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Lokale Geschichte

Hier finden Sie eine Auswahl von über Lokale Geschichte spannenden Büchern zum Thema 3.671.
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  • - A History of the United States
    von Jill (Harvard University) Lepore
    20,00 €

    In the most ambitious one-volume American history in decades, award-winning historian Jill Lepore offers a magisterial account of the origins and rise of a divided nation.

  • - Øens historie indtil år 1900
    von Pia Viscor
    33,00 €

    Denne bog om Brandsøs historie starter i istiden og slutter ved år 1900. Gennem beretninger skrevet i en let stil og med mange illustrationer føres læseren gennem øens historie. Der fortælles om flint og fortidsminder, gods og grevskab, bebyggelse og beboere, jord og jagt, mose og mågeæg, skov og skole, krig og kærlighed, pest og post, skatte og smuglere, færge og fæstere, stormflod og sømænd, død og drukning, kirke og kunst, alderdom og afvikling samt meget mere. Emnerne er mangfoldige, og via beretningerne kommer øens samlede historie til at fremstå som et hele.

  • - Latinskole og den Danske skole ind til 1800
    von Torben Hansen
    18,00 €

    Denne bog fortæller om den proces, der lige efter reformationen i 1536 blev iværksat af kongen og biskopperne. De ville give bondebefolkningen og købstædernes beboere oplysning og skolegang. Derfor blev landets klosterskoler flyttet til Købstæderne, hvor undervisningen foregik på latin. Samtidig blev der "læse- og regneskoler" til dem, der ikke havde penge og evner til at komme på Latinskole, hvor undervisningen foregik på latin. Eleverne på den lokale skole blev derimod undervist på dansk. Slagelse Latinskole var blandt landets bedste skoler og dannede forbillede for andre skoler. Særligt Forstander embedet i Slagelse blev i perioder besat af landets bedste på området. Næsten modsat gik det med den "Danske skole", hvor undervisningen i perioder var fraværende. Bogen fortæller også om den meget høje standard, sang og musik havde for skolerne.

  • - 365 dage i Hammer Bakker - oplevet af Jan Holdgaard Dissing
    von Jan Holdgaard Dissing
    24,00 €

    365 daglige øjebliksbilleder fra, det smukke naturområde, Hammer Bakker, nord for Aalborg.For folk der bor i området omkring Hammer Bakker, spiller området en helt central rolle i deres liv. Bakkkerne, som de populært kaldes, er en gave for os der bor i byerne, for foden af Bakkerne. Men også langvejs fra, kommer der gæster for at opleve dette unikke stykke natur. Og det er fuldt forståeligt.Bogen er ikke en detaljeret eller historisk gennemgang af Hammer Bakker. Men en samling af øjebliksbilleder, inspireret af de smukke sort-hvide fotos i Niels Hedins klassiske bakke-bog fra 1931365 snapshots som inspiration til, at opleve det Hammer Bakker, der ligger i anden række, af de mere velkendte seværdigheder. Inspiration til at søge udenfor stierne, og gå på skattejagt i Bakkerne, der indeholder så meget mere, end man oplever, fra de mere autoriserede vandreruter. Billederne er krydret med små anekdoter, lidt historiske fakta, samt forfatterens oplevelser, mens billederne blev forevigede, samt kort, hvis man får lyst til at opleve billedmotivet i levende live.

  • von Colin Salter
    23,00 €

    A look at 100 inspiring novels that have left a significant mark on the world of literature and popular culture.

  • von Amron Gravett & Christine Robinette
    28,00 €

  • von Bo Stenson
    9,00 €

    Denna antologi sammanför ett antal berättelser om livet i Lidköping och Kållandsö i början av 1900-talet. De flesta är skrivna av Sten Gustafsson som växte upp i Lidköping och på Kållandsö och sedan var lärare i Lidköping under många år. Några är författade av Simon Granath som var sjökapten, släktforskare och amatörhistoriker.Artiklarna beskriver människor som drevs att flytta från landet och in till stan när jorden inte längre räckte till för alla och hur det sedan gick för dem. Enskilda människoöden från en släkt vävs samman med beskrivningar om livet på landet och i staden och en del av de märkliga karaktärer som fanns i bygden.Sten Gustafsson är far till och Simon Granath farbror till Bo Stenson som sammanställt denna bok. Om inte hans farfarsfar Gustaf hade misslyckats med sitt försök att utvandra till det stora landet i väster 1871 skulle många av dem som porträtteras här inte ha existerat och du som läser dessa rader inte kunnat ta dela av dessa historier.

