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  • von Alfred Garro
    27,00 €

    Dans ce livre, l'auteur raconte une partie de ses aventures et s'adonne à une autre de ses marottes : le provençal, dont il poursuit inlassablement l'apprentissage. Ainsi le lecteur trouvera-t-il dans ces pages le texte en français avec, en regard, sa traduction en provençal. Et vice versa. Le tout copieusement illustré pour le plus grand plaisir des yeux.

  • von Klaus Ulbricht
    14,99 €

    Der Autor schildert in vielen kleinen Episoden sein bisheriges Leben. Durch seine Offenheit und Ehrlichkeit fügen sich die einzelnen Schnipsel zu einem realistischen Gesamtbild des Verfassers zusammen. Man lernt ihn kennen.Der vorliegende Band 3 komplettiert die Reihe von Erinnerungen, die der Autor in Form kleiner Geschichten über sein Leben aufgeschrieben hat. Dieses Alter zwischen 50 und 70 Jahren ist von durchgreifenden Veränderungen geprägt und hat nur noch wenig Ähnlichkeiten mit seinem früheren Laben. Es werden wieder Höhen erklommen und Tiefen überwunden. Zum Schluss kann er summa summarum zufrieden zurückblicken und sich voller Neugier auf die verbleibende Zukunft freuen.

  • von Giuseppe Garibaldi
    48,00 €

    Kurz nach Garibaldis Tode sind seine Memoiren aufgrund seiner eigenen Niederschrift im Verlag Barbèra in Florenz zum ersten Male erschienen und haben von da an zahlreiche Neuauflagen erlebt ... Eine deutsche Ausgabe liegt schon seit 1861 vor, die von Frau Schwarz besorgt wurde, die unter dem Namen Elpis Melena schrieb, eine der enthusiastischsten unter den zahlreichen Verehrerinnen Garibaldis. Dieser überließ ihr, als sie ihn bald nach seiner Niederlassung in Caprera dort besuchte, das Manuskript seiner Memoiren, soweit sie damals vorlagen, nämlich bis zu seinem Aufbruch aus Südamerika im Frühling 1848. Die deutsche Übertragung, die die Genannte davon veranstaltete, erschien 1861 in Hamburg. Ein zweites Mal hat Garibaldi sein Manuskript, nachdem er es von Elpis Melena zurückgefordert, dem Franzosen Alexander Dumas anvertraut, der es ins Französische übertrug, so zwar, daß er es mit eigenen Zutaten bereicherte und in eine halb historische, halb romantische Darstellung umarbeitete, außerdem selbständig eine Fortsetzung bis 1860 hinzufügte, und dieses Buch hat dann Dr. Gottlieb Fink ins Deutsche übersetzt und in 3 Bändchen 1860 in Stuttgart erscheinen lassen. Demgegenüber liegt unserer Übertragung der authentische Text der Memoiren Garibaldis zugrunde. Da indes die vollständige Wiedergabe den Umfang eines Bandes der »Bibliothek wertvoller Memoiren« beträchtlich überschreiten würde, so mußte der erste Teil, die Schilderung der Jugend Garibaldis und seine Kämpfe und Abenteuer in Südamerika, fortfallen. Von dem Zeitpunkt der Rückkehr Garibaldis in sein Vaterland zu Anfang des Jahres 1848 an ist dagegen die Übertragung vollständig, abgesehen nur davon, daß vereinzelt einige störende Längen der Darstellung getilgt wurden, was durch Punkte in der Zeile angezeigt ist. Die Übertragung selbst hat sich bestrebt, die Schreibart Garibaldis nicht etwa nur dem Inhalt nach, sondern selbst im einzelnen Ausdruck, in der einzelnen Wendung, so genau wiederzugeben, wie es mit dem Geiste der deutschen Sprache sowie einem gewissen Fluß der Erzählung vereinbar schien. [Aus der Einleitung des Übersetzers]

