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  • von Sofia Søgaard
    44,00 €

    Velkommen til "CITRONELSKERNES KULINARISKE FÆLGER", en glad rejse ind i citronernes verden og deres bemærkelsesværdige indflydelse på den kulinariske kunst. Citroner har med deres lyse og forfriskende smag fået en særlig plads i hjerterne hos kokke og hjemmekokke over hele kloden. I denne kogebog inviterer vi dig til at udforske citronernes alsidighed og liv gennem en samling af 100 friske og smagfulde opskrifter. Vores rejse gennem det citronfyldte landskab vil introducere dig til denne citrus-superstjernes magi. Uanset om du er en erfaren kok eller en novice i køkkenet, er denne bog din guide til at inkorporere citronernes syrlige, citrusagtige godhed i dine kulinariske kreationer. Fra appetitvækkere til desserter, fra salte til søde, vil du opdage de uendelige muligheder, som citroner tilbyder for at lysne og hæve dine retter. Mens vi begiver os ud på dette citrusprægede eventyr, forbered dig på at låse op for hemmelighederne ved madlavning med citroner, og lad deres solrige disposition forvandle dine måltider. Så tag dit forklæde, slib dine knive, og vær med til at pifte dit kulinariske repertoire op med "CITRONELSKERNES KULINARISKE FÆLGER."

  • von Sarah Degée
    45,00 €

    Bienvenue dans LE COMPAGNON CULINAIRE DES AMATEURS DE CITRON , un voyage joyeux dans le monde des citrons et leur influence remarquable sur les arts culinaires. Les citrons, avec leur saveur vive et revigorante, ont gagné une place particulière dans le c¿ur des chefs et des cuisiniers amateurs du monde entier. Dans ce livre de recettes, nous vous invitons à explorer la polyvalence et le dynamisme des citrons à travers une collection de 100 recettes fraîches et savoureuses. Notre voyage à travers le paysage chargé de citrons vous fera découvrir la magie de cette superstar des agrumes. Que vous soyez un chef expérimenté ou un novice en cuisine, ce livre est votre guide pour incorporer les bienfaits acidulés et citronnés des citrons dans vos créations culinaires. De l'entrée au dessert, du salé au sucré, vous découvrirez les possibilités infinies qu'offrent les citrons pour égayer et rehausser vos plats. Alors que nous nous embarquons dans cette aventure infusée aux agrumes, préparez-vous à découvrir les secrets de la cuisine avec les citrons et laissez leur caractère ensoleillé transformer vos repas. Alors, prenez votre tablier, affûtez vos couteaux et rejoignez-nous pour égayer votre répertoire culinaire avec LE COMPAGNON CULINAIRE DES AMATEURS DE CITRON

  • von Jane Haniff
    44,00 €

    Selamat datang ke "TEMAN MASAKAN PENCINTA LEMON," sebuah perjalanan yang penuh semangat ke dalam dunia lemon dan pengaruh luar biasa mereka terhadap seni kulinari. Lemon, dengan rasa yang cerah dan menyegarkan, telah mendapat tempat istimewa di hati tukang masak dan tukang masak rumah di seluruh dunia. Dalam buku masakan ini, kami menjemput anda untuk menerokai fleksibiliti dan kemeriahan lemon melalui koleksi 100 resipi segar dan berperisa. Perjalanan kami melalui landskap sarat lemon akan memperkenalkan anda kepada keajaiban superstar sitrus ini. Sama ada anda seorang tukang masak yang berpengalaman atau orang baru di dapur, buku ini ialah panduan anda untuk menggabungkan kebaikan jeruk limau yang pedas ke dalam ciptaan masakan anda. Daripada pembuka selera kepada pencuci mulut, daripada pedas kepada manis, anda akan menemui kemungkinan tidak berkesudahan yang ditawarkan oleh lemon untuk mencerahkan dan menyerlahkan hidangan anda. Semasa kami memulakan pengembaraan yang diselitkan sitrus ini, bersedia untuk membuka kunci rahsia memasak dengan limau, dan biarkan sifat cerah mereka mengubah makanan anda. Jadi, ambil apron anda, asah pisau anda dan sertai kami dalam menceriakan repertoir masakan anda dengan "Teman Masakan Pencinta Lemon."

