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  • von Ebenezer Gyasi
    27,00 €

  • - Texte ubersetzen und Formen erkennen
    von Gregor Nagengast
    18,00 €

    Das lehrwerksunabhängig einsetzbare Latein-Übungsheft bietet spannende Übersetzungstexte unterschiedlicher Niveaus für eine individuelle Binnendifferenzierung. Grammatikübungen sorgen für eine Vorentlastung des Textes und anhand des Vokabelregisters kann der wichtigste Wortschatz wiederholt werden. Die Texte handeln von spannenden Begebenheiten aus der antiken Welt und frischen so auch das geschichtliche Grundwissen für Latein auf. Das Heft ist bundesländerübergreifend verwendbar und für Lateinschülerinnen und -schüler ab dem Ende des 1. Lernjahres bzw. dem Übergang ins 2. Lernjahr geeignet. Alle Lösungen zu den Grammatikübungen und Übersetzungstexten finden sich am Ende des Buches.

  • von Silvia Federici
    13,00 €

    'A groundbreaking work . . . Federici has become a crucial figure for . . . a new generation of feminists' Rachel Kushner, author of The Mars RoomA cult classic since its publication in the early years of this century, Caliban and the Witch is Silvia Federici's history of the body in the transition to capitalism. Moving from the peasant revolts of the late Middle Ages through the European witch-hunts, the rise of scientific rationalism and the colonisation of the Americas, it gives a panoramic account of the often horrific violence with which the unruly human material of pre-capitalist societies was transformed into a set of predictable and controllable mechanisms. It Is a study of indigenous traditions crushed, of the enclosure of women's reproductive powers within the nuclear family, and of how our modern world was forged in blood.'Rewarding . . . allows us to better understand the intimate relationship between modern patriarchy, the rise of the nation state and the transition from feudalism to capitalism' Guardian

  • von Tony Stubbs
    12,90 €

  • von Maitreyabandhu
    20,00 €

  • von Gerhard Maier
    79,00 €

    Kompakt in fünf Bänden und zu einem günstigen Preis: die Auslegung des kompletten Neuen Testaments! Der Edition-C-Bibelkommentar ist eine Reihe, die das Neue Testament gründlich auslegt. Jeder einzelne Vers wird beleuchtet. Die Kommentierung ist dabei zugleich theologisch reflektiert und praktisch-gemeindebezogen ausgerichtet. Einleitungen zu den biblischen Büchern informieren über Entstehung und Eigenart der betreffenden neutestamentlichen Schrift. 8 944 Seiten geballtes Bibelwissen überzeugen durch verständliche Sprache und reiche innerbiblische Querverweise. Mit leicht anwendbaren Gesprächsentwürfe und Bibelarbeiten.

  • von David Michie
    11,00 €

    Wer wüsste besser als eine Katze, worin das Geheimnis des Glücks besteht? Der Dalai Lama verreist für einige Wochen und stellt seiner »kleinen Schneelöwin«, wie er sie nennt, eine Aufgabe: Sie soll die Kunst des Schnurrens erforschen und so die Ursache für wahres, tiefes Glück herausfinden. Bei ihren Streifzügen trifft die vorwitzige Himalaya-Katze einen mysteriösen Yogi, belauscht hochrangige Lamas und berühmte Schriftsteller, errettet eine Yogaklasse vor einem drohenden Unglück und findet schließlich Erstaunliches über ihre eigene geheimnisvolle Herkunft heraus ...>

  • von Pema Chodron
    11,00 €

  • von Monika Bauer
    29,80 €

    Die Amerikanerin Dorothy Day gilt manchen als eine moderne Heilige. Als Pazifistin und Anarchistin stellte sie in der Zeit nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg den american way of life infrage und kam in Konflikt mit Kirche und Staat. Monika Bauer zeichnet in ihrer Biografie Dorothy Days Weg nach von der Bohemienne zur gläubigen Katholikin. Sie zeigt, dass die Sozial­aktivistin ihr widersprüchliches Leben als Pilgerweg verstand und wie sehr sie an einer Kirche litt, die sie mehr als mächtige Institution denn als geschwisterliche Gemeinschaft in der Nachfolge Jesu wahrnahm. Als Mitbegründerin und Herausgeberin der Zeitung The Catholic Worker verlieh sie dem linken Flügel der katholischen Kirche Amerikas eine Stimme. Sie legte mit diesem Engagement den Grundstein für eine radikale Bewegung, die wegweisend wurde für eine zeitgemässe katholische Laienspiritualität und die Perspektiven für Sendung und Praxis der Kirche in einer säkularen Welt eröffnete. So ist es nicht verwunderlich, dass für Dorothy Day inzwischen ein Seligsprechungsprozess eröffnet worden ist.

