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Hier finden Sie eine Auswahl von über Biographien spannenden Büchern zum Thema 261.080.
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  • - Eating Pain - Feasting on Life
    von Kenneth Pakenham
    21,00 - 32,00 €

  • von Richard Henry Dana
    26,00 €

  • - Tennessee Ernie Ford and the Woman He Loved
    von Jeffrey Buckner Ford
    35,00 €

  • - The Bugs Moran Story: A Biography
    von Rose Keefe
    39,00 €

    George "Bugs" Moran was the last of Chicago''s spectacular North Side gang leaders, a colorful and violent dynasty that began with Dean O''Banion in 1920. In <em>The Man That Got Away, </em>author Rose Keefe provides the first in-depth look at the enigmatic gangster''s charmed and wacky life from his Minnesota childhood to his early years as a horse thief. She chronicles his two marriages, his rise and fall in Chicago''s Prohibition-era underworld, his life as an independent outlaw in the 1930s and ''40s, and his last days in Leavenworth Penitentiary.In the process of telling Moran''s story, some of the twentieth century''s most fascinating and bewildering gangland figures are revisited: Al Capone, Johnny Torrio, Dean O''Banion, Vincent "the Schemer" Drucci, Earl "Hymie" Weiss, showboating Chicago Mayor "Big Bill" Thompson, the gang-hating but oddly pro-Moran Judge John H. Lyle, Virgil Summers, and Albert Fouts.History did not record the details of Moran''s last confession, but the public record and Rose Keefe''s interviews with Moran''s former associates now allow us to form an educated guess.

  • von Alice Wong
    17,00 €

    A groundbreaking collection of first-person writing on the joys and challenges of the modern disability experience: Disability Visibility brings together the voices of activists, authors, lawyers, politicians, artists, and everyday people whose daily lives are, in the words of playwright Neil Marcus, "an art . . . an ingenious way to live." A Vintage Books Original.According to the last census, one in five people in the United States lives with a disability. Some are visible, some are hidden--but all are underrepresented in media and popular culture. Now, just in time for the thirtieth anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act, activist Alice Wong brings together an urgent, galvanizing collection of personal essays by contemporary disabled writers. There is Harriet McBryde Johnson''s "Unspeakable Conversations," which describes her famous debate with Princeton philosopher Peter Singer over her own personhood. There is columnist s. e. smith''s celebratory review of a work of theater by disabled performers. There are original pieces by up-and-coming authors like Keah Brown and Haben Girma. There are blog posts, manifestos, eulogies, and testimonies to Congress. Taken together, this anthology gives a glimpse of the vast richness and complexity of the disabled experience, highlighting the passions, talents, and everyday lives of this community. It invites readers to question their own assumptions and understandings. It celebrates and documents disability culture in the now. It looks to the future and past with hope and love.

  • - The Search for Dare Wright
    von Jean Nathan
    27,00 €

    In 1957, a children's book called The Lonely Doll was published. With its pink-and-white-checked cover and photographs featuring a wide-eyed doll, it captured the imaginations of young girls and made the author, Dare Wright, a household name. Close to forty years after its publication, the book was out of print but not forgotten. When the cover image inexplicably came to journalist Jean Nathan one afternoon, she went in search of the book--and ultimately its author. Nathan found Dare Wright living out her last days in a decrepit public hospital in Queens, New York. Over the next five years, Nathan pieced together Dare Wright's bizarre life of glamour and painful isolation to create this mesmerizing biography of a woman who struggled to escape the imprisonment of her childhood through her art.