  • von Stefán Moreno
    43,00 €

    Velkomin í "BÚLUR OG BIT: ENDALA PROSECCO MAÐKABÓKIN"! Í þessari matreiðsluferð munum við kanna yndislegan heim Prosecco og ótrúlega fjölhæfni hans í eldhúsinu. Prosecco, með sínum freyðandi loftbólum og lifandi bragði, færir snert af glæsileika og fágun í hvern rétt sem hann prýðir. Allt frá morgunmat til snarls, aðalrétta og jafnvel krydds, munum við opna leyndarmál þess að fella Prosecco inn í uppáhalds uppskriftirnar þínar og taka matreiðslusköpun þína til nýrra hæða. Í þessari matreiðslubók finnur þú safn af vandlega samsettum uppskriftum sem sýna fram á einstaka eiginleika Prosecco og varpa ljósi á getu þess til að auka fjölbreytt úrval af bragði. Hver uppskrift er unnin af nákvæmni og veitir nákvæmar innihaldsmælingar og skref-fyrir-skref leiðbeiningar til að tryggja árangur þinn í eldhúsinu. Hvort sem þú ert að hýsa sérstakt tilefni eða vilt einfaldlega bæta ljóma við daglegu máltíðirnar þínar, mun þessi matreiðslubók hvetja þig til að kanna dásamlegan heim rétta sem innihalda Prosecco. Gríptu því flösku af uppáhalds Prosecco þínum, settu á þig svuntuna þína og gerðu þig tilbúinn til að leggja af stað í matreiðsluævintýri sem mun pirra bragðlaukana þína og heilla gestina. Allt frá brunch-kokkteilum til sælkerakvöldverða, möguleikarnir eru óþrjótandi þegar kemur að sköpun með Prosecco. Við skulum skjóta á korkinn og kafa inn í heim "BÚLUR OG BIT: ENDALA PROSECCO MAÐKABÓKIN"!

  • von Phúc L¿u
    43,00 €

    Chào m¿ng b¿n ¿¿n v¿i "BONG BÓNG VÀ C¿T: SÁCH N¿U ¿N PROSECCO TUY¿T V¿I"! Trong hành trình ¿m th¿c này, chúng ta s¿ khám phá th¿ gi¿i thú v¿ c¿a Prosecco và tính linh höt ¿áng kinh ng¿c c¿a nó trong nhà b¿p. Prosecco, v¿i nh¿ng bong bóng s¿i b¿t và h¿¿ng v¿ s¿ng ¿¿ng, mang l¿i c¿m giác sang tr¿ng và tinh t¿ cho m¿i món ¿n mà nó mang l¿i. T¿ b¿a sáng ¿¿n ¿¿ ¿n nh¿, món chính và th¿m chí c¿ ¿¿ gia v¿, chúng tôi s¿ khám phá bí m¿t k¿t h¿p Prosecco vào các công th¿c n¿u ¿n yêu thích c¿a b¿n, ¿¿a s¿ sáng t¿o ¿m th¿c c¿a b¿n lên m¿t t¿m cao m¿i.Trong sách d¿y n¿u ¿n này, b¿n s¿ tìm th¿y m¿t b¿ s¿u t¿p các công th¿c n¿u ¿n ¿¿¿c tuy¿n ch¿n c¿n th¿n th¿ hi¿n nh¿ng ¿¿c ¿i¿m ¿¿c ¿áo c¿a Prosecco và nêu b¿t kh¿ n¿ng nâng cao nhi¿u löi h¿¿ng v¿ c¿a nó. M¿i công th¿c ¿¿u ¿¿¿c ch¿ t¿o v¿i ¿¿ chính xác cao, cung c¿p s¿ ¿o thành ph¿n chi ti¿t và h¿¿ng d¿n t¿ng b¿¿c ¿¿ ¿¿m b¿o b¿n thành công trong b¿p. Cho dù b¿n ¿ang t¿ ch¿c m¿t d¿p ¿¿c bi¿t hay ch¿ ¿¿n gi¿n là mün thêm chút l¿p lánh cho b¿a ¿n hàng ngày c¿a mình, cün sách n¿u ¿n này s¿ truy¿n c¿m h¿ng cho b¿n khám phá th¿ gi¿i tuy¿t v¿i c¿a các món ¿n có ngün g¿c t¿ Prosecco.Vì v¿y, hãy l¿y m¿t chai r¿¿u Prosecco yêu thích c¿a b¿n, ¿eo t¿p d¿ vào và s¿n sàng b¿t tay vào cüc phiêu l¿u ¿m th¿c s¿ kích thích v¿ giác c¿a b¿n và gây ¿n t¿¿ng v¿i khách hàng. T¿ cocktail n¿a büi cho ¿¿n b¿a t¿i ngon mi¿ng, kh¿ n¿ng là vô t¿n khi nói ¿¿n nh¿ng sáng t¿o ¿¿¿c pha ch¿ t¿ r¿¿u Prosecco. Hãy b¿t nút chai và hòa mình vào th¿ gi¿i c¿a "Bong bóng và v¿t c¿n: Sách n¿u ¿n Prosecco"!

