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Brot & Kuchen

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  • von Ana Maru¿i¿
    37,00 €

    Zavirite u ¿arobni svijet slatkih delicija uz knjigu "¿arolija Koläa" autorice Ane Maru¿i¿. Ova kuharica je pravi raj za sve ljubitelje koläa i slatki¿a, pru¿aju¿i vam kreativne recepte i korisne savjete za stvaranje neodoljivih poslastica.Ana Maru¿i¿, strastvena slasti¿arka i majstorica koläa, vodi vas kroz svoj svijet ¿arobnih okusa i slatkih inovacija. Svaka stranica knjige otkriva tajne stvaranja savr¿enih koläa, bilo da ste po¿etnik u kuhinji ili iskusni slasti¿ar."¿arolija Koläa" nije samo obi¿na kuharica; to je inspiracija i kreativna platforma za väe slasti¿arske poduhvate. Ana dijeli svoje umjetni¿ko znanje o oblikovanju, dekoraciji i ukräavanju koläa, ¿ine¿i svaki recept posebnim.Recepti su jasno objänjeni i ilustrirani korak-po-korak smjernicama, omogu¿uju¿i vam da stvorite prava remek-djela u svom vlastitom domu. Od so¿nih ¿okoladnih torti do prozränih macarona, "¿arolija Koläa" ¿e vas potaknuti da isträite razli¿ite okuse i tehniku slasti¿arstva.Pripremite se za ¿arobno iskustvo kuhanja i dekoriranja koläa. "¿arolija Koläa" ¿e vas inspirirati da stvorite nevjerojatne slatke kreacije koje ¿e o¿arati väe nepce i o¿i. Otkrijte umjetnost slasti¿arstva s Anom Maru¿i¿ i podijelite svoje slatke remek-djela sa svojim najdräima.

  • von Kelly Johnson
    26,00 €

    Embark on a culinary journey with 'Japanese Inspired Dishes for Home,' a delightful and immersive cookbook that brings the essence of Japanese cuisine to your kitchen. This carefully crafted book is a celebration of flavors, aesthetics, and the art of creating delicious meals inspired by Japan's rich culinary traditions.Dive into a collection of authentic and innovative recipes that capture the spirit of Japanese cooking, from traditional sushi and sashimi to contemporary twists on classic dishes. Each recipe is thoughtfully curated to demystify Japanese cooking techniques and ingredients, making it accessible for home cooks of all skill levels.The book not only guides you through step-by-step instructions but also provides insights into the cultural significance of each dish, offering a deeper understanding of the culinary heritage. Beautifully illustrated with vibrant images, 'Japanese Inspired Dishes for Home' is more than just a cookbook; it's a visual feast that inspires creativity in the kitchen.Whether you're a seasoned chef or a novice cook, this book invites you to explore the delicate balance of flavors, textures, and presentation that define Japanese cuisine. Elevate your home cooking experience and savor the beauty of Japan's gastronomic artistry with this exquisite collection of recipes.

  • von Caterina Benini
    29,99 €

    Nach 33 erfolgreichen kulinarischen Jahren wurde das Confetti's Restaurant in Düsseldorf Ende 2021 aufgrund eines auslaufenden Pachtvertrages geschlossen. Viele der langjährigen Kunden fragen bis dato nach, wann ein neues Restaurant eröffnet wird. "Wir sind auf der Suche, möchten aber all unseren alten Gästen und hoffentlich vielen neuen kulinarischen Fans so lange die Möglichkeit bieten, unsere Rezepte zu Hause nach zu kochen und mit Freunden oder der Familie genießen zu können."Neben den traditionellen italienischen Antipasti Klassikern wie Vitello Tonnato, verschiedenen Variationen von Carpacci und tollen Burrata Kombinationen, wird zudem ein besonderer Fokus auf die beliebtesten Pasta Gerichte des Confetti's gelegt. Seien es Linguine mit Safran, Gambas und grünem Spargel oder Tagliatelle al Ragu Bolognese nach Nonna's Rezept. Auch werden die Rezepte für die Herstellung der hauseigenen Trüffel- und Kräuterbutter preisgegeben, sowie die Rezepte für das womöglich köstlichste Tiramisu und die super fluffige Mousse au chocolat. "Wir bedanken uns schon jetzt für euren Support und hoffen, dass wir allen damit eine Freude machen können! A presto, amici!"

