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  • 11% sparen
    von Ramsalte
    25,00 €

    The guns are loaded and the fuses are lit bullet points and bullshit bangers and mash is a solid hit bullet points and bullshit. they say that blood is thicker than water bullet points and bullshit and white wine is tap waters tasty daughter bullet points and bullshit. Ramsalte has lived and worked out of Miri in Sarawak and Kuala Belait in Brunei and has spent precious time going up the rivers into the jungles of Borneo visiting local Ibans and Dajaks. In the longhouses where some of the young men he worked with on the off shore oil rigs came from and young girls working as amas in the houses of the expats it was a time he treasured very much and a time that still brings happy memories.

  • - The Will To Death
    von Natalie Smyth
    15,00 €

  • - Life and Poetry of Lotus Moon
    von Otagaki Rengetsu
    30,00 - 37,00 €

  • - Poetry for a Dark Night of the Soul
    von Elizabeth Wilder
    16,00 €

  • von Ladan Osman
    17,00 €

    This collection of poems examines the varied ways women navigate gender roles, while examining praise for success within roles where imagination about female ability is limited. The Kitchen-Dweller's Testimony is about love and longing, divorce, distilled desire, and all the ways we injure ourselves and one another.

  • 14% sparen
    von Amanda Lovelace
    13,28 €

    2016 Goodreads Choice Award-winning poet Amanda Lovelace returns in the witch doesn't burn in this one.

  • von Johnny Cash
    11,00 €

  • von Danez (Author) Smith
    13,00 €

    Begins with a sequence that imagines an afterlife for black men shot by police, a place where suspicion, violence, and grief are forgotten and replaced with safety, love, and longevity they deserved back here on earth. This book also looks at desire, mortality - the dangers experienced in skin and body and blood - and diagnosis of HIV positive.

  • von Kjeld Abell
    30,99 €

    ”Her begynder din skoletid – du vil blive forsynet med en karakterbog, hvori vi kan læse, om du har været flink eller uefterrettelig – pæne karakterer belønnes efter skalaen 5 til 25 øre, som efterhånden sættes ind på din sparekassebog – hvad dårlige vidnesbyrd fører til, kan du selv gætte – husk på, at børnene kommer fra dannede hjem, som måske senere kan være dig til stor nytte – alt hvad du fra nu af gør, vil din lærerinde, dine kammerater, dine veninder og deres pårørende lægge mærke til, og det vil blive brug imod dig senere – Farvel min pige.”Sådan siger Evas far, lige inden han kysser hende farvel på hendes første skoledag og sender hende ind i klasseværelset. Kort efter skal klassen på besøg på et kunstmuseum, og efter lukketid sker der ting og sager, som Eva ikke er blevet informeret om. Portrætterne kryber ud af deres rammer og kommer til te hos hinanden, hvor de bagtaler Eva og de andre museumsgæster.Kjeld Abells skuespil ”Eva aftjener sin barnepligt” er en satire over borgerlig børneopdragelse i tiden lige før første verdenskrig.Kjeld Abell (1901-1961) var en dansk dramatiker, der både skrev skuespil til teatret og manuskripter til film. Kjeld Abell arbejdede ved teatre i både London, Paris og Danmark, og mange af hans skuespil er blevet oversat til fremmedsprog.

  • 12% sparen
    von Ramsalte
    27,00 €

    LIKE A PUPPET ON A STRING I’M THE DANSER WHEN YOU SING I’M THE JOKER YOU’RE THE KING LIKE A TOY ON A STRING SILVER BELLS MADE TO RING NUMBER ONE DING-A-LING. Ramsalte has lived and worked out of Miri in Sarawak and Kuala Belait in Brunei and has spent precious time going up the rivers into the jungles of Borneo visiting local Ibans and Dajaks. In the longhouses where some of the young men he worked with on the off shore oil rigs came from and young girls working as amas in the houses of the expats it was a time he treasured very much and a time that still brings happy memories.

  • - Den Gamle Rævebog
    von Hansi Hovmand
    18,00 €

    Oprindelsen til "Reinike Fos" eller "Den gamle Rævebog" går tilbage til Middelalderen. Bogen blev hurtigt udbredt efter Gutenbergs opfindelse af bogtrykkerkunsten, og de plattyske rim fra ca. 1450 var populær læsning over det meste af Europa. Her fortælles om Reinike Fos og hans venner, hans fjender, ulven Isegrim og bjørnen Bruin, om dyrenes monark, løven Kong Nobel og hans hof, og om hvordan den listige ræv kom til ære og værdighed. Bogen er for store børn og barnlige sjæle i alle aldersklasser.

  • - Mit Usynlige Indre
    von Ann Dahl
    19,00 €

    Digtsamlingen handler om vores følelsesmæssige livssituationer, hvor vores hjerne kæmper med vores indre følelser, som ingen andre har kendskab til - Usynlige. Følelser som frustrerer os. Følelser som giver tårer på kinderne, smil på læben. Følelser som ingen andre er herre over, kun du kan sætte dem på plads, ignorerer eller tage imod dem. Følelser fuld af funderinger over den tilværelse der omgiver én, hvor man mest har lyst til at give op. Følelser fuld af tanker over selve livet. Mit og dit. Illustrerende tegninger udfolder sig løbende gennem siderne.

