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Hier finden Sie eine Auswahl von über Gedichte spannenden Büchern zum Thema 113.052.
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  • von August Stramm
    18,80 €

  • - The Essential Poetry
    von Marina Tsvetaeva
    26,98 - 31,00 €

  • von W B Yeats & William Butler Yeats
    18,00 - 25,00 €

  • - Poems and Pictures
    von Teri Buford O'Shea
    17,00 €

  • von Mohandas K Gandhi
    20,00 - 26,00 €

  • - The Human Experience
    von Melinda Campbell
    25,00 €

  • von R Gordon Bobby R Gordon & Bobby R Gordon
    24,00 €

  • - Criticisms
    von Edgar Allan Poe
    38,00 €

  • von O.G. & Heidenstam
    44,00 - 55,00 €

  • von Jackson J. Campbell
    38,00 - 83,00 €

  • - Collected Poems, 1924-1955. Bilingual Edition - Bilingual Edition
    von George Seferis
    91,00 - 215,00 €

  • - A Translation and Commentary, Together with Sellic Spell
    von J. R. R. Tolkien
    13,00 - 85,00 €

    The translation of Beowulf by J.R.R. Tolkien was an early work, very distinctive in its mode, completed in 1926: he returned to it later to make hasty corrections, but seems never to have considered its publication.

  • - From Wagner to Hollywood Film Music
    von Matthew (University of Minnesota) Bribitzer-Stull
    43,00 - 158,00 €

    Leitmotifs are a type of associative theme found in dramatic music. In this book, Matthew Bribitzer-Stull explores the background and development of the musical leitmotif, from Wagner and art music to the Hollywood adaptations of The Lord of The Rings and the Harry Potter series.

  • von Neil Astley
    20,00 €

    This pocketbook selection of 100 essential poems from the trilogy is a Staying Alive travel companion. As well as selecting favourite poems from the trilogy - readers' and writers' choices as well as his own favourites - editor Neil Astley provides background notes on the poets and poems.

  • - Posthomerica
    von Quintus of Smyrna
    47,00 €

    Brilliantly revitalized by James, the Trojan Epic will appeal to a wide range of readers interested in Greek mythology and the legend of Troy.

  • von Samuel Taylor Coleridge
    14,00 €

    Coleridge is the most complex and brilliant, yet the most elusive and intense of the great Romantic writers. This book includes a selection of verse and prose which tells about his work.

  • 10% sparen
    - Mercury Prize Shortlisted
    von Kate Tempest
    14,00 €

    SHORTLISTED FOR THE 2017 MERCURY MUSIC PRIZELet Them Eat Chaos, Kate Tempest's new long poem written for live performance and heard on the album release of the same name, is both a powerful sermon and a moving play for voices. Seven neighbours inhabit the same London street, but are all unknown to each other. The clock freezes in the small hours, and, one by one, we see directly into their lives: lives that are damaged, disenfranchised, lonely, broken, addicted, and all, apparently, without hope. Then a great storm breaks over London, and brings them out into the night to face each other - and their last chance to connect. Tempest argues that our alienation from one another has bred a terrible indifference to our own fate, but she counters this with a plea to challenge the forces of greed which have conspired to divide us, and mend the broken home of our own planet while we still have time. Let Them Eat Chaos is a cri de coeur and a call to action, and, both on the page and in Tempest's electric performance, one of the most powerful poetic statements of the year.

  • von Jane Austen
    13,00 - 13,00 €

    One of BBC's 100 Novels That Shaped our World.Jane Austen's best-loved novel is an unforgettable story about the inaccuracy of first impressions, the power of reason, and above all the strange dynamics of human relationships and emotions.Part of the Macmillan Collector's Library; a series of stunning, clothbound, pocket sized classics with gold foiled edges and ribbon markers. These beautiful books make perfect gifts or a treat for any book lover. This edition is illustrated by Hugh Thomson and features an afterword by author and critic, Henry Hitchings.A tour de force of wit and sparkling dialogue, Pride and Prejudice shows how the headstrong Elizabeth Bennet and the aristocratic Mr Darcy must have their pride humbled and their prejudices dissolved before they can acknowledge their love for each other.