  • von Charu Singh
    16,95 - 23,95 €

  • von Ramona Moegelin
    15,00 €

    Begleiten Sie die Autorin auf eine Reise durch mehrere Jahrhunderte. Sorgfältig recherchiert und liebevoll arrangiert, unterlegt mit wertvollen Hintergrundinfos, spannenden Details, trockenem Humor und ihrer so typischen Portion Küchenphilosophie.Ein im traditionell schlichten Stil gehaltenes Buch überzeugt mit überlieferten Familienrezepten, klassischem Backen und modernen Kreationen. Kleine Backgeheimnisse, essentiell und aromatisch gewürzt mit Beiträgen zu Bedeutung und Herkunft von Begriffen, heben die kurzweilige Lektüre aus dem Einerlei unüberschaubarer Angebote. Auf gar keinen Fall möchten Sie die unkonventionellen Backunfall-Rettungstipps, individuellen Ansätze, köstlichen Zubereitungen oder das geschmackvolle Küchenlatein verpassen. Lesen, nachbacken und spüren, wie die Zeit stillsteht ¿ zumindest beim gemeinsamen Essen.Die Autorin, Köchin und Gesundheitsberaterin, seit ihrer Jugend auf vielfältigen Gebieten schriftstellerisch tätig, widmet sie sich einem ihrer Lieblingsthemen dem Backen. Schon gewusst? Backen ist nicht nur Handwerk, es ist auch Philosophie. Man nehme ein Quäntchen davon und würze es mit einer Prise Küchenlatein. Beim Dosieren ist natürlich das sprichwörtliche Fingerspitzengefühl gefragt. Kochen und Backen sind Wissenschaft, Kunst, Kreativität, tägliche Verpflichtung, Einhaltung von Kreisläufen, Pflege von Tradition, Disziplin, Organisation, Meditation, Medizin und manchmal die perfekte Auszeit vom Alltag. Die Abläufe logisch, ästhetisch, wissenschaftlich fundiert also irgendwie philosophisch. Spätestens wenn das erste Gesamtkunstwerk so richtig ¿versemmelt¿ wurde, können sogar Gedanken über die Kerngebiete der Philosophie aufkommen, die da wären:¿ Logik als die Wissenschaft des folgerichtigen Denkens¿ Ethik als die Wissenschaft des rechten Handelns und ¿ Metaphysik als die Wissenschaft der ersten Gründe des Seins und der Wirklichkeit.Nun heißt es, nicht zu verzagen, denn weitere Grunddisziplinen sind die Erkenntnis- und Wissenschaftstheorie. Backen ist gelebte Wissenschaft, lesen, lernen, ausprobieren, es beim nächsten Mal besser machen und danach mit den Möglichkeiten des Erkenntnisgewinns beschäftigen. Gutes Gelingen!

  • von John Ahmad
    18,00 €

    Indulge in a world of vibrant and delicious cakes with the "Funfetti Cake Cookbook 101." This comprehensive cookbook is your ultimate guide to mastering the art of Funfetti baking, filled with delightful recipes and creative ideas that will elevate your celebration cakes to the next level. With 20 chapters of colorful inspiration, this cookbook takes you on a journey through the whimsical world of Funfetti cakes. Discover classic Funfetti recipes that are perfect for any occasion, from birthdays to family gatherings. Dive into decadent layer cakes that will impress your guests and leave them craving more. Explore international Funfetti flavors that infuse traditional recipes with a sprinkle-filled twist. But the "Funfetti Cake Cookbook 101" goes beyond just baking. Unleash your creativity with DIY projects, Funfetti-inspired crafts, and unconventional uses for Funfetti sprinkles. Create a Funfetti wonderland with themed parties and celebrations, complete with colorful decorations and photo booth fun. Turn baking mishaps into delicious creations with troubleshooting tips and solutions. Whether you're a seasoned baker or a novice in the kitchen, this cookbook is designed to inspire and guide you every step of the way. Each recipe is accompanied by clear instructions, ingredient lists, and beautiful full-color photographs that will make your mouth water. From classic cakes to gluten-free and vegan alternatives, there's something for everyone in this Funfetti extravaganza.

  • von Nathan Mitchell
    23,00 €

    "Welcome to the delectable world of Cool and Minty Christmas Cookie Wonders: Peppermint Perfection- a delightful section that infuses your holiday season with the sweet, refreshing magic of peppermint delights. In this festive collection, we invite you on a culinary journey through the enchanting realm of calm and minty holiday cookies that will tantalize your taste buds and add a touch of whimsy to your Christmas celebrations. As you embark on this flavorful adventure, you'll discover a treasure trove of recipes meticulously curated to capture the essence of the holiday spirit. From classic peppermint bark cookies to innovative twists on traditional favorites, each recipe in this section is designed to transport you to a winter wonderland filled with the refreshing aroma of mint. Picture yourself savoring the perfect balance of sweetness and coolness in every bite as these cookies become the centerpiece of your festive gatherings. The subtitle, 'Peppermint Perfection,' serves as a promise-each recipe within these virtual pages is a testament to the artistry of crafting the perfect cool and minty treat for your holiday table. Whether you're an experienced baker or a novice in the kitchen, the easyto-follow instructions and helpful tips will empower you to create these delightful confections confidently.