  • von Thomas Edward Lawrence
    48,00 €

    Eine erste Fassung von den »Sieben Säulen der Weisheit« vollendete Lawrence 1919. Das einzige Exemplar des Manuskripts hat der Autor jedoch bei einer Zugreise verloren. Aus der Erinnerung verfaßte Lawrence bis 1920 eine zweite Version des Werkes und überarbeitete sie bis 1922. Später nahm Lawrence weitere Korrekturen an seinem Werk vor und ließ sich von Freunden überreden, eine gekürzte Fassung anzufertigen. Das Ergebnis war eine immer noch umfangreiche Version, die 1926 aufwendig gebunden und üppig illustriert mit erheblichem finanziellen Verlust für Lawrence an etwa 200 Subskribenten verkauft wurde. Um die Verluste wettzumachen, brachte Lawrence 1927 eine weiter gekürzte Version unter dem Titel »Revolt in the Desert« (Aufstand in der Wüste) für das breite Publikum heraus. Bernard Shaw und E. M. Forster sahen diese Fassung als das eigentliche Meisterwerk von T. E. Lawrence.

  • von Johannes S. Huber
    20,00 €

    Liebe deinen bunten Vogel - das sind Worte, die immer passen, da ich einfach denke, dass sie über jeder noch so bekannten Philosophie stehen und jeden spirituellen Ansatz ersetzen. Kein noch so großer Geldkoffer kommt dem Wert eines knalligen Lachens nahe. Und wenn du mit diesem Lachen - oder was immer dir der jetzige Augenblick gerade vor die Nase setzt - ganz bewusst im Hier und Jetzt sein kannst, ist das unbezahlbar! Ab durch die Mitte heißt es in diesem Taschenbuch auch für Mitarbeiter von Millionenkonzernen, die versuchten, wie dumme kleine Kinder mir zu erklären, was Werte wohl sind. Frech, direkt und provokant mag dir mancher Satz erscheinen, der deine Wahrnehmung übertrifft. Kein Mensch kommt aus seiner Haut heraus, doch gibt es mehr, als dein Auge erfassen kann. Von Neapel hin bis zu ¿Ferkelklecksen¿ darfst du in diesem Buch ein buntes Treiben erleben und meinen Denkansätzen näherkommen. Flieg wie ein freier Vogel auch du deinem Sein näher und tauche in dich hinein, mehr und mehr. Noch näher - das geht!

  • von Susan Varga
    30,00 €

    This compelling memoir of Susan Varga's life spans seven decades and circles between Australia and Europe, activism and seclusion, everyday life and the writing life.She was born into war-torn Budapest but her family escaped loss and trauma to make a new life in Sydney. Susan makes another escape, from the narrow confines of suburbia into the arms of the exciting and contradictory world of the Sydney Push. As a young woman she lives in London, Paris, Bendigo and Holland, before returning to Sydney, keen to take part of Gough Whitlam's reformist agenda, in a powerful time of change.Yet Susan also spends a long time lost in the wilderness, wrestling with the raft of dilemmas of the life of a woman. When she finally commits to the demands and joys of writing, and to a surprising love, her life assumes a new harmony. Fate then intervenes to throw up major challenges, testing her will to re-find the hard joys of life.In this memoir, Susan Varga moves through the intersections between her own life and the wider world, with an incisive portrait of our times.

  • von Theresa "Tiny" Demientieff Devlin
    22,00 €

    Climb to the pilot house roof with Tiny Demientieff on her parents' paddlewheel riverboat, the Sea Wolf, to bask in sights and sounds of the broad Yukon and winding Innoko. Number eight of Nick and Nellie Demientieff's ten children, young Tiny loves her family and her town of Holy Cross, Alaska, but is not afraid to steal her sister's birthday party or laugh with her mother at the neighbor who is certain she sees black bears on skis-black bears who turn out to be nuns from the Holy Cross Mission! Through child eyes and her family's stories, Tiny takes us up remote rivers to glimpse gold mining towns in their last days of fancy ladies and storekeepers. When her family barges freight along the Yukon after WW II, Tiny enters her school days in Fairbanks and learns to be a town kid. She schemes with her siblings to join the Empress Theater "Space Cadets" in the brief neon glow of that historic movie theater. Tiny's stories take us into her young adulthood at Copper Valley School. At CVS, Tiny is still the lively prankster, but she asks hard questions of herself and others as she encounters heartache in her family's first great loss. Readers will relish the first-person voice of an Athabascan youngster in these true tales, set against the dynamic backdrop of Alaska's history.

