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  • von Charles Godfrey Leland
    19,00 €

    "The Breitmann Ballads" by Charles Godfrey Leland is a delightful collection of humorous and spirited poems that emerged in the mid-19th century. Leland, an American humorist and folklorist, created the character Hans Breitmann, a larger-than-life German-American soldier, to narrate these ballads. This collection, published in the late 1800s, reflects Leland's fascination with German culture and his talent for blending satire with folk traditions.In the Breitmann Ballads, readers encounter lively and comic tales that often poke fun at the complexities of life, love, and war. Through the exaggerated and jovial character of Hans Breitmann, Leland offers a humorous exploration of the immigrant experience and the blending of cultural identities in America.The ballads are notable for their use of dialect and playful language, capturing the boisterous spirit of the character Hans Breitmann. Leland's work showcases a fusion of literary and folk traditions, providing readers with an entertaining and insightful window into the social landscape of the time."The Breitmann Ballads" remains a testament to Leland's skill in weaving together humor, folklore, and cultural commentary. Immerse yourself in this collection for a lighthearted and whimsical journey through the misadventures of Hans Breitmann and the rich tapestry of 19th-century American humor.

  • von James Whitcomb Riley
    19,00 €

    "The Book of Joyous Children" by James Whitcomb Riley is a poetic celebration of the innocence, wonder, and playfulness of childhood. Published in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Riley's collection reflects the charm of rural life in the American Midwest and captures the timeless essence of youth.In these verses, Riley paints vivid portraits of children at play, exploring the magic and spontaneity of their world. The poems are imbued with a sense of nostalgia, evoking a simpler time when nature, imagination, and the joy of companionship were central to a child's experience.Riley's language is both whimsical and heartwarming, reflecting his deep affection for the young and the memories of his own childhood. Poems like "Little Orphant Annie" and "The Raggedy Man" have become classics, showcasing Riley's ability to convey the universal themes of love, laughter, and the resilience of the human spirit."The Book of Joyous Children" is a testament to Riley's enduring popularity and his ability to capture the universal truths of childhood. Immerse yourself in the delightful verses of James Whitcomb Riley, where each poem unfolds as a timeless ode to the exuberance and innocence of youth.

  • von Geoffrey Chaucer
    12,00 - 19,00 €

  • von Geoffrey Chaucer
    19,00 €

    "The Canterbury Tales and Other Poems" by Geoffrey Chaucer stands as a cornerstone in English literature, offering a captivating glimpse into the social fabric of medieval England. Written in the late 14th century, Chaucer's magnum opus is a collection of stories narrated by a diverse group of pilgrims en route to the shrine of Thomas Becket in Canterbury Cathedral.At the heart of "The Canterbury Tales" is Chaucer's keen observational wit, as he paints vivid portraits of individuals from various walks of life. Through the tales told by knights, clerics, merchants, and more, Chaucer explores themes of love, morality, and human nature, providing a rich tapestry of medieval society.The General Prologue sets the stage for the pilgrimage, introducing readers to the colorful cast of characters and their unique personalities. Each pilgrim's tale reflects their worldview, creating a dynamic mosaic that encompasses romance, tragedy, comedy, and moral allegory.Beyond "The Canterbury Tales," Chaucer's collection includes a variety of shorter poems, such as the dream vision "The Parliament of Fowls" and the elegiac "The Book of the Duchess." These poems showcase Chaucer's poetic range and depth of expression."The Canterbury Tales and Other Poems" is a literary treasure that not only entertains with its narrative flair but also provides profound insights into the complexities of human experience. Immerse yourself in the linguistic richness and cultural panorama of Chaucer's work, where each tale unfolds as a masterpiece in the mosaic of medieval storytelling.