  • von Justin James
    43,00 €

    Bun venit la ¿BALE ¿I MUC¿TURI: CARTEA ULTIMEI DE CATEGORIE PROSECCO"! În aceast¿ c¿l¿torie culinar¿, vom explora lumea încânt¿toare a Prosecco ¿i versatilitatea sa incredibil¿ în buc¿t¿rie. Prosecco, cu bulele sale efervescente ¿i aromele sale vibrante, aduce o not¿ de elegan¿¿ ¿i rafinament fiec¿rui fel de mâncare pe care îl ofer¿. De la mic dejun la gust¿ri, feluri principale ¿i chiar condimente, vom dezv¿lui secretele încorpor¿rii Prosecco-ului în re¿etele tale preferate, ducând creäiile tale culinare la noi culmi. În aceast¿ carte de bucate, ve¿i g¿si o colec¿ie de re¿ete îngrijite cu grij¿, care prezint¿ caracteristicile unice ale Prosecco ¿i eviden¿iaz¿ capacitatea acestuia de a îmbun¿t¿¿i o gam¿ larg¿ de arome. Fiecare re¿et¿ este realizat¿ cu precizie, oferind m¿sur¿tori detaliate ale ingredientelor ¿i instruc¿iuni pas cu pas pentru a v¿ asigura succesul în buc¿t¿rie. Indiferent dac¿ g¿zduie¿ti o ocazie special¿ sau pur ¿i simplu vrei s¿ adaugi o not¿ de str¿lucire meselor tale de zi cu zi, aceast¿ carte de bucate te va inspira s¿ explorezi lumea minunat¿ a preparatelor cu infuzie de Prosecco. A¿adar, ia o sticl¿ de Prosecco preferat, îmbrac¿-¿i ¿or¿ul ¿i preg¿te¿te-te s¿ porne¿ti într-o aventur¿ culinar¿ care î¿i va tenta papilele gustative ¿i va impresiona oaspe¿ii. De la cocktail-uri brunch la cine gourmet, posibilit¿¿ile sunt nesfâr¿ite când vine vorba de creäii cu infuzie de Prosecco. S¿ d¿m dopul ¿i s¿ ne scufund¿m în lumea ¿BALE ¿I MUC¿TURI: CARTEA ULTIMEI DE CATEGORIE PROSECCO"!

