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Hier finden Sie eine Auswahl von über Biographien spannenden Büchern zum Thema 261.080.
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  • von Charles Mingus
    12,98 €

    A blisteringly powerful self-portrait of 'The Angry Man of Jazz', contemporary of jazz genius Miles Davis

  • - UFO in the `80s & `90s
    von Martin Popoff
    26,00 €

    Amongst Popoff's analysis of the catalogue is lots of tour talk, revealing nightmares surrounding the band's business based around interviews with the key members. The journey takes us through the period where Paul Chapman takes over from Michael Schenker and concludes with 1995's Walk On Water that sees the classic line-up reunited with Schenker.

  • - The Life and Legend of Marie Duplessis
    von Julie Kavanagh
    29,00 €

    This riveting biography brilliantly explores the short, intense, and passionate life of the country girl from Normandy, who at thirteen fled her brute of a father to go to Paris. Almost overnight she became one of the most admired courtesans of the 1840s-the inspiration for Alexandre Dumas fils' The Lady of the Camellias and Verdi's La Traviata. With her aristocratic ways, elegant clothes and signature camellias, Marie was always a subject of fascination at the opera and the boulevard cafés. Her death at twenty-three from tuberculosis created such an outpouring of sympathy in the press that Charles Dickens, who was in Paris at the time, was amazed. "Everything is erased in the face of an incident which is far more important," he wrote, "the romantic death of one of the glories of the demi-monde, the beautiful, the famous Marie Duplessis."

  • - Rediscovering the Forgotten Genius of Jazz Guitar
    von Sharony Andrews Green
    25,00 €


  • - More Incredible True Stories of Fortunes, Schemes, Parties, and Prison
    von Jordan Belfort
    17,00 €

  • - Extraordinary Lives from History
    von Marian Broderick
    22,00 €

    From patriots to pirates, warriors to writers, and mistresses to male impersonators, this book looks at the unorthodox lives of inspiring Irish women.

  • - - og kroppen lever videre
    von Susanne Marie Salskov
    16,00 €

    "Barndommen findes - og kroppen lever videre" er en fortælling om en barndom i et fængsel af frygt. Om at leve med en konstant følelse af fare på færde. Om at vente på næste gang, han er fuld og slår. En fortælling om kroppen, der ikke glemmer, men lever videre med angst og usikkerhed som fast følgesvend i både ungdom og voksenliv.

  • 10% sparen
    - My life-transforming encounter
    von Anette Christensen
    30,00 €

    Persecuted, banned, and exiled, the legendary Argentine folk singer Mercedes Sosa made South America's dictators tremble in the 1970s. Nicknamed "The Voice of the Voiceless", Sosa became an icon of democracy and a much-loved mother of Latin America.Mercedes Sosa - The Voice of Hope charts Sosa's remarkable life and career and offers a psychological profile that reveals the secret behind Sosa's enormous impact. Besides being a personal profile of the artist and a chronicle of Latin American music, history, and politics, the author explores the scientific underpinnings of how her profound connection with Sosa and Sosa's music changed her life. By doing so, Christensen opens an avenue to personal transformation that is accessible to anyone.Sosa's extraordinary example, coupled with Christensen's inspiring discoveries will enable the reader to use life's challenges as a stepping stone for growth. This narrative calls out for the best in all of us - for authenticity, empathy, and compassion.

  • von Henrik Ibsen
    35,99 €

    Henrik Ibsens drama "En folkefjende" fra 1882 udspiller sig i en mindre, norsk kystby, hvor en nyopført badeanstalt hurtigt er blevet byens vigtigste indtægtskilde. Da lægen Tomas Stockmann opdager, at vandet i badet er forgiftet og vil afsløre det for byens borgere, vender stemningen i byen sig imod ham, så ikke kun han selv, men også hans familie, bliver lagt for had.Den norske dramatiker og digter Henrik Ibsen (1828-1906) er én af de vigtigste forfattere i Det Moderne Gennembrud og regnes som grundlæggeren af det moderne drama med skuespil, der sætter den menneskelige psykologi i centrum og kredser om den fortid, det er så umuligt at flygte fra. Ibsen er verdensberømt for skuespil som "Et dukkehjem", "Peer Gynt" og "Hedda Gabler", men producerede i alt over tyve dramaer, der stadig opføres på teatre over hele verden.

  • 16% sparen
    - Udsagn fra Ulan
    von Jesper Hedegaard Konrad
    30,00 €

    Langt fra her og nu er der en anden verden, kaldet Ulan.Forfatteren bruger et hemmelighedsfuldt kildemateriale, når han her fortæller om kolonisatoren Akkon Adefkow, der blev fyrste i et jagisk rige.Romanens hovedhistorie handler om hans søn, Wann Wantolo, og dennes kærlighedsforhold til fyrstedatteren Fania og til troldkvinden Sonia.