  • von John Keble
    19,00 €

    "The Christian Year" by the Rev. John Keble is a timeless collection of poems that guides readers through the liturgical seasons of the Christian calendar. Published in 1827, Keble's work is a poetic journey that reflects on the significance of various religious observances and the spiritual lessons associated with each season.In this collection, Keble's verses are arranged according to the Church calendar, allowing readers to accompany the poet through the cycles of Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, Easter, and more. The poems serve as meditations on faith, devotion, and the teachings of Christianity.Keble's language is both eloquent and deeply reflective, providing readers with moments of contemplation and inspiration. "The Christian Year" became immensely popular in its time and played a significant role in shaping Victorian religious thought and poetry.As readers engage with Keble's verses, they are invited into a spiritual pilgrimage, where each poem serves as a guide for reflection on the Christian journey. This collection stands as a testament to Keble's poetic and spiritual insight, offering a poetic companion for those seeking a deeper connection with their faith. Immerse yourself in "The Christian Year" and experience the profound beauty of Keble's reflections on the Christian life.

    19,90 €

    "The Carmina" by Caius Valerius Catullus, commonly known as Catullus, is a remarkable collection of Roman poetry from the 1st century BCE. Catullus, often hailed as the master of lyric poetry in Latin, presents readers with an intimate and diverse array of verses.In "The Carmina," Catullus explores themes of love, desire, friendship, and social commentary. His poetry is known for its emotional intensity, ranging from tender expressions of affection to scathing invective. Catullus employs a variety of meters and genres, showcasing his versatility as a poet.Central to the collection are Catullus's love poems, particularly those addressed to his beloved Lesbia. These poems reveal a complex emotional landscape, ranging from ecstasy to heartbreak. Additionally, Catullus engages in witty and satirical compositions, providing a glimpse into the social and political context of ancient Rome.The enduring appeal of "The Carmina" lies in Catullus's ability to capture the complexities of the human experience with vivid and often provocative language. His influence extends to later poets, and his work remains a testament to the enduring power of lyric poetry. Immerse yourself in the passionate and eloquent verses of Catullus, where each poem unfolds as a window into the vibrant world of ancient Roman emotions and relationships.

  • von Isaak Teichmüller
    12,50 €

    Wir sind zur Zeit ein freies Land, in dem man vieles sagen darf. Die Grenzen dieser Freiheit werden von unseren Satirikern (zumindest von den besseren) meist nur sehr eindimensional ausgelotet. Eine Marktlücke, die es zu schließen gilt.

  • von Manuela Lowak
    12,90 €

    Der Gedichtband enthält auf einhundert Seiten achtundvierzig Gedichte aus vierJahrzehnten: Prosagedichte finden sich neben Kreuz- und Paarreimen, moderne Kurzgedichte und Haikus treffen auf Sonette und Aphorismen. Auch die Inhalte sind breit gefächert: auf der einen Seite die ewigen Themen, wie Liebe, Hoffnung, Glaube, Freundschaft und Schönheit der Natur - auf der anderen die kritische Auseinandersetzung mit aktuellen Themen und philosophischen Fragen. Für zusätzliche Auflockerung sorgen zehn Gemälde von E. E. Höfer.

  • von Jan Röhnert
    25,00 €


  • von Maya Peters
    15,00 €

    "Donne-moi une raison de continuer à me battre pour cette vie où tu n'es nulle part et partout à la fois".Ce livre retrace une relation d'amour qui disparaît, qui s'étiole jusqu'à ne plus exister. Comment vivre quand on aime encore mais que tout est devenu souvenirs ?

  • von Jacqueline Muller Grugnardi
    13,00 €

    Ce recueil de poésie illustrée est la rencontre de deux sensibilités : celle d'une peintresse d'encre et celle d'une artisane des mots qui a eu envie d'écrire à partir de ces dessins : chat, tortue, arbre, lune et soleil, visages et corps... En filigrane est née une "histoire" tournée vers la vie qui nous entoure et nous traverse. Le livre réunit 22 encres dentelles et 22 textes. Les droits d'auteur sont reversés à l'association lyonnaise Le cocon solidaire qui lutte contre l'isolement en mettant les femmes en lien et en mouvement.

