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  • von Elias Lönnrot
    29,00 €

  • - ( English Edition )
    von Ventum
    19,00 €

  • - Små stykker bevidsthed
    von René Conscience
    12,00 €

    René Conscience har siden han var barn, haft en brændende længsel for at forstå meningen med livet. Han har gået i Frans af Assisi, Maria Magdalene, Buddha, og Mohammeds fodspor. Litteratur som Bhagavad Gita, Nuets kraft (Eckhart Tolle), Livets mandala (Richard Moss) Den guddommelige matrix (Gregg Braden) m.fl har givet ham en dybere erkendelse af HVAD vi er, og ikke hvem vi er. Hans indre rejse, kompromisløse nysgerrighed på livet og personlige møder med store spirituelle inspiratorer som Eckhart Tolle og Richard Moss, har også haft stor betydning for hans store indsigt og visdom. Efter en skelsættende spirituel oplevelse for nogle år siden, hvor en uigenkaldelig frygt for at skulle dø, resulterede i total overgivelse af sig selv og til livet, har han mærket bevidsthedens højeste tinde. Det er der kommet disse indsigtsfulde og livsbekræftende digte ud af. Digte, som bringer hverdagsting, gammel visdom, altings sammenhængskraft og naturen sammen, i en fin vævet mosaik af bevidsthed. Vi vil opfordre læseren til modigt, i kærlighedens navn, at kaste sig ud i digtene og se, hvor de bærer en hen ...

  • - Poetry by Women for Women An Anthology
    24,00 €

  • von Ruby Dhal
    20,00 €

    'My Hope For Tomorrow' is a book about self-discovery. Through one-two page passages in this 218-page curative book, the author takes her readers on a journey from hardship to a haven, from hurting to healing, and from suffering to feeling at ease.This book is for anyone who is on the path to self-discovery and would like to mend their broken pieces gently, easily and softly. It is tender to the heart, kind to the soul and food for the mind, but it aims to alleviate all the pain and unease that people all over the world are experiencing.There are pieces about love and all the different shades of heartbreak. There are pieces about mental health and acceptance. There are pieces about relationships shared with family, friends and lovers. There are pieces about growth and discovery. There are pieces about grief and sadness.The purpose of this book is to allow each reader to learn more about themselves and become hopeful on their healing journey. Many passages included in this book are already appreciated and loved dearly by readers all over the world.This book is a balm for the scars within everyone's hearts, and it is the answer to all the questions that we have ever asked ourselves.

  • von Tayler K L
    21,00 €

    killing me softly is a collection of poems written by tayler k. l. displaying themes of love, hurt, angst, adventure, sadness, anger, depth, and imagination. Poems are strictly written from the heart and meant to allow readers to feel something deeper than just basic emotions.

  • - The Poetic Guidance and Spiritual Wisdom of Herman Hesse (16pt Large Print Edition)
    von Ludwig Max Fischer & Hermann Hesse
    29,00 €

    Vowing at an early age to be a poet or nothing at all, Hermann Hesse rebelled against formal education, focusing on a rigorous program of independent study that included literature, philosophy, art, and history. One result of these efforts was a series of novels that became counterculture bibles that remain widely influential today. Another was a body of evocative spiritual poetry. Published for the first time in English, these vivid, probing short works reflect deeply on the challenges of life and provide a spiritual solace that transcends specific denominational hymns, prayers, and rituals. The Seasons of the Soul offers valuable guidance in poetic form for those longing for a more meaningful life, seeking a sense of homecoming in nature, in each stage of life, in a renewed relationship with the divine. Extensive quotations from his prose introduce each theme addressed in the book: love, imagination, nature, the divine, and the passage of time. A foreword by Andrew Harvey reintroduces us to a figure about whom some may have believed everything had already been said. Thoughtful commentary throughout from translator Ludwig Max Fischer helps readers understand the poems within the context of Hesse s life.

  • - Text, Commentary, and Glossary
    von Aaron Pelttari
    48,00 €

    Prudentius, one of the greatest Latin poets of late antiquity, was also a devoted Christian. His allegorical masterpiece, Psychomachia, combines epic language and theological speculation to offer a powerful vision of Roman and Christian triumphalism. This edition makes Psychomachia accessible to modern readers.