  • - Julie - en smuk og ukuelig blomst
    von Evy Guldberg
    25,00 €

    Hvorfor blev jeg født? Et spørgsmål, Julie stillede sin mor som 4-årig lille pige. Hun lå i sin hospitalsseng hjemme i stuen hos sine forældre. Hun var pakket ind i gips fra halsen og ned til numsen efter to store rygoperationer, og hendes lykkelige hverdag med leg og samvær med sine børnehavevenner var sat på stand by. Spørgsmålet krævede både svar og handling ... "Læseren bliver taget igennem en proces hvor man kommer bag facaden på en familie, med et barn der gentagne gange rammes af forskellige sygdomme. Mødet med kommune, sundhedsvæsen bliver beskrevet levende og der bliver ikke lagt fingre imellem. Det var sådan det var! Evy fører dig med sin egen fantastisk nærværende og indlevende stil med på en følelsesmæssig rutchebanetur af hændelser der ender med noget af det værste man kan opleve: at miste sit barn." Michael Pilgaard

  • von Harry Lime
    22,00 €

  • von Adrian Tomine
    18,00 €

    Through a series of exquisitely observed autobiographical sketches, Adrian Tomine explores his life in comics - from an early moment on the playground being bullied, to a more recent experience, lying on a gurney in the hospital, and having the nurse say 'Hey!

  • - The True Inside Story of Sexual Sadist & Murderer Robert Leroy Anderson
    von Sandy Hamman & Phil Hamman
    25,00 €

    “MY MOMMY IS GOING TO DIE,” SHAINA SOBBED INTO THE PHONE.When Piper Streyle failed to show up for work, a coworker called her home. Piper’s three-and-a-half-year-old daughter, Shaina, answered and said, “A mean man carried Mommy away.” Then the line went dead. In the tranquil region of southeast South Dakota, word of the young mother who was brazenly abducted from her home in broad daylight shocked residents. Piper was the second woman to vanish, following the startling incident of a young woman who narrowly escaped abduction by fighting for her life on a dark and secluded highway.An intensive search by an elite team of investigators uncovered a secret crime location, but the discovery of a nightshirt cut in half, a burnt candle, and a homemade bondage board revealed the chilling truth behind the missing women. With the help of a quick-witted and streetwise maximum security prison inmate, prosecutor Larry Long and his team were able to piece together the sinister facts of the diabolical crimes.Bestselling authors PHIL AND SANDY HAMMAN, along with former Attorney General LARRY LONG, dive into the grim and demented world of Robert Leroy Anderson,  a sexual sadist, rapist, and murderer. Duct Tape Killer is also the story of perseverance and proof that love will not be extinguished by the ruinous evil that seeks to take root in our world.

  • von Ralfy Mitchell
    25,00 €

  • - Life On and Off the Road
    von Douglas Esper
    32,00 €

  • - All That's Left to Know About the World's Finest Synth-Pop Band
    von Michael Christopher
    30,00 €

    Depeche Mode FAQ will appeal to both casual and diehard fans of the band. It's an enlightening and informative account of the forty-year history of the leading synth-pop act. The book provides the reader with a handy reference guide while digging deep into what has made Depeche Mode so enduring.

  • 13% sparen
    - Min vej gennem svigt, incest og overgreb
    von Issabell Gaialys
    29,00 €

    Der var en gang en lille sjæl, som ønskede at lære endnu mere. Den kiggede sig omkring og talte med sine guidere og vejledere om, hvad der var det optimale og allerbedste. Til sidst fandt den lille sjæl en far og en mor, med præcis de kvaliteter, der skulle til, så sjælen kunne lære lige nøjagtig det, som var ønsket og nødvendigt. Den lille sjæl kom til verden en forårsdag i april 1962. "Det var aften, og tremmesengen stod i værelset, lidt bag døren. Jeg var lagt i seng og faldet i søvn. Da jeg lidt senere vågnede, kaldte jeg på min mor, men hun kom ikke. Jeg græd, følte mig fortabt, og ulykkelig. Ingen kom, så jeg satte mig ned igen, helt opløst i gråd og lagde mig til sidst til at sove igen. Jeg var ikke dengang bevidst om, hvad der skete, og hvorfor, eller hvilken betydning det havde for mig, kun at jeg gav op og lagde mig til at sove igen. Min mor kunne jo ikke vide, at jeg ville kalde på hende. Ej heller kunne hun vide, at jeg drog en betydningsfuld konklusion efter hændelsen - som skulle følge mig gennem livet." Denne bog er skrevet, for at skildre en dybere mening med dette livs begivenheder. Hændelserne anskues fra et højere perspektiv, gennem intuitionen og hjertets sandhed, hvor indsigt, om hensigten bag handlingerne bliver synliggjort, for forståelsen af læringen. Og du bliver taget med på rejse i et helt almindeligt liv, hvor hovedpersonens liv, med udfordrende oplevelser af svigt, incest og overgreb, betragtes fra det ubevidste ego-perspektivs rejse mod sjælens klare bevidsthed. Du ser, hvordan alle begivenhederne, har en vigtig betydning for den personlige udvikling og udfoldelse af et menneskes potentiale, og hvor en afklarende indsigt og bevidsthed, betyder alverden for ro og balance i livet.

