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Tagebücher & Memoiren

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  • von Abdullahi Osman Mohamed
    18,00 €

    The stories in this book are about a man who was born on an unknown date in the wilderness of a countryside in the continent of Africa. When he was a boy, he struggled to come and live in his country's capital city. After seeing some children of his age going to school, he strived to find education for himself with minimal help from some relatives. After a long adventurous life with awkward, complicated education and rough work experiences, followed by a disheartening civil war exposure in his country, he ended up working with a British school in England. Then, he started to educate a rainbow of multicultural children from all over the world, to build their future in Britain. He also helped the school to interpret four foreign languages and his own mother's language. He then assisted the school to build a bridge between the culture gap of the communities and the school. These adventurous stories are interesting and are real inspiration to anyone who would like to know how disadvantaged people can be successful and helpful to others. The stories in this book are powerful and moving memoirs. They show some incredibly emotive experiences. They reveal how the writer has tackled some difficult incidents that are all true. He tells the stories in an honest way. The stories are emotional, and unforgettable. They show how the writer dealt with a span of cultures despite being an outsider. So, dive in and find out how all these adventurous stories happened. One thing is for sure, you will enjoy reading them to the end.

  • von Van Hawkins
    22,00 €

    For nearly 100 years, from after the Civil War to the 1960s when two federal judges took charge, Arkansas prisons were torture chambers. Brutal prisoners doing time for murder and other extraordinarily violent crimes regularly held positions of authority. Their supervisors included convict trustees and sadistic prison authorities. They starved and beat men and women prisoners, sometimes to death, and often for amusement. Politicians and their cronies did nothing because corruption and graft benefited them. This book graphically describes the horror and those who endured it. It pulls together previously published firsthand accounts from two prisoners, an Arkansas State Police Criminal Investigation Division Report, and two major legal opinions related to complaints of unconstitutionality in Arkansas prisons.

  • von Tom Weil
    28,00 €

    This is a companion volume to the author's 2021 travel reminiscence, A PLAY OF INFINITE FORMS. Although Tom Weil didn't consult his Journal before writing that book, many of the entries include themes, ideas and conclusions contained in the reminiscence. In that way the two books are related, but at the same time quite distinct. While A PLAY OF INFINITE FORMS deals with the author's wide-ranging travels over the last half century, the Journal consists of home-based thoughts over the same 50-year period on a wide range of topics rather than on places.The good-natured and often humorous book covers a vast variety of stimulating observations and ideas-some of them rather eccentric or even quirky-which will inspire readers to view the world in novel ways. Those who read the piquant and quite digestible food-for-thought served in A FORM OF INFINITE PLAY will perceive their way of being with new perspectives, many of which occurred to the author when he was doing hand-stands and saw things upside down. From the usual and the visible Weil extracts some unusual, subtle and less obvious conclusions.

  • von Elliot Mintz
    18,00 €

    "In 1972, Elliot Mintz installed a red light in his bedroom in Laurel Canyon. When it started flashing, it meant that either John Lennon or Yoko Ono--or sometimes both--were calling him. Which they did almost every day for nearly ten years, engaging Mintz in hours-long late-night phone conversations that all but consumed him for the better part of a decade. In [this book] Mintz--a former radio and television host in Los Angeles--recounts the story of how their unlikely friendship began and where it led him over the years, revealing the ups and downs of a wild, touching, heartbreaking, and sometimes shocking relationship. Mintz takes readers inside John and Yoko's inner sanctums, ... ultimately becoming the Lennons' closest and most trusted confidant. Mintz was with John and Yoko through creative highs, relationship and private challenges, fascinating interactions with the other former Beatles, and the happiest moment of their lives together, the birth of their son Sean. He was also by Yoko's side during the aftermath of John's assassination on the doorstep of the Dakota--not merely a witness to it all, but a key figure in the drama of John and Yoko's extraordinary lives"--

  • von M. Ralph Browning
    43,00 €

    Inspired by Roger Tory Peterson and James Fisher's book Wild America, recent high school graduate M. Ralph Browning embarked on a tightly budgeted, year-long trip in the US looking for birds. The year was 1962. His 1955 VW Beetle broke after nine months, which forced a premature end to the journey. In 2005, after matters of military duty, college, a family, and a career in birds at Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History, the author resumed the interrupted trip. This time, he was with the girl he'd left behind in 1962, and they birded Texas, the Southwest, and California. The author chronicles the trip with observations on birds while touching on history, geology, and conservation. The cost of keeping alive includes periodic notes on the price of gasoline (about $0.33/gallon in 1962) and food. The author had earlier written to numerous birders for information about birding particular locations, and many of those individuals across the country showed him birds and invited him into their homes for a gratefully appreciated warm bed and home cooking. The 2005 leg of the journey was assisted by bird finding guides and the help of the legendary Jon Dunn and numerous motels.

