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  • - Appalachian Mountain Stories
    von David S Rains
    17,00 €

    A collection of stories from the Appalachian Mountains of Kentucky, The Shaman's Daughter touches on everything from baptisms and funerals to love and hate--no subject is off limits. You can practically hear the Southern accent of the characters, as author David S. Rains provides an uncensored look into his life. And the hilarity ensues, whether it's Mama hitting a neighbor over the head with an old wagon axle, David visiting his first whorehouse, or Mike blowing up his grandmother while trying to cure a dog of mange. The darkly comical stories in The Shaman's Daughter will have you laughing until you cry!The dog was running in larger and larger circles as the fuse burned shorter and shorter. Suddenly old Sarge turned and made a beeline for the house, to get under the porch where he always slept. "He's going to the house, he's going to get under the porch. Good Lord almighty, Granny is on the porch by herself. Good God! Granny, Granny, get away." Mike screamed as loud as he could holler.Granny, of course, couldn't hear anything, and especially from so far away. Plus, she was tied up. Granny just kept rocking, and talking to herself.--from the short story "Granny and Old Sarge"

  • von Richmond Lattimore
    24,00 €

    Odysseus survives a storm and shipwreck, the cave of the Cyclops and the isle of Circe, the lure of the Sirens' song and a trip to the Underworld, only to find his most difficult challenge at home, where treacherous suitors seek to steal his kingdom and his loyal wife, Penelope.

  • - Drømmen om Lolerne
    von Gunner Møller Pedersen
    19,00 €

    Denne bog er skrevet til alle, der har savnet en samlet fremstilling af projekt "Dodekalitten" på Lolland, som i disse dage har været i gang i 7 år. Det er en subjektiv men også omhyggelig skildring af begivenhederne oplevet af idémanden bag det hele, forfatteren af fortællingen om Lolerne og alle tekster i og om projektet, og ikke mindst komponisten til den musik, som i mere end to år har fortryllet de besøgende på marken ved Glentehøj. Drømmen om Lolerne giver baggrunden for projektet og samler tekster og digte om Lolerne, så de er tilgængelige for alle. Derudover følger vi udviklingen fra idéfasen frem til indvielsen i sommeren 2014, og derefter den splittelse, som nu truer projektets sjæl, meningen med det hele. Første 5 år på video, med både levende billeder og musik, der kan ses på , suppleres i bogen af såvel poesi som tekster og dokumentation af alt, hvad der er forgået undervejs i forløbet. Og efter denne optur følger vi i bogen med stigende undren, hvordan alt det positive, som projektet skulle samle og udtrykke, bliver forvansket og vendt på hovedet. Læs og døm selv. Gunner Møller Pedersen, Løjtofte den 9/9 2016.

  • - En introduktion til Hermesskrifterne
    von Jørgen Podemann Sørensen
    16,00 €

    I løbet af vor tidsregnings første århundreder skrev ukendte forfattere i Ægypten en række traktater, tænkt som støtte for et indre, åndeligt liv. Disse skrifter kom til at gå under den ægyptiske visdomsgud Thoths navn, og da den græske standardoversættelse af Thoth var Hermes, kaldes de endnu i dag de hermetiske skrifter.De blev til som led i en bred strømning i senantikkens religionshistorie, hvor menneskets sind mere og mere blev religionens arena.I Vesteuropa blev Hermesskrifterne først kendt i renæssancen, men navnlig deres syn på naturen som guddommelig har været til stor inspiration også for senere tider.

