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  • von Kari Gunter-Seymour
    27,00 €

    Women Speak is a publication of the Women of Appalachia Project, containing poetry, fiction, essays, and songs. The Women of Appalachia Project¿ encourages participation from women of diverse backgrounds, ages and experiences to come together, inviting submissions of spoken word and fine art, shared in public forums and annual anthologies. Artists share culture and experiences at arranged venues, embrace issues of marginalization and stereotype; creating a force, unified and non-violently confrontational, to show the whole women, beyond superficial factors often used to judge her.

  • von Marina Murray
    16,00 €

    Marina Murray in her second book, Scars, takes readers on a journey into the past. A past where she endured the pain and suffering that an abusive marriage can produce. The scars are real, but Marina is a survivor. She wants to encourage her readers that there is hope as well as healing on the other side of abusive relationships. Marina is also the author of Rest for the Weary Soul.

  • von James Alan Riley
    32,00 €

    "James Alan Riley's Uncertain Mythologies reverberates with a profound sense of time, rooted in the tangible experiences that form and inform our everyday lives. The collection embraces the interplay of light and shadow, life and death, where "the shadows add depth to the light," infusing depth into ordinary moments. Uncertain Mythologies blurs temporal boundaries and echoes timeless themes while holding the present in the light and shadows of the past. "The first section is lush with landscape, haunted by the past and home. These poems radiate like 'the blue / pilot light from the gas furnace / flickering beneath the floor,' an ephemeral feeling that quietly persists throughout the book as it raises questions of mortality, legacy, and the fleeting nature of time. Riley's words embody both the wisdom of age and the innocence of youth, probing how time shapes our lives, as in the poem 'Photograph,' where '[t]he child does not understand / what is happening but the old man does.' "Transitioning effortlessly from introspective moments to expansive landscapes, the poems traverse spaces from the kitchen to the porch, from starry skies to the interior of a Vista Cruiser, inviting readers to ponder how the past informs the present. Yet, amidst contemplation, there's a persistent reminder of the duality of human existence. Riley's book is full of blooming: from hydrangeas in need of pruning to 'the blood at the bottom of the pool / blossoming like a dark flower.' Where knockout roses bloom, they will also be cut and carried indoors. Riley uses these undercurrents to examine emotions, as in 'Grief": We sometimes find ourselves in strange and unexpected places, confused by the ambient light, the weight of water in our hands. "The liminal space between who we are now and who we have been is the crux of the brilliance in these poems. "The second section ushers in music and stories, calling to us through brush and leaves in need of clearing like a 'song in the tall grass calls our name.' These poems contain voices that harmonize the body with the natural world, the passing of time with living in the moment. In 'Six Suites for Unaccompanied Cello,' Riley's lyrical movements shift us between now and then, a past that accompanies our present... "As the collection progresses, the poet's voice transforms, as if the child from the first section has become the 'old man' who now thrives with grandchildren, driving them to school, taking them to Florida, navigating a changing world with wisdom and humor. Uncertain Mythologies culminates in a contemplation on life's cyclical nature, urging the reader to consider how we live in a present moment that is haunted-yet buoyed-by the past. Riley ends with a look towards the future, a return to the earth [in] 'Planting the Trees'... "In Uncertain Mythologies, Riley proves himself a modern-day mythmaker with poems that are both timely and timeless. Spend the afternoon with these poems and let them ask of you: 'Did you spend your time wisely?' It will be time well spent."-Sarah McCartt-Jackson, author of Stonelight and Calf Canyon

  • von Martin Malone
    25,00 €

    Martin Malone & Bryan Angus's Gardenstown offers a vivid evocation of changing seasons in a village, from spring to winter. The book is a sequence of Malone's remarkable poetry, interspersed with Angus's exquisite linocuts, which capture the essence of the people, places and wildlife in north-east Scotland. Here they watch the year pass as, like the tide the seasons come and go.

  • von Dasan Ahanu
    26,00 €

    Poetry collection by Dasan Ahanu. Ahanu is an award-winning poet and performance artist, public speaker, community organizer, educator, scholar and emcee born and raised in Raleigh, North Carolina. He is an Alumni Nasir Jones Fellow at Harvard's Hip Hop Archive and Research Institute, resident artist at the St. Joseph's Historic Foundation/Hayti Heritage Center, and visiting lecturer at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill. He has performed across the country, appeared on national radio and TV, published three books of poetry, been featured in various periodicals and released numerous recordings. He works with organizations and institutions to develop effective arts strategies to enhance their work in the community. Dasan is currently managing a grant funded initiative as the Rothwell Mellon Program Director for Creative Futures with Carolina Performing Arts. He swings a mean pen and represents the SOUTH.