  • von Kim Metzger
    20,00 €

    Embark on an intimate journey of self-discovery in Midlife Marvels, as Kim Metzger unveils her transformative quest through the intricate dance of menopause, retirement, and the empty nest. Witness her first steps into this uncharted terrain in 2016, peeling back layers of deferred emotions from her roles as a teacher, wife, and mother. This narrative candidly dissects the challenges posed by aging and mortality.Midlife Marvels transcends memoir, emerging as a guide through the maze of midlife complexities. Explore how the author copes with the intricate web of emotions and the seemingly boundless stretches of time during this profound period. The manuscript unveils meticulously examined "Aha" moments, born of introspection fueled by journaling, drawing parallels between the landscapes of retirement and the empty nest.The author's journey becomes a mirror reflecting the reader's transformative possibilities. As the final pages turn, find solace and guidance in a comprehensive compilation of treatments and solutions tailored to ease the challenges of transition. "Midlife Marvels" stands as a beacon, offering a roadmap for women navigating this intricate juncture, promising a path illuminated by shared wisdom and resilience.

  • von Olga Hempel
    19,80 €

    Aus dem Vorwort von Irene Gill:Olga Hempel - Eine lebendige Stimme aus der VergangenheitMeine Großmutter Olga Hempel (geb. Fajans, 1869-1954) - allgemein Frau Doktor genannt - war klein, rundlich und trug schwarz. Von der Seite sah sie wie ein großes B aus. Ihr silbernes Haar war in einen kleinen Dutt oben auf ihrem Kopf zusammengerafft. Sie hatte große, intelligente grau-blaue Augen, die mich aufmerksam über ihre Brille anschauten. Sie stand auf dem kleinen Hügel und schwang ihren Regenschirm im Kreis über die grüne Landschaft und sang in einer tiefen, warmen Stimme:O Täler weit, o HöhenDu schöner, grüner WaldDu meiner Lust und WehenAndächt¿ger Aufenthalt.Später machte sie mich auf eine Lerche aufmerksam, die singend im Kreise aufwärts flog. "Wenn du dich dreimal umdrehst", sagte sie, "wirst du sie nicht mehr sehen können - nur hören, so weit fliegt sie hinauf!" Ich drehte mich gehorsam um, und siehe da: Sie hatte recht! Es war mir klar, dass meine Großmutter allwissend war.Sie hatte ihre Riten. Jeden Abend mussten wir Stuhl, Tischchen, Decke, Bücher, Schreibsachen und Lesebrille an eine freie Stelle an der Hecke hinter dem Häuschen tragen. Da ließ sie sich dann nieder, um den Sonnenuntergang zu sehen, - falls es langweilig wurde, konnte sie lesen oder Briefe schreiben. Sie hatte immer etwas zu schreiben.Das war wohl im Jahre 1938 in Dänemark, als ich etwa fünf Jahre alt war. Wir waren wegen Hitler schon 1936 aus Deutschland ausgewandert. Davor hatten wir - meine Mutter, meine älteren Geschwister und ich - bei Großmutter Olga in Güntersthal bei Freiburg gewohnt. Dort bin ich geboren; Oma spielte in den ersten drei Jahren meines Lebens eine ebenso große Rolle wie meine Mutter. Mein Vater war abwesend...Nach dem Besuch bei uns in Dänemark fuhr sie nach Persien. Wir gelangten 1939 nach England, und während des Krieges bekamen wir Briefe und Pakete von Oma Olga. Erst nach dem Krieg sah ich sie wieder: Sie besuchte uns auf ihrer Reise nach Amerika. Danach sah ich sie nie wieder. Aber dank ihrer vielen Briefe (ich habe einen Schuhkarton voller Briefe, auch solche, die sie in den 1920er Jahren an meine Mutter schrieb) und der drei schwarzen Hefte, in denen sie ihre Lebenserinnerungen aufschrieb (und auch dank der Erzählungen meiner Mutter) kenne ich sie, ihr Leben, ihre Umgebung, ihre Anschauungen und ihre ganze Persönlichkeit sehr gut.Sie hatte einen erstaunlichen Mut. Sie setzte sich durch; sie studierte Medizin.

