself as a young girl, her search for the perfect red, her piquant observations about her world, or her abhorrence for nostalgia. Like her legacy, Vreeland's story, told in her own words, is a classic to be celebrated by both loyal admirers and a new generation of culture mavens and style savants.

  • von Ludwig van Beethoven
    30,95 €

    Contents: Nos.16-32 Opp.31-111

  • von Johann Sebastian Bach
    15,95 €

    The complete Flute Sonatas of J.S. Bach in two volumes. This first volume contains the Sonatas BWV 1030, 1031 and 1032 in an Urtext edition by Konrad Hampe. Cembalo (piano score) and separate flute part included. With a preface in English and German and critical report, the edition contains a convincing completion of the missing section from the A major Sonata BWV 1032.Flötensonaten, Band 1: BWV 1030-1032 für Flöte und Cembalo (Klavier)Bd.1 Sonaten h-Moll BWV 1030, Es-Dur BWV1031, A-Dur BWV 1032, Flöte und Klavier.

  • 10% sparen
    von Philip Norman
    18,00 €

    For more than a quarter century, Philip Norman's internationally bestselling Shout! has been unchallenged as the definitive biography of the Beatles. Now, at last, Norman turns his formidable talent to the Beatle for whom belonging to the world's most beloved pop group was never enough. Drawing on pre-viously untapped sources, and with unprecedented access to all the major characters, here is the comprehensive and most revealing portrait of John Lennon that is ever likely to be published. This masterly biography takes a fresh and penetrating look at every aspect of Lennon's much-chronicled life, including the songs that have turned him, posthumously, into a near–secular saint. In three years of research, Norman has turned up an extra-ordinary amount of new information about even the best-known episodes of Lennon folklore—his upbringing by his strict Aunt Mimi; his allegedly wasted school and student days; the evolution of his peerless creative partnership with Paul McCartney; his Beatle-busting love affair with a Japanese performance artist; his forays into painting and literature; his experiments with Transcendental Meditation, primal scream therapy, and drugs. The book's numerous key informants and interviewees include Sir Paul McCartney, Sir George Martin, Sean Lennon—whose moving reminiscence reveals his father as never before—and Yoko Ono, who speaks with sometimes shocking candor about the inner workings of her marriage to John.Honest and unflinching, as John himself would wish, Norman gives us the whole man in all his endless contradictions—tough and cynical, hilariously funny but also naive, vulnerable and insecure—and reveals how the mother who gave him away as a toddler haunted his mind and his music for the rest of his days.

  • 17% sparen
    von Alice Schroeder
    22,00 €

  • von Didi Zill
    99,95 €

  • von Osamu Tezuka
    15,00 €

    Osamu Tezuka's vaunted storytelling genius, consummate skill at visual expression, and warm humanity blossom fully in his eight-volume epic of Siddhartha's life and times. Tezuka evidences his profound grasp of the subject by contextualizing the Buddha's ideas; the emphasis is on movement, action, emotion, and conflict as the prince Siddhartha runs away from home, travels across India, and questions Hindu practices such as ascetic self-mutilation and caste oppression. Rather than recommend resignation and impassivity, Tezuka's Buddha predicates enlightenment upon recognizing the interconnectedness of life, having compassion for the suffering, and ordering one's life sensibly. Philosophical segments are threaded into interpersonal situations with ground-breaking visual dynamism by an artist who makes sure never to lose his readers' attention.Tezuka himself was a humanist rather than a Buddhist, and his magnum opus is not an attempt at propaganda. Hermann Hesse's novel or Bertolucci's film is comparable in this regard; in fact, Tezuka's approach is slightly irreverent in that it incorporates something that Western commentators often eschew, namely, humor.

  • 12% sparen
    von Isabel Allende
    11,48 €

    _______________'An autobiographical meditation on feminism, power and womanhood . Full of Isabel's wisdom and warm words' - Grazia'In her small, potent polemic . . . Isabel Allende writes about the toxic effects of "machismo", combining wit with anger as she picks apart the patriarchy' - Independent'Allende has everything it takes: the ear, the eye, the mind, the heart, the all-encompassing humanity' - New York TimesAn Independent, Guardian and Grazia Highlight for 2021_______________The wise, warm, defiant new book from literary legend Isabel Allende - a meditation on power, feminism and what it means to be a womanWhen I say that I was a feminist in kindergarten, I am not exaggerating.As a child, Isabel Allende watched her mother, abandoned by her husband, provide for her three small children. As a young woman coming of age in the late 1960s, she rode the first wave of feminism. She has seen what has been accomplished by the movement in the course of her lifetime. And over the course of three marriages, she has learned how to grow as a woman while having a partner, when to step away, and the rewards of embracing one's sexuality.So what do women want? To be safe, to be valued, to live in peace, to have their own resources, to be connected, to have control over their bodies and lives, and above all, to be loved. On all these fronts, there is much work to be done, and this book, Allende hopes, will 'light the torch of our daughters and granddaughters with mine. They will have to live for us, as we lived for our mothers, and carry on with the work still left to be finished.'_______________'Her thoughts, language and ideas traverse fluidly through ideas of gender, historic injustices, her marriages and bodily experiences and literary references . . . Allende's love for women is palpable' - Sydney Morning Herald

  • von 'Hagar' John Paul Hatchard
    29,00 €

  • von Laura Raicovich
    14,00 €

  • von Questions about Me
    31,00 €

  • von Questions about Me
    31,00 €

  • von Ione Gamble
    24,00 €

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