  • von Minsoo Kang
    23,00 €

    A beautifully crafted, enriching saga inspired by East Asian mythology, The Melancholy of Untold History is Minsoo Kangs debut novel, steeped in history like R.F. Kuangs Babel, epic in scope like Anthony Doerrs Cloud Cuckoo Land, and lyrically exciting like David Mitchells Cloud Atlas, interweaving four complex yet entertaining stories as they shape and create a nations literary narrative through the themes of love and grief.A history professor mourning his wife. His young protgs search for a path forward. Four witty mountain gods with much to say and not enough time to listen. A gifted storyteller bringing a world into being out of thin air...Famous for his dispelling of the national myth, the Historian understands the power of narrative. He has inspired another young professor to search for her own truths, while trying to understand the way fiction creates fact and how sometimes the past can only be understood by filling in holes with a new narrative. Which is exactly what he needs when his wife passes away to parse meaning out of a world that no longer makes sense. Together the protg and the Historian find comfort in each other. Yet they know their time together is fleeting, as time usually is. Only the gods have an abundance of time, and yetthe two discovereven that might not be so clear cut. Part of their homelands myth tells of four gods who squabbled and argued and destroyed and rebuilt time and again. Or did they?Because, of course, even the gods need mouthpieces on earth. And the one the Historian knows ofthe elusive Storytellermay have just been spinning tales for his own amusement and, ultimately, revenge. By fabricating the exploits of the gods, he could have set a course for certain events to unfold and a particular story to survive today. Spanning 3,000 years and multiple voiceswith tales within tales woven expertly togetherThe Melancholy of Untold History reveals a people and its individuals who seek to confront the hardships of life through storytelling. Mixing the East Asian mythos with a postmodern approach to standard sci-fi/fantasy narrative tropes, Minsoo Kang has created a challenging, beautiful, sad, humorous, and ultimately unforgettable novel of love, grief, and myth-making.

  • von Clare Pollard
    20,00 €

  • - En Hrísey-fortælling
    von Unna Hvid
    21,00 €

    Atli vender tilbage til Nordisland efter mange år i udlandet, hvor han midlertidigt slår sig ned i sin farmors citrongule sommerstue på Hrísey, hvor han tilbragte alle sin barndoms somre, indtil den sommer, hvor han fyldte 12 år. Den sommer, som ændrede alt.Nu er Atli tilbage på Hrísey, hvor han møder Helga, som han i sin tid var betaget af. Hun er en plaget sjæl, og inden Atli rigtig når at se sig om, har de indledt et forhold. Men samtidig møder Atli den kantede og rødhårede Asta, som får ham til at føle sig levende for første gang i 23 år. Nu er der to kvinder i Atlis liv, og en af dem planlægger at dræbe ham.Det, som i første omgang ligner et trekantsdrama viser sig at være et drama med rødder, som stikker meget dybere ned i den Nordislandske historie og folklore. For der er andre kræfter på spil, kræfter som har været løs på vulkanøen siden landnámstiden."De blodigste nætter er de bratteste" er et citat fra Viga-Glums saga, og bogen er det syvende selvstændige bind i forfatterens serie af moderne nordiske fortællinger med rod i historie og folklore.

  • - Landet for de levende
    von Chris Thorstone
    30,00 €

    . Mit liv er en lang fortælling, og jeg føler og fornemmer hvert et skridt jeg tager. Når jeg ser op på himlen, så ved jeg, at det ikke er slut endnu og mine fodspor lægger jeg bag mig, indtil mit liv er omme. Men jeg vender tilbage igen ligesom mine guddommelige elskede hustruer. Og der vil vi i gensynet omfavne hinanden. Alle dem som var og dem som er, fortjener alle en plads i min historie, for mit hjerte er stort, som en vikings lang hus, af de største som kendes. Jeg har meget på hjerte der skal fortælles og gives af. For af kærligheden stammer magien. Af magien sker der mange undere.

