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Tagebücher & Memoiren

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  • von Angela Volkening
    14,99 - 20,99 €

  • von Alissa Carpentier
    16,00 - 24,00 €

  • von Richard D. Tarpey
    19,00 - 32,00 €

  • von Nicolas Mougin
    15,00 €

    Avec une tendre pudeur, le refus des honneurs, un caractère bien trempé et un franc-parler qui force le respect, Cécile Gallez restera une personnalité politique hors normes dans le département du Nord. Particulièrement sensible face à la détresse humaine, elle a fait de sa vie un véritable sacerdoce municipal, communautaire ou départemental, qui s'est poursuivi sur les bancs de l'assemblée nationale. De Saint-Saulve, sa commune de coeur, jusqu'à Paris, Cécile Gallez a scrupuleusement consigné ses souvenirs, transcrits dans ce livre.

  • von Dietrich Kessler
    16,00 €

    Dietrich Kessler ist langjähriger Chef der bekannten Ostrockband Klosterbrüder, die sich 1975 in Gruppe Magdeburg umbenennen musste. Nach ständigen Repressalien stellte die Band, einzigartig in der DDR, einen gemeinsamen Ausreiseantrag. Die Folgen waren Berufsverbot und schließlich Inhaftierung durch das MfS. Nach 16-monatiger Haft wurde D.K., wie viele Schicksalsgenossen, vom Westen freigekauft. Er ist bis heute als Musikverleger, Komponist und Musiker (Klosterbrüder, Kesslers Projekt, Lesungen/Talk mit Musik) erfolgreich tätig.

  • von Riva Miller
    9,90 €

    In diesem wunderbaren, segensreichen Buch von Riva Müller erhalten wir tiefe Einblicke und Erkenntnisse über ein Leben mit der Gemeinschaft Gottes. Auf einzigartige und erstaunliche Weise schildert uns die Autorin, dass wir nicht mit unseren Sorgen alleine sind. Unsichtbar voll Liebe und Sanftmut führt uns Jesus durch alle Lebenslagen. Wir erfahren die Liebe Gottes zu uns Menschen in unzähligen Zeichen und Botschaften. Mit großem Einfallsreichtum zeigt er uns seine Anwesenheit in allen Lebenssituationen. Das Leben bringt uns mit der Gewissheit Jesus ist bei uns, Freude, Hoffnung, Sicherheit und Zuversicht.Voll Erstaunen und sehr spannend erleben wir, auf welche kreative Weise wir Antworten und Lösungen erhalten. Wenn wir Gott suchen, werden wir ihn finden und uns wird in diesem einzigartigen Buch das Geheimnis für ein glückliches und segensreiches Leben offenbart.

  • von Merilee Kaufman
    37,00 €

    Have you ever traveled life's treadmill of disasters: hit valleys such as parental split and career aspirations? Then, did serious diseases such as insulin-dependent diabetes and heart disease become your everyday partner? Ascending mountains, the author has achieved academic and artistic accomplishments, developed lasting friendships, and found love.Award-winning writer/poet/actress and vocalist Merilee Kaufman has ascended to the top, sharing a marriage of 50 years and coping with her husband's Parkinson's Disease.Share the strength of this creative woman, and let her heart-warming account inspire your life.

  • von Suzanne Maggio
    22,00 - 23,00 €

  • von Mary Lou Darst
    19,00 €

    For young Mary Lou, life was an adventure. Her father served in the military, and she traveled the world with him and her family. His assignments took them to Alaska, Virginia, Japan, Texas, and Germany, as part of the US Army's responsibilities in policing the world. This candid memoir recounts her family's life in new places and cultures following World War II. What was it like to be a child living in Japan seven years after the war? What was it like to be a thirteen-year-old living in Germany twelve years after the war? What was it like to grow up moving between cultures? This is the story of one family bound to service in the military at a time when the world was being redefined. For a young girl, it was the adventure of a lifetime as she learned the secrets of finding her own way in that new world.The authors story was informed by reading her fathers diary, which offers up intimate and candid insight into the life of a typical soldier in a time of war. His entries describe his time serving aboard a battleship built for 800 soldiers but carrying 6,000 to war. His tales told from the perspective of a young soldier in southern England, Wales, and Scotland from 1943 to 1945 are glimpses into a life many will never know firsthand.