  • von Lucie Be¿ková
    44,00 €

    Vítejte v "ULTIMÁTNÍ CHALUPAKÁ SÝROVÁ KUCHYN¿", kde se skromný tvaroh prom¿ní v kuliná¿skou hv¿zdu. Na stránkách této kuchäky se vydáte na cestu sv¿tem chutí, kreativity a vý¿ivy. Tvaroh není jen jednoduchý mlé¿ný výrobek; je to v¿estranná p¿ísada, která m¿¿e vdechnout nový ¿ivot väim jídl¿m. Näe kuchyn¿ je místem, kde se kreativit¿ meze nekladou. A¿ ü jste ost¿ílený kuchä nebo nová¿ek v kuliná¿ském um¿ní, najdete ¿irokou ¿kálu recept¿, které uspokojí väe chüové büky a vy¿iví väe t¿lo. Tvaroh je zdrojem bílkovin, vápníku a dal¿ích základních ¿ivin, tak¿e je cenným dopl¿kem väí kädodenní stravy. Se 100 chutnými recepty, které pokrývají ¿adu kuchyní a kuliná¿ských styl¿, je tato kuchäka navr¿ena tak, aby inspirovala väi kuchäskou cestu. Od slaných jídel, jako jsou pln¿né ¿ampiony a lasagne, ä po sladké pochoutky, jako jsou tvarohové kolá¿e a parfaity, objevíte skute¿ný potenciál tvarohu. Vyhr¿me si tedy rukávy, oble¿me si zást¿ry a ponöme se do sv¿ta tvarohové kuchyn¿. Je ¿as pozvednout svá jídla a vytvöit si nezapomenutelné kuliná¿ské zá¿itky p¿ímo ve vlastní kuchyni.

  • von Sandra Moya
    44,00 €

    Bienvenido a "LA ÚLTIMA COCINA DE QUESO COTTAGE", donde el humilde requesón se transforma en una estrella culinaria. En las páginas de este libro de cocina, te embarcarás en un viaje a través de un mundo de sabor, creatividad y nutrición. El requesón no es sólo un simple producto lácteo; Es un ingrediente versátil que puede dar nueva vida a tus comidas. Nuestra cocina es un lugar donde la creatividad no tiene límites. Ya sea que sea un chef experimentado o un novato en las artes culinarias, encontrará una amplia gama de recetas que satisfarán su paladar y nutrirán su cuerpo. El requesón es una fuente de proteínas, calcio y otros nutrientes esenciales, lo que lo convierte en una valiosa adición a su dieta diaria. Con 100 recetas deliciosas que cubren una variedad de cocinas y estilos culinarios, este libro de cocina está diseñado para inspirar su viaje culinario. Desde platos salados como champiñones rellenos y lasaña hasta delicias dulces como tartas de queso y parfaits, descubrirá el verdadero potencial del requesón. Entonces, arremanguémonos, pongamos el delantal y profundicemos en el mundo de la cocina del requesón. Es hora de mejorar sus comidas y crear experiencias gastronómicas inolvidables en su propia cocina.

  • von Giulio Persi
    37,00 €

    Entra nel magico mondo dei dolci con "Dolci Creazioni" di Giulio Persi. Questo libro di cucina è un invito a esplorare la bellezza e la bontà dei dolci, offrendo una raccolta di ricette irresistibili per torte, dessert e dolci che faranno brillare il tuo palato.Giulio Persi, un appassionato di dolci e pasticceria, condivide con te il suo amore per la creazione di dessert straordinari. Ogni ricetta in questo libro è stata selezionata con cura per garantire risultati deliziosi e sorprendenti, dal classico tiramisù alle creazioni moderne e artistiche."Dolci Creazioni" è molto più di un semplice libro di ricette; è una guida completa alla preparazione di dolci che sorprenderanno e delizieranno i tuoi ospiti. Giulio condivide suggerimenti e trucchi di pasticceria che renderanno la tua esperienza culinaria indimenticabile.Che tu sia un pasticcere esperto o un principiante curioso, questo libro ti ispirerà a sperimentare con nuovi sapori e a scoprire la gioia di creare dolci spettacolari. Preparati per un viaggio culinario incantevole e scopri l'arte di creare dolci che renderanno ogni occasione speciale.

  • von Carolina Mendoza
    39,00 €

    Sumérgete en el tentador mundo de la repostería con "Dulces Creaciones," el nuevo libro de cocina de la experta en postres, Carolina Mendoza. Este libro es una invitación a un viaje delicioso y creativo al universo de las tartas, donde la magia de hornear se convierte en obras maestras irresistibles.Carolina Mendoza, apasionada por la repostería, ha reunido en este libro una colección excepcional de recetas de tartas que te harán sentir como un auténtico pastelero profesional. Desde tartas clásicas que evocan la nostalgia hasta creaciones innovadoras que despiertan la curiosidad, este libro tiene algo para satisfacer todos los antojos."Dulces Creaciones" no se limita solo a proporcionar recetas. Carolina comparte también su sabiduría y técnicas expertas para que tus tartas se conviertan en auténticas obras de arte. Aprenderás los secretos de la preparación de masas perfectas, la creación de rellenos irresistibles y la decoración con elegancia y estilo.Ya seas un aficionado apasionado o un principiante en la repostería, este libro te guiará a través de un proceso paso a paso para que logres tartas que sorprenderán a tus seres queridos y a ti mismo. Cada receta está diseñada para que puedas experimentar la alegría de hornear en la comodidad de tu cocina."Dulces Creaciones" es un homenaje al dulce arte de hacer tartas. Únete a Carolina Mendoza en este emocionante viaje culinario y descubre cómo crear postres que deleitarán los sentidos y llenarán tu hogar con aromas irresistibles. ¿Listo para hornear tu próxima obra maestra? Este libro te llevará allí.