  • von W. D. Westervelt
    16,00 - 24,00 €

  • von Apuleius
    19,00 - 28,00 €

    Eager to learn the rules of magic, Lucius agrees to participate in a shapeshifting spell that suddenly goes awry, transforming the man into a donkey. His life is abruptly upended as he is attacked, stolen and sold multiple times before finding relief through divine intervention. Lucius is enamored with witchcraft and begs a woman to transform him into a bird. Unfortunately, she fails, and he is immediately turned into an ass. This leads to a tumultuous journey that takes Lucius away from his friends and puts him into the hands of strangers. He is sold by thieves, cooks and farmers, forced to engage in strange and laborious tasks. With each owner comes a different set of obstacles and inevitable misunderstandings.A rare text stemming from Roman antiquity, The Golden Ass is infused with mythological elements. The story covers a wide range of topics from witchcraft to adultery and murder. This expansive narrative has enough twists to keep any reader on the edge of their seat. With an eye-catching new cover, and professionally typeset manuscript, this edition of The Golden Ass is both modern and readable.

  • von Aristophanes
    12,00 €

    The Frogs follows interpersonal conflicts between men and women, Greek gods, and the natural and supernatural. Using extraordinary circumstances, the author provides commentary on multiple public figures spanning religion, politics and literature. The Frogs is one of Aristophanes'' most notable works. The story centers on Dionysus, the god of fertility and wine, who''s also known as a patron of the arts. In an effort to restore Greek tragedy to its former glory, Dionysus travels to the underworld to bring the late playwright Euripides back to life. While on this mission he encounters other prominent figures such as Aeschylus, the "Father of Tragedy," and Heracles, the Greek demigod. Aristophanes'' work is filled with biting humor and colorful commentary that has stood the test of time. Unlike his peers, a portion of his plays (11 out of 40) survived his death and remain fully intact. The Frogs offers a glimpse into the impressive catalog that made Aristophanes one of the greatest playwrights of his era. With an eye-catching new cover, and professionally typeset manuscript, this edition of The Frogs is both modern and readable.

  • von Martha Warren Beckwith
    21,00 - 32,00 €

    Brought from West Africa during the slave trade, the legend of Anansi, a spider-god and trickster spirit, is central to the folklore of the Jamaican people. Compiled and arranged by famed ethnographer Martha Warren Beckwith, Jamaica Anansi Stories is a definitive record of the songs, stories, and riddles of the Jamaican oral tradition.

  • von W. D. Westervelt
    16,00 - 22,00 €

    Hawaiian Legends of Volcanoes (1916) explores Hawaiian folktales and myths collected by W. D. Westervelt. Connecting the origin story of Hawaii to the traditions of other Polynesian cultures, Westervelt provides an invaluable resource for understanding the historical and geographical scope of Hawaiian culture. Beginning with the origin story of Pele, the goddess of volcanoes, Westervelt introduces his groundbreaking collection of legends on the volcanic nature of the Hawaiian Islands. When the goddess Pele comes to the island of Hawaii seeking a permanent home, she finds Ai-laau, another god of fire, already in possession of the territory.Despite his fearsome power over creation and destruction, Ai-laau disappeared the moment he became aware of Pele's presence. Having traveled across the limitless ocean, her name was already known far and wide, along with her reputation for strength, anger, and envy. Establishing herself within the crater of Kilauea, Pele quickly took command over the gods, ghost-gods, and the people inhabiting the islands. Central to Hawaiian history and religion, Pele continues to be celebrated in Hawaii and across the Pacific today.With a professionally designed cover and manuscript, this edition of W. D. Westervelt's Hawaiian Legends of Volcanoes is a classic of Hawaiian literature reimagined for modern readers. Add this beautiful edition to your bookshelf, or enjoy the digital edition on any e-book device.

  • - Gloser og ordforklaringer
    von Jens Peter Jensen
    16,00 €

    Bogen indeholder gloser og ordforklaringer til de tekster, der findes i: Kompendium til studiet af kulter og ofringer i det antikke Rom. Tekster, oversættelser, kommentarer, Books on Demand, Hellerup 2023.

