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  • von Maeve Holler
    30,00 €

    Maeve Holler's debut collection, HOW TO LEAVE YOUR FAMILY, inspects the idea of family, the creation and destruction of it, and what being part of one really means. The book poetically and speculatively retraces the life story of Holler's late grandmother-who grows up in Mississippi, escapes an abusive relationship, and flees to Georgia, only to leave her two children behind-and the mass of folklore that has always surrounded her. Holler's poems follow the aftermath of this story and pick up the pieces her grandmother left behind, and together, ultimately taking the shape of a multigenerational, coming-of-self narrative of witness.

  • von William E. David
    37,00 €

    William David grew up in the Midwest, on the edge of the Ozarks close to the town of Joplin, Missouri. The first 5 years of his life he lived in the log cabin his grandfather built. He left home when he was 15 and supported himself with odd jobs until he joined the Army at 17. After the Army, William traveled around a lot to many parts of this country, from Alaska to Arizona and several in between. Having many adventures and getting to meet many interesting people. He found his soul mate, his wife Diane, in Tucson, Az. 43 yrs. ago, they married, and together raised two terrific kids, a daughter Jennifer, and a son, Cody. He hopes that you enjoy his poems and hopes that at least one or more will touch you in some way.Bio: William David has had a successful 40+ year career as a Senior Architectural & Engineering Designer working with international mining companies, designing Gold, Silver, and Copper processing plants all over the world, including being the Chief Designer of the first SX-EW copper processing plant built in Asia, located at Monywa, Myanmar. William is retired now and living with his wife of 39 yrs. in Tucson, Az. He likes spending time now devoted to his passion, reading, reviewing, and writing poetry. William writes for his pleasure and for the pleasure of those who might read his poems. Statement from the author: "When I write a poem, I don't seek to necessarily constrain that poem by any formal poetic style or technical form, I just write imagistically. I write in a nonce and a free form style, sometimes more of a narrative style. I write out the words as they sound right to me, while trying to stay true to the intent of the poem and what I am trying to convey to the reader. I prefer to allow the reader to understand what the poem has to say, not guess. Then, the reader can interpret and contemplate what it means to them, they don't have to speculate, just hopefully enjoy what the poem was trying to say.

  • von Leonel Castillos
    22,00 €

    La colección de poesías está compuesta de pensamientos y momentos que han marcado la vida de Leonel y la vida de las personas de su alrededor. Es como un tipo de jornada de los días cálidos como de los días nublados que hemos vivido. Cada sección intenta poner las diferentes etapas de emociones que vivimos en nuestro día a día y poder reflexionar indirectamente un poco sobre ellas. La colección de fotografías está compuesta del recorrido de Oscar por la fotografía. Cada foto muestra una perspectiva diferente de nuestro planeta además de los lugares que a visitado.

  • von Chath Piersath
    23,00 €

    In his latest collection, the Cambodian-American poet Chath pierSath delves into the intricate relationship between the external and the intimate. A testament to the resilience of the human spirit, this is a poetry transcending boundaries and embracing the fullness of life. From public moments to inward reflections, from pride to joy and anger, pierSath's poetry balances across space and emotion, offering poems of composure and ectasy, of revelation and proclamation. Moving through a world made cold and closed by the isolation of the COVID era, these poems invite you to explore the act of opening. Through his journey of sexuality and understanding connection, pierSath fearlessly delves into the sensual, presenting it in myriad manifestations that resonate from present to past, from the United States to Cambodia, with emotions that dance in between.Carbonation 002Spokane, Washington

  • von Pouria Aghababaei
    20,00 - 30,00 €

  • von Hemsley
    18,00 €

    Letters from Life is Becky Hemsley's newest collection of words to help us recognise, understand and love ourselves. Becky writes for all aspects of life; to help us see that amongst the challenges we face, there is joy to be found in the simple things. And in a world that can often feel a little unpredictable and rough, Becky's words aim to bring calm and kindness to help us weather the storm.Including the poems 'Like a Girl', 'Could You?' and 'Handle with Care', Becky writes in a way that helps us feel less alone and more at peace with ourselves.