  • 15% sparen
    von William Wordsworth & Samuel Coleridge
    14,00 €

    Published in 1798, Lyrical Ballads is a dazzling collaboration containing twenty-three poems by close friends, William Wordsworth (1770-1850) and Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772-1834) - two major figures of English Romanticism. The volume heralded a new approach to poetry and expresses the poets' reflections on mankind's relationship with the forces of the world. Coleridge's contribution includes the nightmarish vision of 'The Rime of the Ancyent Marinere', one of the works for which he became best known, as well as the fantastical conversational poem 'The Foster-Mother's Tale' and the melancholic 'The Nightingale'. Wordsworth's 'We are Seven' depicts a child's na ve optimism in the face of the cruel mortality, while 'Goody Blake and Harry Gill' and 'Simon Lee' celebrate the simplicity and strength he perceived in country people, and 'Tintern Abbey' explores the healing powers of nature.Published as part of the Penguin Poetry First Editions series in which the greatest collections of poetry in English will be published in their original form. All texts have been completely reset and some minor changes made to punctuation.

  • - Volume 3: Paradiso
    von Dante Alighieri
    15,00 €

    An invaluable source of pleasure to those English readers who wish to read this great medieval classic with true understanding, Sinclair's three-volume prose translation of Dante's Divine Comedy provides both the original Italian text and the Sinclair translation, arranged on facing pages, and commentaries, appearing after each canto, which serve as brilliant examples of genuine literary criticism. This volume contains the complete translation of Dante's Paradiso.

  • von Luis de Camoes
    29,00 €

    Luis de Camoes is world famous as the author of the great Renaissance epic The Lusiads, but his large and equally great body of lyric poetry is still almost completely unknown outside his native Portugal. In The Collected Lyric Poems of Luis de Camoes, the award-winning translator of The Lusiads gives English readers the first comprehensive collection of Camoes's sonnets, songs, elegies, hymns, odes, eclogues, and other poems--more than 280 lyrics altogether, all rendered in engaging verse. Camoes (1524-1580) was the first great European artist to cross into the Southern Hemisphere, and his poetry bears the marks of nearly two decades spent in north and east Africa, the Persian Gulf, India, and Macau. From an elegy set in Morocco, to a hymn written at Cape Guardafui on the northern tip of Somalia, to the first modern European love poems for a non-European woman, these lyrics reflect Camoes's encounters with radically unfamiliar peoples and places. Translator Landeg White has arranged the poems to follow the order of Camoes's travels, making the book read like a journey. The work of one of the first European cosmopolitans, these poems demonstrate that Camoes would deserve his place among the great poets even if he had never written his epic.

  • von Jorie Graham
    28,00 €

    "e;How I would like to catch the world / at pure idea,"e; writes Jorie Graham, for whom a bird may be an alphabet, and flight an arc. Whatever the occasion--and her work offers a rich profusion of them--the poems reach to where possession is not within us, where new names are needed and meaning enlarged. Hence, what she sees reminds her of what is missing, and what she knows suggests what she cannot. From any event, she arcs bravely into the farthest reaches of mind. Fast readers will have trouble, but so what. To the good reader afraid of complexity, I would offer the clear trust that must bond us to such signal poems as (simply to cite three appearing in a row) "e;Mother's Sewing Box,"e; "e;For My Father Looking for My Uncle,"e; and "e;The Chicory Comes Out Late August in Umbria."e; Finally, the poet's words again: "e;. . . you get / just what you want"e; and (just before that), "e;Just as / from time to time / we need to seize again / the whole language / in search of / better desires."e;--Marvin Bell