  • von SternenBlick Verein
    12,00 €

    Neben der Gewinnerin des SternenBlick-Lyrikpreises 2021: Maja Loewe, versammeln sich in dieser Anthologie die besten 50 Gedichte aus den Einsendungen. Diese DichterInnen sind in der Anthologie vertreten: Elena Abendroth, Regina Berger, Annemarie Bergmeister, Alexandra Bolena, Ralph Bruse, Stefanie Bucifal, Uta Daniel, Leonhard Ehlen, JE, Petra Fuhrmann, Hannelore Furch, Asja Garling, Helga Maria Gorfer, Jutta Gornik, Joachim Gräber, Gerda Greschke-Begemann, Tobias Grimbacher, Ingeborg Henrichs, Angelika Holweger, Jan Stechpalm, Christa Issinger, Katja Leonhardt, Eva Limbach, Helga Loddeke, Nils Louen, Maja Loewe, Rosalie Lenz, Marina Maggio, Magdalena Markovic, Anna Blume, Henning Mertens, Birgit Oßwald-Krüger, Mia Poesia, Christina Plischka, Sabina Ptascheck, Olaf Rendler, Inge Wrobel, Wolfgang Rödig, Sabine Schildgen, Marita Schloss, Elke Schlösser, Norbert Sternmut, Sigune Schnabel, Astrid Schulzke, Angelica Seithe, Annabell von Stern, Heidrun Stödtler, Walther Stonet, Anna Wagner, Lykke Cardinal.Eine Veröffentlichung des gemeinnützigen Vereins "SternenBlick". Wir fördern zeitgenössische Poesie und Dichtkunst. Alle Informationen und regelmäßige Ausschreibungen finden sich auf unserer Webpräsenz unter

  • von Karin Ellmer
    9,80 €

    Geschichten und Gedankenauf den Punkt gebrachtzum Innehalten im hektischen Alltagzum Schmunzeln mit Kopfnickenzum Aufanderegedankenkommenzum Weiterschenken an liebe Menschengenauso

  • von Edmund Spenser
    19,00 €

    "The First Book of the Faerie Queene" by Edmund Spenser is an epic poem that stands as a cornerstone in English Renaissance literature. This allegorical masterpiece follows the adventures of the Redcrosse Knight and his quest to free Una from the clutches of the dragon. Spenser employs rich, archaic language and intricate verse forms, creating a poetic tapestry that intertwines themes of chivalry, virtue, and the complex interplay between the allegorical and the historical.As the knight encounters various challenges and adversaries, each episode serves as an allegory for moral and spiritual trials. The poem also acts as a celebration of Queen Elizabeth I, drawing parallels between her reign and the legendary Gloriana, the Faerie Queene.In this first book, Spenser lays the foundation for the overarching narrative, presenting a vivid and enchanting world filled with knights, damsels, and mythical creatures. The Faerie Queene serves as a poetic exploration of the virtues and vices that shape human existence, making it a timeless work that continues to captivate readers with its intricate allegory and poetic brilliance. Immerse yourself in the enchanting realm of Spenser's Faerie Queene, where each stanza unfolds a tale of valor and virtue in the quest for the idealized chivalric life.

  • von Sidney Lanier
    12,00 €

    "The Poems of Sidney Lanier, Volume I" by Sidney Lanier offers readers a profound journey into the poetic world of this 19th-century American poet, musician, and critic. Lanier, known for his lyrical craftsmanship and musical sensibility, weaves verses that resonate with a deep appreciation for nature, spirituality, and the human spirit.In this collection, Lanier's poetic voice shines through various themes. "The Marshes of Glynn," a masterpiece, immerses readers in the lush landscapes of coastal Georgia, exploring the symbiotic relationship between nature and the divine. His musical background is evident in poems like "The Symphony" and "Clover," where rhythmic language and melodic imagery create a harmonious fusion of poetry and music.Lanier's exploration of the South and its cultural heritage is reflected in works such as "Corn" and "The Mocking-Bird." These poems capture the essence of Southern life, blending regional flavor with universal themes of beauty and loss.This volume is a testament to Sidney Lanier's ability to infuse his poetry with both intellectual depth and emotional resonance. Whether contemplating the mysteries of nature or celebrating the artistic spirit, Lanier's verses invite readers to appreciate the beauty and complexity of the world. Immerse yourself in the first volume of "The Poems of Sidney Lanier" and experience the lyrical richness of this influential American poet.