  • von Ludwig van Beethoven
    18,00 €

    When Carrie Bradshaw in the "Sex and the City" movie began reading Love Letters of Great Men, millions of women wanted to get their hands on the book. Although the book Carrie was reading from was not real, the letters are-including the Beethoven one quoted by Mr. Big at their wedding ceremony. Here are the actual love letters for you to enjoy and treasure!Featuring:A helpful background sketch for every writer and love letterNearly 70 photographs of the letter authors and their loversMost popular and best-selling Love Letters book-thousands of copies sold every year!!!Written by these Great Men:John Adams, Sullivan Ballou, Honoré de Balzac, Ludwig Van BeethovenNapoleon Bonaparte, Robert Browning, Robert Burns, Lord Byron, Winston ChurchillJohn Constable, Alfred Duff Cooper, Pierre Curie, Scott F. Fitzgerald, Nathaniel HawthorneHenry VI of France, Victor Hugo, James Joyce, Franz Liszt, Jack London, Mozart, Robert PearyEdgar Allen Poe, Sir Walter Raleigh, Sir Robert Schumann, Dylan Thomas, Mark TwainVincent Van Gogh, Voltaire, Woodrow Wilson

  • von William G. Jr. Sewell
    27,00 €

    This is the story of two people who grew up in two Chicagoland neighborhoods close to each other but never met until college. It is a love story of how these two people became enthralled with with one another, so much so that they got married. This book guides the reader on how their strong faith in God leds them to one another by providing Biblical Prespectives that give insight into their past.

  • von Lauren Eckhardt
    25,00 €

    In "The Stories that Make Us," Lauren Eckhardt invites us into a world where shame is not a shackle but a stepping stone to extraordinary power.This book is a conversation, a confession, and a roadmap all at once. It's about the deep, sometimes dark, patterns we inherit or learn, and how one woman conquered her fears to become the hero of her own life. As Eckhardt steps into her power, she invites us to do the same, by rewriting stifling narratives to find unparalleled strength and purpose. "The Stories that Make Us" is more than a memoir, it's a revelation; a testament to the strength that lies in vulnerability and the freedom that comes with owning our truth.This is not just her story - it's an invitation to rewrite your own, to find power in the places we least expect, and to emerge with a newfound sense of self. It's a call to all of us to rise from the shadows, recognize our worth, and chase the life we're meant to live.

  • von Aria Sterling
    28,00 €

    In "The Lost Legacy: Uncovering the Hidden Truths of a Family's Past," Sophie sets out on a journey to uncover the secrets of her family's history. As she delves deeper, she discovers a lost legacy of stories and experiences that have been passed down from generation to generation. She uncovers clues, documents, and tangible reminders of the past, piecing together a history that has been hidden for too long.Through her research, Sophie uncovers the experiences and perspectives of her ancestors, gaining insight into their struggles and triumphs. As she continues her journey, she realizes that their legacy is not just a thing of the past, but something that continues to shape and inspire the lives of future generations.But as Sophie uncovers more about her family's past, she also learns about the present and the future. She sees the ways in which her ancestors have influenced and inspired the lives of their descendants, and she realizes that their legacy is not just a historical curiosity, but a source of motivation and inspiration for her own life."The Lost Legacy" is a story of discovery, exploration, and connection. It is a reminder that the past is not just a thing of the past, but something that continues to shape and inspire our lives today. It is a call to document and preserve our own legacies, so that future generations can learn from our experiences and perspectives.

  • von SINGH
    20,00 €

    The sole cause of human suffering is man's ignorance of his self and the reality. He remains bereft of his Energy of the Self, which would have allowed him to connect with the universal consciousness and achieve true bliss and happiness. Despite being surrounded with this energy, man is still unaware of his surroundings, just like a fish in the ocean, which is desperately seeking water while being surrounded by it. This book explains how man can absorb and make use of this energy to leave his suffering and ignorance behind and find everlasting peace and happiness.