  • - The Biography of a Genius Who Changed Science and World History
    von Adam Brown
    22,00 €

    While his early childhood was unimpressive, Einstein later earned the respect of the entire world and won the coveted Nobel Prize. His name is the most revered in physics. Even though he was a well-respected genius, Einstein mingled freely among ordinary folk, just as easily as he did scholars and politicians. And while Einstein had a great sense of humor, he was also a bit reckless in the way he led his personal life.To truly appreciate this brilliant scientist, who, at the age of 26, wrote the scholarly articles that fundamentally altered the foundation of physics, it is first important to look at his background and the environment in which he grew up in. Interestingly, while Einstein’s performance in math and physics was outstanding, he was not the only one in his family with a brilliant mind. His father also had an inclination towards mathematics, and his sister earned a doctorate in literature.This book provides a detailed account of Einstein's life that you do not want to miss.

  • von Steve Malins
    24,00 €

    Bursting onto the pop music scene during the British electronic pop craze at the beginning of the 80s, Depeche Mode continues to bring music to the masses through their albums and world tours. This biography aims to shed light on the trials and tensions that the band has lived through.

  • von Arthur Conan Doyle
    35,00 €

    This gift pack contains both the hardcover classic novel and a matching ruled hardcover notebook in a one quarter slipcase.Bringing one of the world's most beautiful editions of the classic novel, Adventures Of Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle, and a lined writing journal with a matching cover, in one beautifully presented gift package. The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes By Arthur Conan Doyle is a collection of twelve short stories by Arthur Conan Doyle, first published on 14 October 1892. It contains the earliest short stories featuring the consulting detective Sherlock Holmes, which had been published in twelve monthly issues of The Strand Magazine from July 1891 to June 1892. The stories are collected in the same sequence, which is not supported by any fictional chronology. The only characters common to all twelve are Holmes and Dr. Watson and all are related in first-person narrative from Watson's point of view. In general the stories in The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes identify, and try to correct, social injustices. Holmes is portrayed as offering a new, fairer sense of justice.

  • - Autobiography of the First Man to Reach the South Pole
    von Roald Admundsen
    19,00 €

  • von Greg Savage
    29,00 €

    The Savage Truth is the story of Greg Savage, his stellar career in recruitment and the lessons he has learned on leadership, business and life over a career spanning four decades.The Savage Truth is a must-read for next generation leaders and lovers of business biography. It's a book in two parts. The first part covers Greg's early life - the people and events that shaped him - and follows his career path, which took him from his hometown of Cape Town around the world before settling in Sydney. He gives an honest, open, often humorous account of his experiences, which reflect how much business has changed over the past 40 years. In the second part of the book, Greg distils his learnings into guidance and advice for his successors in the recruitment industry and, more broadly, to anyone working in business. He covers topics including building a personal brand, negotiating fees and margins, people leverage, performance management, 'Savage' leadership skills and preparing for exit towards the end of your career.Throughout his fascinating career, Greg has learned countless lessons in leadership, business and in life. One of his greatest achievements is his success as a communicator. Greg is one of the most highly respected voices across the global recruitment and professional services industries, speaking regularly to audiences around the world. An early adopter of social media for recruiters, Greg's industry blog, The Savage Truth, is a must-read in the recruitment industry. In November 2018, he was named one of LinkedIn's 'Top Voices'.

