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  • von Rafael Stoneman
    18,00 €

  • von J Iron Word
    20,00 €

    ab·stract (adjective) existing in thought or as an idea but not having a physical or concrete existence. heart (noun) the central or innermost part of something. Abstract Heart is a labor of love, emerging from the unfiltered mind of poet J. Iron Word, a book that pulls at the strings of our beliefs about the nature of love until they unravel. Through the bravado of his writing and the painstaking clarity of his voice, Iron Word has crafted a work of art that encompasses how love has the power to transform and transcend us all.

  • von Clysta Seney
    17,00 €

  • von Violet Jessop
    29,00 €

  • von Glenis Redmond
    22,00 €

  • von Fariha Roisin
    15,00 €

    Following in the footsteps of such category killers as Milk and Honey and Whiskey Words & a Shovel I, the author's poetry book is a collection of her thoughts as a young, queer, Muslim femme navigating the difficulties of her intersectionality.

  • - Teachings from the Islamic Mystical Tradition
    23,00 €

    This stunning collection showcases the love poetry and mystical teachings at the heart of the Islamic tradition in accurate and poetic original translations At a time when the association of Islam with violence dominates headlines, this beautiful collection offers us a chance to see a radically different face of the Islamic tradition. It traces a soaring, poetic, popular tradition that celebrates love for both humanity and the Divine as the ultimate path leading humanity back to God. Safi brings together for the first time the passages of the Qur'an sought by the Muslim sages, the mystical sayings of the Prophet, and the teachings of the path of "Divine love." Accurately and sensitively translated by leading scholar of Islam Omid Safi, the writings of Jalal al-Din Rumi can now be read alongside passages by Kharaqani, 'Attar, Hafez of Shiraz, Abu Sa'id-e Abi 'l-Khayr, and other key Muslim mystics. For the millions of readers whose lives have been touched by Rumi's poetry, here is a chance to see the Arabic and Persian traditions that produced him.

  • - George Herbert's Poems Through Lent
    von Mark Oakley
    19,00 €

    A reading a day for Lent exploring themes in 40 of George Herbert's poems by Mark Oakley.

  • von Burges Johnson
    24,00 €

  • von John Milton
    11,00 €

    Paradise Lost has been revered since its initial publication, inspiring writers from Mary Shelley to William Wordsworth, and is widely considered to be the greatest poem ever written in the English language." Based on the most authoritative text, this edition is well annotated and contains extra material for students

  • von Alexander Griboyedov
    27,00 €

  • - How to Enjoy Life in Recovery
    von Christopher Burn
    14,00 €

    The Fun We Had is a collection of articles and poems written over the past three years. Many of these items have appeared on the website of Castle Craig Hospital and the websites of Poetry Changes Lives - and treatment is a serious business where pain often comes before gain and encouragement can make a huge difference; recovery on the other hand, should be enjoyed - it is the chance of a second life that should be taken wholeheartedly. Many recovering addicts find themselves doing and relishing activities that they never dreamt of before. They find themselves to be 'better than well'. The Fun We Had is about this.The Twelve Step Programme of recovery is unique in that it introduces the idea of spirituality, an idea formulated by Psychologist Carl Jung when writing to Bill W (co-founder of AA) in 1934 as 'spiritus contra spiritum' (ie: spirituality against alcoholic spirits). Spirituality is usually profoundly lacking in those in active addiction but the process of enquiry into this, in recovery, is for many a fascinating and life changing experience.It is hoped that The Fun We Had will provide some insights into both addiction and the enjoyment of recovery. This small book covers some points on the journey from 'terminally unwell' to 'better than well'. You don't have to be an addict to read it but if you're not - this is what you're missing.

  • von Juno Birch
    35,00 €

    A collection of poems and illustrations of the women in Salt SeaVille, who all encounter drastic body transformations.

  • von Aqkay
    14,00 €

  • - A New Way to Do Grief
    von Tom Zuba
    16,00 €

  • von Yesika Salgado
    18,00 €

    Debut best-selling title by nationally recognized poet Yesika Salgado.

  • von Hafiz
    17,00 €

  • - Poems, 1982-1992
    von Jack Gilbert
    23,00 €

    JOYCE'S MOTTO has had much fame but few apostles. Among them, there has been Jack Gilbert and his orthodoxy, a strictness that has required of this poet, now in the seventh decade of his severe life, the penalty of his having had almost no fame at all. In an era that puts before the artist so many sleek and official temptations, keeping unflinchingly to a code of "silence, exile, and cunning" could not have been managed without a show of strictness well beyond the reach of the theater of the coy. The "far, stubborn, disastrous" course of Jack Gilbert's resolute journey--not one that would promise in time to bring him home to the consolations of Penelope and the comforts of Ithaca but one that would instead take him ever outward to the impossible blankness of the desert--could never have been achieved in the society of others. What has kept this great poet brave has been the difficult company of his poems--and now we have, in Gilbert's third and most silent book, what may be, what must be, the bravest of these imperial accomplishments.

  • von Erin Hanson
    19,00 €

    Dreamscape is a collection of poems written from November 2015 to March 2016. Poems included come from as well as some never before published online. All poems are written by Erin Hanson and all illustrations are by Aimee Hanson

  • von John Keats
    13,00 €

    From Endymion and Hyperion to `The Eve of St Agnes', `La Belle Dame sans Merci' and the Odes, this collection displays his rapid poetic growth, the development of his philosophical and spiritual beliefs and the voluptuous, silken nature of his verse.