  • von Alexander Pope
    19,90 - 22,90 €

  • von Joseph Addison
    26,90 €

    "The Poetical Works of William Lisle Bowles" unveils the lyrical brilliance of this influential English poet. Revered for his contributions to Romantic poetry, Bowles's collection spans a range of themes, from the sublime beauty of nature to the depths of human emotion. In works like "Sonnet to the River Itchin" and "Fourteen Sonnets," Bowles showcases his mastery of the sonnet form, infusing each line with delicate imagery and introspective musings.The poet's verses often reflect a deep connection to the natural world, capturing the essence of landscapes and seasons. Bowles's contemplative and emotive poetry resonates with the Romantic ideals of sensibility and introspection. In "The Spirit of Discovery," he explores the allure of exploration and the human spirit's quest for knowledge."The Poetical Works" is a testament to Bowles's influence on the Romantic movement, paving the way for poets like Wordsworth and Coleridge. This collection invites readers to traverse the poetic landscapes crafted by Bowles, where each stanza is a brushstroke painting vivid scenes of nature and emotion. Immerse yourself in the timeless verses of William Lisle Bowles, and experience the enduring beauty of his poetic legacy.

  • von William Lisle Bowles
    19,00 €

    "The Poetical Works of William Lisle Bowles" unveils the lyrical brilliance of this influential English poet. Revered for his contributions to Romantic poetry, Bowles's collection spans a range of themes, from the sublime beauty of nature to the depths of human emotion. In works like "Sonnet to the River Itchin" and "Fourteen Sonnets," Bowles showcases his mastery of the sonnet form, infusing each line with delicate imagery and introspective musings.The poet's verses often reflect a deep connection to the natural world, capturing the essence of landscapes and seasons. Bowles's contemplative and emotive poetry resonates with the Romantic ideals of sensibility and introspection. In "The Spirit of Discovery," he explores the allure of exploration and the human spirit's quest for knowledge."The Poetical Works" is a testament to Bowles's influence on the Romantic movement, paving the way for poets like Wordsworth and Coleridge. This collection invites readers to traverse the poetic landscapes crafted by Bowles, where each stanza is a brushstroke painting vivid scenes of nature and emotion. Immerse yourself in the timeless verses of William Lisle Bowles, and experience the enduring beauty of his poetic legacy.

  • von Oliver Wendell
    19,00 - 19,90 €

  • von Nathaniel Parker Willis
    19,90 €

    "The Rag-Bag: A Collection of Ephemera" by Nathaniel Parker Willis is a literary mosaic that showcases the author's eclectic range and keen observations. In this anthology, Willis gathers a diverse assortment of writings, reflections, and anecdotes, offering readers a glimpse into the kaleidoscope of his thoughts. From witty musings on society to heartfelt reflections on life's fleeting moments, each piece in "The Rag-Bag" is a gem waiting to be discovered. Willis, known for his versatility, navigates through the realms of humor, philosophy, and social commentary with an engaging and often whimsical style. This collection serves as a literary patchwork, stitching together fragments of ephemeral moments that collectively form a captivating tapestry of the human experience. Whether exploring the lighter side of existence or delving into profound insights, Willis invites readers to savor the beauty found in life's transient fragments. Immerse yourself in the pages of "The Rag-Bag" for a delightful journey through the diverse landscapes of Nathaniel Parker Willis's literary craftsmanship.