  • von William C. Lam
    30,00 €

    A MEMOIR OF LEADERSHIP, IMPACT & FAITHGrowing up among sports royalty in Boulder, Colorado, Bill Lam was taught one mantra: compete hard and win. He excelled as a star wrestler at the University of Oklahoma, adopting the "three periods of a champion" ethos-talent, hard work, and heart-instilled by his coach. For thirty years, he molded champions as head wrestling coach at the University of North Carolina, transforming the program into a national force.Lam played as hard as he worked, earning a reputation for more than just wins. He himself had to journey through the three periods of a champion, maturing in the process. And at the height of his success, a wake-up call forced him to confront life's "overtime."In Overtime: The Three Periods of a Champion and What Comes After, readers enter the competitive world of college sports and witness one man's evolution through life's tough lessons, as he fights to emerge a better person on the other side.

  • von Sasha Marianna Salzmann
    20,00 €

    Unmittelbar nach dem Terroranschlag der Hamas auf Israel beginnen Sasha Marianna Salzmann und Ofer Waldman eine Korrespondenz über eine erschütterte Welt - die Welt nach dem 7. Oktober. In Briefen und Chats, mit Gedichten und Musik, die sie einander schicken, versuchen sich die beiden Autor:innen an einer Beschreibung und Benennung dessen, was sie gerade sehen und erleben - jenseits des tagespolitischen Geschehens. Ofer Waldman erzählt von seinem Alltag in Israel. Er sitzt Shiva, unterhält sich mit seinen Kindern, geht auf Mahnwachen, hört auf die Klänge des Nahost-Krieges. Sasha Marianna Salzmann verdichtet ihre Erlebnisse und Beobachtungen in unterschiedlichen Städten Mitteleuropas. Sie sitzt am Mahnmal für die ermordeten Jüdinnen und Juden an der Donau in Budapest, streitet sich in Wiener Kaffeehäusern und schaut dem Blaulicht der Polizeikonvois am Berliner Hermannplatz zu. Was ist noch übrig von alten Gewissheiten nach dem 7. Oktober, was hat Bestand im Strudel der Meinungen, Behauptungen und Positionierungen? Und was scheint in der Folge des Nahostkonfliktes und des furchtbaren Krieges im Nahen Osten unwiederbringlich verloren? Im Versuch, sich diesen Fragen erzählerisch zu nähern, entsteht ein Dialog, der immer mehr zum berührenden Dokument einer Freundschaft wird: Ich sehe dich, sagen diese Briefe, ich kann nichts tun, aber ich bin da. »Du schreibst meinen Namen, und die Zeit verklebt sich, Vergangenheit und Gegenwart. Die Zukunft, in die wir schauen, wird zum Spiegel. Ein Trost, immerhin: Ich sehe dich darin.« Ofer Waldman an Sasha Marianna Salzmann, 22. Oktober 2023

  • von Sandy Nell
    16,90 - 21,90 €

  • von Wolfgang Berg
    15,00 €

    ¿Wir sind geboren, Taten zu vollbringen¿, hat Julian mit zwölf Jahren in der Pionierrepublik ¿Wilhelm Pieck¿ gelernt. Als Soldat bei der Nationalen Volksarmee soll er diese Taten nun vollbringen, doch Drill und Schikane sind nicht sein Ding. So gibt es auch lustige Episoden beim Militär. Seine geliebte Musik verschafft ihm dabei Vorteile. Zu Hause zurück, erlernt Julian auf Drängen von Mutter Wilhelmine einen Beruf, den sie als ¿vernünftig¿ erachtet. Trotzdem dominiert die Musik in seinem weiteren Leben, deren Ausübung ihm die DDR-Diktatur oft schwer macht. Mit dem Mauerfall wird sein Traum wahr. Er eröffnet eine private Schenke und unterhält seine Gäste mit eigener Musik. Er erkennt aber schnell, dass nicht alles Gold ist, was glänzt.