  • von Alethea Kontis
    34,00 - 43,00 €

  • von Harper O'Neill
    19,00 €

    The Author wants respect and escape. Kayla wants to exist at all. Repression Queen is a vulnerable and poetic memoir of The Author's life as a gender transformation erotica writer, weaving short horror stories about sex and gender into the fabric of a life lived divided in two. Through vignettes reflecting on personal experiences, a secretive life as a woman online, and twisted tales of gender swapping, The Author seeks to understand why they just can't get Kayla out of their head.

  • von John Holsinger
    20,00 €

    Accidental Motivation: Embracing Fate & Finding Happiness by John Holsinger is a gripping and transformative memoir that redefines the pursuit of happiness in a deterministic universe. Following a near-fatal cycling accident, Holsinger embarks on a profound journey of self-discovery, challenging traditional notions of free will and selfishness.This deeply personal narrative unfolds with raw honesty, as Holsinger confronts the fragility of life and the fallacy of the American Dream. He introduces readers to his unique philosophy of 'Selfish Determinism,' proposing that true happiness is not just an incidental aspect of life, but its ultimate purpose. He argues that embracing our natural self-interest, within the framework of a causally determined universe, is not just practical but essential for genuine fulfillment.The book delves into Holsinger's past, from his humble beginnings in rural Ohio to his success as a corporate executive. His introspective journey reveals how the relentless pursuit of external achievements led to a life of discontent. Post-accident, Holsinger's narrative shifts, focusing on the transformative power of vulnerability, the importance of interpersonal relationships, and the pursuit of authentic joy.Key themes include adaptability, the illusion of control, and the intertwining of fate and personal choice. "Accidental Motivation" is not just a memoir; it's a call to action. Holsinger encourages readers to reevaluate their own paths to happiness, understand the limits of their control, and embrace life's unpredictability.Perfect for fans of inspirational memoirs, philosophy enthusiasts, and anyone facing life's unexpected challenges, this book is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the power of personal transformation. It's an invitation to redefine happiness and embrace life's journey with a renewed sense of purpose and understanding.Accidental Motivation is more than a story; it's a philosophical guidebook for anyone seeking to navigate life's complexities with grace, courage, and a renewed commitment to personal happiness.

  • von Rob Cohen
    21,00 €

    Rob Cohen's unique memoir describes growing up in Brooklyn in the 1950s and 1960s, his college years in Boston, his fall into addiction and alcoholism, and his subsequent recovery and building of a family with a wife and adopted child. The memoir is constructed in three parts: the first is a collection of essays covering his childhood; the second a set of poems covering his college and adult years; the third is a set of biographical stories covering his alcoholism and addiction. Cohen, who died in 2016, writes with naked honesty about growing up on the streets of Brooklyn and his subsequent search for happiness and stability as his world crumbles around him.

  • von Aarron Sholar
    20,00 €

    After undergoing a satisfying gender transition from female to male, the idea of having a biological child seemed far from Aarron Sholar's thoughts. However, when he met the love of his life, he made the life-altering decision to pause his transition and embark on the journey to conceive a baby. This newfound endeavor triggered a deep period of reflection, doubt, and anxiety.The Body of a Frog narrates the story of a young girl who grew up despising her own body. Aarron struggled with body image and self-identity, coming out as transgender at the age of seventeen after being diagnosed with gender dysphoria. His journey led him through a transformative gender transition, realigning his body with his male identity. While content in his changed body, in 2021, he met his now-fiancé, and after two years of dating, they made the life-changing decision to start the process of conceiving a child.In The Body of a Frog: A Memoir on Self-Loathing, Self-Love, and Transgender Pregnancy, Sholar offers a raw, authentic account of his experiences. He navigates the complexities of his body, the transition journey, and the unexpected possibility of pregnancy with a heartfelt and introspective approach. This memoir explores the full spectrum of emotions, from the positive to the challenging, from the clear to the perplexing, shedding light on the intersections of self-identity, love, and the miracle of life.