  • von Nathaniel Parker Willis
    12,00 €

    "The Sacred Poems of N.P. Willis" by Nathaniel Parker Willis presents a collection of profound and spiritually evocative verses. Willis, a renowned American poet, explores themes of faith, love, and the sublime in this anthology. Through eloquent language and poignant imagery, the poet delves into the depths of the human soul, reflecting on the divine and the complexities of existence. Each poem serves as a lyrical journey, inviting readers to contemplate the sacred aspects of life. Willis's masterful use of language and his ability to convey deep emotions make this collection a testament to his poetic prowess. "The Sacred Poems" is a treasury of verse that resonates with seekers of spiritual enlightenment, offering a poetic sanctuary for those who appreciate the beauty of divine expression in literature. Immerse yourself in the sublime verses of N.P. Willis and embark on a poetic pilgrimage through the sacred landscapes of the human spirit.

  • von Christina Rossetti
    19,00 €

    "The Prince¿s Progress, and Other Poems" by Christina Rossetti is a poetic masterpiece that transcends time, exploring themes of love, spirituality, and the human condition. Rossetti, a Victorian poetess, weaves a tapestry of enchanting verses that invite readers into a world of lyrical beauty and emotional depth. In "The Prince¿s Progress," a narrative poem, Rossetti tells the story of a prince's spiritual journey, blending allegory and rich imagery to convey profound insights into faith and redemption. The additional poems in the collection showcase Rossetti's diverse poetic talent, addressing themes of love, nature, and introspection. With meticulous craftsmanship, she paints vivid pictures with her words, creating a symphony of emotions that resonates with readers. "The Prince¿s Progress, and Other Poems" is a testament to Rossetti's ability to infuse her work with spiritual and emotional resonance, making it a timeless treasure for poetry enthusiasts. Immerse yourself in the exquisite verses of Christina Rossetti and experience the enduring beauty of her poetic legacy.

  • von Alfred Tennyson
    12,00 €

    "The Princess" by Alfred Lord Tennyson is a captivating narrative poem that weaves together themes of love, chivalry, and feminism. Set in a medieval kingdom, the story follows Princess Ida, who renounces the company of men and establishes a women's university. However, her convictions are challenged when Prince Cyril and his friends arrive disguised as women to court her. Amidst the romantic entanglements, Tennyson explores the complexities of gender roles and societal expectations. The poem's lyrical beauty and Tennyson's masterful use of language transport readers to a world of knights and maidens, where love and honor clash with tradition. "The Princess" is a timeless tale that delves into the dynamics of power, love, and gender, offering readers a rich tapestry of emotions and ideas to ponder. Dive into the enchanting world of "The Princess" and experience Tennyson's poetic brilliance as he unravels the complexities of the human heart and society's conventions.

  • von Henry Kendall
    22,90 €

    "The Poems of Henry Kendall" refers to a collection of poetry written by Henry Kendall (1839¿1882), an Australian poet known for his contributions to 19th-century Australian literature. Kendall is often regarded as one of Australia's early significant poets, and his works reflect a deep appreciation for nature, the Australian landscape, and themes of social and environmental concern.Key aspects of "The Poems of Henry Kendall" include:1. **Nature Poetry:** Kendall was particularly known for his vivid and evocative nature poetry. His works often celebrate the beauty of the Australian bush, landscapes, and wildlife, contributing to the emerging tradition of Australian nature writing.2. **Romantic Influences:** Kendall's poetry exhibits influences from the Romantic literary movement, emphasizing emotion, imagination, and a connection with the natural world. His work often reflects the Romantic notion of finding the sublime in nature.3. **Environmental and Social Themes:** Kendall's poems sometimes explore social and environmental issues, including the impact of European settlement on the Australian environment and Indigenous cultures.4. **Versatility:** Kendall's poetry demonstrates versatility in style and form. He wrote a range of poetic forms, including sonnets, ballads, and longer narrative poems.5. **Australian Identity:** Kendall's contributions to Australian literature contribute to the exploration and development of a distinctive Australian literary identity during the late 19th century.Examples of Kendall's well-known poems include "Bell-Birds," "Leaves from Australian Forests," and "Mountains." His poetry captures a sense of the Australian landscape and reflects the challenges and changes faced by the nation during the colonial period.