  • von Anders Fredriksén
    31,00 €

    Stämmarsund på Blidö i Stockholms skärgård har spelat en viktig roll i Blidös historia och har betytt mycket för kommunikation, handel, skutsjöfart och kultur, både för Blidö och omkringliggande öar.Boken är en bildberättelse om Stämmarsunds historia från mitten av 1800-talet till våra dagar.

  • von Daniel Johnsson
    24,00 €

    Följ med på en spännande resa genom tiden för den lilla staden Vimmerby i de djupa skogarna i norra Småland. I bokens första kapitel får du läsa om när inlandsisen började smälta i det som skulle komma att bli södra Sverige, om Småland, Götarna och Sevede härad.

  • von Thomas Strindberg
    42,00 €

    Få saker är så mörka som en skärgårdsö på hösten. Så ruggiga som när vinden slår i träden och tränger igenom kläderna. Så läskiga som ett gammalt hus som låter när man vet att man är ensam. Vad var det egentligen som hände den där höstkvällen på Lillgården? En skrämmande händelse väcker ett intresse att ta reda på mer om Vässarös historia. Av alla historier som berättas, vad är egentligen sant? Vilka har bott på Vässarö och hur såg deras liv ut? Vem var först, och när? Och var kommer namnet ifrån?Thomas Strindberg beslutar sig för att ta reda på mer. Han tar på sig sin slitna gamla Vässarötröja och beger sig ut på en jakt runt Vässarö, ut på öarna omkring och djupt ner i arkiven. Han letar spår efter platser som försvunnit, försöker läsa gamla handlingar och träffar personer som fortfarande minns. I en jakt på en historia som alla andra har glömt.Det här är Historien om Vässarö.

  • - Global Coffee Culture and Recipes
    39,90 €

  • - Their History and Ways of Life, Volume I
    von George Bird Grinnell
    44,00 €

  • - the Unique Personal Account of a Yurok Native American Woman of Northern California
    von Lucy Thompson
    22,00 - 35,00 €

  • von Mabel Dodge Luhan
    29,00 - 33,00 €

  • von Thomas Rosenkrands
    11,00 €

    Det er så let at forfalde til mismod over de nye tider, som ikke er som 'i de gode gamle dage'. Men er det nu så skidt endda? Denne bog tager dig med på opdagelse i Durups historie. Det meste fortælles af en fiktiv person og er fiktion med et glimt i øjet, baseret på Durups virkelige historie. Sidst i bogen finder du en kronologisk opbygget faktadel, hvor de mest skelsættende begivenheder i Durups historie er listet.

  • - Billeder og beretninger fra tidligere ansatte og deres familier
    von Gitte Ahrenkiel
    28,00 €

    Denne nye udgave muliggjorde genoptryk i farver takket være støtte fra Møenbogaardfonden, januar 2014. I juni 2014 mødte fem døtre af forvalterparret Dørum (1945-55) op på Friisenfeldt for at gense deres barndomshjem og samtidig bidrage til et supplerende kapitel i det, der er blevet 3. revideret udgave af bogen om Friisenfeldt – en arbejdsplads.Udarbejdelsen af 3. revideret udgave har desuden betydet, at bogens format er sat op i større størrelse samt er aktuelle fotos indsat af hhv. FLS-Aeromotor møllen og Østersøskolen ved Gedser Landevej. Fotos viser nedrivning af bygningerne, 13. august 2014. Projektet tog sin begyndelse i sommeren 2013, hvor der i dagene 9-11. august for første gang blev afholdt "Fyrstival" i Gedser. Eventen omfattede blandt meget andet gøgl, gadeteater og guidede rundvisninger. Danmarks sydligste gård Friisenfeldt, beliggende på Gedser Odde, var forsøgsvist programsat med guidede rundvisninger i tidsrummet 13-17.Vi, dvs. festivalens arrangør Yvonne Halskov og jeg, Gitte Ahrenkiel, der bor til leje i stuehuset på Friisenfeldt, havde ingen anelse om, hvordan festivalens gæster ville reagere på denne mulighed. Det skulle imidlertid vise sig, at folk allerede indfandt sig tidlig formiddag og at "Lukketiden" kl. 17 samtlige tre dage blev overskredet.Flere tidligere ansatte mødte op til rundvisningerne for at gense deres gamle arbejdsplads. Meget fra dengang står stort set uforandret, fx den gamle kostald, karle- og pigekamre. Til stor fornøjelse for os, der guidede og for gæster, som af nysgerrighed deltog i rundvisningerne, fik de tidligere ansatte vakt de støvede bygninger til live med fortællinger om en tid, hvor der var køer og heste i staldene.Blandt de tidligere ansatte, der aflagde Friisenfeldt besøg i 2013, var Verner Christensen og hans familie. I perioden 1956-57 havde han fungeret som underforvalter på Friisenfeldt for senere at få fæste som forvalter på Ludvigsgave. Helt spontant tilbød Verner Christensen at sende fotos fra dengang. Og det var disse fotos fra Verner Christensen som inspirerede andre tidligere ansatte til at gå på jagt i fotoalbums, skuffer og skabe - for at finde materiale frem til vores fælles bogprojekt: Friisenfeldt - en Arbejdsplads.De indleverede beretninger har betydet en samtidig afspejling af Sydfalsters historie og undervejs i forløbet har Gedser Lokalhistoriske Arkiv spillet en central rolle.