  • von Becca Tarnas
    28,00 €

  • von Heinrich Brode
    30,00 €

    This book has been considered by academicians and scholars of great significance and value to literature. This forms a part of the knowledge base for future generations. We have represented this book in the same form as it was first published. Hence any marks seen are left intentionally to preserve its true nature.

  • von Raphaelle Bacque
    23,00 €

    An intimate and well-documented biography of Karl Lagerfeld, ex-creative director of Chanel and international fashion iconReveals the man behind the mask: the great couturier, the adorer of women, the unrepentant provocateurA huge bestseller in FranceWorldwide publication in English to mark the first anniversary of his deathA luxurious hardback, finished with quarter-bound cloth and containing a picture sectionadmiring and ferocious - France InterThis first biography, fed by many first-rate witnesses... we laugh, we shudder, we admire. - ElleOn the last morning of his life, Karl Lagerfelds only companion was Sebastien, his bodyguard and right-hand man. The king of fashion insisted on being cremated, along with his universally recognizable gear - the dark glasses and high starched collar that served as a bastion for his secrets. It is only now that witnesses have begun to talk.Thus emerges the story of Karl Lagerfeld: his fathers past in the heart of wartime Germany, his rivalry with Yves Saint Laurent (enflamed by his only love, Jacques de Bascher) and the networks he forged with the biggest luxury manufacturers in the world as he compiled his vast fortune. Truly an unparalleled icon in the history of fashion, Lagerfelds legacy lives on today.

  • von Roger Daltrey
    23,00 €

    The frontman of one of the greatest bands of all time tells the story of his rise from nothing to rock ''n'' roll megastar, and his wild journey as the voice of The Who. ΓÇ£ItΓÇÖs taken me three years to unpack the events of my life, to remember who did what when and why, to separate the myths from the reality, to unravel what really happened at the Holiday Inn on Keith MoonΓÇÖs 21st birthday,ΓÇ¥ says Roger Daltrey, the powerhouse vocalist of The Who. The result of this introspection is a remarkable memoir, instantly captivating, funny and frank, chock-full of well-earned wisdom and one-of-kind anecdotes from a raucous life that spans a tumultuous time of change in Britain and America. Born in the heart of the London Blitz in March 1944, Daltrey fought his way (literally) through school and poverty and began to assemble the band that would become The Who while working at a sheet metal factory in 1961. In DaltreyΓÇÖs voice, the familiar storiesΓÇöhow they got into smashing up their kit, the infighting, Keith MoonΓÇÖs anticsΓÇötake on a new, intimate life. Also here is the creative journey through the unforgettable hits including My Generation, Substitute, Pinball Wizard, and the great albums WhoΓÇÖs Next, Tommy and Quadrophenia. Amidst all the music, mayhem, drugs, premature deaths, and ruined hotel rooms, Roger is our perfect narrator, remaining sober (relatively) and observant and determined to make The Who bigger and bigger. Not only his personal story, this is the definitive biography of The Who.