  • von Edgar Allan Poe
    12,00 €

    "The Raven" by Edgar Allan Poe is a timeless classic in American literature, captivating readers with its haunting narrative. This dark and mysterious poem follows an unnamed narrator as they mourn the loss of a beloved Lenore. Amidst the sorrow, a talking raven appears, adding an eerie supernatural element. As the raven perches upon a bust of Pallas, it becomes a symbol of both wisdom and sorrow. Poe masterfully weaves themes of grief, the supernatural, and the human psyche, creating a poetic masterpiece. The rhythmic and melodic qualities of the verse contribute to the poem's enduring popularity. "The Raven" explores the fragility of the human mind and the lingering impact of loss, making it a must-read for enthusiasts of gothic and psychological literature. Dive into the depths of Poe's imagination and experience the chilling beauty of "The Raven."

  • von Algernon Charles Swinburne
    9,99 €

    "The Sundew" is a poem written by Algernon Charles Swinburne, a Victorian-era English poet and playwright known for his lyrical and decadent style. Swinburne (1837¿1909) was a prominent figure in the literary circles of his time and was associated with the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood.In "The Sundew," Swinburne explores themes of love, desire, and the complexities of human emotion. The title refers to the sundew plant, a carnivorous plant known for its glistening, sticky droplets that attract and trap insects.As with much of Swinburne's poetry, "The Sundew" is characterized by its rich imagery, sensual language, and exploration of intense emotions. Swinburne's poetic style often incorporates elements of Romanticism and symbolism, and his works are known for their musicality and rhythmic complexity.

  • von Ernest Renan
    19,00 - 26,00 €

  • von William Watson
    19,90 €

    "The Poems of William Watson" refers to a collection of poetry by William Watson, a British poet born on August 2, 1858, and died on August 11, 1935. Watson was associated with the Victorian and Edwardian eras and was known for his lyrical and patriotic poetry.Key aspects of "The Poems of William Watson" include:1. **Victorian and Edwardian Poetry:** Watson's poetry reflects the transition from the Victorian era to the Edwardian era, capturing the changing social, political, and cultural landscape of the time.2. **Patriotic Themes:** Watson's poems often express a sense of patriotism and love for his country. His work may delve into themes related to national identity, honor, and duty.3. **Nature and Romanticism:** Like many poets of his time, Watson might incorporate elements of nature and romanticism into his poetry. This could involve vivid descriptions of landscapes or the exploration of emotional and philosophical themes.4. **Formal Verse:** Watson was known for using traditional poetic forms, and his poems often adhered to structured and formal verse.5. **Social and Political Commentary:** Some of Watson's poetry may offer social and political commentary, reflecting the concerns and issues of his era.

  • von Anatole Leroy-Beaulieu
    19,00 €

    "La Révolution et le libéralisme. Essais de critique et d¿histoire" est un ouvrage d'Anatole Leroy-Beaulieu, un penseur, historien et homme politique français du XIXe siècle. Publié en 1890, cet ouvrage analyse la Révolution française et examine ses implications sur le développement du libéralisme en France.Dans ce livre, Leroy-Beaulieu propose une évaluation critique de la Révolution française, cherchant à comprendre ses origines, son déroulement et ses conséquences. Il aborde également la manière dont les idéaux libéraux ont été influencés par ce bouleversement majeur dans l'histoire française.L'auteur explore les idées politiques, sociales et économiques qui ont émergé pendant la Révolution, ainsi que la façon dont elles ont façonné le libéralisme en France. Il examine également les contradictions et les tensions inhérentes à cette période de transition politique.Leroy-Beaulieu était connu pour ses positions conservatrices, et dans cet ouvrage, il offre une perspective critique sur la Révolution française, mettant en lumière à la fois ses accomplissements et ses excès. L'analyse de l'interaction entre la Révolution et le libéralisme constitue une contribution significative à la compréhension des transformations politiques et idéologiques en France au XIXe siècle.

  • von Alphonse Aulard
    14,00 - 15,90 €

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