  • von Estella Dalva
    19,50 €

    Die Welt steht plötzlich still, es wird leise, doch die Gedanken suchen sich ihren Weg - so geschehen im Winter 2021, inmitten des Lockdowns. Nun gibt es Raum für längst verdrängte Erinnerungen, die sich in Träumen zeigen und in Gedichten manifestieren.Estella Dalva lädt ein auf eine sehr persönliche Reise in ihr Inneres, ihr Herz und ihre Erinnerungen an die ganz andere Welt ihrer Kindheit und Jugendzeit.Zarte Poesie trifft kraftvolle Bilder und Geschichten, die dazu aufrufen, das eigene Leben zu hinterfragen.

  • von Lisa Smolinski
    13,99 €

    Dieses Buch ist eine Sammlung meiner drei beliebtesten Bücher, die an einem Selfpublishing-Wettbewerb teilgenommen und meine Leidenschaft zum Schreiben wieder entfacht haben.Es geht um mein Arbeitsleben als Sozialpädagogin in einer Maßnahme mit Langzeitarbeitslosen. Außerdem geht es um meinen autistischen Sohn und die An- und Überforderungen des Alltags. Den letzten Teil bildet eine Reise in die Herausforderungen des Erwachsenenwerdens.Viel Vergnügen beim Lesen!

  • von Joe S. Bullock
    27,00 €

    By most standards, highly decorated Marine Colonel Jim Viejo would be considered a hero . . . but not in his own eyes. Personal tragedies have led him to conclude that he is a sinner and that God is rightfully punishing him for his transgressions. As the former amateur golfer's life continues to unfold in a reasonably satisfying, somewhat predictable pattern, Joe is enjoying a happy marriage, working as a bank executive, and gearing up for retirement. But as he is about to discover, life has a way of throwing a curveball that changes everything.Following a weekend spent watching the Masters golf tournament on television, Joe is working at his desk when he receives a message from God on his computer screen that tells him he has been chosen to deliver an inspirational message to the world that the seemingly impossible is possible. God tells Joe he is going to play in the Masters the following spring, and if his faith is strong enough, he will win. As Joe embarks on a spiritual journey to make a difference, he must learn to face his fears, have confidence in his abilities, and commit to his goals before he can succeed.Walking with Herb is an inspirational story of an aging small-town banker's attempt to fulfill his higher purpose and, with God's help, prove that anything is possible.

  • von Rebecca Sanciolo
    24,00 €

    In June 2020, Rebecca was advised that based on her medical scans, the cancer she had lived with for over a decade had reached the stage where she now had three to six months left to live. The news left her undisturbed. Over a year later, she continued to live a happy, love-filled life.In the years leading up to her terminal diagnosis, Rebecca had learned how to be happy no matter what. When life as she knew it fell apart at the age of forty, she made a vow that if there was a way to live in the world without fear and anxiety, she was going to find it. So began a fourteen year odyssey of self-investigation, reprogramming, deep learning and mindful living that encompassed the complete rebuilding of a new life.Choosing to perceive every experience as an opportunity to grow and heal, a gift from life, Rebecca proves that happiness is a state of mind we can choose no matter what our life circumstances are. Packed with rich insights, this book follows her path out of fear and anxiety into living in effortless peace and happiness. As you journey through the pages, you will be inspired by Rebecca's practical wisdom, life lessons and inspiring anecdotes, so that you too can live an effortless life of joy and be terminally happy.

  • von Merid Tadesse Ergicho
    19,00 €

    This is a story of a journey in the life of a gentleman from being a shepherd to a competent diplomat assigned to Ethiopian Embassy in London, UK. During his time in his post, he met several British diplomats working in the Foreign Office, Home Office and Department for International Development. More importantly, he had those rare opportunities to meet and talk to Her Majesty, the late Queen Elizabeth II.The story also extensively illustrates the diplomatic resentfulness, disputes and underground riots by African diplomats with the host country, Ethiopia during the late Prime Minister Meles Zenawi time. It also touches in some detail in connection with the national protocol in the welcoming and seeing off ceremonies of Prime Minister Meles and the accreditation of foreign new ambassadors with the late President Dr Negasso Gidada at the National Palace.It narrates how the challenges and experiences in his early childhood life shaped his future life in a family of twelve children in a small town, Butajira, Ethiopia. Moreover, it continues narrating his strong attachment to the chains of mountains called ZEBIDAR whilst living in London and his disappointments that children in Ethiopia are not learning about it as it was not included in the Ethiopian's National Curricula. To this effect, he figuratively and imaginatively incited the ZEBIDAR Chains of Mountains to mobilise an international mountains mob to the success of getting recognition and being included in the education system, It continues to explain how he was joyful and thrilled with his own immediate family (wife and two amazing daughters) and discloses some family secrets and shared beautiful memories of the family without hiding the most challenging storms and tough times in their family life so that others could learn from them. His life's journey in the search for the right wife was long and difficult. Nonetheless, did he find one or is he still in the search?