  • 10% sparen
    von Amanda Lovelace
    14,00 €

    "What happens when the man of your dreams turns out to be a nightmare with sharp teeth and claws?"

  • - Poems of the Legendary Hermit Hanshan
    von Kazuaki Tanahashi
    24,00 €

    A fresh translation--and new envisioning--of the most accessible and beloved of all classic Chinese poetry.Welcome to the magical, windswept world of Cold Mountain. These poems from the literary riches of China have long been celebrated by cultures of both East and West-and continue to be revered as among the most inspiring and enduring works of poetry worldwide. This groundbreaking new translation presents the full corpus of poetry traditionally associated with Hanshan ("Cold Mountain") and sheds light on its origins and authorship like never before. Kazuaki Tanahashi and Peter Levitt honor the contemplative Buddhist elements of this classic collection of poems while revealing Hanshan's famously jubilant humor, deep love of solitude in nature, and overwhelming warmth of heart. In addition, this translation features the full Chinese text of the original poems and a wealth of fascinating supplements, including traditional historical records, an in-depth study of the Cold Mountain poets (here presented as three distinct authors), and more.

  • 17% sparen
    von Leonard Cohen
    16,98 €

    A magnificent selection of song lyrics and poems from across the storied career of one of the most daring and affecting poet-songwriters in the world.In the more than half century since his first book of poems was published, Leonard Cohen has evolved into an international cult figure who transcends genres and generations. This anthology contains a cross section of his five decades of influential work, including such legendary songs as “Suzanne,” “Sisters of Mercy,” “Bird on the Wire,” “Famous Blue Raincoat,” and “I’m Your Man” and searingly memorable poems from his many acclaimed poetry collections, including Flowers for Hitler, Beautiful Losers, and Death of a Lady’s Man. Encompassing the erotic and the melancholy, the mystical and the sardonic, this volume showcases a writer of dazzling intelligence and live-wire emotional immediacy.

  • von Robert Frost
    11,00 €

    Frost is one of the foremost writers of American poetry. This is a thorough compilation of his seminal works.

  • 13% sparen
    von Ramsalte
    29,00 €

    Ramsalte is making pencil portrait drawings and water-based pictures with colors made from spices. He paints with acrylic paint on framed canvas and on beach rock shaped and rounded off by grinding of the waves. He makes voodoo-dolls and he makes ink and pencil drawings based on memories from his trips up the rivers and into the jungles at the time he spent in Borneo and he writes books based on his memories. The icing on the cake is nothing simple or nothing fake the master signature the ultimate touch The icing on the cake is the final choice that only you can make. The icing on the cake the cutting edge and final input to impress with all in hand and all at stake A steady hand is what it takes to make the icing on the cake.

  • 13% sparen
    von Ramsalte
    29,00 €

    Ramsalte tegner portrætter med blyant og laver akvareller med farver lavet af krydderier. Han maler med akryl på lærred og med akryl på sten fra strandkanten slebet runde af bølgerne. Han laver sine egne voodoo-dukker og tegner mennesker og scener fra turene op af floderne og ind i junglen fra de år, han tilbragte ude i Sydøstasien i Brunei Sabah og Sarawak på Borneo, øen i det Sydkinesiske Hav. HVAD ER KUNST OG HVAD ER KLAT HVAD ER DIT OG HVAD ER DAT KUNST ER DET MAN SER OG HVAD MAN GØR DET TIL DEN STØRSTE KUNST ER AT VÆRE SIGSELV OG IKKE BLIVE EN DEL AF KUNSTEN.

  • von Finn Clasen
    14,00 €

    "Smalle digte" er min første udgivelse. Formålet med mine digte er, at fortælle en god historie. Hvert et digt er skrevet til dig, der læser det, i det håb, at du får lyst til at læse digtet én gang til med det samme - eventuelt flere gange - for at afkode digtets budskab. Hvert digt har en pointe - enten gemt i selve teksten, men oftest først afsløret til sidst - helst lidt overraskende - til eftertanke, til smilet eller måske til begge dele. Nogle af digtene er naturoplevelser, men ellers er digtene vidt forskellige både af indhold og længde. Jeg ønsker mine læsere nogle rigtig gode oplevelser med mine "Smalle digte". Finn Clasen

  • 13% sparen
    von Ramsalte
    28,00 €

    Gamle ordsprog og sunde talemåder krydret med en god portion humor og med lidt sund fornuft kan vi alle nikke genkendende til og de kendte fraser kan få os til at trække lidt på smilebåndet ved tanken om de levende billeder som de belyste episoder kalder frem for vores indre i en blød blanding af selvironi og med et moderat islæt af en løftet pegefinger.

  • 11% sparen
    - digte
    von Jens Carl Sanderhoff
    19,00 €

    Underflugt vender tilbage, men henter ansigter ind på de navnløse digte. Alt er en drøm. Alt er en kort drøm i en vidunderlig maskine. Disse digte kredser om kendte såvel som ukendte danskere, men lander først når du lukker øjnene.

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