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  • von Gemma Worth
    18,00 €

    An inspirational story of a girl from a council estate who once dared to dream to overcome life's many struggles, twist and turns and the highs and the lows. Bullet beans to big dreams depicts how you can come from nothing to have everything if you work hard enough and follow your dream.A raw account of the authors life from birth to present day life, from the devastating loss of a parent, been homeless, domestic abuse, a divorce, revenge porn and watching a loved one turn in to a drug addict and serve a ten year prison sentence, to finding the sheer determination to turn her life around, leave an abusive situation and start her life over again soon to become a multi-site accountancy business owner, and a pilot, a child hood dream which all started with weekly visits to the airport with her dad and so much more.Bullet beans to big dreams was founded on Christmas day 2019 in New York City a far cry from the authors council estate days as child, which she would not change for the world. Follow the authors Story which will leave you feeling inspired.

  • 13% sparen
    von Nina Mingya Powles
    17,00 €

    A lyrical, poetic essay collection that blends memoir with powerful writing on the natural world, taking us from London to New Zealand, Shanghai to Malaysia - from the winner of the Nan Shepherd Prize

  • 17% sparen
    von Michael Finkel
    12,00 - 14,98 €

    This is the true story of art thief Stephane Breitwieser, who stole over 300 art pieces in the course of 200 heists.

    37,00 €

    From 1813 until his death in 1847, Thomas Pinniger kept a detailed daily account of the sheep and corn husbandry he practised first at Little Bedwyn Farm to 1825, and then as the owner of Beckhampton Farm in Avebury parish from 1829. These periods were separated by a stay on Sambourne Farm in Chippenham, when he was more an observer than an active farmer. These 'Farming Memorandums', as Pinniger described them, provide a fascinating and detailed record of the challenges that he faced throughout his long career. Farming practices and developments, prices of corn and livestock, and the weather were all recorded in detail. It is clear that they were not just kept for the sake of posterity, but as a body of knowledge and experience on which he could draw. His relations with his labourers and neighbours, not always cordial, add to the wealth of the content of the diaries. Having moved to Beckhampton, Pinniger bought the eponymously-named established coaching inn in the village. Stables were constructed for both the farm and the inn, with the latter specifically for race horses. The fortunes of the inn faltered with the coming of the railway in the early 1840s. As well as the obvious subject matter, Pinniger also noted the births, marriages and deaths of relatives, friends and acquaintances, revealing the social milieu in which he lived. Dates of funerals and of funeral services were also often provided, the latter rarely recorded in this period. He also provided a first hand account of the unrest of the Swing Riots of 1830, which he viewed as a serious threat. The years 1823 to 1838 have been transcribed, but the whole span is covered in the introduction. In keeping such meticulous daily records over so long a period, Thomas Pinniger stands as the principal representative of the class of yeoman farmers, from early to mid 19th-century Wiltshire.

  • von Jessica Mudditt
    32,00 €

  • - A Life in Vascular Surgery
    von Peter Harris
    15,00 €

    Blood is the life-force of every human being (and other animals). When it leaks out of our blood vessels, we die. When the aorta, the biggest blood vessel in the body, bursts, death usually comes quickly but for a lucky few it's not instantaneous. For them, survival is possible with emergency surgery. When a blockage in a blood vessel stops the blood from flowing, the deprived part of the body malfunctions and may decay if an operation to relieve the blockage is not performed. When Peter Harris first became a consultant vascular surgeon in the 1980s, the operations were big and bloody. When he finished in 2012, scalpels and saws had been largely superseded by bloodless needle-puncture procedures guided by X-ray images on a television screen. The evolution of the technology that made this possible is told primarily through the experiences of patients and includes vivid and, at times, harrowing descriptions of their operations and aftermath. Accounts of his own trials and tribulations and the good times are set against the troubled backdrop of the NHS starting in Broadgreen Hospital on the outskirts of Liverpool in 1979 and ending at University College Hospital in London in 2012.

  • - En fortælling om en familie. Inspireret af virkeligheden
    von Jens John Jakobsen
    14,00 €

    I en lille bygd på Færøerne svirrer rygterne. Det siges, at flere mænd har begået overgreb mod børn. I en bestemt familie skal det være foregået gennem flere generationer. En af de mænd, der hviskes om, er Thormund, men kan det virkelig passe? Han er ellers sådan en pæn mand. Hans søster Pia kan i hvert fald ikke få sig selv til at tro det.Bogen fortæller Thormunds historie og viser, at hvis den slags ikke skal fortsætte, fordi ofrene selv begår overgreb som voksne, er man nødt til at tale åbent om det, så det kan blive stoppet.

  • - My Fight to Bring a New African Voice to the Climate Crisis
    von Vanessa Nakate
    26,00 €

    A rousing manifesto and memoir from a leading young Ugandan activist that will change the way we way we think about the impact of climate change and inspire readers to become activists themselves

  • - A Quest for Spirit in a Skeptical Age
    von Kyriacos C. Markides
    36,00 €

    This book is Professor Markides's capstone work. It addresses his valiant and often turbulent struggles and riveting adventures to adapt to American society within the bounds of contemporary hyper secular academia. The result is an intellectual and spiritual odyssey that can inspire any reader interested in addressing life's perennial questions.