  • von Sarah Jolicoeur
    31,00 €

  • von Candace Mezetin
    16,00 €

    We all have a part deep within us that is fighting to make its exit. Whether it's hidden secrets, traumatic experiences, or soul wrenching memories, it no longer wants to reside there. Let me introduce you to Grace. She weaves us through the course of her life as she embarks upon this quest for freedom from life's shackles. On this journey, we experience her deeply rooted pain, and her drive towards deliverance. We witness her attempts of resurrection from the dark pits of pain to the moment of her personal triumph.Pursing growth commences through the identification of the who, what, where, when and why's in our lives. Gaining a better understanding of how our past paves our future can help individuals make positive choices that will support authentic healing and restoration.Birthed Anew: From Pain to Passion to Purpose will shed light on commonly hidden skeletons while simultaneously revealing the beauty of what it actually means to transition from a painful situation to a purposeful one and ultimately experience the gift of forgiveness.

  • von Tien Ngo
    41,00 €

    Tien Ngo is diaspora Vietnamese. Whose family are post-Vietnam War survivor. She began her journey to first understand and then heal from her personal experiences over ten years ago. As she processed the experiences that made her who she is and ultimately led her down a different path, Tien felt called to guide others to move away from a volatile cancel culture, disrupt the model minority myth, and build a new community culture. Her healing path lead her to call onto her ancestors for strength and guidance, especially the Vietnamese women of her ancestry. In a candid story of self-discovery, Tien shares insight into what it is like to navigate through the unsettling feelings of not belonging to a country while facing discrimination, hate, expectations, violence, biases, assimilation, and erasure as a first generation Vietnamese woman living in the United States of America. As she leads others through her recollections, Tien reveals how she was able to accept and name her experiences, and then create a spacer to reduce her caretaking role for those who abused and oppressed her and allow her to become her real self.A Blossom in Bloom is the memoir of a first generation Vietnamese American woman determined to heal from erasure, assimilation, hate, and the model minority myth and help others be seen and know they are not alone.

  • von Lloyd D. McCombs
    67,00 €

    He worked and pressed himself to acomplish. Perhaps, taking a little more time for family relationships, would have helped. I remember him going to work on Christmas day. I hope readers will gain encouragement to press on, and reach higher spiritual and life goals. I trust they will carry on his driving force, contained in his motto - 'By Dab I Tan". It was interesting, being his son, and watching him become a more compleet man. Due to the conditions of his beginning, I marvell at the great gains he made. May God bless you, as you read of his life. Write a brief "teaser" summary of your book.Describe the main points of your writing in a way that will encourage buyers to purchase and read your book. Maximum of 200 words If you want to be amazed at how much God can do,with with a life of little consequence, Read Here. Time and directed effort with God's blessing, can build a considerable growth. During the Depresion, Vernon had a steady job, and modest steady income. (Errand boy, and beginner wages were not to great) We were blessed with shelter, food and clothing. Nothing fancy, but adequate. Many were forced to near desperate means to survive. Tough time to begina family. Small gain, upon small gain, slowly grow stability. One willing to work hard, can usually bring success.

  • von Omblivnju
    75,00 - 83,00 €

  • von Ron McCarthy
    22,00 €

    I grew up during the hardships of World War II in a family with limited income and a father devoted to racing pigeons left behind by two brothers who didn't return from war. Life was tough. My holidays at a fishing village dictated subsistence living and improvisation. With limited schooling my cousins learnt to build canoes, sailing boats, launches and two weatherboard homes designed with pencil sketches.My grandfather surprised me when thirteen years old with seven magic words that helped shape my attitude to life. From being shy, my athleticism led to a range of different sports, and I played with and against some of the greats, including three Australian legends. As a young engineer I earned the respect of my technical staffs and rose to be regarded as a technical expert. This became a stumbling block for further promotion.I found my sport, coaching, life experience, and the study of creativity, held the leadership skills which enabled me to reach the fast lane of business. The financial rewards, the opportunity to experience other cultures and see some world treasures, were balanced by stress, health problems, and lost family time.I believe my story and what I've learnt show how to improve motivation, learn new skills, and enhance self-esteem.