  • von Th¿ng H¿
    44,00 €

    Chào m¿ng b¿n ¿¿n v¿i "Ng¿¿i b¿n ¿¿ng hành ¿m th¿c c¿a nh¿ng ng¿¿i yêu chanh", m¿t cüc hành trình thú v¿ vào th¿ gi¿i c¿a chanh và t¿m ¿nh h¿¿ng ¿áng chú ý c¿a chúng ¿¿i v¿i ngh¿ thüt ¿m th¿c. Chanh, v¿i h¿¿ng v¿ t¿¿i sáng và tràn ¿¿y sinh l¿c, ¿ã giành ¿¿¿c m¿t v¿ trí ¿¿c bi¿t trong trái tim các ¿¿u b¿p và ng¿¿i n¿i tr¿ t¿i gia trên toàn c¿u. Trong cün sách n¿u ¿n này, chúng tôi m¿i b¿n khám phá tính linh höt và s¿c s¿ng c¿a chanh thông qua b¿ s¿u t¿p 100 công th¿c n¿u ¿n t¿¿i ngon và ¿¿y h¿¿ng v¿.Cüc hành trình c¿a chúng tôi qua khung c¿nh ¿¿y chanh s¿ gi¿i thi¿u cho b¿n s¿ k¿ di¿u c¿a siêu sao cam quýt này. Cho dù b¿n là m¿t ¿¿u b¿p giàu kinh nghi¿m hay m¿t ng¿¿i m¿i vào b¿p, cün sách này là h¿¿ng d¿n giúp b¿n k¿t h¿p v¿ th¿m ngon, v¿ cam quýt c¿a chanh vào các món ¿n sáng t¿o c¿a mình. T¿ món khai v¿ ¿¿n món tráng mi¿ng, t¿ m¿n ¿¿n ng¿t, b¿n s¿ khám phá kh¿ n¿ng vô t¿n mà chanh mang l¿i ¿¿ làm sáng và nâng t¿m món ¿n c¿a b¿n.Khi chúng ta b¿t tay vào cüc phiêu l¿u v¿i cam quýt này, hãy chün b¿ khám phá nh¿ng bí m¿t n¿u ¿n v¿i chanh và ¿¿ tính cách vui v¿ c¿a chúng bi¿n ¿¿i b¿a ¿n c¿a b¿n. Vì v¿y, hãy l¿y t¿p d¿, mài dao và cùng chúng tôi làm b¿ng sáng kho tàng ¿m th¿c c¿a b¿n v¿i "Ng¿¿i b¿n ¿¿ng hành ¿m th¿c c¿a nh¿ng ng¿¿i yêu chanh".

  • von Songül ¿ahin
    43,00 €

    "Kabarc¿klar ve Is¿rmalar: Prosecco Yemek Kitab¿"na hö geldiniz! Bu mutfak yolculüunda Prosecco'nun keyifli dünyas¿n¿ ve mutfaktaki inan¿lmaz çok yönlülü¿ünü ke¿fedece¿iz. Efervesan baloncuklar¿ ve canl¿ lezzetleriyle Prosecco, süsledi¿i her yeme¿e zarafet ve incelik kat¿yor. Kahvalt¿dan at¿¿t¿rmal¿klara, ana yemeklere ve hatta çe¿nilere kadar, Prosecco'yu en sevdi¿iniz tariflere dahil etmenin s¿rlar¿n¿ aç¿¿a ç¿karacä¿z ve mutfak kreasyonlar¿n¿z¿ yeni boyutlara tä¿yacä¿z. Bu yemek kitab¿nda, Prosecco'nun benzersiz özelliklerini sergileyen ve geni¿ bir lezzet yelpazesini zenginle¿tirme yetene¿ini vurgulayan, özenle seçilmi¿ tariflerden olüan bir koleksiyon bulacaks¿n¿z. Her tarif, mutfakta bäar¿l¿ olman¿z¿ sälamak için ayr¿nt¿l¿ malzeme ölçümleri ve ad¿m ad¿m talimatlar sälayarak hassasiyetle haz¿rlanm¿¿t¿r. ¿ster özel bir etkinli¿e ev sahipli¿i yap¿yor olun, ister sadece günlük yemeklerinize ¿¿¿lt¿l¿ bir dokunü katmak istiyor olun, bu yemek kitab¿ size Prosecco'lu yemeklerin harika dünyas¿n¿ ke¿fetmeniz için ilham verecek. En sevdi¿iniz Prosecco'dan bir ¿i¿e al¿n, önlü¿ünüzü giyin ve damak zevkinizi tatmin edecek ve misafirlerinizi etkileyecek bir mutfak maceras¿na at¿lmaya haz¿rlan¿n. Brunch kokteyllerinden gurme ak¿am yemeklerine kadar Prosecco esintili kreasyonlar söz konusu oldüunda olanaklar sonsuzdur.

  • von Till Steinbrenner
    12,95 €

    Mit diesem Tee-Handbuch werden Sie zum Tee-Experten!- Mehr als 45 Tee-Rezepte warten darauf, ausprobiert zu werden.- Alle wichtigen Tee-Sorten erklärt.- Wassertemperatur, Härtegrad, Zubereitung: Wie man eine perfekte Tasse Tee kocht.- Tee von der Ernte bis in den Verkauf: Wie Tee hergestellt wird- Teemischungen selber machen. So dörrt & trocknet man Kräuter und mehr für eigenen "Blended Tea".- Heilend oder nur wohltuend? Die Wirkung des Tees entschlüsselt. Unter jedem Rezept wird auch die Wirkung erklärt.- Rezepte für Kräutertees, orientalische Tees, Früchtetees und sogar Eistee!- Viel Hintergrundwissen zur Geschichte und Fakten rund um den Mythos Tee.