  • von Joe Ortiz
    17,00 €

    Joe Ortiz gave up writing poetry in 1974 "in order to learn how to speak." Now he writes an occasional verse, convinced that, for him, mastering the art of speaking is impossible. Ortiz, co-owner of Gayle's Bakery, will publish a bread-baking book with Prentice Hall Press sometime this year. He also writes on restaurants for The Sun.Poems that lead to the song lyrics and musical productions.

  • von Dolores M. Miller
    23,00 €

    From the Author and Beautiful Warrior: The year that Carolyn died, I thought I had already seen everything that was difficult in this journey we call life. Her suicide was like a slap into my reality. Mental illness robs one of their logic. Even in my hardest times; I had my logical mind to help me rise above very difficult obstacles. If I had only one message to convey to my readers, it is compassion. Please share in the compassion my heart wants to express for the suffering during Carolyn's illness. Let's open our minds and hearts, not with judgments when we don't understand, but with kindness and love. We can be a "Heart Mender" for each other. Beautiful Warrior Poetry & Prose is a book consisting of poetry and prose about different aspects of my life. It shows that we all have similarities and differences, but most of all it shows beauty and insight into the Warrior Spirit that the author believes is in all of us - Did you see her?... Take the time to find her... Did you see her? That beautiful warrior of light. Who has eyes that blaze like amethysts... The light from them has burned through the darkness. She can see a new horizon.

  • von Annalee Schade
    34,00 €

    This book is a compilation of poems that I wrote throughout myhighschool years. Most of the poems I wrote as a way of getting mythoughts organized, to try and come up with an answer to a question, or as a way to express myself. The poems were also a way to get people thinking. Some of these poems were more personal, trying to use words to express a feeling. The majority of them were me just trying to explore thoughts, concepts, and imagery.I decided to get my poems published as a way to touch people'shearts. To inspire others like me, young authors, and those who struggle with mental disabilities, learning disabilities, or both. It can feel daunting to try something that you dream of doing when it feels like you are steps behind everyone else. I hope this book can be an inspiration for at least one person to feel like they can achieve their dream or calling. This is not a book about dreams, this book is the achievement of a dream.

  • von R. Olin Jackson
    18,00 €

    As a child on a cold Christmas Eve in a country farmhouse in the early 1950s, R. Olin Jackson sat mesmerized before a crackling warm fire in the hearth at his family home in the mountains of northwest Georgia, as his father read - in a deep sonorous voice - Clement Clarke Moore's immortal "T'was The Night Before Christmas." Olin, his brother, David, and sisters Patricia and Mary were fascinated and awed by this wonderfully-lyrical work of art, just as children occasionally continue to be even today. The unique verse in Moore's poem introduced Olin to the inspirational world of that art and its poignant influences upon life.Even though he didn't know it at the time, poetry was to become incremental to Olin's life. Inspired by such masterpieces as Robert Frost's "Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening," the captivating Kipling's "If," John Greenleaf Whittier's "The Barefoot Boy," and the incomparable Longfellow's "The Wreck of the Hesperus," Olin eventually began making lyrical attempts of his own.On the pages which follow, a handful of those efforts are presented for the reader. In these heart-felt simple works, Olin has presented a picture of, perhaps, the forces at work as one pursues his or her daily life, and further, musings of the manner in which the Almighty demonstrates to each and every one of us what truly is important in this life so fleeting. . . .