  • von Monika Wisniewska
    35,00 €

    BESTSELLER, KTÓRY DOTYKA SERC I DUSZ CZYTELNIKÓW NA CA¿YM ¿WIECIE W DWÓCH WERSJACH J¿ZYKOWYCHINSPIRUJ¿CA, INTYMNA PRAWDZIWA HISTORIA, KTÓRA POMO¿E CI W DRODZE PO MARZENIA.Poczujesz si¿ tak, jakby¿ sam prze¿y¿ to wszystko, z czym autorka musiäa si¿ zmierzy¿, a na köcu odkryjesz wraz z ni¿, jak möna si¿ na nowo duchowo odrodzi¿ i spojrze¿ na ¿wiat z nadziej¿ i wiar¿. Odkryjesz w sobie ukryt¿ m¿drö¿, si¿¿ i pokochasz w¿asn¿ dusz¿, aby móc stä si¿ tym, kim powiniene¿ by¿. MI¿O¿CI¿.Najwi¿kszym marzeniem Moniki by¿o zamieszkä w Anglii. W 2004 , gdy Polska wesz¿a do Unii Europejskiej, zdecydowäa si¿ zrealizowä to marzenie, rzucaj¿c si¿ w obj¿cia przeznaczenia i wyje¿d¿aj¿c w nieznane. Pomimo ogromnych wyzwä od dnia pierwszego, pozostaje nieugi¿ta, przezwyci¿¿aj¿c swe s¿aböci i dzielnie pod¿¿a za marzeniami. Gdy nagle traci wszystko, na co tak ci¿¿ko pracowäa, decyduje si¿ opowiedzie¿ swoj¿ histori¿, pokazuj¿c tym samym, ¿e nigdy nie nale¿y si¿ w ¿yciu poddawä, niezale¿nie od tego, jakie przeszkody zsy¿a nam los, oraz ¿e droga do poznania samego siebie, nie zawsze us¿ana jest ró¿ami.Historia dzielnej polki opisana z lekköci¿ i rzadko spotykan¿ szczeröci¿ daje niezwyk¿y wgl¿d w ¿ycie emigranta. To prawdziwa próba wytrwäöci i odwagi, ale przede wszystkim, podró¿ do duchowego öwiecenia, poznania siebie i znalezienia prawdziwej mi¿öci.

  • - A Journal from the Partition of India
    von Fikr Taunsvi
    20,00 €

    Deftly combining social satire with political critique, Taunsvi anticipates Manto's Partition fiction, written after 1948… The Sixth River is a most welcome addition to the burgeoning personal narratives on Punjab's and India's partition.' -Ayesha Jalal, Mary Richardson Professor of History, Tufts UniversityThe Partition of India in 1947 left millions displaced amidst indiscriminate murders, rapes and looting. The Sixth River, originally published as Chhata Darya, is an extraordinary first-person account of that violent time. Born Ram Lal Bhatia in the town of Taunsa Sharif, then in the Punjab, Fikr Taunsvi left for the cosmopolitan city of Lahore in the 1930s. Here he worked with various newspapers, wrote poetry and articles, and became a part of the intellectual circle. But when independence was announced, Fikr was faced with a new reality-of being a Hindu in his beloved city, now in Pakistan.The Sixth River is the journal Fikr wrote from August to November 1947 as Lahore disintegrated around him. Fikr is angry at the shortsightedness and ineptness of Radcliffe, Nehru, Gandhi and Jinnah. In the company of likeminded friends such as Sahir Ludhianvi, he mourns the loss of the art and culture of Lahore in the bloodlust and deluded euphoria of freedom; and derides the newly converted, who adopted stereotypical religious symbols. He is bewildered when old friends suddenly turn staunch nationalists and advise him to either convert or leave the country. And the deep, unspeakable trauma millions faced during Partition reaches Fikr's doorstep when his neighbour murders his daughter, and when he is eventually forced to migrate to Amritsar in India. Powerful, ironic and deeply harrowing, The Sixth River is an invaluable account of the Partition. This brilliant translation by Maaz Bin Bilal makes the classic available in English for the first time.