  • von Leia Stone
    12,00 €

  • von Leia Stone
    12,00 €

  • von Leia Stone
    12,00 €

  • von Mark Norman
    76,00 €

  • - With Original Illustrations
    von William Morris
    26,00 - 38,00 €

  • von Edgar Allan Poe
    18,00 €

    " La vie d'Edgar Allan Poe n'est plus à raconter: ses derniers traducteurs français, s'inspirant des travaux définitifs de son nouvel éditeur J.H. Ingram, l'ont éloquemment vengé des calomnies trop facilement acceptées sur la foi de son ami et exécuteur testamentaire, Rufus Griswold. En dépit de ses mensonges, Edgar Poe reste pour nous et restera pour la postérité, de plus en plus admiratrice de son génie, ce que l'a si bien défini notre Baudelaire: Ce n'est pas par ses miracles matériels, qui pourtant ont fait sa renommée, qu'il lui sera donné de conquérir l'admiration des gens qui pensent, c'est par son amour du Beau, par sa connaissance des conditions harmoniques de la beauté, par sa poésie profonde et plaintive, ouvragée néanmoins, transparente et correcte comme un bijou de cristal, - par son admirable style, pur et bizarre, - serré comme les mailles d'une armure, - complaisant et minutieux, - et dont la plus légère intention sert à pousser doucement le lecteur vers un but voulu, - et enfin surtout par ce génie tout spécial, par ce tempérament unique, qui lui a permis de peindre et d'expliquer d'une manière impeccable, saisissante, terrible, l'exception dans l'ordre moral. - Diderot, pour prendre un exemple entre cent, est un auteur sanguin; Poe est l'écrivain des nerfs, et même de quelque chose de plus - et le meilleur que je connaisse. Ajoutons que ce fut une bonne fortune exceptionnelle pour Edgar Poe de rencontrer un traducteur tel que Baudelaire, si bien fait par les tendances de son propre esprit pour comprendre son génie, et le rendre dans un style qui a toutes les qualités de son modèle. "

  • - A Beginner's Guide to Pagan Witchcraft
    von Sebastian Berg
    14,00 €

    Wicca is the beginning of a beautiful journey between your soul and the world around you.This book explains the foundation of Wicca, the beliefs and practices associated with the religion, and helps a beginner begin practicing Pagan witchcraft safely. If you are curious about Wicca, whether or not you wish to practice it, this book holds only truths about the Wiccan path of witchcraft.

  • von Sarah Pinborough
    12,00 €

    FIVE FAIRYTALES. NINE KINGDOMS. ONE PRINCE.'This is not your Disney fairy tale. It is much, much better' WILDER'S BOOK REVIEW'Brilliantly subverts the classic fairy tale' ONE CHAPTER MORE'Loads of fun . . . Exposes the patriarchal, oppressive fairytale world order which we take for granted in the old yarns' THE INDEPENDENTImagine a kingdom poisoned by secrets, a poor girl with dreams of love, a magical fairy godmother and a romantic ball . . .And then imagine them all again . . .Welcome to the story of Cinderella, retold as it always should have been.Charm is the fourth instalment in this British Fantasy Award-winning world teeming with lovers, dragons, witches, and werewolves by Number 1 Sunday Times bestseller Sarah Pinborough.Newly revised, rejacketed, and relaunched with a brand-new prequel and sequel, the Tales from the Kingdoms series is your next dark fantasy romance obsession.__________________Step into the Tales from the Kingdoms series:Book 1: MAGICBook 2: BEAUTYBook 3: POISONBook 4: CHARMBook 5: BLOOD__________________PRAISE FOR SARAH PINBOROUGH:'Bloody brilliant' STEPHEN KING'An absolute dream' RICHARD OSMAN'A twisted genius' LISA JEWELL'Queen of WTF' RUTH WARE'An absolute must-read' JOE HILL'A dark, electrifying page-turner' HARLAN COBEN'The queen of twisty reads' HARRIET TYCE'Everyone will be talking about this book' STYLIST'Expertly plotted' SUNDAY TIMES'One of the best endings to a book' PRIMA'The very definition of a page-turner' SUN