  • - United States Navy Hand-To-Hand Fighting Instructor
    von Robert H Sabet
    34,00 €

  • von Gay Talese
    50,00 €

    "Sinatra mit Schnupfen ist wie Picasso ohne Farbe, Ferrari ohne Sprit - nur schlimmer. Weil ihn eine Erkältung seines unbezahlbaren Juwels, seiner Stimme, beraubt; sie bohrt sich nicht nur tief in sein Selbstbewusstsein und verändert seine Psyche, sondern ruft obendrein noch eine Art psychosomatischen Schnupfen bei Dutzenden von Menschen hervor, die für ihn arbeiten, mit ihm trinken, ihn verehren, auf Gedeih und Verderb von ihm abhängig sind." -Gay Talese Im Winter 1965 brach der Journalist Gay Talese im Auftrag der Zeitschrift Esquire nach Los Angeles auf, um ein umfangreiches Porträt von Frank Sinatra anzufertigen. Als er ankam, verhielten sich der Sänger und seine wachsame Entourage leider eher frostig: Sinatra war verschnupft und wollte nicht interviewt werden. Doch Talese blieb am Ball. Er nutzte die Zeit, um den Star aus der Distanz zu beobachten und seine Freunde, Kollegen, Produzenten, Studiobosse, Angehörigen, Putzerfische und Satelliten zu interviewen. Sinatra gewährte ihm nie das erhoffte Einzelinterview, doch Taleses Beharrlichkeit zahlte sich dennoch aus: Sein detailversessenes Porträt Frank Sinatra Has a Cold ging als Glanzstück des New Journalism in die Geschichte ein. Das dichte Porträt offenbart ebenso viel über den ausnahmsweise mal maulfaulen Entertainer wie über die ganze Hollywoodmaschinerie. Diese Ausgabe präsentiert Frank Sinatra Has a Cold ergänzt um ein Vorwort von Gay Talese, Faksimiledrucke von Manuskriptseiten, Briefwechsel und Originalstoryboards und eine Vielzahl von Fotos, darunter zahlreiche Aufnahmen des legendären Phil Stern - des einzigen Fotografen, der Sinatras Karriere über vier Jahrzehnte begleitete - und anderer prominenter Bildjournalisten der Sechzigerjahre, wie John Bryson, John Dominis und Terry O'Neill. Die Fotos dokumentieren die vielen Gesichter des nicht gerade pflegeleichten Stars: den Showmenschen, den notorischen Großkotz, den liebevollen Vater, den cleveren Geschäftsmann und Hollywoodkassenmagneten, den Boss des Rat Packs, den Freund führender Mafiosi und den gnadenlosen Womanizer, zu dessen Hofstaat, wie wir dank Talese wissen, auch eine unscheinbare kleine Dame zählte, die ihm stets in einem Köfferchen seine 60 Toupets hinterhertrug. Bislang als signierte Collector's Edition erschienen, nun auch zum Preis eines gepflegten Whiskeys erhältlich.

  • - A memoir
    von Gabriel Byrne
    15,00 €

    A highly anticipated memoir by Gabriel Byrne, award-winning actor. Walking with Ghosts is an exquisite portrait of an Irish childhood and a remarkable journey to Hollywood and Broadway success.

  • 12% sparen
    - The Final Portrait
    von Gyles Brandreth
    15,00 - 17,00 €

    Elizabeth, their marriage and their dynasty.

  • - A Memoir of Race, Identity, Breakdown and Recovery
    von David Harewood
    14,00 €

    A groundbreaking account of the effects of everyday racism on the identity and mental health of black British men, explored through the lens of Homeland and Supergirl actor David Harewood's personal experience.

  • - A Forensic Pathologist's Journey Through Life
    von Dr Richard Shepherd
    13,00 €

  • von Henry F Arnold
    49,00 €

  • - A Jewish Youth in the Soviet Partisans and His Unlikely Life in California
    von Joseph Pell & Fred Rosenbaum
    22,00 €

  • - Peaceful Parenting for the Deconstructing Tiger Parent
    von Iris Chen
    22,00 €

    Peaceful parenting is hard enough for the average parent. Imagine trying to do it when you have the instincts of a tiger mother.  In Untigering, Iris Chen shares her journey of leaving behind authoritarian tiger parenting to embrace a respectful, relational way of raising children. As a Chinese American mom, she draws from her experiences of living in both North America and Asia and offers insights and practices to: Heal from your childhood wounds Change your beliefs about yourself and your children Parent through connection instead of control Redefine your understanding of success Navigate and challenge cultural norms Iris calls for a radical shift from parenting that is rooted in power to one that is grounded in partnership, but she does so with humor, humility, and empathy. This book is her invitation to you to begin your own journey of transformation as a parent.