  • von Laurian Kanzleiter
    99,95 €

    Das Land Italien wurde in Reiseberichten des langen 19. Jahrhunderts nicht nur als europäischer Süden, sondern auch als ,Orient' wahrgenommen. Die vorliegende Arbeit evaluiert erstmals in einer Monografie die wichtigsten theoretischen Grundlagen zu dieser ,orientalischen' Lesart Italiens und leistet an den Fallbeispielen Palermo und Apulien eine intensive Quellenanalyse. Dazu werden altbekannte sowie bislang unentdeckte Reiseberichte von Briten, Deutschen und Italienern ausgewertet, und es wird auch ein Ausblick auf muslimische Reisende gegeben. Auf anschauliche Weise werden die Orientalisierungen Italiens - von romantischen Träumereien im Stile von 1001 Nacht über nationalistische Rassismen bis zu historisch fundierten Beobachtungen - analysiert und kritisch eingeordnet. Die Analyse umfasst dabei sowohl die Bereiche Architektur, Ethnographie, Historiographie wie auch Naturbeobachtungen. Die Arbeit versteht sich letztlich insofern als Innovation, als dass sie auf die historischen, rhetorischen, symbolischen und ästhetischen Mehrdeutigkeiten des europäischen Landes Italien hinweisen möchte.

  • von Hartmut Binder
    99,90 €

    Es ist die Summa einer lebenslangen Leidenschaft - in über 50¿Jah­ren akribischer Detektivarbeit hat der Doyen der Kafka-Forschung unser Bild des Prager Schriftstellers mitgeprägt. In vorliegendem Werk zieht Hartmut Binder auf 1088 Seiten alle Register und breitet Kafkas Lebenswelt in über 1500 Abbildungen farbenfroh aus. Dabei vermittelt der in jungen Jahren noch von Max Brod empfangene Altmeister nicht nur den letzten Stand der Forschung, er bietet auch eine Fülle neuer und erstaunlicher Befunde. Wer Kafka jenseits altbekannter Trampelpfade begegnen will, ist mit Binders Prachtband bestens bedient. Was die Sternwarte von Greenwich für die Zeitmessung, das ist Binder für die Kafka-Forschung.Stuttgarter Zeitung

  • von George Major
    69,00 - 72,00 €

  • von K. L. Hill
    22,00 €

    Dan was a hardworking 32-year-old family man. He loved his wife and his kids and had a passion for motorbikes. The nightly dreams he had were consistently disturbing as they always ended in death... Dan's death.Dan was travelling up the road on his motorbike with his young pillion passenger. They never reached their destination. In a split second, a car pulled out in front of them, and the crash was inevitable. Dan lay seriously injured, with his life blood draining onto the road.Don't Kill the Messenger is Dan's story. It is about his story of recovery. Not only did Dan suffer from a broken body, but he also lost everything he held dear. During his lowest ebb, he wished he had died. Against all the odds, it is a story of love, redemption and, eventually, happiness.

  • von Stephanie Geller
    33,00 €

    It's Never Too Late to Ignite Your Inner Badass Stephanie Geller never thought of herself as a badass. She just knew she had some badass stories to share with the world. From growing up as an Air Force brat to training for the Olympics, from waitressing at Waffle House to succeeding as a top executive, her life stories hilariously illustrate the magic that can happen when you fearlessly and relentlessly believe in yourself. Above all, this book is a brave and exuberant ode to carrying your heart with you wherever you go.It is true that by age forty Stephanie's bank account had grown from two figures to seven. But this is far from your typical story of upward mobility dwelling on hardship, isolation, and struggle. Rather, this book is an honest and entertaining celebration of the joy and pure fun to be had at each and every wrong turn, dead end, and golden opportunity. It is an enthusiastic tribute to kindness, laughter, friendship, hard work, and hard play.Spanning over five decades of simply rocking it every day, these vibrant stories are bound to stick with you long after you've put them down. Whether it's Six Teenagers and an El Camino, where Stephanie uses shoelaces to MacGyver the broken windshield wipers on her friend's car in the middle of a rainstorm, or I'll Take His Name to the Grave, concerning a fling with a celebrity she meets at an underground club in LA, or The Class They'll Never Forget, where she convinces her fellow financial advisor trainees to wear togas made from hotel bed sheets to the President's Reception, the pure zest for life to be found on every page is nothing short of contagious.However, like most good humorists, Stephanie is never too sentimental. Reading this book is not going to change your life, she warns readers in her punchy introduction. That's bullshit. That may be true, but You Can't Make This Sh!t Up will undoubtedly compel you to see your own life in a new light. Maybe you want to dream bigger, let go of some past regrets, or just know when to say no. Wherever you may be in your journey on this wild and precious planet, be prepared for this book to uncover your own inner badass along the way.