  • von Andrealinda de Santos
    22,00 €

    Be prepared to embark on a journey of a young girl who faced insurmountable challenges while growing up in a remote village, bereft of any luxuries in life. Join her journey from a state of complete deprivation of life's bare-essentials and riches due to extreme poverty. Follow her adventures as she is transported to new vistas of her adopted country - of the land down under she now calls home, AUSTRALIA.This semi-autobiographical novel is a testament to the resilience and determination of the human spirit to convert failures to success, sadness to happiness.Feel the raw emotion of the young protagonist as she embarks through life's journey, armed with nothing but sheer determination and the indomitable desire to succeed.Experience her journey from the raw but bucolic beauty of the small village to the sophistication of Australia.As a reader, you will enjoy the description of scents, sounds and sights of the universe as seen and heard by her.Feel her sense of despair, her hopelessness as she embarked on life's journey devoid of human riches and comfort.The novel is a combination of personal experiences with fictional elements to capture the reader's imagination.You will be captivated by her journey; feel her joy in her episodes of triumph and share her tears in moments of despair.It is a privilege to introduce you to this semi-autobiographical novel that reaches out to you, the reader, to share a young girl's dramatic journey through life, from the depths of despair to the pinnacle of success.Lastly, the novel is dedicated to the human universal capacity to DREAM and TO HOPE.

  • von Heather Boorman-Morris
    26,00 €

    Can you imagine being in an abusive marriage for two decades and not even knowing it?Have you ever wondered why she stays? How she fell for his manipulations when she's so smart? How he could possibly be abusive when he is such a good guy? As a bright and confident therapist, successful businesswoman, author, and international speaker, Heather Boorman-Morris was the antithesis of the stereotypical abused woman. Yet, she was the woman who stayed in an abusive marriage for decades, her soul slowly disintegrating without knowing why or how. A Thousand Paper Cuts brings readers inside the mind, heart, and experiences of a victim of covert narcissistic abuse. With raw vulnerability, Heather shares her story, from love bombing to devaluing to freedom, highlighting the destructiveness an abuser can have without ever raising his fist. Hear the cognitive dissonance and confusion a narcissist's target experiences. Learn the subtle strategies and patterns covert abusers use. Challenge society's inaccurate conceptions of who gets abused and what abusers look like. In A Thousand Paper Cuts, Heather gives voice for all those who can't speak, shining light into the dark corners of their lives to let them know they are not alone. Through her personal experiences and professional expertise, she raises awareness of the abuse cycle, covert psychological manipulation, and joins other advocates to shift society's narrative away from victim-blaming and toward holding abusers accountable. Most importantly, she brings hope and shows that freedom is possible. Heather Boorman-Morris, MSW, LCSW has dedicated her life to ease suffering and nurture healing through sharing her personal stories and professional wisdom as an author, speaker, teacher, and therapist. For more, visit

  • von Zita Arocha
    22,00 €

    On the eve of leaving Cuba for Florida, a four-year-old girl promises her dying grandfather to return to her birthplace. That night an intruder sexually assaults her. As she adapts to her new American reality, she suffers distressing physical and emotional symptoms. Convinced that her daughter is possessed, her mother takes her to a Santeria priest for a cure. Years later, she returns to her homeland as a journalist, becomes entrapped in the game of espionage between Cuba and the U.S., suffers a devastating betrayal, and learns family secrets. Disillusioned by the experience, she embarks on a spiritual journey that leads to reconciliation, forgiveness, and a return to wholeness.

  • von Sandi Marx
    26,00 - 40,00 €

  • von Alfred Ascher
    20,00 - 27,00 €

  • von John Barker
    23,00 - 34,00 €

  • von Annie Ernaux
    23,00 €

    "Love and death cohabit in The Use of Photography as in no other major work by Annie Ernaux. First published in France in 2005, the book recounts a passionate love affair between Ernaux and the journalist and author Marc Marie, after the two met in January 2003. Ernaux had been receiving intensive chemo for breast cancer during the prior three months, and had lost all her hair from the treatments. At the end of January she had surgery, followed by radiation therapy. The affair took place in different locations and Ernaux describes how, shortly after it began, she found herself entranced each morning by the sight of clothes strewn about, chairs out of place and the remains of their last meal of the evening still on the table-and how painful it felt to put things back in order afterward. She went and got her camera, and began to take photographs of the scenes of disarray. When she told Marc Marie what she had done, he said he had felt the same desire"--

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