  • von John Steinbeck
    35,99 €

    Under Anden Verdenskrig var den amerikanske forfatter John Steinbeck udsendt som krigskorrespondent for avisen "New York Herald Tribune", og "Der var engang en krig" indeholder en række af de artikler han skrev fra juni til december 1943.Steinbeck dækker ikke krigen direkte, men holder sig til beretninger om de mennesker, der lever med og som en del af krigen. Han fortæller blandt andet om amerikanske soldater med hjemve, der forsøger at dyrke deres egne grøntsager i englændernes haver og om festlighederne i Capri på Sicilien, da byen blev befriet af de amerikanske tropper.John Steinbeck (1902-1968) var en amerikansk forfatter, der skrev et væld af noveller og romaner, der er blevet oversat til flere forskellige sprog. I 1962 modtog John Steinbeck Nobelprisen i litteratur, og hans værker er bredt anerkendte verden over.

  • - En fortælling fra dagens Danmark i perioden 1969 - 1976
    von Jens Erik Jensen
    16,00 €

    En fortælling fra dagens Danmark i perioden 1969 - 1976, set, hørt og oplevet af en ung vendelbo. Denne periode er en brydningstid såvel samfundsmæssigt som på det personlige plan. Mange begivenheder finder sted, mange ændringer sker, nye tanker og idéer fødes, medens man uden for storbyerne stadig lever et stille, næsten uforanderligt, liv. Den unge vendelbo, kaldet Ib, bliver elev i toldvæsenet, som man typisk gør på den tid, når man står med en afsluttet realeksamen. Ib kan ikke rigtigt finde ud af, hvad han skal bruge sit liv til, da en række udefra kommende begivenheder hele tiden hvirvler ham rundt i livet ...

  • von René Larsen & Morten Bang Larsen
    21,00 - 32,00 €

    Træt af det hårde slid hjemme, og af skolen, påmønstrer den 15-årige husmandssøn Christian Alfred Larsen i 1935 en Marstal Skonnert for at komme ud og opleve verden udenfor landsbyen Trøjborg ved Odense Fjord. I slutningen af 1930’erne oplever den unge sømand Nazihysteriet i Hamburg, og indser hvor det bærer hen. Han ender med at melde sig til den franske Fremmedlegion i juni 1939, men kampen må vente. Legionen, som er under Vichyregimet, tøver med at vælge side til fordel for de allierede. Det tvinger Christian til en handling, som bringer ham i konflikt med Legionen og får følger for ham. Christian og Legionen forliges dog, da de endelig vælger side. Efter næsten ét års intensiv træning i Nordafrika, kommer han endelig i kamp i Frankrig og Tyskland under fanerne af det legendariske Régiment de Marche de la Légion Étrangère, RMLE. Christian bliver belønnet for sin indsats i krigen, men han får den også at føle på sin egen krop. Christian fortrød aldrig sin beslutning om at deltage i krigen eller andre vigtige beslutninger i sit liv. Dette er fortællingen om en ung mand, der tog stilling og havde mod til at handle, og som var med til at gøre en forskel.

  • von Tad Szulc
    25,00 €

    Never before has any biographer had such close access to Fidel Castro as did Tad Szule. The outcome of a long, direct relationship, this riveting portrait reveals astonishing and exclusive information about Cuba, the revolution, and the notorious, larger-than-life leader who has ruled his country with an iron fist for more than forty years.Only Tad Szule could bring Fidel to such vivid life--the loves and losses of the man, the devious tactics of the conspirator, the triumphs and defeats of the revolutionary leader who challenged an American president and brought the world to the brink of nuclear disaster.From Jesuit schools to jungle hideouts and the Palace of the Revolution, here is Fidel...The Untold Story.Never before has any biographer had such close access to Fidel Castro as did Tad Szulc. The outcome of a long, direct relationship, this riveting portrait reveals astonishing and exclusive information about Cuba, the revolution, and the notorious, larger-than-life leader who has ruled his country with an iron fist for more than forty years.Only Tad Szulc could bring Fidel to such vivid life--the loves and losses of the man, the devious tactics of the conspirator, the triumphs and defeats of the revolutionary leader who challenged an American president and brought the world to the brink of nuclear disaster.From Jesuit schools to jungle hideouts and the Palace of the Revolution, here is FIDEL...THE UNTOLD STORY.