  • von Larry Canam
    22,00 €

    Join one of TikTok’s most comforting creators and his trusty blender and make any day a Milkshake MondayWho doesn’t crave a delicious dose of nostalgia after a long day? Nothing soothes the soul quite like an old-fashioned indulgence, and TikTok’s Larry Canam (The Spirit Alchemist) has provided millions of viewers with just that. Every week, viewers flock to Larry's channel for the latest installment in his crowd-pleasing Milkshake Monday series, in which he takes viewers through each step in the process of preparing a tasty, often whimsical, milkshake for themselves.Larry is now bringing this series to a new platform with this cookbook of over 80 milkshake recipes and a number of additional recipes for syrups and sauces, all with QR codes to bring readers back to the videos that put Larry and his blender on the milkshake map.Take a seat at Larry’s bar as he serves up quick-and-easy, delicious milkshakes in an array of creative flavors. In this book, you’ll find milkshakes inspired by everything from the classics to nostalgic cereals, candy, chocolate bars, and desserts. Discover satisfying delights in a chapter of protein shake recipes or indulge in a boozy creation from the happy hour chapter. And all the favorites are here, such as the Handmade Peanut Butter Milkshake and the Tim Tam Milkshake.Larry truly has something for everyone.Sit back and enjoy—just don’t forget to add a straw!

  • von Kelly Johnson
    21,00 €

    Embark on a flavorful journey with 42 Coffee and Tea Recipes for Home a delightful cookbook that celebrates the artistry of coffee and tea. Whether you're a seasoned barista or a tea enthusiast, this collection of recipes offers a diverse range of aromatic brews, unique infusions, and delightful pairings. From morning pick-me-ups to soothing evening rituals, discover the perfect blend for every occasion.

  • von Tim Harnett
    53,00 €

    Last year I penned and published my first book-No Beard or Bowtie Required, Cocktails for the Craft Curious. This accomplishment surprised me more than anyone. Not much motivates me, as advancing age, weight and exhaustion fill me with inertia. The unprecedented coronavirus pandemic ironically aided my goal as an author. The bar I work at closed for many months during the lockdown, compelling me to burn what few calories I do typing away on the couch.Enough people bought it that I decided to suffer for my art a second time. Here we are two years later and said pandemic refuses to expire. Many bars intermittently lock their doors while their weary patrons recede into their living rooms in fear. So here I am, committing as many of my cocktail creations to paper as my sanity might once again allow.

  • von Adrian Wells
    23,00 €

    Welcome to "Brewing Bliss: Tea Gardening Unveiled for Beginners - A Green Thumb's Guide to Growing Your Own Tea Sanctuary." In the hustle and bustle of modern life, the idea of cultivating your own tea garden offers a refreshing escape and a journey into the soothing realm of tea culture. This comprehensive guide is designed for beginners eager to embark on the enriching adventure of tea gardening, providing insights into the art of nurturing tea plants and creating a personal sanctuary for tea enthusiasts. Tea, with its rich cultural history and diverse flavors, has long been cherished as more than just a beverage. "Brewing Bliss" invites you to explore the joy of growing your own tea, from selecting the perfect tea varieties to crafting a serene tea corner where you can savor the fruits of your labor. Whether you're a gardening novice or a seasoned green thumb, this guide will equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to cultivate a thriving tea garden right at home.In the opening chapters, we'll delve into the basics of tea gardening, demystifying the world of tea varieties and guiding you in selecting the most suitable plants for your unique space. As we progress, you'll learn the art of planning and designing your tea sanctuary, understanding the nuances of soil preparation, and mastering the delicate balance of watering, fertilizing, and pest control.

  • von Designs
    16,00 €

    Discover a collection of heartwarming illustrations featuring your favorite coffee companions - cups, beans, and more. The designs are intentionally simple, inviting you to enjoy a relaxing coloring experience without any complexity.Coffee Is My Therapy Coloring Book' is not just a coloring book; it's a journey into the comforting world of coffee. Pour yourself a cup, find a cozy spot, and indulge in the therapeutic art of coloring. Let the pages of this book be your retreat, where every stroke is a sip of relaxation and every shade is a moment of calm. Happy coloringwhat you will receive8.5 x11 size50 Single-sided designs100 pagesDetailed background patterns and beautiful sceneryCoffee Quotes & AccessoriesCharacters with coffeeGET A COPY TODAY TO ENJOY IT MORE!!