  • von Paul Hutchinson
    48,00 €

    Die Publikation widmet sich Paul Hutchinsons fotografischerArbeit aus den Jahren 2019 bis 2024. Wirsehen Bilder, die auf Fragen von Klasse anspielen,Momente von Fragilität und Rauheit, und eine Stadt,die sich selbst durch Schriftzüge auf Wänden artikuliert. Remnants bezieht sich auf eine Gruppe abstrakterArbeiten, in denen Hutchinson unbeabsichtigte Überresteabbildet, die bei der Entfernung von Graffiti anU-Bahn Wägen entstehen. Der Titel verweist außerdemauf das wachsende Gefühl eines akuten gesellschaftlichenWandels, die zunehmenden sozialen Spannungenund Hutchinsons persönliche Reflexionen, die vondiesenumfassenderen Themen durchdrungen sind. PAUL HUTCHINSON (*1987, Berlin) hinterfragt kritisch die Entwicklung sozialer Prozesse im urbanen Raum. In seiner fotografischen Praxis und in seinen Texten setzt er sich mit innerstädtischer Kultur und Bedingungen sozialer Mobilität auseinander und oszilliert dabei zwischen Dokumentation, Fiktion und Poesie. Seine Arbeiten wurden in zahlreichen Einzel- und Gruppenausstellungen gezeigt, zuletzt in der Kunst-Station Wolfsburg via Städtische Galerie Wolfsburg, während des Europäischen Monats der Fotografie Berlin und im Kunstverein Ulm. Er lebt und arbeitet in Berlin.

  • von Mikko Nevantakanen
    11,00 €

    Rankkoja riimirunoja rankoista aiheista.Kirja on omistettu Nepsy-lapsille ja heidänvanhemmilleen."Mä voin rakennella huoneessani kaikes rauhassavaikka pommia Ei ketään kiinnosta Mitä mulle kuuluu."Mikko Nevantakanen on Vaasalainen runoilija ja taiteilija.Biisit 2on hänen kuudestoista runokokoelma.

  • von Z J Galos
    12,99 €

    In Book II, poetry had been further collated that had been written during the Third Lockdown in Vienna, Austria, while the statistics of the Covid-19 pandemic showed a staggering increase in infections and deaths due to it.Pro and con corona health management filled the daily newspapers and TV debates.During this time the poet's art exhibition in downtown Vienna remained hung at Gallery Z, but visitor groups were forbidden to enter, and only individuals could visit on invitation at a prior appointment. Masks were obligatory in all public places and a general depressive mood spread throughout the communities.The poet had a good understanding with his friends, who appeared regularly on the social pages of the Internet. One still could feel a longing for hope and good wishes for staying healthy became an important regular ritual to live through this ordeal to see the turn of the pandemic tide. And yet, everybody became aware of the changing times thereafter. The poet had been blessed with his fount of memories that started to flow and provide him with many contemporary poems thanks to encouragement from friends and Muses.

  • von Eva-Maria Berg
    25,00 €

    »Eva-Maria Berg schreibt moderne Gedichte, ohne zu viel Worte, von fast schmerzhafter Präzision. Ihre Gedichte berühren nicht nur in politischer Dimension, sondern auch im ganz Persönlichen.« (Badische Zeitung)»Ihr großes Thema ist die Suche nach der Identität, die, so abgegriffen es auch klingt, Grundvoraussetzung für ein verantwortungsvolles Miteinander ist. Das gedachte Wort wird bei ihr zur Momentaufnahme, die es möglich macht, innezuhalten. Und diese Ruhe strömt auch aus ihren Gedichten.« (Stuttgarter Nachrichten)

  • von Renier-Fréduman Mundil
    17,99 €

    Ein 30-jähriger Bankangestellter (Zyman) nimmt sich in seiner Freizeit den Nöten seiner Mitmenschen an. Darüber kommt er mit einer jungen Frau (Jenny) in Kontakt, einer Prostituierten, die er zunächst als Hilfsmittel benötigt. In Rückblenden, die in einem eigenen sprachlichen Stil gehalten sind und in vergangene Zeiten entrücken, werden die Wurzeln der beiden Personen, vor mehreren Jahrhunderten in Europa beginnend und irgendwann nach Amerika übergesprungen, beschrieben, bis Jennys Wurzellinie in einer dramatisch eskalierenden Situation in Asien endet. An wenigen Stellen sind einige allgemein gehaltene Ausführungen eingeflochten, da es sich auch um eine beschreibende Darstellung verschiedener Erscheinungsformen der körperlichen Liebe, der Sexualität handelt, in die wir alle mehr oder weniger dicht eingehüllt sind.