  • von Joan Tenner
    16,00 - 19,00 €

  • von Joan Tenner
    17,00 - 21,00 €

  • von Joan Tenner
    16,00 - 19,00 €

  • von Lida Dela
    21,00 €

    Love and Shadows is a collection of insightful and compelling poetic pieces that grasps the raw chasms of human emotions. This collection has been written by a young woman who has trodden the path of spiritual awakening and is inviting you to follow her into the process of self-healing. She shares bits and pieces of what she has learned about love, hope, freedom, sorrow, despair, bravery, resilience, and beauty. Her pieces are a unique blend of both traditional and contemporary styles that is conveyed in an objective way, making it easy for readers to understand. Her work captivates and draws readers to revisit it time and again and inspires long after it is read.

  • von Thor Castlebury
    58,00 €

    Dive into a tranquil oasis of verse with "Simmering Serenity," a mesmerizing poetry book that invites readers to immerse themselves in the gentle currents of peace, tranquility, and inner calm. In these verses, words are the soothing melodies that lull the mind into a state of serene bliss, offering respite from the chaos of the outside world and guiding readers on a journey toward inner harmony. "Simmering Serenity" is a poetic sanctuary that celebrates the beauty of stillness and the transformative power of quiet reflection, where each poem is a gentle ripple that washes away the stresses of daily life and unveils the profound peace that resides within. These verses serve as a gentle reminder to slow down, breathe deeply, and embrace the tranquility that surrounds us.

  • von Conrad (C+RAD) Martinez
    24,00 - 31,00 €

  • von Andrew Peters
    14,00 €

    As in previous collections, Andrew Peters' fifth volume derives meaning from memories and reflections of nature and literature. Here is poetry that paints scenes and images that appreciate every moment of living.

  • von David Waltner-Toews
    12,00 €

    Tante Tina is a stage and poetic persona created to share stories told by my mother and one of her sisters about their lives in Canada after fleeing Ukraine in 1926.

  • von John Hartzell
    14,00 €

  • von Rama Kaba
    19,00 - 26,00 €

  • von Ronald Metz
    22,00 €

    Life unfolds in broken pieces, but pieces can be woven together into a fabric with meaning for us and others. We read the Bible and walk the paths of daily life, but as many people have said, they lack meaning. The key to making these strands weave together is the Holy Spirit. Our faith in Jesus Christ and the receipt of the Holy Spirit allow us wisdom and knowledge to bring our lives together--intersecting relationships with people and places, growing through our faith in Jesus. In our moments of listening, we hear the Holy Spirit speak to us--to do, to be, to share, and to grow in love. In the hurried lives most people live, we miss things. We miss the things that can help us, grow us, and make us resilient. But we must listen. No two people see or experience things the same, and through our sharing, we learn and grow.This book is about listening to the Holy Spirit speak through daily life lived and experienced not in isolation but in intersection. Intersection with others through time and locations across the country and around the world. Intersection with others to continue the work of the Holy Spirit in spreading God's message and His love to the world.May you be blessed at the intersection of love and life.

  • von Gerry Eugene
    18,00 - 27,00 €

  • von Charles Elin
    14,00 €

    Orange Fanta has no theme greater or less than life, as it's given. Charles Elin uses language in its most simplistic to present the complexities of reaching beyond ourselves and questioning where that is. He finds a place for humor and utter disbelief in the politics of the day. These short poems just touch a phenomenology of our everyday, in the words of common banter, miscommunications and private thoughts.

  • von Abigail Sanchez
    12,00 €

    Timeless is a book of poems dealing with the author's mental health journey throughout eleven years. Through poetry, the author is able to make sense of her own journey as well as relate to others who have gone through a similar journey. The book is made up of two parts. Part One: Sun and Moon has a poem for each year the author has struggled with depression. Part Two: Hourglass covers themes that were unable to be covered in Part One: Sun and Moon.

  • von John Hartzell
    14,00 €

  • von Abdulrahman AlBanna
    16,00 €

    A journeyThrough the hardships of life.The struggles,The darkness within,The rights,The wrongs.To a moment,A simple momentOf clarity,Leading toSelf-discovery.We each have our own journeys in life: paths we are forced to take, and passageways through which we all struggle. Darkness surrounds us, slowly consuming us, and a darkness within screams out the names of every sin. Every restless night, every tiresome day, every tearful fight, and every word we couldn't say. The rights and wrongs. The sorrows and heartbreaks. The times we were forced to play along. All of our mistakes. All of them. Everything leads to a moment that changes everything. A moment marking a new chapter in our lives. A moment of clarity, where we finally see the truth, where we finally see ourselves. A moment where we have a decision to make. A moment of choice, leading to self-discovery and marking yet another journey. A new journey, like all our other journeys. Darkness and light. Fight after fight. Nothing is right; nothing is wrong. This was justice all along. A path we must take for our own sake, to finally be able to see. A path for you. A path for me.

