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  • von Geraldine McCaughrean & Geoffrey Chaucer
    13,00 - 20,00 €

    A lively re-telling of the medieval classic.One fine spring day, thirty pilgrims set off from Harry Bailey's inn in Southwark for the shrine of Thomas A Becket in Canterbury. The innkeeper makes an offer that none of the travellers can refuse: a free dinner at his inn, on their return, to the person who can tell the best story. So begins the assortment of tales from such varied characters as the Knight, the Wife of Bath, the Miller and many more.

  • - - en digtsamling om stress
    von Jette Louise Flensburg
    9,98 €

    Der findes mange fagbøger om stress, og til trods for at viden om årsager, konsekvenser og behandling vokser, så stiger antallet af stressramte mennesker. "Fra indersiden af arbejdslivet" er en poetisk historie om en livsomvæltende stressbelastning. Det er en hverdagsnær skildring af tanker og følelser hos et menneske under pres fra denne tids arbejdsliv. Poesiens sprog supplerer det, vi ved om stress, med en dybere forståelse for og indføling med det at være menneske - i et arbejdsliv som ikke længere er sundt - som kilde til at forebygge og hele skader fra stress.

  • von Henrik S. Holck
    13,00 €

    Digtsamlingen beskriver i 4 satser en klassisk udviklingsrejse fra mørke til lys. Er kanoniseret af Professor F.J. Billeskov Jansen i DEN DANSKE LYRIK Bind V. "Henrik S. Holcks debut "Vi må være som alt" ligner stadig væk intet andet i samtidens poesi: så stærkt og klart og purt, "så løvfint", burde det slet ikke være muligt at skrive; her kulminerer firserdigtningen i nådesløs uskyld to år før årtiet begynder, her udkonkurreres meddebutanterne Strunge og Jac med legende, fint ciseleret lethed, her er et hovedværk i dansk litteratur skrevet af en 16-årig mester, "så nøgenfuldt/så alt for smukt." Lars Bukdahl 2006

  • von Joseph Brodsky
    31,00 €

    The poems of the legendary Nobel Laureate, in one volume at last One of the greatest and grandest advocates of the literary vocation, Joseph Brodsky truly lived his life as a poet, and for it earned eighteen months in an Arctic labor camp, expulsion from his native country, and the Nobel Prize in Literature. Such were one man''s wages. Here, collected for the first time, are all the poems he published in English, from his earliest collaborations with Derek Walcott, Richard Wilbur, Howard Moss, and Anthony Hecht to the moving farewell poems he wrote near the end of his life. With nearly two hundred poems, several of them never before published in book form, this will be the essential volume of Brodsky''s work.

  • von r.h. Sin & Robert M. Drake
    17,00 €

    From the authors of The New York Times bestseller Empty Bottles Full of Stories comes a brand-new collection of compelling poetry and prose.

  • von Laura Ding-Edwards
    29,00 €

    "A day is not a lifetime, a rest is not defeat, don't think of it as failure, just a quiet, kind retreat" - The MountainTackling mental health, relationships, bullying, body image, hate, love and everything in between; this first collection of poetry and prose from Laura Ding-Edwards focusses on the importance of being human, in its rawest, purest forms; this book doesn't have the answers to our most intricate complexities, but it does reassure you that you are only human, after all. Feedback from Followers"Woven within her evocative words are teachings that give life to the places within us only few dare to breathe""Like having a best friend sit quietly beside you and whisper 'everything will be ok'""Your words have more impact than you know; they have saved my life at times"

  • von L E Bowman
    24,00 €

    The Evolution of a Girl, penned by the talented L E Bowman, is a captivating journey that readers won't forget. Published in 2019 by Black Castle Media Group, Inc., this book has quickly become a must-read in its genre. The Evolution of a Girl is a testament to Bowman's ability to weave an intricate narrative that leaves readers on the edge of their seats, always craving for more. The book's genre is an amalgamation of various elements, making it a unique read that caters to a wide array of readers. Published by Black Castle Media Group, Inc., it's a testament to their commitment to bringing quality literature to the world. This book is a must-have for any avid reader. Don't miss out on this literary gem.