  • von Suetonius
    36,00 €

  • - Ron Paul
    von Marc Shapiro
    16,00 €

    Ron Paul is well read, he speaks in complete sentences, and his views are often so far right that they make sense. Did I mention that he's a Republican with Tea Party tendencies? Find out what makes this Presidential hopeful tick. TidalWave's Political Power: Ron Paul, written by New York Times bestselling author Marc Shapiro, has readers on either side of the aisle agreeing to disagree.As featured on CNN, FOX News, Time Magazine, The Washington Post, LA Times, OK Magazine, and MSNBC! Political Power is a comic book series that features biographies on modern politics. Read about the world of Ron Paul in comic book form! 

  • von Tashi Khedrup
    25,00 €

  • von Speedy Publishing LLC
    22,00 €

  • - The Aftermath: Exclusive Interviews with Dr. Dre, Ice Cube, Jerry Heller, Yella & Westside Connection
    von Harris Rosen
    20,00 €

    [N.W.A Fans Only!] Astonishing facts revealed for the first time!#1 on Amazon U.S., Canada, France, Australia and Japan!For Decades Harris Rosen Has Been Asking Fearless Questions Of Hip-Hop's Biggest Names. N.W.A: The Aftermath collects many of his best interviews, which challenge and draw out seminal figures like Dr. Dre, Ice Cube, and Jerry Heller. You won't find these interviews anywhere else. N.W.A: The Aftermath is a must-read for fans of Ruthless, Death Row, and Aftermath.- Ben Westhoff, columnist for The Guardian, Author of Original Gangstas: The Untold Story of Dr. Dre, Eazy-E, Ice Cube, Tupac Shakur, and the Birth of West Coast Rap.This was a different one. I like that. - Dr. DreHarris Rosen is at the forefront of Hip-Hop Journalists; bright, articulate and totally fearless. My interview with Harris was stimulating and unique, and I now feel confidant that the basic honesty of the music and it's future as an Art Form will continue to be reported honestly and with integrity in his capable hands.- Jerry HellerN.W.A: The Aftermath is the fourth book from the In Their Own Words: Behind the Music Tales of Truth, Fiction & Desire series.The interviews provide first-hand knowledge and the state of mind of these legendary figures who existed within the heart of arguably the most infamous and dark period in music history.Each chapter will unravel the truth and give you new insight. Don't miss out on the opportunity to learn what really happened. What was Eazy-E's all consuming desire? How did Jerry Heller feel after listening to "No Vaseline"? When did Yella find out Eazy-E had AIDS? What really happened in the Ice Cube Vs Cypress Hill war? What really went on behind the scenes at Death Row? What did Dr. Dre think of Snoop Doggy Dogg's Tha Doggfather album? Why did people say Dr. Dre fell off? Who had the money lined up to produce an N.W.A movie in 2006? How did Ice Cube go from burning to turning Hollywood? And much more! Much of what you will read here has been sensationalized by others in a manner of journalistic psycho-speak. N.W.A: The Aftermath is as close to the truth as one can get. Alternately triumphant and tragic, lively, uplifting, and resentful, each tells a distinct story, creating an intimate portrait as fearless as its subjects.

  • von John Adams
    34,00 €

  • 15% sparen
    - His Life and Universe
    von Walter Isaacson
    20,00 €

  • - A Mother's Struggle To Save Her Daughter from Lyme Disease
    von Mindy Haber
    24,00 €

    According to the National Institute of Health, Lyme disease, a bacterial infection that is spread through the bite of one of several types of ticks, may now be a virulent epidemic in the U.S. producing as many as 300,000 to one million new cases per year. Yet since it was first discovered in 1982 its diagnosis and treatment has remained wrapped in controversy.¿Lyme Rage is the true story of one family's experience with the disease. Their harrowing journey begins when nine-year old Sophie develops symptoms that their family doctor cannot explain. When her symptoms worsen, and doctor after doctor refuses to treat her for a lack of diagnosis, her family is at a loss for what to do. The final disaster comes when Sophie collapses and is unable to walk. It is only when the family begins traveling a road without established medical markers that the seemingly miraculous happens and the family finds a doctor who is willing to treat Sophie that her rocky road to recovery can begin.Mindy Haber LCSW, CASAC is a licensed psychotherapist in private practice in the Hudson Valley where she lives with her family. Mindy offers information about her experiences with Lyme disease through her website

  • - A Life in Arms
    von William De Lange
    85,00 €

    THE FIRST FULLY ILLUSTRATED BIOGRAPHY OF JAPAN'S GREATEST SWORDSMANMiyamoto Musashi (1584-1645) is the most celebrated swordsman in Japanese history. Yet few of the many works on the enigmatic warrior have hewn to the original sources. Fewer still have explored the emotional turmoil that drove him on to be the very best in his field.A Life in Arms debunks many of the convenient myths, while at the same time uncovering the more controversial aspects that have been left hidden: his deeply troubled relationship with his father, his whereabouts during the battle of Sekigahara, his role in the siege of Osaka castle, and the birth and death of an illegitimate child, an event that deeply influenced his art.It shows how Musashi's path through life was shaped by strong personal traits: a reckless valor in the face of danger, a sensitive intelligence in the fields of art and architecture, a generosity toward peers and pupils, and a defiant stubbornness in old age. The complex yet human portrait that arises is a far cry from the accepted one-dimensional caricatures.Drawing from a wealth of images, maps, photographs, and woodprints, this Illustrated Edition gives the reader an even more authentic and in-depth experience of the life of Japan's greatest swordsman.