  • von John J. Powers
    15,00 - 20,00 €

  • von William Frasca
    19,00 €

    During my life, seldom did I accept things at face value, so I was always trying to understand why myself and others did the things we did. For the happy and enjoyable days of my life, that were few and far between. I didn't find the need to expand the search for what caused those events to transpire; on the days where I was challenged and found myself in over my head yet again, I dug deeper to help me find out why I acted poorly or why my choices were not the most popular ones in the history of the world. The early part of my life left quite a bit to be desired and along with a poor beginning came many poor choices that made me unpopular, but they did create excitement for the viewing audience.Struggling to fit in and being misunderstood are kind of my thing, and those decisions that made others view me as hostile and sometimes unwanted were captured in a series of private thoughts that were both put to paper and others that needed no documentation because they ran on a constant loop through my cavernous mind and gave me a constant reminder of how unpopular one man can become with hardly any effort. How complete my examination on my past is not for me to decide. I will leave that to the reader, but I can 100 percent guarantee that this information is factual and, at times, for me, more than a little heartbreaking. This is not an attempt for sympathy, that dream was crushed in my first few years of life, waiting for a kind word or a much-needed hug as a child were things I saw in movies but not in my home. I hope that I have made my vision of these times interesting enough so that you have enjoyed the experience of reading this book enough for it to be worthy of your time. Each of these ideas of mine are shared as quotes and explained in very plain terms, and on occasion, the pain of spending a lifetime of being judged harshly by those who have helped craft this person who has fallen from grace.

  • von Johnny Coomansingh
    34,00 €

    COCOA WOMAN: a narrative about cocoa estate culture in the British West Indies speaks to the discomfort, the pain, the suffering, and what a young man now speculates to be the abuse he endured while spending weekends and school vacations on his godmother's cocoa plantation. In retrospect, it was nothing short of child slave labor. He feels that he stomached "slave labor" just because he received a morsel to eat. The abuse was more than just physical. Unknowingly, he also suffered psychological abuse.Against the background of colonial domination and exploitation in Trinidad and Tobago, this book is poignant, direct, and to the point. It unleashes the spirit of the cocoa field, and fully exposes the daily menial rounds of production, the never-ending chores, language idioms, village bacchanal, beliefs, cuisine, artefacts, folkways, and foibles that intertwined to constitute cocoa estate culture in Trinidad.

  • von Samwel K. Limo
    19,00 €

    Faith: The Salesman Creed-a memoir of inspiration, unyielding values, and triumph. Faith: The Salesman Creed is an inspirational book that invites readers into a world of intimate reflections and captivating personal anecdotes. With unwavering determination and a wealth of valuable insights, this book unveils the secrets behind achieving unparalleled success in the sales industry. Through its pages, readers will discover the transformative power of daily routines and the unwavering mindset that lies at the core of every accomplished salesperson. Whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting your journey, this compelling guide will empower you to unlock your full potential and excel in the competitive world of sales.

  • von Famahan Samaké
    23,00 - 25,00 €

  • von Anne-Remy Jones
    25,00 - 37,00 €

  • von Elizabeth Wiggins
    36,00 €

    This memoir takes the reader on a fun, educational, spirit-filled cantor through episodes in the life of Rev. Dr. Elizabeth Lynne Ellis Wiggins. Despite the introductory titles, this book is not a lofty, hard-to-understand piece of literature. The author wants the reader to discover self in some of her experiences. She wants you to laugh out loud, shed a tear, nod your head, and just plain old enjoy yourself. This book is for everyone! The topics are written in a creative way intended to cause the reader to enjoy thinking. As you begin a chapter, you will find yourself wanting to finish it and quickly move to the next one. The author hopes you will find something to share with someone else. This book is being released in English with a French translation as well. Please note that the author is neither a professional writer in either English nor natively fluent in French. Nevertheless, you will come to understand why she decided to release the book in both languages. The chapter titles are meant to entice you to read further and discover what could possibly be in store for you. Imagine the possibilities of reading about shoe laces, being green, long-termers, and a clock. You just may not stop with one read. Perhaps you will read it again and share it in a book club or discussion group. If you are an educator perhaps you will read and teach it in English and in French! Working in ministry, you, too, may find this book useful. Come along and join the author by reading the cleverly written antics of Living While Liz!!