  • - and other prose writings
    von Sylvia Plath
    13,00 €

    I lay there alone in bed, feeling the black shadow creeping up the underside of the world like a flood tide. Nothing held, nothing was left. The silver airplanes and the silver capes all dissolved and vanished, wiped away like the crude drawings of a child in coloured chalk from the colossal blackboard of the dark.The writings in this collection outline Plath's early preoccupation with issues of mental illness, creativity and femininity, all of which would become recurrent themes in her later work. They offer special insight into her development as a writer, and arguably paved the way for her only full-length piece of prose writing, the loosely veiled fictional autobiography, The Bell Jar.This second edition contains the thirteen stories included in the first edition together with five pieces of her journalism, as well as a few fragments from her journal; and a further nine stories selected from the Indiana archive.

  • 13% sparen
    von Poul Jansen & Laila Pallisgaard
    32,00 €

    "Havets hjerteslag" er en naturalistisk digtsamling med traditionelle sangvenlige versefødder og rim. Digtene akkompagneres af smukke pasteltegninger, som tager læseren med på en rejse gennem årets og livets fire årstider. Alt sammen med Vesterhavets dulmende brænding i baggrunden. Ideen til samarbejde om denne digtsamling er opstået med havet og naturen, som fællesnævner. Poul og Laila starter stort set hver dag med en dukker i Vesterhavet ... hele året rundt. Og de nyder begge, at vandre langs havet og i skoven i og omkring Hirtshals. Relationen og den daglige kontakt til naturen fornægter sig da heller ikke. I såvel Pouls digte som i Lailas tegninger, er der tydelige spor herfra.

  • von Jonas Gülstorff
    19,00 €

    Genudgivelse af Jonas Gülstorff's lyriske debut fra 2005.

  • 14% sparen
    - 185 haiku udvalgt og oversat af Niels Kjær
    von Yosa Buson
    29,00 €

    "Sommersol og vintermåne" indeholder 185 haiku ligeligt fordelt over de fire årstider. På Yosa Busons tid fejrede japanerne ligesom kineserne nytår ved vinterens afslutning og forårets komme. Niels Kjær, der tidligere har udgivet flere anmelderroste oversættelser af klassisk japansk lyrik, har udvalgt og oversat de 185 haiku, ligesom han også har skrevet forord og noter.

  • von David BR Camacho
    18,00 €

    "I Bevidsthedens Centrum" er en samling af refleksioner, fanget i og under forskellige meditative fokus-sessioner, der alle har haft udgangspunkt i 5 overordnede fokuspunkter, som er: visdom, indsigt, bevidsthed, refleksion og autensitet. Formålet med samlingen er, at give en række bud på åbne refleksioner til brug i mulige meditationer. Bogens formål er, at inspirere til meditativ refleksionsarbejde, og bogens samling er ikke ment som en disciplin eller et system for, hvorledes man skal reflektere eller fokusere. Grundsynet i bogen er og tager udgangspunkt i "at enhver proces er unik" og at alle former for individuel meditation skaber refleksion.

  • von Per Bo Soltoft
    16,00 €

    Det her er bagsiden af mine digte, men også bagsiden af nutidens samfund. Vi danskere er nemlig ramt af en folkesygdom, der gør livet ondt. Hver tiende dansker er ramt af mørket, selvom lyset det er tændt. Der er i dagens Danmark 580.000 mennesker, der er ramt af en psykisk lidelse. Fra depression og angst, til skizofreni samt en masse sammensatte bogstaver, der gør ondt indeni. Hver tiende gravide bliver også ramt af en depression. Er det mon det danske samfund, der mangler en diagnose? Jeg er èn af de mange danskere, der er ramt. Gennem de sidste 2 år, har jeg prøvet at digte mig ud af min depression. Jeg ved, jeg er på rette vej, selv om frygten for mørket altid vil være i mig. Men mest af alt, så håber jeg at kunne hjælpe andre. Det kræver dog, at du læser min bog og prøver at forstå, at mørket og dæmonerne også kan sætte dit liv i stå.

  • von Kahlil Gibran
    19,00 €

  • von Billy Doyle
    19,00 €

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