  • von Michele Song
    24,00 €

    An irresistible collection of 60 recipes in a special package with metallic silver paper (just like a chocolate bar) and luscious photos of every bake, including cookies, brownies, cakes, tarts, sweet breads, pastries, and more, all featuring white, milk, semisweet, or dark chocolate.

  • von Kelly Johnson
    21,00 €

    Embark on a delightful journey into the heart of home baking with "Bread Bliss," a collection of 50 mouthwatering bread recipes that will transform your kitchen into a haven of heavenly aromas and delectable flavors. From crusty artisan loaves to soft and pillowy rolls, this book is a treasure trove for both novice bakers and seasoned kitchen enthusiasts.Dive into the art of bread-making as you explore a diverse array of recipes that cater to all tastes and preferences. Discover the secrets behind crafting the perfect sourdough, experiment with unique flavor combinations, and master the techniques that make each recipe a triumph. Whether you're a fan of traditional classics or eager to try your hand at inventive twists, "Bread Bliss" provides a recipe for every occasion.Inside this beautifully curated collection, you'll find step-by-step instructions, helpful tips, and stunning visuals that guide you through the process of creating bakery-quality bread from the comfort of your home. Uncover the joy of kneading, proofing, and baking as you elevate your culinary skills and fill your home with the irresistible aroma of freshly baked bread."Bread Bliss" isn't just a cookbook; it's an invitation to infuse your kitchen with warmth, flavor, and the satisfaction of creating wholesome, homemade bread. Whether you're a seasoned baker or a first-time kneader, this book is your passport to a world of bread-making joy. Get ready to savor the simple pleasure of a perfectly baked loaf - because nothing beats the taste of home.

  • von Petra Kralj
    44,00 €

    Dobrodöli v "ULTIMATIVNA SKUTA KUHINJA", kjer se skromna skuta spremeni v kulinari¿no zvezdo. Na straneh te kuharske knjige se boste podali na potovanje skozi svet okusov, ustvarjalnosti in prehrane. Skuta ni le preprost mle¿ni izdelek; je vsestranska sestavina, ki lahko väim obrokom vdihne novo ¿ivljenje. Näa kuhinja je prostor, kjer ustvarjalnost ne pozna meja. Ne glede na to, ali ste izküen kuhar ali zäetnik v kulinari¿ni umetnosti, boste näli ¿iroko paleto receptov, ki bodo zadovoljili väe brbon¿ice in nahranili väe telo. Skuta je vir beljakovin, kalcija in drugih bistvenih hranil, zaradi ¿esar je dragocen dodatek väi vsakodnevni prehrani. S 100 okusnimi recepti, ki pokrivajo vrsto kuhinj in kulinari¿nih stilov, je ta kuharska knjiga zasnovana tako, da navdihne väo kuharsko pot. Od slanih jedi, kot so polnjene gobe in lazanja, do sladkih üitkov, kot so sirove torte in parfeji, boste odkrili pravi potencial skute. Torej, zavihajmo rokave, nadenimo predpasnike in se poglobimo v svet skutine kulinarike. ¿as je, da nadgradite svoje obroke in ustvarite nepozabna obedovalna döivetja kar v svoji kuhinji.

  • von Joanna M. Lund
    29,00 €

  • von Ar¿n¿ Lideikien¿
    44,00 €

    Sveiki atvyk¿ ¿ ¿GALIMYB¿ COTTAGE S¿RIO VIRTUV¿", kur kuklus var¿k¿s s¿ris paver¿iamas kulinarijos ¿vaig¿de. ¿ios kulinarin¿s knygos puslapiuose leisit¿s ¿ kelion¿ po skonio, k¿rybi¿kumo ir mitybos pasaul¿. Var¿k¿ n¿ra tik paprastas pieno produktas; tai universalus ingredientas, galintis ¿kv¿pti j¿s¿ patiekalams naujos gyvyb¿s. M¿s¿ virtuv¿ - tai vieta, kur k¿rybi¿kumui n¿ra rib¿. Nesvarbu, ar esate patyr¿s vir¿jas, ar kulinarinio meno naujokas, rasite daugyb¿ recept¿, kurie patenkins j¿s¿ skonio receptorius ir pamaitins j¿s¿ k¿n¿. Var¿k¿ yra baltym¿, kalcio ir kit¿ b¿tin¿ maistini¿ med¿iag¿ ¿altinis, tod¿l jis yra vertingas j¿s¿ kasdien¿s mitybos priedas. Su 100 skani¿ recept¿, apiman¿i¿ ¿vairias virtuves ir kulinarinius stilius, ¿i kulinarijos knyga sukurta ¿kv¿pti j¿s¿ maisto gaminimo kelion¿. Nuo pikanti¿k¿ patiekal¿, toki¿ kaip ¿daryti grybai ir lazanija, iki sald¿i¿ g¿rybi¿, toki¿ kaip s¿rio pyragai¿iai ir parf¿, atrasite tikr¿j¿ var¿k¿s potencial¿. Taigi, pasiraitokime rankoves, üsiimkime prijuostes ir pasinerkime ¿ var¿k¿s virtuv¿s pasaul¿. At¿jo laikas patobulinti savo patiekalus ir sukurti nepamir¿tam¿ valgymo ¿sp¿d¿i¿ savo virtuv¿je.