  • von Joe Benevento
    24,00 €

    "Playground" picks up momentum from Benevento's previous two books of poetry, his volume of "selected" poems, (Expecting Songbirds 1983-2015), and his chapbook of poems in his own invented form, After, by including poems with an even wider range of publication dates than in Expecting Songbirds, and the presence of eight new "After" poems among its twenty-six lyrics. Themes such as the after effects of unrequited love, growing up in working class Queens, the redeeming potential in family, all make their appearance. This collection offers far more than recapitulation, though, with poems set in places as varied as a bagel shop in Columbus, a tapas bar in downtown Miami and a barrio in East Oakland, and subjects ranging from rehabbing a shoulder impingement, to participating in a track program for underprivileged youth to inventing a new kind of cake. Throughout these poems, Benevento affirms, as he has in published work for over thirty-five years now, his obsession with the paradox of poetry's ability to offer hope to a world that seems often hopeless without it.

  • von Marina Tsvetaeva
    20,00 €

    "This collection is valuable for its steady faithfulness to the original, its breadth of poems, and in particular for so many of the pre-revolutionary poems." Emily Lygo, Modern Poetry in Translation 2009

  • von Len Agpoon
    22,00 €

    She believes that people are made of distinct colors in terms of their emotions. Distinct colors of intensity or lightness which depends on personal experiences and subsequent interpretation. Sometimes these experiences may have influenced personal interpretation of social observation or vice versa. But love, as it happens, as it ended, and as it appears again, requires conversation in private with the self, with the other self or with the reflection of the self.

  • - 36 Poems
    von Terrance Lane Millet
    14,00 €

    Rilke's quiet poems contain exceptional pent-up energy that encompasses the immediacy, wonder, and breathlessness with which the poet experienced life. His unique, spiritual connection with the world, so easily lost in a formal or literal translation, is opened up in these fresh interpretations from Terrance Lane Millet. The English versions of Rilke's poems are very loose translations from the German. An epiphany-like view of the world and the elements in it, more than the form of the poems themselves, seems to be the essence of Rilke. The poet is laid bare, and Millet's fresh use of convention reveals Rilke's openness to the mystery of experience. The poems in this collection explore Rilke's sense that out of darkness may come light and wonder; from turbulence, peace and integration; and that understanding can come through embracing what we do not understand. A certain, indefinable something hovers just out of eyeshot, as the things we fear may be little more than unexplored aspects of ourselves.

  • von Homer
    29,00 €

  • - With Original 1923 Illustrations by the Author
    von Kahlil Gibran
    14,00 - 23,00 €

  • von Ernest Hemingway
    21,00 €

    During his first 20 months in Paris, Hemingway filed 88 stories for the Toronto Star newspaper. He covered the Greco-Turkish War, where he witnessed the burning of Smyrna, and wrote travel pieces such as "Tuna Fishing in Spain" and "Trout Fishing All Across Europe: Spain Has the Best, Then Germany". Hemingway was devastated on learning that Hadley had lost a suitcase filled with his manuscripts at the Gare de Lyon as she was traveling to Geneva to meet him in December 1922. The following September, the couple returned to Toronto, where their son John Hadley Nicanor was born on October 10, 1923. During their absence, Hemingway's first book, Three Stories and Ten Poems, was published. Two of the stories it contained were all that remained after the loss of the suitcase, and the third had been written early the previous year in Italy. Within months a second volume, in our time (without capitals), was published. The small volume included six vignettes and a dozen stories Hemingway had written the previous summer during his first visit to Spain, where he discovered the thrill of the corrida. He missed Paris, considered Toronto boring, and wanted to return to the life of a writer, rather than live the life of a journalist

  • - Complete (Persian and Sufi Poetry) (Hardcover)
    von Maulana Jalalu-'d-Din Muhammad Rumi
    42,00 €

    Rumi's great book of wisdom-infused poetry contain myriad lessons on the importance of faith, with the culture and lessons of spiritual, Biblical and Islamic teachings featuring strongly.In authoring his masterwork, Rumi quoted the Qu'ran, the Bible and several spiritual forebears. Wishing to align his poetry in order to tell tales of man and man's place in the world, Rumi drew upon a variety of religious and spiritual sources to create a poetic compendium of supreme profundity and depth. The Masnavi was praised as one of the finest works of mystical literature ever seen.It is in the Masnavi that Persia's place between the spiritual cultures of Asia and the Middle East is evidenced. Rumi himself, while undoubtedly an Islamic scholar of great ability, did not feel confined to the faith; he saw spiritual value in a range of disciplines, and asserted that the light of Mohammed's prophecy does not leave faithful Christians, Jews, Zoroastrians or other denominations behind.