  • von Sarah Pinborough
    12,00 €

    FIVE FAIRYTALES. NINE KINGDOMS. ONE PRINCE.'This is not your Disney fairy tale. It is much, much better' WILDER'S BOOK REVIEW'Brilliantly subverts the classic fairy tale' ONE CHAPTER MORE'Loads of fun... Pinborough repositions Snow White as a feminist icon' THE INDEPENDENTImagine a land brimming with magic, a wicked queen, a charming prince, and a poisoned apple . . .And then imagine them all again . . .Welcome to the story of Snow White, retold as it always should have been.Poison is the third instalment in this British Fantasy Award-winning world teeming with lovers, dragons, witches, and werewolves by Number 1 Sunday Times bestseller Sarah Pinborough.Newly revised, rejacketed, and relaunched with a brand-new prequel and sequel, the Tales from the Kingdoms series is your next dark fantasy romance obsession.__________________Step into the Tales from the Kingdoms series:Book 1: MAGICBook 2: BEAUTYBook 3: POISONBook 4: CHARMBook 5: BLOOD__________________PRAISE FOR SARAH PINBOROUGH:'Bloody brilliant' STEPHEN KING'An absolute dream' RICHARD OSMAN'A twisted genius' LISA JEWELL'Queen of WTF' RUTH WARE'An absolute must-read' JOE HILL'A dark, electrifying page-turner' HARLAN COBEN'The queen of twisty reads' HARRIET TYCE'Everyone will be talking about this book' STYLIST'Expertly plotted' SUNDAY TIMES'One of the best endings to a book' PRIMA'The very definition of a page-turner' SUN

  • von Sarah Pinborough
    12,00 €

    FIVE FAIRYTALES. NINE KINGDOMS. ONE PRINCE.'This is not your Disney fairy tale. It is much, much better' WILDER'S BOOK REVIEW'Brilliantly subverts the classic fairy tale' ONE CHAPTER MORE'Loads of fun . . . Exposes the patriarchal, oppressive fairytale world order which we take for granted in the old yarns' THE INDEPENDENTImagine a castle lost to history, a brave prince, a beautiful princess and a curse waiting to be broken . . .And then imagine them all again . . .This is the tale of Sleeping Beauty, retold as it always should have been.Beauty is the second instalment in this British Fantasy Award-winning world teeming with lovers, dragons, witches, and werewolves by Number 1 Sunday Times bestseller Sarah Pinborough.Newly revised, rejacketed, and relaunched with a brand-new prequel and sequel, the Tales from the Kingdoms series is your next dark fantasy romance obsession.__________________Step into the Tales from the Kingdoms series:Book 1: MAGICBook 2: BEAUTYBook 3: POISONBook 4: CHARMBook 5: BLOOD__________________PRAISE FOR SARAH PINBOROUGH:'Bloody brilliant' STEPHEN KING'An absolute dream' RICHARD OSMAN'A twisted genius' LISA JEWELL'Queen of WTF' RUTH WARE'An absolute must-read' JOE HILL'A dark, electrifying page-turner' HARLAN COBEN'The queen of twisty reads' HARRIET TYCE'Everyone will be talking about this book' STYLIST'Expertly plotted' SUNDAY TIMES'One of the best endings to a book' PRIMA'The very definition of a page-turner' SUN

  • von Elise Kova
    12,00 €

    A grown up Little Red Riding Hood meets werewolves and witches in an adult fantasy romance that's perfect for fans of Danielle L. Jensen, Sarah J. Maas, and Laura Thalassa.To enter the woods as a human is death... But I am no mere human. They call me 'witch'.As one of the last surviving witches, Faelyn's sole duty is to keep the protective barriers on the forests where the lykin roam. But when she encounters the elusive primordial spirit of the moon, everything changes.Taken to the magical land of Midscape, the Wolf King claims her as his bride - she's essential to his ability to keep his crown. But Faelyn refuses a life of servitude, for both herself and the moon spirit Aurora, underneath the king's cruel rule. As she hatches a dangerous plan for them to escape, help comes from an unlikely ally: Evander, the king's blisteringly handsome knight. But her sworn protector has secrets of his own. Secrets that might change her life forever...A Dawn with the Wolf Knight is a complete, *standalone novel*. For readers who love romantasy novels with second-chance/long-lost love, life-changing female friendships, deep lore, forbidden romance, slow-burn, and a happily ever after. Pre-order now!