  • von George Long
    18,00 €

    The profundity and spirit of Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius is brought out superbly in this edition of the Meditations, translated by George Long.All twelve books are present, complete with original footnotes which help to clarify and explain the meanings behind the passages. Since the original text was written in Greek after the spirit of many classical philosophers, an index of Greek terminology is also included at the conclusion for the benefit of the reader. The spirit of Stoicism, whereby Marcus Aurelius details a lifetime spent cultivating good habits, manners, attitude and evenness of temperament are laid out upon these pages evocatively. Many of the pages are thought to have been written at Sirmium, during periods of military planning. It is a strongly autobiographical text; each book focuses upon a different time - from upbringing to youth to maturity. The writing is famously frank, clear and honest - with none of the superiority or pretense one might expect of an Emperor of Rome.

  • von Diane Parker
    21,00 €

    From an early age, Ive enjoyed writing poetry, as I have found inspiration from daily life and the events that shaped it. I would like to share my experiences with others.

  • 17% sparen
    - Lyrics and More
    von Iggy Pop
    26,00 €

    James Newell Osterberg Jr., better known by his stage name Iggy Pop, is an American singer, songwriter and musician, widely acknowledged as the "The Godfather of Punk". From Raw Power to Lust for Life, he has written a number of influential albums and iconic singles both as the vocalist of The Stooges and as a solo artist who collaborated with David Bowie, Debbie Harry, Alice Cooper and many more.

  • von Aliki Barnstone
    30,00 €

    The Shambhala Anthology of Women''s Spiritual Poetry celebrates the unique spiritual life of women through a rich selection of poetry written over the past four thousand years, from thirty-six different languages and cultures. It ranges from verse by the first recorded poet, a Sumerian priestess named Enheduanna (circa 2,300 BCE), to Anne Sexton; from early Buddhist nuns to Emily Dickinson; from Hildegard of Bingen to Tess Gallagher. Many of the translations are from distinguished authors and poets, such as Coleman Barks, Samuel Beckett, Stanley Kunitz, W. S. Merwin, Kenneth Rexroth, Arthur Waley, and Richard Wilbur. In this book (originally published as Voices of Light), the spiritual impulse is expressed broadly as a visionary quest toward self-realization, as well as the desire for union with God, with the source of divine light, with a mystic lover, or with the source of nature. Many of the poets here also remind us that the spiritual is within everyone and unites us through empathy with the suffering and joy of others—a poetry of witness. Contributors include: Anne Bradstreet, Sappho, Sylvia Plath, Hildegard of Bingen, Yosano Akiko, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Tess Gallagher, Anne Sexton, Beatrice of Nazareth, Carolyn Forché, Mary: Mother of Jesus, Denise Levertov, Emily Dickinson, H.D., Linda Hogan, Charlotte Brontë, Louise Erdrich, Lucille Clifton, Anna Akhmatova, Marianne Moore, Mechthild of Magdeburg, Praxilla, Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, and many others.

  • von Emily Bronte
    20,00 €

  • von Anne Bronte
    17,00 €

  • von Percy Bysshe Shelley
    61,00 €

  • von Erin Hanson
    19,00 €

  • von Erin Hanson
    19,00 €

    This book is an anthology of poems from 2012 - 2014. It includes poems from my website: All poems by Erin Hanson Cover art by Aimee Hanson

  • von Hafiz
    31,00 €

  • von Sabrina Benaim
    17,00 €

    Depression & Other Magic Tricks is the debut book by Sabrina Benaim, one of the most-viewed performance poets of all time, whose poem ''Explaining My Depression to My Mother'' has become a cultural phenomenon with over 50,000,000 views. Depression & Other Magic Tricks explores themes of mental health, love, and family. It is a documentation of struggle and triumph, a celebration of daily life and of living. Benaim''s wit, empathy, and gift for language produce a work of endless wonder.

  • 10% sparen
    von Ramsalte
    24,00 €

    En ung mand vender hjem til den stråtækkede gård ude på landet. Efter fem år i udenrigsfart at have sejlet de syv verdenshave tynde vender han hjem igen til en verden der synes at være gået i stå. Han føler som det var i går han tog ud i den store verden - han ser de samme ansigter, hører de samme stemmer og den samme gamle snak. Det er som en verden der er frosset i tiden, en verden uden liv, en verden uden sjæl. For første gang i sit unge liv føler han sig alene og meget hjemløs.