  • von Yeats
    23,00 €

    Book 2 of the hilarious book series that those in the know will want to read in the waiting area of a job interview so they laugh so freaking hard that it will impress the CEO to such an extent that he offers them a corner office and double the vacation time given to all the other employees. Life was not meant to be easy, Simon Yeats' father used to tell him. Well, it sure as hell was not meant to be this insane and amusing. Australian ex-pat Yeats, as all he has ever been called since High School, shares his stories of travel misadventures and dubious personal introspection with comedic insights into the unusual and uproarious elements of living his life abroad. All while having a sense of Wanderlust as pervasive as the Bubonic Plague in the 1300s.From what to do when several people converge to rob you after midnight on a deserted Copacabana Beach, to how to save the Sierra Mountain Range from a wildfire outbreak due to a lack of quality toilet paper, to where not to go in Tijuana when trying to locate the origins to stories of the city's mythical adult entertainment, to how to save yourself from drowning when caught in a storm while sailing off the California coast.Simon Yeats has gone into the world and experienced all the out of the ordinary moments for readers to sit back and enjoy the experience without the need to lose a testicle while running with bulls in Pamplona, survive a taxi ride in Buenos Aires, or damage their liver at Oktoberfest.

  • von John Seymour
    44,00 €

    This book is a memoir of my Navy career from June 1961 to August 1981. It contains 13 chapters which are briefly described here. Three more books will follow: Memoirs of the Seymours and My Boyhood Memories, Memoirs of My Professional Career and Memoirs of My Retirement.Chapter 1 Pre-Flight 1961After four months of training, I was commissioned at Naval Air Station Pensacola, Florida in October. Chapter 2 Aviation Observer Wings 1961-1962Six months later, I was designated as a Naval Aviation Observer at Naval Air Station, Corpus Christi, Texas.Chapter 3 Bombardier Navigator 1962-1963Training at Naval Air Station, Whidbey Island, Washington led to designation as a Bombardier Navigator in the A-3 Skywarrior aircraft. Chapter 4 Coral Sea Cruise 1963Deployed with Heavy Attack Squadron Two on the carrier Coral Sea to Australia and the Western Pacific. Chapter 5 Naval Aviator Wings 1964-1965Trained as a Naval Aviator and subsequently received orders to Patrol Squadron 16 at Naval Air Station, Jacksonville, Florida.Chapter 6 Patrol Plane Commander 1965-1973Assigned to east and west coast squadrons as a Patrol Plane Commander in P-3 Orion aircraft separated by duty as Communications Officer for land-based anti-submarine aircraft in the Atlantic.Chapter 7 Professional Development Program 1973-1974Collaborated with the RCA Corporation in the upcoming field of satellite communications. Chapter 8 Defense Systems Management School 1974Attended the Defense Systems Management School at Fort Belvoir, Virginia.Chapter 9 T-28 Adventures 1961-1976 For proficiency training, I flew an assortment of adventurous flights in the T-28 Trojan aircraft.Chapter 10 Navy Space Project Office 1975Worked in front office to learn more about the Navy's satellite programs. Chapter 11 Navy Space Project Activity 1975-1978Program Officer at the National Reconnaissance Office in the Pentagon following all of the low-earth orbiting electronic surveillance satellites operated by the Air Force and the Navy.Chapter 12 Taiwan Defense Command 1978-1979 Chief of flight operations and command pilot. Because of the change in diplomatic relations, we left Taiwan by April 1979. Chapter 13 Middle East Force 1979-1981Assigned to flying duty as executive officer of Administrative Support Unit, Bahrain. As my assignment was drawing to a close, I decided to retire. Epilogue: After assessing my vocational aptitude, I decided to seek a position as an International Marketing Manager. My Memoir of My Professional Career begins...