  • von Nout Gerritsen
    44,00 €

    Welkom bij "DE ULTIEME KUIKKAASKEUKEN", waar de bescheiden kwark wordt omgetoverd tot een culinaire ster. Op de pagina's van dit kookboek ga je op reis door een wereld van smaak, creativiteit en voeding. Kwark is niet zomaar een eenvoudig zuivelproduct; het is een veelzijdig ingrediënt dat uw maaltijden nieuw leven kan inblazen. Onze keuken is een plek waar creativiteit geen grenzen kent. Of u nu een doorgewinterde chef-kok bent of een beginneling in de culinaire kunsten, u vindt een breed scala aan recepten die uw smaakpapillen zullen bevredigen en uw lichaam zullen voeden. Kwark is een bron van eiwitten, calcium en andere essentiële voedingsstoffen, waardoor het een waardevolle aanvulling is op uw dagelijkse voeding. Met 100 verrukkelijke recepten die een scala aan keukens en culinaire stijlen bestrijken, is dit kookboek ontworpen om uw kookreis te inspireren. Van hartige gerechten zoals gevulde champignons en lasagne tot zoete lekkernijen zoals cheesecakes en parfaits, je ontdekt het ware potentieel van kwark. Laten we dus onze mouwen opstropen, onze schorten aantrekken en ons verdiepen in de wereld van de kwarkkeuken. Het is tijd om uw maaltijden naar een hoger niveau te tillen en onvergetelijke eetervaringen te creëren, gewoon in uw eigen keuken.

  • von John Ahmad
    17,00 €

    Mouthwatering Recipes for Crafting Irresistible Churros and Exploring Creative VariationsUnleash your inner churro connoisseur with the ultimate guide to mastering the art of churro-making and exploring a world of delightful variations. "Churros Cookbook 101" is your passport to a culinary adventure that will captivate your taste buds and ignite your creativity, offering a comprehensive and step-by-step journey into the enchanting world of churros. Master the Craft: Dive deep into the churro-making process with detailed instructions on creating the perfect dough, achieving the ideal consistency, and mastering the essential techniques for piping, frying, and coating. From classic cinnamon sugar churros to decadent chocolate-dipped delights, you'll learn how to create churros that boast the coveted golden crunchiness and irresistible sweetness that have made them a beloved treat worldwide. Explore Endless Possibilities:Venture beyond the classic churro and uncover a treasure trove of innovative variations that will amaze and delight. Discover the secrets to crafting churros filled with luscious berry compotes, savory cheese, and global flavors that transport your taste buds to exotic destinations. Elevate your culinary repertoire with churro-inspired breakfasts, desserts, beverages, and even churro-themed party ideas that transform any occasion into a churro celebration.Expert Troubleshooting and Pro Tips: Navigate through churro mishaps like a seasoned chef with expert troubleshooting advice and solutions for common challenges. Salvage and fix issues with ease, ensuring your churro creations are always perfect, whether you're a novice or a seasoned baker. Plus, learn the art of churro storage, reheating, and crafting churros as edible gifts that make for unforgettable presents and celebrations. Elevate Your Culinary Creations: Whether you're a passionate home cook, a culinary enthusiast, or simply someone who appreciates the joys of savoring delicious treats, "Churros Cookbook 101" is your gateway to mastering the timeless and enchanting world of churros. With its captivating recipes, expert guidance, and creative inspiration, this cookbook will empower you to craft churros that not only satisfy your cravings but also bring smiles and satisfaction to every bite.