  • von Zofia Stone
    32,00 €

    This book gives out short biographies of 100 of the most famous people known in the history of mankind.

  • - Campfire Conversations with Alfred Russel Wallace on People and Nature Based on Common Travel in the Malay Archipelago, The Land of the Orangutan, and the Bird of Paradise
    von Paul Spencer Sochaczewski
    26,00 €

    An Inordinate Fondness for Beetles follows the Victorian-era explorations of Alfred Russel Wallace through Indonesia, Singapore, and Malaysia. While Wallace is recognized as co-discoverer of the theory of natural selection (and was perhaps deliberately sidelined by Darwin), he was also an edgy social commentator and a voracious collector of "natural productions"-he caught, skinned, and pickled 125,660 specimens, including 212 new species of birds and 900 new species of beetles. Sochaczewski has created an innovative form of storytelling, combining incisive biography and personal travelogue. He examines themes about which Wallace cared deeply-women's power, why boys leave home, the need to collect, our relationship with other species, humanity's need to control nature and how this leads to nature destruction, arrogance, the role of ego and greed, white-brown and brown-brown colonialism, serendipity, passion, mysticism-and interprets them through his own filter with layers of humor, history, social commentary, and sometimes outrageous personal tales.

  • von Activinotes
    19,00 €

    Never again forget your password because with this journal, you can finally zip it, keep it and lock it up! The nice thing about keeping a password journal is that all your information is just in one place. You can bring it with you anywhere because it fits your bag or suitcase just fine. Start recording your passwords here today!

  • - An Unauthorized Biography
    von Andrew Morton
    28,00 €

    Andrew Morton uncovers the true story of the biggest celebrity of our age. Everyone knows Tom Cruise---or at least what he wants us to know. We know that he overcame a difficult childhood to star in astonishing array of blockbusters: Top Gun, Rain Man, Born on the Fourth of July, A Few Good Men, Interview with the Vampire, Jerry Maguire, several Mission: Impossible movies, War of the Worlds, and more. We know he has taken artistic chances, too, and as a result has earned three Academy Award nominations and three Golden Globes, along with the respect of acting legends like Paul Newman and Dustin Hoffman. After that, the picture becomes a little less clear. We know that Tom is a Scientologist, but not necessarily what that means in his life. We know that, despite persistent rumors about his sexuality, he has been married to Mimi Rogers, Nicole Kidman, and Katie Holmes. But it was not until the spring of 2005, when he jumped on Oprah's couch to proclaim his love for Katie and denounced Brooke Shields for turning to the "Nazi science" of psychiatry, that we began to realize how much we didn't know about the charming, hardworking star. For two years, award-winning biographer Andrew Morton has been tirelessly seeking out everyone from former teachers and girlfriends to Scientology insiders to friends who have watched a once-bullied, "nothing special" outsider transform himself into an icon Forbes has called the most powerful celebrity in the world Here, with never-seen photos and never-heard revelations, is a riveting, sometimes shocking portrait of the real Tom Cruise---his work, his love life, his marriages, his religion---from a master at uncovering the true story behind the public face of celebrity.

  • von Richard Carlton London
    28,00 €

    Donald Trump is the master of Twitter and The Art of The Tweet. Based on Trump, The Art of The Deal, "Donald Trump, The Art of The Tweet" highlights his 140 character thoughts on subjects such as Rosie O'Donnell, Miss Universe, Global Warming, Obama, Wind Turbines (hates them), who's a Loser, Pathetic or an Asshole. Yes, there is a chapter on "Happy Trump:" too. "Donald Trump, The Art of The Tweet" provides a window into what to expect in the next four years, if he lasts that long.

  • von Ryan Ramsey
    29,00 €

  • von C. W. Cooke
    18,00 €

    The biggest hit show of for Nickelodeon now hits the comic pages. 4 friends from Minnesota started a pop singing group on the show, and now you can learn the back story of these 4 young men and their co-stars. Find out where Kendall, Logan, Carlos, and James came from, and see what brought these four young men into the limelight for all the world to see. Be here as you join the phenomenon that is sweeping the nation. As featured on CNN, Time Magazine, People Magazine, LA Times, OK Magazine, and MSNBC! FAME is a comic book biography series that focuses on the biggest and brightest stars in the world!

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