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  • von Ambreetta Stephens
    33,00 €

    Hello Somebody" is a captivating collection of non-fiction poetry and prose by the talented Ambreetta Stephens and her late father, Anthony Stephens, Sr. Through her raw and unfiltered words, Ambreetta takes readers on a journey into the depths of human emotion. With a unique blend of vulnerability and strength, this collection explores love, laughter, and the complexities of life. Each poem and prose piece within the book is a testament to Ambreetta's ability to touch the soul, ensuring that every reader can connect to at least one page, one story, or one line. "Hello Somebody" is an intimate portrayal of Ambreetta's true essence, inviting readers to discover a little piece of themselves within her words. As you immerse yourself in Ambreetta's Stephens' world, may you find the courage to live unapologetically and embrace the beautifully complex tapestry of life. This book is a powerful and inspiring testament to the human spirit, inviting you to embrace the journey and connect with the raw emotions within its pages.

  • von Jonas Zdanys
    20,00 €

    This latest book by Jonas Zdanys continues his multi-volume exploration of some potentials of the lyrical-narrative voice in poetry. This volume probes the epiphanic moments revealed by the lyrical voice and the human stories celebrated by the narrative impulse, both within and surrounding moments of immediate insight. The poems in this collection reflect those dual patterns, often taking the reader beyond set expectations and moving to more chaotic frameworks made possible by surrealist and magical realist perspectives. In doing so, Zdanys continues to present the world as an unbound frame where all things can be imagined and where human experience is not limited merely to the familiar. That has been an organizing thematic principle of several of his earlier books. It finds particular reaffirmation in this volume, which speaks through vivid imagery and textured language to present the contours of the immediate world lit by the poetic imagination and what it may mean to be human in it. "Zdanys is as close to consistently revealing luminosity as anyone." World Literature Today

  • von Darlene Ewers
    34,00 - 44,00 €

  • von V. C. Myers
    22,00 €

    This world is still the only one we have. V.C. Myers understands that humanity's confidence will be its downfall, but that doesn't stop the poems in this book from celebrating all the wonder we've yet to lose. In reverant elegy, these pages exalt a dying planet casting its last coins to the well."Myers' poems are timely in their depiction of Appalachia's environmental devastation, and she writes movingly about hard times, past and present, of the region's inhabitants, but she also shows us beauty too, not only in her evocations of nature but, even more impressively, in the beauty of her language."-Ron Rash, Poet and Author of 2009 PEN/Faulkner finalist and New York Times bestseller Serena and Above the Waterfall

  • von Michael J. McPherson III
    17,00 €

    This book is a collection of poems written over the span of several years, including my time at a group home and a juvenile detention center. The contents are meant to, as the title suggests, tell my story, describe my struggle through mental and physical health problems, and be a starting point for my eventual and overall success in life. Feeling physically stuck due to health problems, weighed down from the expectations of others, battles with faith, and the simple consistency of the question why--these are all things I may encounter in a single day. It is also meant to show others struggling with depression, anger, trauma, or any sort of mental health difficulties know that they are not alone, that whatever they are going through can be overcome, and that regardless of their struggles, they all have potential for success. This book and the poems within show a broad range of emotions that I have personally experienced throughout my life. These emotions range from despair, numbness, depression, anxiety, anger, and fear, to love and joy. This book encompasses my struggles as a person and my view on the world and the things in it. I believe this book has the potential to save and change lives, as well as to be the starting point for change and positivity in my life and yours. Fulton Books and my family have both given me a chance to tell my story to the world. Now it's time that I must ask, will you?

  • von David P. Cresap
    17,00 €

    This Anthology is the first in a series which contain "Transcribed Rhymes". The poems in this collection are "Heard Words", not unlike the song writer who simply writes down the tune he or she hears, in his or her mind, and the artist who applies paint to the canvas of the picture he or she envisions.These poems were given and received as a window, through which to view and clarify thoughts and moments, regarding experiences of life. The subjects are universal in nature, in that, they are applicable to the vagaries of the lives of the many readers, who are then able to apply the poem's teachings to their own situation. If applied, this teaching window could become a door.

  • von Carrie Bell Harrell-Winns
    22,00 - 32,00 €

  • von Stacey C. Johnson
    25,00 - 33,00 €

  • von Sharon R. Chace
    37,00 €

    Strengthening Hearts and Minds is a book of poetry that is implicitly spiritual. Without mentioning God, there is a pervading feeling that all people are equal in God's sight. Children of all backgrounds and ethnicities and with all types of interests, from basketball to art to cooking, are affirmed and therefore are strengthened in hearts and minds. This book firmly puts forth the notion that cultural diversity underscores the value of all children, and is a must-read for parents from all over the world.