  • von Sammy Andrews
    17,00 €

    A Delicious Journey into the World of Savory Stuffed PastriesElevate Your Culinary Skills with the Ultimate Empanada Guide! Indulge in the delectable world of empanadas with our comprehensive "Empanada Cookbook." Perfectly stuffed, crispy, and bursting with flavors, empanadas are a beloved culinary treasure enjoyed worldwide. Whether you're a seasoned chef or a novice in the kitchen, this cookbook will inspire you to create empanadas that impress and delight. Expert Guidance for Every Level: Empanada Basics: Master the art of making flawless empanada dough, from scratch or with store-bought options, and learn essential rolling and shaping techniques.Savory Sensations: Explore a diverse range of savory empanadas, including classic beef, chicken, seafood, and vegetarian options. Journey through international flavors with Jamaican beef patty, Argentine beef, and more.Cheese Lover's Paradise: Satisfy your cheese cravings with empanadas featuring creamy queso blanco, spicy jalapeño and cheddar, and other cheese-filled delights.Exotic Fillings: Dare to be adventurous with unique fillings like succulent lamb and mint.Dessert Empanadas: Conclude your meals on a sweet note with dessert empanadas like apple cinnamon and Nutella.Sides and Dips: Elevate your empanada experience with our salsa and sauce recipes, refreshing salad pairings, and beverage recommendations. Features: Detailed Instructions: Easy-to-follow, step-by-step instructions suitable for both beginners and experienced cooks.Beautiful Photography: Mouthwatering images to inspire your culinary creativity.Tips and Tricks: Pro tips and insights to perfect your empanada-making skills.Perfect for Every Occasion: Whether you're hosting a gathering, preparing a cozy family meal, or surprising your loved ones with a special treat, empanadas are a versatile delight that never goes out of style.Great Gift Idea: Share the joy of empanada-making with friends and family. This cookbook makes a thoughtful and unique gift for any occasion.

  • von Hillary Teske
    35,00 €

    Join me in the fun of food!In this cookbook, you will take a journey through many recipes and tips related to how food can heal the body and mind! Plus, you will learn ways to maintain chronic illnesses through food. Lastly, get excited about classic and intriguing dishes for the whole family to enjoy!Take a journey into my life; while keeping your taste buds buzzing and learn how key ingredients make all the difference in your everyday lives.

  • von Olivia Stewart
    23,00 €

    Welcome to the enchanting world of sweet indulgence and timeless delights in "Journey into Classic Crinkles and Sugar Sparkles: Classic Crinkles and Sugar Sparkles: Timeless Favorites." This e-book invites you on a delectable adventure, exploring the rich history, artistry, and heartwarming traditions behind classic crinkles and sugar sparkles-two iconic categories of cookies that have stood the test of time.In the opening chapter, we embark on a delightful journey into the realm of cookies, where every bite carries the essence of nostalgia and the warmth of cherished memories. These classic crinkles and sugar sparkles are more than confections; they embody tradition, creativity, and the joy of sharing something homemade with those we hold dear.As we delve into the following pages, we uncover these timeless favorites' fascinating history. From their humble beginnings to becoming beloved treats worldwide, these cookies have been woven into cultural celebrations and everyday moments. Discover the stories behind the recipes, the people who shaped them, and the cultural significance that makes each bite a trip down memory lane.

  • von Nathan Harper
    23,00 €

    This is "A Winter Magic Tour Through Holiday Cookies: Whisking Up Winter Magic - Introduction to Holiday Cookies." When the earth is covered in a sparkling layer of frost throughout the winter, there's no better way to enjoy the magic of the holidays than by engaging in the beautiful craft of cookie baking. In this heartwarming journey, we invite you to embark on a culinary adventure that transcends the ordinary, whisking up a symphony of flavors and aromas that define the magic of winter.This e-book celebrates tradition, inventiveness, and the wonderful atmosphere of holiday baking-it's much more than just a compilation of recipes. You'll learn the techniques for making a stunning variety of cookies that perfectly reflect the spirit of the occasion as we turn the pages together. From timeless classics like sugar cookies adorned with festive decorations to innovative twists on traditional recipes, we'll explore diverse flavors reflecting winter's warmth and magic.In the ensuing chapters, we'll dive into the core of holiday cookie baking, including tips and tricks for essential ingredients, equipment, and methods to empower bakers of all skill levels. Whether you're passionate about perfecting the art of cookie decoration, interested in international cookie traditions, or seeking gluten-free and vegan options, this e-book has something for everyone.

  • von Paul Iancu
    44,00 €

    Bine äi venit la ¿BUC¿T¿RIA ULTIMATE DE BRÂNZ¿ DE VACI", unde umila brânz¿ de vaci este transformat¿ într-o vedet¿ culinar¿.În paginile acestei c¿r¿i de bucate, v¿ ve¿i porni într-o c¿l¿torie printr-o lume a aromei, creativit¿¿ii ¿i nutri¿iei. Brânza de vaci nu este doar un simplu produs lactat; este un ingredient versatil care poate da o nou¿ viä¿ meselor tale. Buc¿t¿ria noastr¿ este un loc în care creativitatea nu cunoäte limite. Indiferent dac¿ sunte¿i un buc¿tar experimentat sau un novice în artele culinare, ve¿i g¿si o gam¿ larg¿ de re¿ete care v¿ vor satisface papilele gustative ¿i v¿ vor hr¿ni corpul.Brânza de vaci este o surs¿ de proteine, calciu ¿i al¿i nutrien¿i esen¿iali, ceea ce o face un plus valoros pentru dieta ta zilnic¿. Cu 100 de re¿ete delicioase care acoper¿ o gam¿ larg¿ de buc¿t¿rii ¿i stiluri culinare, aceast¿ carte de bucate este conceput¿ pentru a v¿ inspira c¿l¿toria culinar¿. De la mânc¿ruri s¿rate, cum ar fi ciupercile umplute ¿i lasagna, pân¿ la delicii dulci, cum ar fi pr¿jiturile cu brânz¿ ¿i parfaiturile, ve¿i descoperi adev¿ratul poten¿ial al brânzei de vaci. A¿adar, s¿ ne suflec¿m mânecile, s¿ ne îmbr¿c¿m ¿or¿urile ¿i s¿ ne adâncim în lumea buc¿t¿riei cu brânz¿ de vaci.Este timpul s¿ v¿ ridicäi mesele ¿i s¿ creäi experien¿e de luat masa de neuitat chiar în propria buc¿t¿rie.