  • - A Post-Traumatic Verse
    von Aaron Kent
    24,00 €

  • - A rhyming anti-war novel
    von Joss Sheldon
    22,98 €

    It's not easy to make a stand for peace, when you live in a world which is besotted with war...Get your copy of Joss Sheldon's radical rhyming-novel today! This is the story of Alfred Freeman, a boy who does everything he can; to serve humankind. He feeds five-thousand youths, salves-saves-and-soothes; and champions the maligned. He helps paralytics to feel fine, turns water into wine; and gives sight to the blind.When World War One draws near, his nation is plunged into fear; and so Alfred makes a stand. He opposes the war and calls for peace, disobeys the police; and speaks out across the land. He makes speeches, and he preaches; using statements which sound grand.But the authorities hit back, and launch a potent-attack; which is full of disgust-derision-and-disdain. Alfred is threatened with execution, and suffers from persecution; which leaves him writhing in pain. He struggles to survive, remain alive; keep cool and stay sane.'Involution & Evolution' is a masterpiece of rhyme, with a message which echoes through time; and will get inside your head. With colourful-characters and poetic-flair, it is a scathing critique of modern-warfare; and all its gory-bloodshed. It's a novel which breaks new ground, is sure to astound; and really must be read! Probably the best epic-poem of the modern era, Involution & Evolution is fast-paced masterpiece that will touch your soul… SCROLL UP AND GRAB A COPY NOW!!!

  • - Nam Myoho Renge Kyo
    von Joolz
    29,00 €

    Something in me stirred and only shook me awake when I got home that I miss youfrom nowhere you came, from my heart you have flown.Over distant realms, petals, planes, and bottle shells.Perfect punctuation and petals and pubs and please no alliteration.Tears and spilt remains serpents rise and win again.Booze seeks no gain mystery wretchesat lifes most beautiful deadlinereversed ragtime burst whispervanilla handkerchiefs and lots of vinegar.My weary shell, I dont farewell. Miss a Mrs.a bit of cheek and home by midnightnot wasted, not tasted, not hasted, not tasted.Just miss you, Ms. Priory Gates.

  • von Lord George Gordon Byron
    24,00 €

    Lord Byron''s satirical masterpiece, an epic poem which mimics legendary folklore, is presented here complete for the reader''s enjoyment.First published in 1824 to great fanfare, Lord Byron''s Don Juan is a comic reworking of the legend of the same name. In an amusing twist, Byron has Don Juan not as a womaniser, but as a man who easily falls prey to various seductresses. This single alteration gives Byron much opportunity for humour, being as Don Juan''s plot is riddled with his affairs with many women. At the opening of the text Byron famously mocks Robert Southey, a contemporary Romantic poet who held the esteemed title of Poet Laureate for three decades. The barbed verses mock and skewer what Byron viewed as inadequacies in his rival''s form, which Byron himself liberally quotes and maligns. On publication, Don Juan received a generally warm reception for its strident commitment to humour. Over the years the work became considered as one of the foremost achievements of Romantic-era poetry.

  • von Thomas Common & Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
    38,00 €

    This hardcover edition of The Joyful Wisdom boasts an authoritative English translation by Thomas Common, which brings Nietzsche's poetry and philosophy to vivid comprehension.Initially published in 1882 and also known by its alternate title The Gay Science, the arguments within this book are primarily occupied with the philosophical concept that God has died. It is in this publication that Nietzsche first makes his famous statement that God is dead; a phrase which was to become associated with the philosopher during and after his lifetime. For his own part, Nietzsche identifies these writings as being of an intensely personal nature, the poems within expressing feelings at the core of his being. Definitively part of the philosopher's middle period, this work encapsulates the praise of science and intellectual prowess which characterized Nietzsche in the early 1880s. A strong alignment with skepticism and a commitment to innovation with the scientific method, are strongly praised by the philosopher.

  • von J M Storm
    24,00 €

    IN MY HEAD Vol. II is the follow up to J.M. Storm's successful debut release IN MY HEAD.Similarly, Volume II of this poetry series deals with love, loss, life, and the human condition.