  • 13% sparen
    von Sami Antero Nygrén
    38,00 €

    Kahden vanhan kirjan kokoomateos uusintapainoksena. Tule matkalle, jossa kerron ensimmäisessä kirjassa tuntemuksistani nuoren serkkuni kuolemasta. Jonka kirjoittamisen aikana kävin Tampereen seurakuntien sururyhmässä. Itkusta ei ollut tulla loppua.Toinen kirja taas kertoo tarinan rakkaudenkaipuusta. Välillä rakkaudenkaipuukin on hukassa. Kun se löytyy. Ja kohdekin vaihtuu välillä. Ei aina tarvitse kaivata yhtä ja ainoaa.

  • von Marius Prévot
    16,90 €

    Ein großartiges Buch für alle, die in deutscher und/oder spanischer Sprache Freude an neuzeitlicher Poesie und Prosa haben. Ein Buch, das am Meer beginnt und dort endet. Passend zu Tagen, an denen der Wind eine leichte Meeresbrise vorzugaukeln vermag, mit dessen Gedanken und Texten man sich gerne ans Wasser begibt, sich vom Wohlklang der Worte und der üppigen Vielfalt poetischer Bilder wiegen lässt, als betrachte man die Brandung des Meeres. Un gran libro para cualquiera que disfrute con la poesía y la prosa contemporáneas en alemán y/o español. Un libro que empieza junto al mar y termina allí. Adecuado para los días en que el viento brisa marina, cuyos pensamientos y textos dan ganas de ir al como si contemplaras el oleaje del mar, el agua, el melodioso sonido de las palabras y la exuberante exuberante variedad de imágenes poéticas.

  • von María Alejandra Benavent
    11,52 €

    Soul-Soothing PoetryOftentimes, the wounds of the world weigh heavily on the mind. If compounded by personal challenges, they are likely to become a source of draining anxiety and despair. Against such a bleak backdrop, this lyrical journey attempts to highlight the self-affirming qualities which poetry can display. Inspired by Mother Nature¿s divine beauty, I have done my utmost to turn these pages into a source of solace, courage, hope and serendipity.May this book entice my fellow travelers to seek and find harmony in their souls and to share their light with the universe.María Alejandra Benavent

  • von Enrique García Guasco
    57,00 €

    ¿Cuántos infiernos existen?La pregunta sobre cuántos infiernos existen no tiene una respuesta sencilla. Se trata de un dilema que invita a una profunda reflexión y análisis. En la búsqueda de una respuesta, nos enfrentamos a la comprensión de que todos los infiernos son, en última instancia, uno solo: aquel que reside dentro de nosotros mismos.En esta perspectiva, cada individuo lleva consigo su propio infierno, moldeado por sus experiencias, temores y angustias. Es un espacio íntimo y personal, donde las sombras se entrelazan con la luz, y donde los demonios internos luchan por dominar la voluntad.El viaje de la vida se convierte entonces en un viaje iniciático, una travesía en la que enfrentamos nuestros propios demonios y buscamos escapar de las cadenas que nos atan a nuestro propio infierno. A través de la introspección y el autoconocimiento, buscamos redimirnos y encontrar la paz interior.En este sentido, el viaje de la vida se convierte en un proceso de transformación, un camino hacia la libertad y la redención. Nos permite trascender nuestros propios límites y encontrar la verdadera esencia de nuestro ser.La poesía, con su poderosa capacidad para explorar las profundidades del alma humana, se erige como la vía más segura y reveladora para analizar los infiernos individuales y descubrir las puertas de escape que nos permiten trascenderlos. En un mundo lleno de complejidades y ambigüedades, la poesía ofrece un lenguaje simbólico y evocador que traspasa las barreras del pensamiento lineal y nos sumerge en el abismo de nuestras propias emociones y experiencias.Cada individuo enfrenta sus propios círculos del infierno, moldeados por sus vivencias, traumas y luchas internas. La poesía, con su capacidad de expresar lo inefable y lo inexpresable, nos brinda un espacio seguro para explorar estas oscuras profundidades y dar voz a nuestros demonios más ocultos y perversos. A través de metáforas, imágenes y símbolos, la poesía nos permite articular el dolor, la angustia y el conflicto que yacen en lo más profundo de nuestro ser.Sin embargo, lo más fascinante de la poesía es que no ofrece respuestas definitivas ni soluciones preconcebidas. Cada lector interpreta y experimenta los versos de manera única, encontrando en ellos reflejos de sus propios círculos del infierno y descubriendo las puertas de escape que resuenan con su propia verdad interior. Es un viaje subjetivo y personal, donde las palabras se convierten en guías en el laberinto de la existencia humana.Así, la poesía se revela como una herramienta invaluable para la exploración del alma y la búsqueda de la redención. A través de sus versos, encontramos la libertad de confrontar nuestros miedos más profundos y la esperanza de encontrar la luz en medio de la oscuridad. En un mundo donde la verdad es esquiva y el camino hacia la salvación es incierto, la poesía se erige como un faro de esperanza y un refugio para el alma errante.