  • von Joanne Harris
    12,00 €

    Turn the page, and step into a stunning, evocative world where nature, magic and fate are inextricably linked, and one wrong - or right - step can take you from the modern world into one filled with both danger and wonder.This beautiful volume contains the award-winning novellas A Pocketful of Crows, The Blue Salt Road and Orfeia. Fully illustrated by Bonnie Helen Hawkins, with a brand new introduction by the author and three original short stories, this is a landmark collection which gloriously reimagines traditional British folktales into a timely, relevant and powerful new stories.'Perfect reading for a chilly autumn evening' thesenovelthoughts'Stunning and original modern fairytales' calturnerreviews'Thought-provoking and evocative'

  • von C. K. Jennar
    14,99 - 22,99 €

  • von E. V. Lucas
    27,00 €

    ¿Forgotten Tales of Long Ago" is an ancient Fiction, Fairy Tales story book written by E. V. Lucas. Written in an interesting and understandable style for readers of all ages. Provides amusement and cultural enrichment via undying memories. Highlights E. V. Lucas' capability to organize and reinterpret extraordinary stories. Suitable for readers who enjoy illusion literature and are inquisitive about folklore research. A compilation of lesser-recognised memories from various cultures and traditions. History can range from historic to extremely-present day at instances. The diverse topics explored include magic, adventure, and morality. Characters encompass fairies, knights, and magical creatures. Provides perception into oral storytelling practices in various societies.

  • von Quintus Smyrnaeus
    26,00 €

    The ancient Greek epic poem "The Fall of Troy" is credited to Quintus Smyrnaeus, who is thought to have lived in the fourth century AD. The poem, which is a continuation of Homer's "Iliad" and "Odyssey," tells the story of what happens after Hector dies and Troy falls during the Trojan War. The story contains a number of incidents, such as the Greeks' creation of the wooden horse, the horse's penetration of Troy, and the city's subsequent sacking. Quintus Smyrnaeus adds new information and viewpoints while elaborating on the people and events featured in Homer's poems. The poem also has tragic, romantic, and divine intervention themes. "The Fall of Troy" is noteworthy for its attempt to close the gap between later, more contemporary writing and the Homeric epics. The poem connects the classical Greek epics with the Roman and mediaeval traditions, reflecting a continuance of the epic tradition. ¿The Fall of Troy" is an important part of the Trojan War story and has influenced succeeding literary traditions, even though it is not as well-known as Homer's writings.

  • von Elphinstone Dayrell
    20,00 €

    The book ¿Folk Stories from Southern Nigeria, West Africä is a Folk tales written by Elphinstone Dayrell. Elphinstone Dayrell, a British colonial administrator, collected and preserved conventional folks tales from Southern Nigeria. "Folk Stories from Southern Nigeria, West Africa" is a complicated web of oral traditions that captures the spirit of Nigerian tradition. The paintings of literature contain a huge range of folks stories, myths, and legends handed down over ages in Nigeria.Dayrell's paintings are an exquisite useful resource for gaining knowledge of approximately Southern Nigeria's oral literature and cultural records.These human beings's recollections mirror the attitudes, behaviors, and values of numerous Nigerian groups. The testimonies have appealing characters consisting of foxy animals, supernatural beings, and courageous men. Morality, bravery, consciousness, and deception are key topics in these tales, which educate listeners and readers vital instructions. Dayrell efficaciously portrays Southern Nigeria's numerous landscapes and traditions. The work of literature preserves actual folklore, so assisting to preserve Nigeria's cultural historical history for future generations. Each narrative offers insight into the Nigerian humans's ideas and creativity, as well as their many cultural affects.

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