  • von Nancy Corbett
    20,00 €

    Poet Nancy Corbett is also a published novelist and writer of memoir. Her first book of selected poems, 'The Longest Conversation', was published in 2021. 'House of Many Rooms' is Nancy's second poetry collection.Nancy shares her passion for poetry with students in her Appreciating Poetry classes at the University of the Third Age in Melbourne.At 80, she wants what she has always wanted: respect for human rights, much stronger protection for the non-human world, peaceful solutions to conflict and more kindness. And more music and dance and joy and poetry. Lots more poetry.Born in Canada, Nancy has lived in Australia since 1974. She lives in Port Melbourne with her partner, Howard.

  • von Anett Arumets
    45,00 - 52,00 €

  • von Kyla Hawthorn
    22,00 €

  • von Rhodesia
    12,00 €

    In this book, Rhodesia's poems show the experiences, feelings, desires,dreams, and wishes of a child, as narrated from her unique perspectiveand language. It also explores a child's questions and curiosity aboutcommonplace themes and objects seen in nature. More than that,her poems are expressions of funny and exciting experiences of herlove and concern for others, most especially her parents. Nature andChild's Life Experiences is a child's desire to share her thoughts,emotions, and goals to all her readers.

  • von Mary Sotolongo
    21,00 €

    "Pickled Dog Dreams" is a collection of poems divided into three "ingredients", Vinegar, Salt, and Sugar: each section creating a mood for the poems within. Life is punctuated with moments that are acerbic, sweet, and salty. M. Sotolongo delves into those times and reflects on them much like a diary. Drawing from personal experiences, this is her debut collection.

  • von Noelle Cope
    24,00 €

    Notes From The In-between is a debut collection of poetry informed by real life experiences before, during and after emotional and sexual abuse. Noelle's debut poetry collection weaves together an intimate and vulnerable tale of consuming love, deep spirituality, and finding liberation. The tale is gracefully crafted with a dash of whimsy, a fair amount of sorrow, and the perfect amount of hope. " The only way out is in " Noelle Cope is an actress, screenwriter and poet who heralds from the snow capped mountains of Telluride and currently resides in Los Angeles, California.

  • von Anindita Bose
    12,00 €

    "In a meditative and stoic language, suffused with sensual allusions and allegories mergedtogether like 'musical notes', Anindita's poems are intimately cathartic and redemptive,nurturing a reality and that will leave you stunned!"- Poet, Author & Professor Ashwani Kumar, Mumbai"Anindita Bose belongs to that long line of debut poets discovered by Writers Workshop.I Know the Truth of a Broken Mirror had impressed me enough with its raw evocationsof pain, to decide to publish it. So it pleases me now to see that she continues her poeticjourney with her second book."- Professor Ananda Lal, Kolkata"Anindita Bose's second book of poetry is a collection of 35 poems titled 'illuminatingdarkness - the mystic fireflies' are finely crafted poems that fuse sense and sensibility withintensity and insight."- Poet, Author, Academician Dr. Sanjukta Dasgupta, Kolkata"Percy Bysshe Shelley in his poem "Ode to the West Wind" desires the west wind to carryhim like a leaf, a cloud, a wave and then in a moment of poetic dissociation writes the line"I fall upon the thorns of life! I bleed!" Anindita Bose has experienced the thorns of life andhence she bleeds poetry - poetry that is full of hope to be carried away like a leaf, a cloud, awave.Be it as a poet, be it as the co-founder of Rhythm Divine Poets, be it as an editor of EKLReview, be it as a verbal skills trainer, be it as a painter or be it as a friend, a daughter, asister, she is attached emotionally and has hopes to fly and be the blithe spirit, a skylark.Her poems emanate from nostalgia, memories almost like a fairy tale filled with hope.She is the firefly who can illuminate darkness."- Poet, Author, Editor & Professor Dr. Amit Shankar Saha, Kolkata

  • von Tahseen Firaqi
    22,00 €

    Iqbal's words are a timeless masterpiece of Islamic literature, flowing from the liver and from the bottom of the heart. These lines gave rise to ideas and conversations about Islamic literature, which emerged on the Urdu literary scene some time after Pakistan was established and whose warmth endures eternally in the hearts and minds of those who pioneered devout writing. Iqbal's song, which embodies awareness, wisdom, timelessness, faith, and love, brightens minds and warms hearts.

  • von Hope Shirley Writia
    8,00 €

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