  • von Enrique García Guasco
    59,00 €

    A poetic anthology that presents a vision of the public and private hells to which human beings are exposed throughout their lives. A book containing an anthology in edition: Piedmontese-English, Veneto-English and Breton-English. How many hells exist? The question of how many hells exist does not have a simple answer. It is a dilemma that invites deep reflection and analysis. In the search for an answer, we are faced with the understanding that all hells are ultimately one: the one that resides within ourselves.In this perspective, each individual carries their own hell, shaped by their experiences, fears, and anxieties. It is an intimate and personal space, where shadows intertwine with light, and where internal demons struggle to dominate the will.The journey of life then becomes an initiatory journey, a passage in which we confront our own demons and seek to escape the chains that bind us to our own hell. Through introspection and self-knowledge, we seek redemption and find inner peace.In this sense, the journey of life becomes a process of transformation, a path towards freedom and redemption. It allows us to transcend our own limits and find the true essence of our being.Poetry, with its powerful ability to explore the depths of the human soul, stands as the safest and most revealing way to analyze individual hells and discover the escape routes that allow us to transcend them. In a world full of complexities and ambiguities, poetry offers a symbolic and evocative language that transcends the barriers of linear thought and plunges us into the abyss of our own emotions and experiences.Each individual faces their own circles of hell, shaped by their experiences, traumas, and internal struggles. Poetry, with its ability to express the ineffable and the inexpressible, provides us with a safe space to explore these dark depths and give voice to our most hidden and perverse demons. Through metaphors, images, and symbols, poetry allows us to articulate the pain, anguish, and conflict that lie deep within our being.However, the most fascinating thing about poetry is that it does not offer definitive answers or preconceived solutions. Each reader interprets and experiences the verses uniquely, finding in them reflections of their own circles of hell and discovering the escape routes that resonate with their own inner truth. It is a subjective and personal journey, where words become guides in the labyrinth of human existence.Thus, poetry reveals itself as an invaluable tool for the exploration of the soul and the search for redemption. Through its verses, we find the freedom to confront our deepest fears and the hope of finding light amidst the darkness. In a world where truth is elusive and the path to salvation is uncertain, poetry stands as a beacon of hope and a refuge for the wandering soul.The poetry in this collection delves into a mysterious world where words become spells, where everyday curses are the bread of every day. With a reminiscent touch of ancient Gypsy and Egyptian formulas, and even a hint of African wisdom, these compositions take us through a dark yet fascinating journey. Perhaps the most notable aspect of this work is its ability to transform the mundane into something magical and enigmatic, revealing the hidden beauty in the ordinary. An intriguing collection that challenges traditional poetic conventions and invites us to explore the mysteries of the universe through its enchanted verses, at least, that's what I intend for it to be now before your eyes.