  • von Anita Prenga
    44,00 €

    Mirë se vini në KUZHINA E FUNDIT ME Djathë Djathë, ku gjiza e thjeshtë shndërrohet në një yll kulinarie. Në faqet e këtij libri gatimi, ju do të nisni një udhëtim nëpër një botë me shije, kreativitet dhe ushqim. Gjiza nuk është thjesht një produkt i thjeshtë qumështi; është një përbërës i gjithanshëm që mund t'i japë jetë të re vakteve tuaja. Kuzhina jonë është një vend ku kreativiteti nuk njeh kufi. Pavarësisht nëse jeni një kuzhinier me përvojë ose fillestar në artet e kuzhinës, do të gjeni një gamë të gjerë recetash që do të kënaqin shijet tuaja dhe do të ushqejnë trupin tuaj. Gjiza është një burim i proteinave, kalciumit dhe lëndëve të tjera ushqyese thelbësore, duke e bërë atë një shtesë të vlefshme për dietën tuaj të përditshme. Me 100 receta të mrekullueshme që mbulojnë një sërë kuzhinash dhe stilesh kulinarie, ky libër gatimi është krijuar për të frymëzuar udhëtimin tuaj të gatimit. Nga pjatat e shijshme si kërpudhat e mbushura dhe lazanjat deri te shijet e ëmbla si ëmbëlsirat me djathë dhe parfetë, do të zbuloni potencialin e vërtetë të gjizës. Pra, le të përveshin mëngët, të veshim përparëse dhe të futemi në botën e kuzhinës së gjizës. Është koha për të lartësuar vaktet tuaja dhe për të krijuar përvoja të paharrueshme të ngrënies pikërisht në kuzhinën tuaj.

  • von Maria Borowska
    44,00 €

    Witamy w ¿NAJLEPSZA KUCHNIA Z SEREM", gdzie skromny twaróg zmienia si¿ w kulinarn¿ gwiazd¿.Na stronach tej ksi¿¿ki kucharskiej wyruszysz w podró¿ po ¿wiecie smaku, kreatywno¿ci i od¿ywiania. Twaro¿ek to nie tylko zwyk¿y produkt mleczny; to uniwersalny sk¿adnik, który mo¿e tchn¿¿ nowe ¿ycie w Twoje posi¿ki. Nasza kuchnia to miejsce, w którym kreatywno¿¿ nie zna granic. Niezale¿nie od tego, czy jeste¿ do¿wiadczonym szefem kuchni, czy nowicjuszem w sztuce kulinarnej, znajdziesz szerok¿ gam¿ przepisów, które zaspokoj¿ Twoje kubki smakowe i od¿ywi¿ organizm. Twaróg jest ¿ród¿em biäka, wapnia i innych niezb¿dnych sk¿adników od¿ywczych, dzi¿ki czemu stanowi warto¿ciowy dodatek do codziennej diety.Dzi¿ki 100 przepysznym przepisom obejmuj¿cym ró¿norodne kuchnie i style kulinarne ta ksi¿¿ka kucharska ma za zadanie zainspirowä Ci¿ do kulinarnej podró¿y. Od pikantnych potraw, takich jak faszerowane grzyby i lasagne, po s¿odkie przysmaki, takie jak serniki i parfaity - odkryjesz prawdziwy potencjä twarogu. Zakaszmy wi¿c r¿kawy, zäó¿my fartuchy i zanurzmy si¿ w ¿wiat kuchni twarogowej. Czas podnie¿¿ jako¿¿ swoich posi¿ków i stworzy¿ niezapomniane doznania kulinarne we w¿asnej kuchni.