  • von Ianthe McGuinn
    31,00 €

    The only band member who remains synonymous with the Byrds is front man Roger McGuinn. The person closest to him, who witnessed the band's rise, glittering heyday, and tumultuous clash of wills-artistic and personal within the group-was his wife, Ianthe. Sharing tales of the Byrds' rise to fame from her unique vantage point as the only woman consistently involved with and at the center of the drama and success of the Byrds, Ianthe tells the story of the exploding rock music scene in 1960s Los Angeles. In the Wings is also Ianthe's memoir of being a young and beautiful Latina from Tucson getting a crash course in love, loss, sex and drugs, marriage, and motherhood while being immersed in the aureate and vagaries of celebrity. And of course, it is the love story of Ianthe and Roger, how that love was destroyed, and how she survived to find herself. The Byrds' worldwide hit songs from the 1960s, "Mr. Tambourine Man," "Turn! Turn! Turn!," and "Eight Miles High," are iconic. Today, the group is considered by rock critics one of the most influential bands of the 1960s. The Beatles called them their favorite contemporary American group.Rolling Stone magazine dubbed the Byrds one of the 100 Greatest Artists of All Time. They were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in1991.

  • - From Businessman to 45th President of the United States: Insight and Analysis into the Life of Donald J. Trump
    von J R Macgregor
    25,00 €

    Few people have had such an impact on the political and business world as Donald J Trump. But beyond the presidency, his entire family has an incredible and intriguing story to tell.Now, inside this biography, you’ll discover the incredible life and achievements of the Trump family. From their arrival to America and the businesses they founded to Donald J Trump’s successful ascent to the Whitehouse and his long-standing career beforehand. Few people have had such an impact on America and the world – even long before his presidential bid – than Trump.But aside from politics, this biography serves to illuminate the character, mindset, and personality of Trump in a never-before-seen way. Delving into his family, past, and current life, this is a powerful and enlightening account of the Trump family’s legacy, from the ambition and drive that led to so much success, to the relationships and partnerships that helped it all happen.Their story goes far beyond the presidential race that captured the attention of so many millions – the story of the Trump family has so much more to tell. From Fred Trump and his casinos to their humble beginnings in Germany, Trump: The Biography is a must-read for anyone interested in the history, achievements, and legacy of this extraordinary family.Buy now to discover just how much the Trump family influenced America.

  • - Andrew Carnegie, J.P. Morgan, John D. Rockefeller, Henry Ford, Cornelius Vanderbilt
    von J R Macgregor
    46,00 €

    The five ‘Titans of Industry’ discussed in this series are, without a doubt, the most influential and impactful men in American history. Without any one of them, the entire landscape of the US would be different. They are the founders of the American economy.  We live in a world today that is based on the actions of John D. Rockefeller. Everything we do and how we live are the result of oil and its power.J.P. Morgan is more than just the name on one of the largest banks in America; He built the financial world we live in today.Henry Ford not only revolutionized the automobile industry, but the assembly line he created has changed the way the entire world thinks about manufacturing.Grab a copy, pull up a chair, pour your favorite reading beverage, and dive into the lives of the men who built America.  

  • - Insight and Analysis into the Life of the Richest Man in American History
    von J R Macgregor
    24,00 €

    Rockefeller was the quintessential industrialist. He created an industry out of nascent oil and gas start-ups during a time when none existed. His strategies and tactics may not have been approved by all, but he was certain he was doing God’s work.We live in a world today that is based on the actions of John D. Rockefeller. Everything we do and how we live are the result of oil and its power. This inherent structure is based on what one man did when the oil industry was just starting off. He was strategic in his thinking, choosing to enter the refining side of the oil industry instead of the exploring and drilling aspect of it. He started with one refinery and then quickly bought up more than 90 percent of his competitors in the state within a few short years. The story of Rockefeller as told in this book provides a deep view of the oil industry and is told from a very human and real perspective. It looks at the events that shaped his life, from the shenanigans of his crooked father to the pleasant and philanthropic old man that he became. It is a story that is both instructive and interesting. It is a story of America itself told from the perspective of one of the world’s most successful men who rose from nothing and set the world on its path—a path that we still traverse today almost a century after his passing.Read this book and learn about the conversations and twists and turns that were part of John D. Rockefeller’s life. Feel what he felt as he navigated happiness and disappointment, clarity and confusion. What are you waiting for? Scroll up and click the ‘Buy Now’ button to learn about ‘The Original Titan.’

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