  • von April Castle
    23,00 €

    House of Secrets takes you on a captivating journey that delves into the depths of a mothers' hidden world where lies, manipulation and deceit converge with explosive and devastating consequences. As April begins to uncover a labyrinth of shocking secrets, she realises that she too has fallen victim to the power and control of a master manipulator.

  • von Vince Clews
    22,00 €

    My mind tends to see humor in what others think isn't so damn funny. Even when I was in the hospital and in some pretty bad pain, I found moments of humor. When people who write humor see the world, it just does not look like what other people see. That is the best I can do to explain it.Vince Clews is the author of one previous book, Water Walkers: From Secular Careers to Sacred Service, 39 Stories of Faith.

  • von Matt Cook
    25,00 €

    In the biblical narrative, Esau was the rightful heir to his father's fortune. Yet, he was not interested in his father's ways, trampling on his lineage by selling his birthright for food. Jacob was about his father's business. He adopted the practices of his father, Isaac, and grandfather, Abraham.My mother was a product of a broken home. Her parents followed the way of Esau. My grandparent's divorce created a ripple that lasted for generations. That ripple stopped with me.Through many helpers, Yahuah helped me turn my lineage from Esau to Jacob.

  • von Oenone Forbat
    12,00 €

  • - 60 Years of Watching Wildlife
    von Dick Dekker
    34,00 - 78,00 €

  • von Garland Yarborough
    24,00 €

    This is a compelling true story of a young boy born and raised in poverty in Oklahoma. He struggled in school, especially in reading and math. It was his mother who helped him learn reading and math, not his teachers. Fighting in order to protect himself resulted in several "paddling's" and other disciplinary actions at school. Facing the possibility of being sent to a delinquent home for boys, he devised a plan where he would catch a train going north with King, a dog, who he promised would never be a stray dog again. He had even practiced jumping a boxcar while the train was moving! He would miss his family, but he was not going to the place for delinquent boys. In the fifth grade, with the help of his mother, he started turning things around. He accelerated to the top of his class in all subjects. Not only was he top of his class academically, but also, he burgeoned in sports. He played on the seventh- and eighth-grade basketball and baseball teams when he was only in the fifth grade. He loved reading about medicine, rockets, math, and the universe, among other subjects. When he told his counselor and teachers that he wanted to become a doctor, he was encouraged to go into something else. Again, it was his mother that encouraged him to follow his dreams. With his poor education, it was doubtful his dreams would come to fruition. Still, he never gave up on his dreams. Through hard work and perseverance, his dreams come true.

  • von Debbie C. Barnett
    23,00 €

    Synopsis: The Big Bite (A Saturday Adventure) is a book about a 7-year-old girl who enjoys hanging out and running errands with her dad. On her last errand, she discovered something different when they got to Grandma's house that made her realize the importance of following directions.A wonderful and funny life experience for a child who made the choice to not listen to parents' instructions. Sometimes experience is the best teacher.Autobiography: Debbie Barnett, a proud native of Oklahoma, brings a rich tapestry of life experiences to her role as a retired educator from the Oklahoma City Public Schools. Armed with a Bachelor of Science degree in Elementary Education and a minor in Music from the University of Oklahoma in Edmond, Debbie's academic foundation reflects her dedication to shaping young minds.Throughout her teaching career, Debbie drew inspiration from her childhood experiences, using them as a catalyst to impart essential values and morals in her classroom. Her commitment to instilling character and wisdom in her students has left a lasting impact on countless lives.Beyond the classroom, Debbie is a devoted wife and mother, blessed with a loving family that includes five children, twelve grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren. Her journey as a parent and grandparent has fueled her passion for storytelling, leading her to author two previous books, namely "The Box" and "I Love You Grandma...I Love You Too."In her literary endeavors, Debbie weaves tales that resonate with warmth, love, and timeless lessons. Her books serve as a testament to the power of storytelling to bridge generations and impart enduring values. Join Debbie on a heartfelt journey through her narratives, where each page is a testament to the enduring bonds of family, the joy of learning, and the beauty of a well-lived life.