  • von Leachim Sachet
    15,99 - 22,99 €

  • von Darius Link
    19,99 - 24,99 €

  • - Tea, Coffee, Cocoa, Sugar, Etc. (1881)
    von James Bell
    30,00 €

    This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the original. Due to its age, it may contain imperfections such as marks, notations, marginalia and flawed pages. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions that are true to the original work.

  • von Sophie Simpson
    15,00 €

    Everybody in the world is addicted to something.Anything in excess is already harmful, so when your addictions become out of control, you should realise it's time to quit them before they take over your entire system and you can no longer reverse the damage.You can anticipate learning the most practical and efficient techniques in this book to assist you in overcoming your negative addicted order for you to be able to fully enjoy life!

  • von Jane Puspanathan
    41,00 €

    Bunga tua, dengan bunganya yang halus dan wangi, menawarkan rasa yang unik dan mempesonakan kepada pelbagai ciptaan masakan. Dalam panduan lengkap ini, kami akan mendalami dunia masakan bunga elder, mempersembahkan 100 resipi indah yang mempamerkan kepelbagaian dan daya tarikan bunga yang indah ini.Selama berabad-abad, bunga tua telah digunakan dalam pelbagai budaya untuk meningkatkan kedua-dua hidangan manis dan berperisa, serta minuman. Nota bunga dan kemanisan halus mereka boleh mengubah hidangan biasa menjadi pengalaman gourmet. Sama ada anda seorang tukang masak yang berpengalaman atau tukang masak rumah yang mencabar, koleksi resipi yang komprehensif ini akan memberi inspirasi kepada anda untuk menerokai kemungkinan menarik bunga tua di dapur anda.Sertai kami dalam perjalanan masakan yang merangkumi pembuka selera, hidangan utama, pencuci mulut dan minuman. Temui seni menyelitkan bunga tua ke dalam sirap, kordial dan minuman beralkohol, atau cara ia boleh meningkatkan hidangan klasik seperti penkek bunga tua dan ayam wangi bunga tua. Daripada koktel yang diselitkan bunga elder kepada pastri bunga elder yang tidak dapat ditolak, kemungkinannya adalah tidak berkesudahan seperti kreativiti anda.Bersedia untuk menarik perhatian keluarga dan rakan anda dengan rasa yang mempesonakan bunga-bunga ini, dan biarkan perjalanan kulinari anda bermula.

  • von Dejan Koren
    41,00 €

    Bezgovi cvetovi s svojimi ne¿nimi in di¿e¿imi cvetovi ponujajo edinstven in öarljiv okus ¿iroki paleti kulinari¿nih stvaritev. V tem popolnem vodniku se bomo poglobili v svet kulinarike iz bezgovih cvetov in predstavili 100 izvrstnih receptov, ki prikazujejo vsestranskost in ¿ar teh ¿udovitih cvetov.V razli¿nih kulturah so bezgove cvetove ¿e stoletja uporabljali za popestritev tako sladkih in slanih jedi kot tudi pijä. Njihove cvetli¿ne note in subtilna sladkost lahko navaden obrok spremenijo v gurmansko döivetje. Ne glede na to, ali ste izküen kuhar ali pustolovski domäi kuhar, vas bo ta obse¿na zbirka receptov navdihnila, da razi¿¿ete ¿udovite mönosti bezgovih cvetov v väi kuhinji.Pridrüite se nam na kulinari¿nem popotovanju, ki zajema predjedi, glavne jedi, sladice in pijäe. Odkrijte umetnost vlivanja bezgovih cvetov v sirupe, sladice in ¿gane pijäe ali kako lahko povzdignete klasike, kot so bezgove paläinke in pi¿¿anec z vonjem po bezgu. Mönosti so tako neskon¿ne kot väa ustvarjalnost, od koktajlov, prepojenih z bezgovimi cvetovi, do neustavljivega bezgovega peciva.Pripravite se, da boste svojo drüino in prijatelje navdüili z öarljivimi okusi teh cvetov in naj se väe kulinari¿no popotovanje pri¿ne