  • von C. L. Brown
    22,00 €

    "C.L. Brown is changing the world one brilliant and authentic poetic word at a time." - Kimberly Elise, American Actress"Rupi Kaur and Gabbie Hanna lovers will bow to this trilogy of poetry by C.L. Brown" - Chelsea Girard, Book ReviewerNectar is a thoughtful and transcendent journey through spiritual growth, self-discovery, and the healing ways of love. Divided into three chapters, Guide of Life, Chrysalis, and Ambrosia, this collection of poems celebrates Spirit in its many forms.Perhaps God is,as I AM,a tormented soulfinding solace within itself.It is a celebration of uncontaminated affection.Permit me stay between your lips,and I'll prove to youthe soul has no needfor the waste of trees.The reader will be taken on an unguided tour along three paths that so many of us find ourselves on at one time, or another; three seemingly separate journies, all leading to one place, love.I must have lived a few lifetimes before this.Because this love I carry for you,it induces a sense of nostalgia for a time and a placeI've only seen bits and pieces ofimmersed in your soft, unyielding, eyes.And from listening to the way it speaks of youwith such clarity and wisdom,I know it is very well acquainted with age.So, hello, my everlasting!I am dying to live you, again.

  • von Courage A. Lowrance
    16,00 - 27,00 €

  • von GrafdeMC GrafdeMC
    39,90 €

    Gedichte und Gedanken - eines hoffnungsvoll GescheitertenDas Leben nimmt mitunter einen sehr kuriosen, teilweise dramatischen, fulminanten und vor allem immer einen dynamischen Verlauf.Jedes Leben ist einzigartig. Jeder Mensch ist einzigartig. Jeder Mensch besitzt einzigartige Talente.Die Krankheit und Gesundheit des Menschen ist einzigartig. Was richtig und falsch ist für den Weg eines Menschen, ist einzigartig. Der Weg eines jeden Menschen ist einzigartig. Deswegen kann dieses Buch kein Ratgeber o.ä. sein. Es ist kein Ratgeber. Es übernimmt keine Haftung.Dieses Buch ist eine Ode an die Freiheit und an die Liebe des Menschen. Das Universum und die Natur sind frei und deswegen ist der Mensch, der hierin wohnt, auch frei. Die Gedanken sind frei.Alles besteht aus Schwingungen und Energie. Die Energie wird harmonisch, wenn die Liebe die vorrangige Schwingung eines Menschen ist oder wird.Dieses Buch beschreibt einige Schwingungen. Die meisten sind hoffentlich harmonisch. Vielleicht entsteht aus den niedergeschriebenen positiven, harmonischen Schwingungen eine anmutende Melodie. Sie entscheiden alleine. Ich hoffe.

  • von Pascal Verbaere
    13,00 €

    Petite Jacqueline porte bien son nom de naissance : Grand.Grand comme son courage, Grand comme son amour.Petit n'est pas le remords de ses fils : ils ne lui ont pas permis, comme le chantait Jean Ferrat, de "mourir debout, au soleil".Mais le tourment s'atténue avec la dispersion des cendresen pleine nature.Ils aiment à danser sur la poussière et l'adieu écarquille les yeux :le bercement de la mémoire de leur petite maman immense d'amour s'est éloigné du mur pour s'accomplir dans l'azur.

  • von Charles De Kay
    27,00 €

  • von Rowan Michaels
    41,00 €

    In their third poetry collection, Rowan explores the contrasting worlds of everyday life and their wildest imaginations. The highs and lows of modern life are represented by day and night, boundaries separating the real from the unreal. Love and loss, loneliness and desire will guide the reader through the meandering trails of the mountains, pausing at scenic views to see the beauty in between virtue or vice.This collection is part autobiographical and part fantastical, struggling with the distinction between the two. With the natural serenity of the ancient Appalachian mountains as the backdrop, these poems attempt to mend the reader's own fantasies through common understanding and good relations.

  • von Baptiste François
    13,00 €

    Esprit SublimeComment sublimer le visible, l'invisible et le subtil ?Entre métaphores culinaires et poésies,entre anecdotes historiques ou personnelles,voici mes confidences issues de mes expériencesvécues au pied d'alambic(ou d'un four ou d'une voiture),le nez dans ces volcans.Passer la main avant d'y laisser un doigt.Savoir terminer quand il est temps.Transmettre un bon état d'esprit.Et continuer à vivre ma vie,d'Amour et d'eau fraîche.Baptiste FRANÇOIS

  • von Susanna Sedlmeier
    20,99 €

    Dieses Buch ist eine Hommage an das Leben mit all seinen Facetten. Mal ist es laut, mal leise, mal lustig, mal traurig, mal herrscht Leichtigkeit, mal Tiefgang. Jede dieser Energien gehört dazu, denn all das nennt sich: Leben. Und so wie das Leben und jeder Mensch eine ganz eigene Schwingung hat, so beinhaltet auch jedes Wort eine einzigartige Energie. Ein Wort kann sich wohlig warm wie eine Umarmung anfühlen oder prickelnd wie ein Kuss. Ein Wort kann Abschied bedeuten oder gar der Startpunkt in ein neues Leben sein. Ich lade dich ein auf eine Reise in die Welt der Wortmagie. Es erwartet dich ein Buch, das dein Herz einhüllt, deiner Seele Raum und deinem Geist Impulse für dein Leben gibt. Denn das schönste Geschenk, das wir uns selbst machen können, ist der eigenen Seelenstimme zu lauschen und ihr zu folgen.