  • von Ármann Bui
    44,00 €

    Á síðum þessarar matreiðslubókar muntu leggja af stað í ferðalag um heim bragðgóður, sköpunargáfu og næringar. Kotasæla er ekki bara einföld mjólkurvara; þetta er fjölhæft hráefni sem getur blásið nýju lífi í máltíðirnar þínar. Eldhúsið okkar er staður þar sem sköpunargleði á sér engin takmörk. Hvort sem þú ert vanur kokkur eða nýliði í matreiðslu, þá finnurðu mikið úrval af uppskriftum sem munu seðja bragðlaukana þína og næra líkamann. Kotasæla er uppspretta próteina, kalsíums og annarra nauðsynlegra næringarefna, sem gerir hann að dýrmætri viðbót við daglegt mataræði. Þessi matreiðslubók er hönnuð til að veita þér innblástur í matreiðsluferð með 100 ljúffengum uppskriftum sem ná yfir úrval af matargerðum og matreiðslustílum. Allt frá bragðmiklum réttum eins og fylltum sveppum og lasagna til sætra veitinga eins og ostakökur og parfaits, þú munt uppgötva raunverulega möguleika kotasælunnar. Svo skulum við bretta upp ermar, klæðast svuntum og kafa ofan í heim kotasælumatargerðar. Það er kominn tími til að hækka máltíðir þínar og búa til ógleymanlega matarupplifun beint í þínu eigin eldhúsi

  • von Frida Andreasson
    44,00 €

    Välkommen till "DET ULTIMATA KOSTKÖKET", där den ödmjuka kesoen förvandlas till en kulinarisk stjärna. På sidorna i denna kokbok kommer du att ge dig ut på en resa genom en värld av smak, kreativitet och näring. Keso är inte bara en enkel mejeriprodukt; det är en mångsidig ingrediens som kan blåsa nytt liv i dina måltider. Vårt kök är en plats där kreativiteten inte känner några gränser. Oavsett om du är en erfaren kock eller nybörjare inom kulinariska konster, hittar du ett brett utbud av recept som kommer att tillfredsställa dina smaklökar och ge din kropp näring. Keso är en källa till protein, kalcium och andra viktiga näringsämnen, vilket gör den till ett värdefullt tillskott till din dagliga kost. Med 100 aptitretande recept som täcker en rad olika kök och kulinariska stilar, är den här kokboken designad för att inspirera din matlagningsresa. Från salta rätter som fyllda svampar och lasagne till söta läckerheter som cheesecakes och parfaiter, du kommer att upptäcka den verkliga potentialen hos keso. Så låt oss kavla upp ärmarna, ta på oss våra förkläden och fördjupa oss i kesokökets värld. Det är dags att höja dina måltider och skapa oförglömliga matupplevelser direkt i ditt eget kök.

  • von Helga Schmidt
    19,95 - 26,99 €

  • von Olivia Pavel
    40,00 €

    Bine äi venit la ¿Cartea De Categorie De Deserturi Englez¿ Ultimate", päaportul dumneavoastr¿ c¿tre o c¿l¿torie delicioas¿ prin 100 de deserturi emblematice ale Angliei. Lumea fermec¿toare a dulciurilor engleze¿ti atrage, promi¿ând o explorare încânt¿toare a tradi¿iilor vechi de secole ¿i a inoväiilor moderne în domeniul fabric¿rii deserturilor. De la ceain¿riile ciudate ale zonei rurale pân¿ la brut¿riile pline de viä¿ din Londra, deserturile engleze¿ti au un loc special atât în inimile localnicilor, cât ¿i a vizitatorilor.În paginile urm¿toare, vom dezv¿lui secretele din spatele cre¿rii unor clasice îndr¿gite precum buretele Victoria, tarta de melas¿ ¿i mizeria Eton, precum ¿i v¿ vom prezenta delicii contemporane care fac furori în scena deserturilor britanice. Fie c¿ e¿ti un buc¿tar de patiserie cu experien¿¿ sau un brutar acas¿ care dore¿te s¿-¿i extind¿ repertoriul, aceast¿ carte de bucate este ghidul t¿u cuprinz¿tor pentru a st¿pâni arta de a crea deserturi engleze¿ti delicioase.A¿adar, îmbr¿cäi-v¿ ¿or¿ul, preg¿ti¿i-v¿ bolurile de mixat ¿i preg¿ti¿i-v¿ s¿ porni¿i într-o aventur¿ aromat¿ prin inima ¿i sufletul mo¿tenirii culinare dulce a Angliei.

  • von Matilda Johansson
    40,00 €

    Välkommen till " Den Ultimata Engelska Dessertkokboken", ditt pass till en härlig resa genom 100 ikoniska desserter i England. Den förtrollande världen av engelska sötsaker lockar, och utlovar en förtjusande utforskning av månghundraåriga traditioner och moderna innovationer inom desserttillverkning. Från de pittoreska terummen på landsbygden till de livliga bagerierna i London, engelska desserter har en speciell plats i både lokalbefolkningens och besökares hjärtan.På de kommande sidorna kommer vi att reda ut hemligheterna bakom att skapa älskade klassiker som Victoria-svampen, siraptårtan och Eton-röran, samt introducera dig till samtida godsaker som gör vågor i den brittiska dessertscenen. Oavsett om du är en erfaren konditor eller en hemmabagare som vill utöka din repertoar, är den här kokboken din omfattande guide till att bemästra konsten att skapa läckra engelska desserter.Så, ta på dig ditt förkläde, förbered dina blandningsskålar och gör dig redo att ge dig ut på ett smakrikt äventyr genom hjärtat och själen av Englands söta kulinariska arv.

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