  • 13% sparen
    von Ramsalte
    28,00 €

    HVAD ER KUNST OG HVAD ER KLAT HVAD ER DIT OG HVAD ER DAT KUNST ER DET MAN SER OG HVAD MAN GØR DET TIL DEN STØRSTE KUNST HER I LIVET ER AT VÆRE SIG SELV OG IKKE BLIVE TIL EN DEL AF KUNSTEN. "Vrøvlevers og ævlerim" er baseret på en række af de løse tanker man går og tænker grebet i luften og fanget på papir til evig skue uden bagtanke eller nogen større mening, men blot tænkt som en kilde til læserens egen lyst og fortolkning. Den billedlige illustration er en adskillelse imellem digtene og fotomanipulerede kopier af forfatterens egen kunst.

  • von Donna Stonecipher
    24,00 €

    Model City answers its own inaugural question 'What was it like?' in 288 different ways. The accumulation of these answers offers a form of sustained and refined negative capability, which by turns is wry, profound and abundant with an unspecified longing for the passing ghost of European idealism.

  • - An Anthology of Translation in Scotland Today
    23,00 €

  • - The Lost Manuscript
    von Bob Dylan
    23,00 €

  • von Rainer Maria Rilke
    13,00 €

  • - The Divine Comedy, Book One
    von Dante Alighieri
    23,00 €

  • von Melissa Burke
    19,00 €

  • von C. P. Cavafy
    26,00 €

    This book contains 162 poems: the 154 canonical Collected Poems, presented by year and within each year's order of composition and/or first printing, plus seven of the Uncollected Poems interspersed chronologically among them. Only one of his rejected, early poems has been included, 'Ode and Elegy of the Street,' used here as a kind of overture.

  • von Dr Keith (Warborough College, Ireland) Seddon, Jocelyn Almond & usw.
    17,00 €

    54,00 €

    In 1843 William Wordsworth dictated invaluable notes on his life's work to his friend Isabella Fenwick. In 1993 Jared Curtis published his invaluable edition of these notes (which are not included in The Prose Works of William Wordsworth). This revised and corrected edition of The Fenwick Notes was published 2008. To receive a free accompanying Ebook please send proof of purchase of the paperback to Humanities-Ebooks. Please note that while colour is used in the preview, as in the ebook, the print in the paperback is black and white.

  • von Charles P Baudelaire
    14,00 €

    The Flowers of Evil is translated by F. P. Sturm and W. J. Robertson, to include Three Additional Poems and Intimate Papers discovered after the author's death with opinions of the Theater, Faith, Morals, Health, and on. This Edition Includes: The Dance Of Death - The Beacons - The Sadness Of The Moon - The Balcony - The Sick Muse - The Venal Muse - The Evil Monk - The Temptation - The Irreparable - The Former Life - Don Juan In Hades - The Living Flame - Correspondences - The Flask - Reversibility - The Eyes Of Beauty - Sonnet Of Autumn - The Remorse Of The Dead - The Ghost - To A Madonna - The Sky - Spleen - The Owls - Bien Loin D'Ici - Contemplation - The Brown Beggar Maid - The Swan - The Seven Old Men - The Little Old Women - The Madrigal Of Sorrow - Mist And Rain - Sunset - The Corpse - The Allegory - The Accursed - La Beatrice - The Soul Of Wine - The Wine Of Lovers - The Death Of Lovers - The Death Of The Poor - Gypsies Travelling - A Landscape - The Voyage Benediction - Ill Luck - Beauty - Ideal Love - Hymn To Beauty - Exotic Fragrance - Sonnet XVIII - Music - The Spiritual Dawn - The Flawed Bell. Also included: A Carcass - Weeping and Wandering - Lesbos - Rockets (written some ten years before the author's death) - My Heart Laid Bare (the days when he felt the first attacks of the illness that was to bear him off.) These final documents furnish an interesting supplement to the more formal works of the poet, and a valuable contribution to literature.

  • - A Treasury of Poems to Read Aloud
    von Andrew Motion
    17,00 €

  • - The Thoughts and Poems of an Old Fogey
    von O L D Fogey
    13,00 €

  • von Nancy G Bennett
    15,00 €

  • - A Study in Meaning
    von Owen Barfield
    28,00 €

  • von Allen D. Miller
    23,00 €

  • von Milton & John
    29,98 €

    In purely poetic value, Paradise Regained is little inferior to its predecessor. There may be nothing in the poem that can quite touch the first two books of Paradise Lost for magnificence; but there are several things that may fairly be set beside almost anything in the last ten. The splendid "stand at bay" of the discovered tempter -- "'Tis true I am that spirit unfortunate" -- in the first book; his rebuke of Belial in the second and the picture of the magic banquet (it must be remembered that, though it is customary to extol Milton's asceticism, the story of his remark to his third wife and the Lawrence and Skinner sonnets, go the other way); above all, the panoramas from the mountaintop in the third and fourth; the terrors of the night of storm; the crisis on the pinnacle of the temple -- are quite of the best Milton, which is equivalent to saying that they are of the best of one kind of poetry. -- The Cambridge History of English and American Literature

  • - The Journey Through Love
    von John S Garguilo
    14,00 €

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