  • von Mélanie Courtois
    8,00 €

    Quelques mots d'amour, quelques bulles de love à s'offrir ou à offrir.

  • von Patrick Édène
    13,00 €

  • von Frederike Heyer-Bellmann
    9,99 - 13,99 €

  • von Mikko Nevantakanen
    11,00 €

    "Nykyään ymmärrän paremmin kaloja niiden hiljaista osaamerta johon on upotettu niin paljon."Vuorilla kukkivat lumikukat on Vaasalaisen Mikko Nevantakasenviidestoista runokokoelma.

  • von Mikko Nevantakanen
    15,00 €

    "Van Gogh tuskin olisipitänyt taikatempustajossa vedetään kolikkokorvasta."Ouroboros on hakukonerunoutta.

  • 12% sparen
    von Maria Mertakorpi
    28,00 €

    Sydämenhakkuuaukea on tumma satu, tutkielma naiseudesta pimeine ja valoisine puolineen, poikkeuksellinen rakkaustarina ja järisyttävä kertomus maailmanlopusta. Tinkimättömässä esikoisteoksessa aikakaudet sekoittuvat toisiinsa, mahdottomasta tulee mahdollista, ja tämän ajan kauhut kietoutuvat alkukantaisiin, ikiaikaisiin pelkoihin.Maria Mertakorven apokalyptisissa runoissa loppu on vääjäämätön ja elämä haurasta, mutta toivo kasvaa pimeimpienkin aikojen varjoista.

  • von Claudia Dathe
    17,50 €

    Sechzehn DichterInnen schreiben Lyrik in einem Land im Krieg.Gedichte von Victoria Amelina, Jurij Bondartschuk, Daryna Gladun, Ljuba Jakymtschuk, Ella Jewtuschenko, Oleh Kadanow, Kateryna Kalytko, Iya Kiva, Pawlo Korobtschuk, Kateryna Michalizyna, Lesyk Panasiuk, Tania Rodionova, Grigory Semenchuk, Iryna Shuvalova, Olena Stepanenko, Iryna TsilykÜBERSETZT von Irina Bondas, Claudia Dathe, Ganna Gnedkova, Angela Huber, Beatrix Kersten, Chrystyna Nazarkewytsch, Michael Pietrucha, Ulrike Almut Sandig, Bohdan Storocha, Jakob Walosczyk

  • von Ida Gerhardt
    18,00 €

    Ida Gerhardt, 1905-1997, war Altphilologin und arbeitete als Lehrerin. Ihre Entwicklung als Dichterin vollzog sich abseits der literarischen Moden, ihre Orientierung am Formenkanon der europäischen neuzeitlichen und der antiken Dichtung bilden eine Konstante ihres Werkes. Thematisch finden darin u.a. ihre unglückliche Kindheit und Jugend, Krieg und Vertreibung, Liebe und Abschied, die holländische Landschaft, auch poetologische Fragen zueinander. Zwar bekam sie bereits für ihren zweiten Gedichtband eine Auszeichnung, ihr Werk fand jedoch erst allmählich breitere Anerkennung. Erst im Alter wurden ihr zwei hohe literarische Auszeichnungen zugesprochen, der Preis für Meisterschaft 1979 und der P.C.-Hooft-Preis1980, beide für ihr Gesamtwerk.

  • von Stephen Robert Sutton
    24,00 €

    This book is a collection of my poetry over the years inspired by the life I have led, working in the care setting and travelling all over the world. I hope you enjoy my work and may find it useful to use in the right settings, for instance 'Those in grief' has been used in funerals. My life has been rather colourful to say the least and I have been in a few situations, facing danger and adventure bringing me to the present day. Now at sixty-five, I can reflect on this and laugh at the funny events and sigh with relief at actually surviving other situations. I consider each event as a blip in my life and nothing more, yes, I do have nightmare from my worst experiences as a teenager but I just thank God that I survived to tell the tale. These poems also reflect society as it is today around the world including hate crime, racism, sexism, homophobia and much more

  • von Ronnie Brenner
    16,00 - 20,00 €

  • von Justice
    69,00 €

    A compilation of raw and unfiltered poetry from the perspective of a man called Justice.

  • von Marjorie Tadeo Aglugub
    12,00 - 31,00 €

  • von Dee Allen
    22,00 €

    In Winter 2007, a full-time college student broke 7 years of writer's block by writing a new poem, generated while reading Martin Luther King's Letter from Birmingham Jail for English homework at City College of San Francisco's main campus library. His little poem led to filling a hardcover black notebook with a full rushing cascade of penned poetry. He named his notebook Crimson Stain. Oakland performance poet Dee Allen gives us Crimson Stain-a collection brimming with a plethora of divergent themes that re-ignited his long-lost passion for writing: Worldwide spread of blood diamonds from Africa, activism, real estate gentrification, homelessness, political prisoners, war, Islamophobia, dedication to a viceless life, love for underground culture, abuses from the police and much more.

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