  • - Interesting Stories, Mexican History & Random Facts About Mexico
    von Bill O'Neill
    16,00 €

    How much do you know about Mexico? There’s so much to learn about America’s southern neighbor that it could fill several books and you still wouldn’t even know it all. In this trivia book, you’ll learn about Mexico’s history (ancient and modern), pop culture, geography, folklore, and so much more!In The Great Book of Mexico, you’ll learn:How did Mexico get its name?What are the origins of the Mexican flag?How did the Aztecs and Maya contribute to Mexican history?Where are Mexico’s most haunted locales?How did tequila start in Mexico and where?What are some of Mexico’s top tourist spots?What are the most popular sports in Mexico?What is Mexico’s highest peak?Where is Mexico’s lowest point?And so much more!This book is packed with trivia facts about Mexico. Some of the facts will make you scratch your head, while others will probably creep you out. There is no doubt, though, that all of the facts in this book will fascinate you.Whether you just have a passing interest in Mexico, or planning on visiting the country, or you already think you’re an expert on the state, you’ll learn something you didn’t know in every chapter. You will be able to amaze all of your friends and family with your newfound knowledge about Mexico.So what are you waiting for? Open the pages and get started learning more about Mexico!

  • - A History of Sion Row, Twickenham
    von Robert Shepherd
    161,00 €

    Twickenham is chiefly known today as the home of rugby, but its heyday could be said to be in the eighteenth century when first Alexander Pope and then Horace Walpole made it their home and extolled its Arcadian setting.Captain Gray, a naval officer, acquired plots of land close to the river in Twickenham in 1718 on which he built two rows of houses, Sion Row and Montpelier Row, which survive to this day and are much admired.This book tells the story of Sion Row, which was built for Gray by a remarkable local craftsman, Edward Reeves, who had ambition to become an architect. It explains the features of the houses and how they were built. It then follows them through to the present day showing how they were used and what modifications have been made to them and, not least, how they survived.In parallel we learn of the owners and the residents, many of whom have fascinating stories to tell. They are immensely diverse, some international, some purely local, some disreputable, others pillars of respectability.Their lives are put in the context of changes in Twickenham as it evolved from out of town retreat to prosperous commuter suburb. In telling the story of these houses and people, a remarkable social history is revealed.

    69,00 €

    New Orleans jazz thrilled the world in the twenties and traveled around the world in the thirties. In the forties and fifties, the world came to New Orleans to hear authentic New Orleans jazz played by real jazz musicians. The sixties brought Preservation Hall, a musical institution that even a hurricane couldn't kill. For the last 40 years, the New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival has been celebrating New Orleans' and Louisiana's unique culture and music.This volume contains rare photographs from the Louisiana State Museum's Jazz Collection, lovingly assembled and accompanied by captions written by award-winning author and Jazz Roots radio show host Tom Morgan. Those who love jazz will be amazed by these pictures of some of the best musicians ever to pick up an instrument. For those just beginning to learn about jazz, this 200-page volume is an excellent takeoff point to learn more about what made New Orleans jazz unique, and a source to discover musicians who can further enhance readers' listening pleasure.

    70,00 €

    Chicago’s World’s Columbian Exposition, popularly called the Chicago World’s Fair, or the White City, was the largest and most spectacular world’s fair ever built. The Columbian Exposition opened on May 1, 1893, and more than 21,000,000 people visited the fair during the six months it was open to the public. The White City was a seminal event in America’s history that changed the way the world viewed Chicago. Fortunately, the fair was documented in stunning photographs by commercial and amateur photographers. This volume tells the story of the fair from its construction in Jackson Park to its destruction by fire after the fair had closed. Photographs of the exhibition halls, state buildings, foreign buildings, indoor and outdoor exhibits, the attractions of the Midway, and the various ways to move about the fairgrounds give a sense of how visitors experienced this extraordinary time and place.

    68,00 €

    HISTORIC PHOTOS OF BIRMINGHAM captures the remarkable journey of this cultural city of the South, with still photography from the finest archives of city, state and private collections. Through the late 1800''s, the roaring Twenties, two World Wars and into the modern era, Birmingham has continued to grow and prosper by maintaining the strong, independent culture of its citizens. With hundreds of archival photos reproduced in stunning duotone on heavy art paper, this book is the perfect addition to any historian''s collection.