  • von Thomas Schneider
    14,99 €

    Willkommen zu einer fesselnden Reise durch die aromatischen Welten der French Press! In diesem Buch entdecken Sie nicht nur die Geschichte und die feinen Nuancen dieser faszinierenden Kaffeezubereitungsmethode, sondern auch kreative Wege, wie Sie Ihre French Press aufpeppen können. Von der faszinierenden Geschichte der French Press über praktische Tipps zur Pflege und Wartung bis hin zu innovativen Rezepten für Kaffee-Cocktails ¿ hier erfahren Sie alles, was Sie über Ihre treue Kaffeegefährtin wissen müssen. Tauchen Sie ein in die Welt der Kaffeebohnen, lernen Sie, wie Sie Kaffee mit einem Hauch von Magie würzen können, und entdecken Sie, wie die French Press nicht nur ein Küchengerät, sondern ein Lifestyle sein kann. Für alle, die mehr aus ihrer Kaffeepause herausholen wollen ¿ "Die Magie der French Press" ist nicht nur ein Buch, sondern ein Leitfaden zu einer Welt voller köstlicher Kaffeearomen und unerwarteter Entdeckungen. Holen Sie sich Ihre Tasse, setzen Sie sich gemütlich hin und lassen Sie sich von der French Press verzaubern!

  • von Mendocino Brock
    29,00 €

    Ready to Transform Your Health and Taste Buds with the Green Smoothie Revolution?Have you ever wondered...How can I enjoy delicious, nutritious smoothies that not only taste amazing but also boost my health?Is there a way to incorporate more fruits and vegetables into my diet without sacrificing flavor?What if I told you that the author, is a seasoned smoothie enthusiast who understands your desire for both taste and health?Meet Your Smoothie MaestroThe author of "Green Smoothie Revolution," was once on a quest to revitalize their health and discover the joy of nutritious eating. They understand the challenges of finding delicious ways to incorporate more fruits and vegetables into your daily routine. Their personal journey from smoothie novice to connoisseur led them to become a respected figure in the world of smoothie creation.In her book, they share their wealth of experience and knowledge, offering solutions to the very challenges they faced when they began their smoothie journey.What Awaits You in "Green Smoothie Revolution" Explore a treasure trove of mouthwatering smoothie recipes that cater to all taste preferences, from fruity and sweet to green and earthy. Discover the secrets to creating smoothies that are not only delicious but also packed with essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. Learn innovative techniques for blending flavors and textures, ensuring your smoothies are perfectly balanced and satisfying. Experience the joy of crafting smoothies that boost your energy, support your immune system, and contribute to your overall well-being. Uncover time-saving tips and tricks for incorporating smoothies into your busy lifestyle, so you can enjoy health on the go. Benefit from the author's expert guidance as they share their personal smoothie success stories and offer solutions to common blending dilemmas. Join the ranks of smoothie enthusiasts who have transformed their health, one delicious sip at a time, with Lisa as your trusted guide. Take the first step toward a healthier, more vibrant you by discovering the countless benefits of incorporating smoothies into your daily routine.

  • von Mary Browne
    29,00 €

    Are you seeking a path to vibrant health and vitality?Do you find yourself struggling with maintaining a healthy lifestyle, feeling drained or lacking the necessary nutrients? Are you eager to unlock the secrets to a revitalized and energetic life? Have you wondered how to incorporate a natural approach to your wellness routine?If this resonates with your quest for a healthier, more energetic you, you're not alone. Many of us have searched for a path to vitality.Juicing for Wellness: Unleashing Vibrant Health with Every SipThe author, a seasoned wellness enthusiast with extensive experience in juicing, has not only transformed their health but has also grappled with the challenges of feeling run-down and nutrient-deficient. They understand the struggles of seeking that natural boost and vibrant well-being.Discover the power of fresh, nutrient-dense juices for optimal health.Learn how to create delicious, health-boosting juice recipes at home.Master the art of incorporating juicing into your daily routine.Understand the science behind how juices enhance your well-being.Unlock the secrets to combating fatigue and boosting energy levels.Explore the best fruits, vegetables, and superfoods for juicing.Get insider tips on juice combinations for specific health goals.Learn techniques for detoxing and rejuvenating through juicing.