  • von Steve Ely
    17,00 €

    I've played, watched and loved football all my life. So I thought I'd write about it. My original intention was to write a poetic history of football, from the creation to the present day. The poems here are those of the original twenty that made it through the selection process and got into the first eleven. (Steve Ely)

  • von Taher Adel
    21,00 €

    Sometimes only words could unveil truths that we have forgotten Sometimes only letters can pierce through shields that we hide behind Sometimes only sentences written at the depth of night can bring forth light Sometimes only poetry can heal the wounds that life leaves behind (Taher Adel)

  • von J Iron Word
    15,00 €

    Given Your human is what you call me and your human is what I always want to be. human on the other end of the line, the human beside you, the human there on the good days and the bad, the human you call home. Your human is what you call me and your human is what I always want to be. Not because you bought me, but because I gave myself to you, freely, willingly, body and soul. j. iron word

  • von Michael Townsend Smith
    18,00 €

    MICHAEL TOWNSEND SMITH has released a truly pocket-size little pink book entitled "How to Be Funny." It consists of 1600 or so exclamations, insights, and observations - or one might say "wisdom and wisecracks" - sentences about the titular theme, ranging from one to ninety-four words, arranged in little sequences like poems . . . You may feel an urge to dispute one of Mister Smith's assertions or arguments, only to find soon after that he lightheartedly disputes it himself, which may be the funniest thing about this very funny, very provocative little book.Robert Patrick

  • von Gerald Harwood
    54,00 €

    I am Gerald Harwood, a retired Flight Sergeant from the Royal Air Force. I am married with three children.Whilst serving on operational duty overseas I acquired a brain injury. During my long period of hospitalisation I became bored and put pen to paper writing poetry and illustrating some of my poems. This book contains a small collection of my work. Prior to my multiple brain injuries I had a limited ability to draw, however since suffering I have been blessed with the ability to draw and write. Often my poetry will simply flow from my pen in minutes. I hope you enjoy my work and that you may get some form of inspiration from my experience of brain injury.

  • - 28 Contemporary Ukrainian Poets: An Anthology (a Bilingual Edition)
    39,00 €

    This anthology reflects a search of the Ukrainian nation for its identity, the roots of which lie deep inside Ukrainian-language poetry. Some of the included poets are well-known locally and internationally; among them are Serhiy Zhadan, Halyna Kruk, Ostap Slyvynsky, Marianna Kijanowska, Oleh Kotsarev, Anna Bagriana and, of course, the living legend of Ukrainian poetry, Vasyl Holoborodko. The next Ukrainian poetic generation also features prominently in the collection. Such poets as Les Beley, Olena Herasymyuk, Myroslav Laiuk, Hanna Malihon, Taras Malkovych, Julia Musakovska, Julia Stahivska and Lyuba Yakimchuk are the ones Ukrainians like to read today, and each of them already has an excellent reputation abroad due to festival appearances and translations to European languages. The work collected here documents poetry in Ukraine responding to challenges of the time by forging a radical new poetic, reconsidering writing techniques and language itself.Edited and translated from the Ukrainian by Anatoly Kudryavitsky.A bilingual edition.

  • von Maggie Smith
    24,00 €

    "As if lost in the soft, bewitching world of fairy tale, Maggie Smith conceives and brings forth this metaphysical Baedeker, a guidebook for mother and child to lead each other into a hopeful present. Smith's poems affirm the virtues of humanity: compassion, empathy, and the ability to comfort one another when darkness falls. 'There is a light,' she tells us, 'and the light is good.'" - D. A. Powell"Smith's voice is clear and unmistakable as she unravels the universe, pulls at a loose thread and lets the whole thing tumble around us, sometimes beautiful, sometimes achingly hard. Truthful, tender, and unafraid of the dark. . . ." -Ada Limón"It's Smith's dynamically precise and vivid images, and her uncanny ability to find just the right word or action to crack open our known experience, that make Good Bones an extraordinary book. (She) demonstrates what happens when an abundance of heart and intelligence meets the hands of a master craftsperson, reminding us again that the world, for a true poet, is blessedly inexhaustible." -Erin Belieu

  • - Surviving Loss by Cancer
    von Dianne West & Lynda Cheldelin Fell
    19,00 - 25,00 €

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