  • von Charles C. Cheng
    25,00 €

    The author considered a school bus as a learning-mobile, a moving laboratory of humanity, and a meeting place for students, away from the classroom. Equipped with those concepts, this retiree took a trip down memory lane and recalled his stint as a school bus driver in a suburban New York. The result is a memoir that is anything but ordinary. The author has vivid recollections, fascinating stories, and beguiling folklore from various cultures. This memoir is more than a reminiscence; it is a curious amalgam of autography and story-telling. The author had inadvertently ventured into a new genre of literature that was little known. The book is like a gem hidden in a forest of books waiting to be discovered. In conclusion, the book is an interesting read for the general public; a good companion for school bus drivers, parents and members of the education community; and is an indispensable addition to the library.

  • von Jewel L Reierson
    141,00 - 154,00 €

  • von Donna White
    51,00 - 66,00 €

  • von Michelle Segrest
    29,00 €

    She was sailing directly into the eye of a storm. But fighting the challenges at sea was nothing compared with her complex personal struggles on an intense journey to find self-valuation. When life forces you to make choices, you might be shocked to learn what one woman will endure to survive.Living Life Sideways paints a vivid picture of the adventure of a lifetime (a year-long, worldwide sailing journey), coupled with the fight of a lifetime. It describes one sailor's odyssey to regain her sense of self when she realizes that her peace of mind is worth more than she could have ever imagined.In this deeply personal true story, the harsh effects of years of narcissistic abuse begin to take their toll as Michelle Segrest is broken down psychologically and emotionally-piece by piece-by her manipulative partner. She is forced to battle her inner demons as she struggles to rediscover her personal strength and resolve.You will feel her struggle between the exciting escape from the ordinary, the fascinating cultures and experiences of exotic destinations, the thrill of the voyage, and the toxic relationship that continues to unravel. Trapped inside the lonely darkness of depression and unsettling isolation, she must dig deep into her soul to find a way to save herself and her two devoted beagles, Cap'n Jack & Scout, and escape the clutches of the skipper's escalating rage.In terrifying and vivid detail, Michelle learns the hard way that the middle of the ocean is not the only place where split-second decisions can have deadly consequences.Experience this powerful account of a woman's attempt to overcome enormous obstacles. Segrest charts an epic journey that combines an individual's survival story with a fascinating sailing journal. And by sharing her deepest anxieties and raw experience of life on deck, you'll witness how her increasing nightmare turns into a soul-searching quest for meaning.Living Life Sideways is an intriguing, moving, and sometimes disturbing travel memoir that shows how one woman must find a way to navigate a confusing and chaotic battle between her own loyalty and the extreme betrayal she suffers at the hands of a menacing narcissist. If you like intensely personal narratives, ocean-going challenges, and brutally honest self-assessments, then you'll love Michelle Segrest's emotional storm.Buy Living Life Sideways to navigate treacherous waters today!

  • von Gary Floyd
    24,00 €

    While plotting his strategic escape from Brooklyn, a New York Jew considers his highly comical upbringing.Armed only with a beguiling sense of humor, a love for music, and a steadfast dedication to self-metamorphosis, how does a lower middle-class New York Jew rise above his humble and often turbulent urban beginnings?I found your story a pleasurable and interesting read. It brought to mind the narrative in "A Christmas Story," introspective in an innocent and honest way, yet humorous and relatable. -Jennifer Ricci, fellow book club memberI can't help reading it with your voice and mannerisms in my head... Your humor comes through loud and clear.-Martin Hamilton, fellow book club memberYou got your point across about the power of humor and how essential it is for navigating through life's challenges.-Mitch Stevens, brotherYour book made me laugh out loud at times.-Barbara McMichael, friend and long-time Seattle Times book reviewer

  • von Carol DiMarco
    14,00 €

    Mother, grandmother, writer, and farmer, Carol DiMarco juggles the humorous, frustrating, heart-warming, and always unique experiences of life in this, our own town Port Orchard, Washington.Residents of any small town will relate to the Americana charm of Carol's locales and situations, empathize with her neighbors, and find themselves laughing at her wonderful sense of the absurd on her quest to find everyday joy.

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