  • 10% sparen
    von Ramsalte
    24,00 €

    Jeg blev født på en kold dag i en tid hvor alt endnu ikke helt var prøvet og i en tid hvor der stadig var forskel på ondt og på godt og hvor stolthed og ære endnu stod for noget.

    13,00 €

    A fully revised translation of the great collection of Norse-Icelandic mythological and heroic poetry known as the Poetic Edda, containing the narratives of the creation of the world and the coming of Ragnarok, the Doom of the Gods. Gods, giants, and human heroes populate the poems. This edition includes three new poems.

  • von Allen Ginsberg
    15,00 €

    Visionary poet Allen Ginsberg was one of the most influential cultural and literary figures of the 20th century, his face and political causes familiar to millions who had never even read his poetry. And yet he is a figure that remains little understood, especially how a troubled young man became one of the intellectual and artistic giants of the postwar era. He never published an autobiography or memoirs, believing that his body of work should suffice. The Essential Ginsberg attempts a more intimate and rounded portrait of this iconic poet by bringing together for the first time his most memorable poetry but also journals, music, photographs and letters, much of it never before published.

  • 15% sparen
    - Selected Poems
    von Pablo Neruda
    14,00 €

    Bilingual selection of 50 of Pablo Neruda's best poems, many newly translated, with an introduction by Lawrence Ferlinghetti. This edition results from an initiative including the Neruda Estate and leading Neruda scholars and translators to produce an authoritative introduction to his work.

  • - Poems of the Sumerian High Priestess Enheduanna
    von Betty De Shong Meador
    39,00 €

    Translations of the oldest written literature to have a known author: the Inanna poems by the Sumerian high priestess Enheduanna.

  • von E. E. Cummings
    17,00 €

    "No one else has ever made avant-garde, experimental poems so attractive to both the general and the special reader."-Randall Jarrell

  • von W B Yeats
    15,00 €

    From the quiet beauty of 'The Lake Isle of Innisfree' to the apocalyptic resonance of 'The Second Coming', this collection shows the impact of a great poet whose startling relevance to our own times grows more and more evident.

  • 18% sparen
    von Marina Diamandis
    18,00 €

    For the first time, platinum-certified singer-songwriter Marina shares her singular observations of the human heart through poetry; this collection is essential.Marina's talent for powerful, evocative song lyrics finds a new outlet in her poetry. Each poem resonates with the same creative melodies and emotional depth that have made her an artistic sensation. Hailed by The New York Times for 'redefining songs about coming of age, and the aftermath, with bluntness and crafty intelligence,' Marina delves even further into trauma, youth, and the highs and lows of relationships in these profound, autobiographical poems to form a collection that transcends the boundaries of music and literature.

  • von David Lehman
    18,00 €

  • von Zara Bas
    25,00 €

    A 'heart of gold' is one marked by kindness and generosity. It's a prized possession full of hope, soft and flexible as if it were 24 carat. You're the kind of person who is willing to sacrifice for others. To go great lengths to put a smile on someone's face. But like the metal, you find yourself susceptible to being exploited for your value. In the wrong hands, your selflessness and flexible boundaries can be taken advantage of. Hearts of gold can hold a lot of pain and discouragement as a result.This fourth book by Zara Bas serves as a reminder that your kindness is a strength, not a weakness, but it deserves protection to preserve its radiant lustre. You are not just kind; you are resilient, strong, and deserving of a world that respects and cherishes the rare gift that is your heart of gold.

  • von Amanda Gorman
    18,00 €

    An inspirational journal filled with rousing quotes from Presidential inaugural poet and activist Amanda Gorman’s #1 New York Times bestsellers The Hill We Climb and Call Us What We Carry.For there is always light,If only we’re brave enough to see it,If only we’re brave enough to be it.Pulsing with hope and the fire to make change, Amanda Gorman’s poetry is a call to action. Her poems insist on the pursuit of positive change, the power of a single voice, and the universality of the human experience—that we all must come back to each other to create a better future.As the youngest presidential inaugural poet, Gorman has established herself as a dynamic wordsmith with the power to inspire. Here for the first time is a journal that invites you to actively engage with her poetry. Flip from page to page to find over fifty quotes that challenge, uplift, and prompt dreams of a bright future, with an occasional poem reprinted in its entirety.With vibrant, graphic designs, this journal provides readers an opportunity to consider their own influence on their communities, their dreams for the future, and the plans for positive change that are available within all of us.

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