  • von Kyra Ziel
    33,00 €

    Introducing Perfectly Timeless Timing, a collection of poetry and a reading experience that can lift you out of your everyday limits in time, on a remarkable journey through certain human, natural and mysterious realities, when a sense of timelessness takes over and the ordinary can suddenly become the extraordinary.Perfectly Timeless Timing offers up not just an absorbing and sometimes rousing experience, but also a calming and inspiring one. And, it does that by way of covering a variety of subjects and themes. In this book of poetry, read poems dealing purposefully with family, places, nature, animals and country life. Read heartbreaking and touching poetry about death, loss, grief, hope and...redemption.When you open and begin reading Perfectly Timeless Timing, you may begin to feel as though you left the bounds of time, while moving through certain natural realms found nestling deep in realms of the heart. Then, expect to discover fascinating observations and intimate stories of the human experience. And, even expect to digest some provocative speculation and inquiry. Let go and let powerful and vivid imagery, lyrical storytelling and clever wordplay transport you, as you read.

  • von Kamal Parmar
    22,00 €

    Kamal Parmar wields her soft satin words with the velvet sword of compassion and understanding in "Vanishing Into The Blue", her 3rd book of poetry. There is a quiet eloquence to the poetry within these pages. She gently places words on paper to paint images on the canvas of our mind and Kamal's vivid expressionism opens the doors of imagination to microcosmic and macrocosmic universes. This wonderful, soothing collection of poems is salve for the mind and sooth for the soul. - Candice James, Poet Laureate Emerita, City of New Westminster, BC and author of 'Behind the One-Way Mirror".

  • von Shirley E O'Toole
    23,00 €

    This collection of poetry reflects on Myth, magic and Mother NatureLifeLove and LustPolitics and Power

  • von Johnathon Siering
    10,00 - 25,00 €

  • von Cole William Hartin
    17,00 - 29,00 €

  • von Shaun Denooyer
    21,00 €

    Explore a sweeping, unflinching look at the profound depths of the pride of man--the wellspring of the waters of depravity. In Four, you will find, smeared across page after page of four momentous works: introspective, image-heavy poetry of the wicked desires of man's worldly striving, and his need for regeneration and shepherding; the author himself groping in the darkness of thirty-two years of unregenerate passions by way of an autobiographical prose-poem; a visionary poem about man entrenched in the depravities of a technological society; and an uncommon, prose-poem narrative of those, in ancient times, seeking to escape death. Immerse yourself in four works that speak, through visionary poetry, autobiography, and poetic narrative, of man's prideful trajectory--and discover the only hope one has against such an aimless course: Jesus Christ.

  • von Sarah M. White
    20,00 - 31,00 €

  • von Michael O'Leary
    37,00 €

    Excerpt from Introduction by Iain Sharp: "Irishness, Maoritanga, proudly held working-class values, rock 'n' roll, buses, trains, ferries, Baudelaire - you'll find them all in this book. Moods vary from poem to poem, as you would expect from a lifetime's work. Inevitably, there are moments of sadness and a deep anger at social inequities underlies some of the satire. Yet what strikes me most when I leaf through Michael's collected poems is how often the tone is celebratory. What prompts Michael to write? I think he's driven by a need to pay homage to the people (whether pop stars, pals or partners), places and times he's loved. There's an inextinguishable joyousness at the heart of Michael's work that makes reading him an upbeat and uplifting experience."

  • von Adriana Ochoa
    15,00 €

    Prompted. is a short collection of poetry based on prompts given by friends and family. There are poems based on fantasy as well as drawn upon real life experiences, and a mixture of both.

  • von Stephen Roxborough
    21,00 €

    Former kid, current codger, Stephen Roxborough has learned a few things and survived the plotline to come back with another collection of Beat-infused jazz-smoked-hymnblast-meditations, and rants on the lost arts of patience, with all the vacillations, and ambivalences of aging.Geoff Inverarity, Author of All the Broken Things

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