  • von Liz Knight
    28,00 €

    Brew up your own delicious and nutritious drinks from foraged wild plants and enjoy them throughout the year with this beautiful and practical book An illustrated guide to wild ingredient-based drinks featuring 100 plants to forage, where to find them, which parts to safely use, an overview of their uses in drinks, and delicious recipes. The book celebrates year-round foraging and feasting, from soothing winter warmers and delicate botanical teas to energy-boosting tonics and zingy summer coolers. Liz’s expertise and enthusiasm are truly infectious, and her readers will soon be happily gathering their own wild harvest. She includes step-by-step instructions for the basic processes for making 11 types of drinks, including wines, beers, ciders, kombuchas, teas, coffees, juices, tinctures, and tonics.

  • von Elizabeth Reid Cotton
    38,00 €

    This book is a facsimile reprint and may contain imperfections such as marks, notations, marginalia and flawed pages.

  • von Martina Furlan
    44,00 €

    Dobrodöli v "KUHARICA O PIVSKI INFUZIJI." Na teh straneh se boste podali na okusno pustolov¿¿ino, ki zdrüuje svet craft piva z umetnostjo kulinari¿ne infuzije. Navdüenci nad craft pivom in ljubitelji hrane bodo odkrili zakladnico receptov, ki slavijo edinstveno globino in kompleksnost, ki jo lahko pivo prinese väim jedem. Raziskali bomo, kako lahko razli¿ni slogi piva popestrijo okus väih najljub¿ih jedi, od slanih stoutov do hmeljevih IPA. Ne glede na to, ali ste izküen kuhar ali se samo potopite v svet pivske kulinarike, se nam pridrüite pri odkrivanju, kako lahko pivo povzdigne väe kuhanje na nove vi¿ave. Torej, dvignimo kozarec in nazdravimo okusnemu potovanju, ki je pred nami!

  • von Marimer Santiago Rivas
    30,00 €

    SunGuard Chronicles: Unraveling Subtypes in Behavior Change StagesAre you ready to embark on a transformative journey towards healthier sun protection habits? "SunGuard Chronicles: Unraveling Subtypes in Behavior Change Stages" is a groundbreaking exploration into the intricacies of behavior change, focusing on sun protection habits. Backed by rigorous research and analysis, this book provides valuable insights and actionable strategies to guide you through the stages of change.Unveiling Profound SubtypesDelve into the comprehensive analysis of data collected from 1,042 participants engaged in a home-based expert system intervention. The book meticulously unveils subtypes based on measures derived from the Transtheoretical Model of behavior change:Stage-Specific StudiesThe journey unfolds across three distinct stages of change, each examined in dedicated studies:1. Study 1 - Precontemplation (N = 570)2. Study 2 - Contemplation (N = 213)3. Study 3 - Preparation (N = 259)Replication and External ValidityWitness the robustness of findings through replication across randomly drawn data sets from the same general population. External variables are meticulously employed to evaluate the agreement among solutions. The book not only provides a profound understanding of sun protection habits but also establishes a strong foundation by replicating subtypes found in smoking cessation, demonstrating compelling external validity.Why SunGuard Chronicles?Embark on a journey of self-discovery and behavior change with "SunGuard Chronicles." Your path to optimal sun protection habits starts here.

  • von Sebastian Berg
    16,00 €

    Learn to live your life and brew mead like the ancient Vikings!Are you someone who feels lost in the modern world?Do you wish you could go back in time and live a simpler life where you're connected to nature?Have you ever wanted to brew your own mead?Do modern religions seem incompatible with your personal values?Are you someone with a "do-it-yourself" ethos?Then you're in luck. Viking Mead: The Honey Wine of Norse Mythology and Modern-Day Paganism will unlock the secrets of Viking culture and its modern-day successor known as Asatru. Prayers, rituals, values, and beliefs honor the ancient pagan gods, and protection of the natural world are the core tenets that make up this faith. You can live like the Vikings and take control of your own destiny. There's no reason you have to flounder by following a religion that doesn't align with your goals and ideals.In this book, you will:Learn the history of Viking cultureFind out what mead is and how to brew itExplore the neopagan religion of AsatruUncover the secrets of Asatru ritualsDiscover new recipes you can make with meadThere's no reason to keep living a life you don't enjoy. You only have one chance to make the most of it, and the Vikings knew that fact all too well. Asatru promotes bold thinking and strong actions. Brewing mead brings you closer to nature, and it's a simple process to learn. After reading this book, you will have all the tools you need to tackle life with the strength and fervor of an ancient Viking warrior.

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