  • von O'Dear
    28,00 €

    About the AuthorI was born into a family of dancers, musicians, and movie producers. Momma always said, "The world is our stage. No matter how difficult a situation may be, the show goes on, so suck it up buttercup, make the best of it." Show-biz people learn to solve problems with laughter.In 1950, at age 7, when the psychiatry department of Tulane University needed a child actor for a human behavior documentary, I got the job. What I witnessed working with doctors impressed me greatly. After graduating from the Hoffman Institute, I was licensed to work in the Medical Arts Centre on 57th Street in New York City. This 18-story building included a small hospital for mentally disturbed. The top two floors were privately owned apartments reserved for performing artists.On the lower floor where I worked people of every age, race and religion came to us seeking relief from mental and physical oddities deemed incurable by other doctors. Much to my delight I learned the disability paradox. People suffering permanent disability can achieve excellent, productive lives; often they become the happiest people on the planet.Thank you for reading my book. I love you.Your friend, O'Dear

  • von Dana Da Silva
    32,00 €

    YOUR MIND MAY BETRAY YOU BUT THE HEART NEVER LIESGrace, a young woman suffering from sexual and violent intrusive thoughts, as well as recurrent urinary tract infections, feels both mentally and physically broken. It's a relief when she's diagnosed with obsessive compulsive disorder because it means she's not going crazy like she'd suspected.While working on managing her condition, her feelings towards her husband become increasingly platonic, and after battling with her head for so long, the culmination of everything gets too much.On a whim, with her eyes closed, Grace spins a plastic globe that she's had since childhood and her finger lands on South America. She sets off for Argentina, leaving behind her job, husband, stepson, Labrador, and their home near the beach.In five months, while exploring 14 countries, Grace has exotic adventures and love affairs, learning to trust herself again in the process. Finally, she thinks she knows who she is and what she wants, but returning home to Australia, to reality, puts this to the test.Part travel memoir, part spiritual guide, and part erotica, The Shift is a wide-ranging personal odyssey.

  • von Officer Joe
    47,00 €

    This book was written with the hopes of reaching anyone interested in law enforcement, anyone who wants to become a police officer, and anyone interested in what happens during the daily life of an officer in training. It is also a resource for people who wonder what kind of and how much training a police officer receives. I have written about my academy classes and experiences that I believe were essential to my becoming an officer as well as a few experiences during the time that I have been an officer. When I was preparing to join an agency, there were no resources available for new-hire officers, and this book's intention is to reach those who want to know what they are getting into.

  • von Eleanor Marie Maier
    22,00 - 27,00 €

  • von Charlotte Silver
    29,00 €

  • von Luis Miguel Vela Arévalo
    19,00 - 22,00 €

  • von Anton Ottmann
    22,50 €

    Anton Ottmann eröffnet einen bewegenden Einblick in das Leben des Ehepaars Rositta und Leopold Oppenheimer sowie ihrer Söhne Hans und Max - eine Familie, die durch die Schrecken des Holocausts zerrissen wurde, aber nie aufhörte, gegen das Vergessen anzukämpfen. Ottmann verknüpft die fragmentierten Lebenswege zu einem fesselnden Gesamtbild einer deutsch-jüdischen Familie mit regionalem Bezug. Von Heidelberg bis nach London, von den französischen Internierungslagern Gurs und Noé, von der Verfolgung bis zum Exil, taucht Ottmann tief in die Geschichte dieser Familie ein. Herzstück des Buches bilden Auszüge aus 200 Briefen, die sich die Oppenheimers in der Zeit des Zweiten Weltkriegs geschrieben haben - Zeilen, die von Angst, Liebe, Hoffnung und der unerschütterlichen Bindung zwischen Eltern und Kindern zeugen. Zusammen mit den von Ottmann verfassten Biografien enthüllen sie ein Leben zwischen Verzweiflung und Zuneigung, zwischen dem Kampf ums Überleben und dem Festhalten an Menschlichkeit und Wahrhaftigkeit.

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