  • - Girls, Guns, Money and Rock & Roll
    von Leon Matthews
    48,00 €

    Neon Leon takes us on a wild ride in this his second biography.

  • 18% sparen
    von Iain Dale
    18,00 €

    Essays on all 46 American Presidents who have held the office over the last 230 years - from George Washington to Joe Biden.

  • von Celia Ryker
    21,00 - 30,00 €

  • 14% sparen
    von Paris Lees
    11,98 €

  • - A Woman's Sexual Odyssey Guided by Mary Magdalene (Book Two of The Magdalene Teachings)
    von Mercedes Kirkel
    23,00 €

    In this best-selling book, Mary Magdalene takes us on a profound journey into the world of sacred sexuality, guiding us through the sexual practices known to priestesses in the temple of Isis. SUBLIME UNION presents Mary's full instruction, interwoven with Kirkel's stirring story of applying the teachings with her partner. A sacred sexuality manual and erotic memoir, with 23 tasteful illustrations.Building on the messages in MARY MAGDALENE BECKONS (Book I of the Magdalene Teachings), readers are now given another piece to completing our spiritual work at the third dimension. Mary's path of sacred sexuality is fully explained, with compassionate and insightful guidance. SUBLIME UNION gives us a profound and vulnerable map to engaging intimacy as a spiritual path. "e;SUBLIME UNION is the book we've all been waiting for. I highly recommend this thrilling read."e; --Christiane Northrup, MD, bestselling author "e;Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom"e; . . . "e;Mercedes Kirkel is one of the clearest channels of Mary Magdalene known to humankind. SUBLIME UNION is an extraordinary and thorough work."e; --Michael Mirdad, author "e;An Introduction to Tantra and Sacred Sexuality"e; and "e;Creating Fulfilling Relationships"e; "e;Beautifully written and juicy, to put it mildly, SUBLIME UNION is a landmark book--a poignant, courageously vulnerable love story and finely illustrated manual for sexual practice in the realms of communication, energy exchange, and more. I recommend this book highly!"e; --Saniel Bonder, author "e;Healing the Spirit/Matter Split"e; and "e;While Jesus Weeps"e; "e;Awakened sexuality is an opening to the Divine. I applaud Kirkel's courage for sharing her sacred sex life with the world in order to teach this, so people will have an opportunity to have a much more fulfilling and spiritual relationship."e; -- Joanna Prentis, coauthor "e;Power of the Magdalene"e; and "e;The Magdalene Version"e; "e;A multifaceted jewel of a book that shimmers with light and love. Candid and intriguing personal transformation is delicately interwoven with profound wisdom and amplified by valuable energy-raising practices. Compelling and convincing."e; -- Diana Richardson, author "e;The Heart of Tantric Sex"e; and "e;Slow Sex "e;Passionate, powerful, and, best of all, extremely practical, SUBLIME UNION can help couples open to the sacredness of sex and love, and heal their bodies, minds, and souls."e; -- Stephanie Riseley, author "e;Love From Both Sides"e; "e;For those who choose sacred sexuality as a path to touch enlightenment and embrace sublime union, Mary Magdalene and Mercedes Kirkel offer clear and timely guidance pointing the way."e; -- Claire Heartsong, author "e;Anna, Grandmother of Jesus"e; and "e;Anna, The Voice of the Magdalenes"e; "e;These teachings bring illumination to the sacredness of sex for all of us--integrating passion, pleasure, and love in a sacred way."e; -- Diane Riley, coauthor "e;Tantric Secrets for Men,"e; author "e;Sexy and Sacred"e;

  • von G K Author Chesterton
    32,00 €

  • von Caroline Young
    15,00 €

    Launching a new series, What Coco Chanel Can Teach You About Fashion breaks down Coco Channel's life, work and legacy into 36 highly visual lessons. Covering the iconic looks, Chanel's inspiration and the details that define her sartorial tastes.

  • von David Bentley Hart
    38,00 €

  • - A Memoir
    von Peter Frampton & Alan Light
    17,00 €

    A revelatory memoir by rock icon and legendary guitarist Peter Frampton.

  • - Mandarin Superstar
    von Steve Kerridge
    136,00 €

    BRUCE LEE: MANDARIN SUPERSTAR In over 400 pages, this softback edition uncovers the life of the martial art icon between the years 1969 to 1971. His initial attempt and subsequent failure to break into Hollywood is examined in detail, as Lee finally decides in 1971 to return to Hong Kong to pursue a career in the Hong Kong movie business. Also, for the first time in print, a detailed study of the making of his first Hong Kong movie ''The Big Boss'' is documented in meticulous detail like never before, as Lee finally achieves stardom by smashing box-office records throughout South-east Asia to earn the title of Mandarin Superstar.  

  • - Empowering Voices that Engage and Inspire
    von Anna Russell
    20,00 €

    Over 50 empowering speeches celebrating women in their own words through extracts and commissioned illustrations, spanning throughout history up to the modern day.

  • von Georgia Pritchett
    13,00 €

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