  • von Julana M Senette
    28,00 €

    Along the bayous of south Louisiana, with its majestic oak trees draped in Spanish moss, open prairies teeming with wildlife, and lush primeval forest, the Chitimacha lived long before the first white settlers arrived in the Attakapas District around 1746. The newcomers would travel by oxcart and boat along waterways lined in flowering magnolias, pecan trees, and grapevines to establish new homesteads. In April 1811, a territorial act that divided Attakapas County created St. Mary Parish. Sugarcane plantations with idyllic names such as Idlewild and Shady Side were established, and timber, trapping, fishing, and agriculture prospered. Later, oil and gas with its many support industries became part of the rich heritage of south Louisiana. The first settlers endured many hardships: floods, storms, outbreaks of yellow fever, and the challenges of the Civil War. St. Mary Parish has seen its share of changes over the centuries, but the tenacity, resourcefulness, and pride of the people remain as constant and endless as the slowly flowing waters of the bayous to the Gulf of Mexico.

  • von Cindy Jacobs
    28,00 €

  • von Patrick Hearty
    28,00 €

  • - Sacred Mysteries of Arthur and Glastonbury Tor
    von Nicholas R. Mann
    27,00 €

    Avalon is a site of great power, revered since ancient times as an entrance to, and exit from, the Otherworld. Book provides a coherent context in which to understand Avalon's many mysteries, including the * Isle * Tor * Glastonbury Zodiac, * Abbey * Tor Labyrinth * St. Michael ley line The author invokes the magical, spiritual power of the English landscape with a wealth of detailed information encompassing other belief systems and scared sites. He discusses * Physical and sacred topography * Symbols * Architecture * History

  • - More Tales from the Historic Village
    von Dustin Lowe
    25,00 €

    What do you know about Richwood, Ohio? You might think it's just another small town in the Midwest, but you'd be surprised by the rich and colorful history that lies behind its streets and buildings. In this book, you'll discover some of the stories that shaped this town, from its founding in 1832 to the present day.You'll learn about how Richwood was affected by Prohibition, the nationwide ban on alcohol that sparked controversy and crime. You'll witness the struggle for women's suffrage in Richwood, and how local women fought for their right to vote. You'll visit the Old Richwood Cemetery, where you'll find the graves of some of the town's most notable residents. And you'll see how the Richwood Civic Center, once a place for the community's senior citizens, builds affordable housing long before it was deemed necessary.

  • von Andreas Janek
    25,00 €

    Auch die kleineren Städte wie Ballenstedt, die einstige Residenz der Fürsten und Herzöge von Anhalt, unterliegen einem ständigen Wandel, der seit dem 19. Jahrhundert auch in Photographien nachvollziehbar ist. Alte und neue Aufnahmen aus der Stadt werden in diesem Bildband in direktem Vergleich nebeneinander gestellt und kommentiert. Sie laden zu eigenen Entdeckungen von Beständigkeit und Veränderung ein.

  • von Robert Louis Stevenson
    25,00 €

    The Silverado Squatters, is a classical and a rare book, that has been considered important throughout the human history, and so that this work is never forgotten we at Alpha Editions have made efforts in its preservation by republishing this book in a modern format for present and future generations. This whole book has been reformatted, retyped and redesigned. These books are not made of scanned copies of their original work, and hence their text is clear and readable. This remarkable book falls within the genres of United States local history, Pacific States

  • von W. G. Miller
    31,00 €

    Thirty Years in the Itinerancy, is a classical and a rare book, that has been considered important throughout the human history, and so that this work is never forgotten we at Alpha Editions have made efforts in its preservation by republishing this book in a modern format for present and future generations. This whole book has been reformatted, retyped and redesigned. These books are not made of scanned copies of their original work, and hence their text is clear and readable. This remarkable book falls within the genres of United States local history, Ohio River and Valley.

  • von William F. Drannan
    38,00 €

    Thirty-One Years on the Plains and in the Mountains, Or, the Last Voice from the Plains An Authentic Record of a Life Time of Hunting, Trapping, Scouting and Indian Fighting in the Far West, is a classical and a rare book, that has been considered important throughout the human history, and so that this work is never forgotten we at Alpha Editions have made efforts in its preservation by republishing this book in a modern format for present and future generations. This whole book has been reformatted, retyped and redesigned. These books are not made of scanned copies of their original work, and hence their text is clear and readable. This remarkable book falls within the genres of United States local history, The West. Trans-Mississippi Region. Great Plains

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