  • von Sylvia Wetzel
    36,00 €

  • von Thomas Metzinger
    22,00 €

    Wie bewahrt man seine Selbstachtung in einer historischen Epoche, in der die Menschheit ihre Würde verliert?Wir brauchen ein neues Leitbild für die planetare Krise. Das alte, durch Gier, Neid und Dominanzstreben angetriebene Modell führt uns in eine globale Katastrophe. Der offensichtlichste Grund (von vielen) ist die enge Korrelation zwischen Wirtschaftswachstum und Kohlendioxidemissionen. Realistisch betrachtet sind unsere Möglichkeiten bereits jetzt auf Schadensbegrenzung und intelligentes Krisenmanagement beschränkt.Intellektuelle Redlichkeit, Mitgefühl und eine bestimmte Form von innerer Bewusstheit sind das, was wir für mentale und politische Resilienz dringend brauchen. Der Begriff einer 'Bewusstseinskultur' bildet den Ausgangspunkt für eine neue Debatte.

  • von Anthony DeMello
    23,00 €

    De Mello's spiritual classic remains at the top of the Fount bestsellers more than five years after its original publication.

    55,00 €

    OLD TESTAMENT BOOKS-1. Genesis -2. Exodus - 3. Leviticus - 4. Numbers - 5. Deuteronomy - 6. Joshua - 7. Judges - 8. Ruth - 9. 1 Samuel - 10. 2 Samuel - 11. 1 Kings - 12. 2 Kings - 13. 1 Chronicles - 14. 2 Chronicles - 15. Ezra -16. Nehemiah - 17. Esther - 18. Job -19. Psalms and 151, 151.1 - 20. Proverbs -21. Ecclesiastes -22. Song of Songs- 23. Isaiah -24. Jeremiah - 25. Lamentations - 26. Ezekiel - 27. Daniel - 28. Hosea -29. Joel -30. Amos -31. Obadiah - 32. Jonah -33. Micah -34. Nahum -35. Habakkuk -36. Zephaniah - 37. Haggai -38. Zechariah -40. Malachi - New Testament -1. Matthew -2. Mark -3. Luke -4. John -5. Acts - Including Chapter 29 - 6. Romans -7. I Corinthians -8. II Corinthians -9. Galatians - 10. Ephesians - 11. Philippians -12. Colossians -13. I Thessalonians - 14. II Thessalonians -15. I Timothy -16. II Timothy -17. Titus -18. Philemon - 19. Hebrews - 20. James -21. I Peter -22. II Peter - 23. I John -24. II John -25. III John - 26. Jude -27. Revelation -Additional Books of the New Testament-Epistle to the Laodiceans - Acts of Paul and Thecla - III Corinthians - Apocrypha -1. 1 Esdras - 2. 2 Esdras - 3. 1 Maccabees - 4. 2 Maccabees - 5. 3 Maccabees - 6. 4 Maccabees - 7. Letter (Epistle) of Jeremiah - 8. The Prayer of Azariah - Song of the Three Children - 9. Baruch - 10. Prayer of Manasseh (Manassas) - 11. Bel and the Dragon - 12. Wisdom of Sirach - 13. Wisdom of Solomon - 14. Additions to Esther - 15. Tobit - 16. Judith - 17. Susanna - 18. Enoch - 19. Jubilees - 20. 1 Clement - 21. The Ascension of Isaiah - 22. Shepherd of Hermas - 23. The Didache - 24. Apocalypse of Baruch - 25. Josephus' Jewish War VI - 26. 4 Baruch -

  • von Aleister Crowley
    32,00 €

    This edition is a fully illustrated reprint of the 1904 publication by Aleister Crowley and Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers. This edition of The Lesser Key of Solomon the King contains all of the over 150 seals, sigils, and charts of the original lesser book of Solomon. Beware of other editions that do not contain the Lesser Key of Solomon seals; they were painstakingly researched by Mathers and Crowley, and Solomon’s lesser key is enhanced by their inclusion. This edition also contains Crowley’s original comments located in over 35 annotations to help the reader understand the lesser keys of Solomon the king.In this work, Crowley and Mathers assemble descriptions and directions for the invocation of over 72 demons or spirits. Included are: illustrations of Solomon’s Magic Circle & Triangle, Enochian translations of the Goetia book, step by step guides for invocation, as well as definitions and explanations for the ancient terms seen throughout the Lesser Key of Solomon book.The Lesser Key of Solomon, or the Clavicula Salomonis Regis, or Lemegeton, is a compilation of materials and writings from ancient sources making up a text book of magic or “grimoire.” Portions of this book can be traced back to the mid-16th to 17th centuries, when occult researchers such as Cornelius Agrippa and Johannes Trithemisus assembled what they discovered during their investigations into their own great works.As a modern grimoire, the Lesser Key of Solomon has seen several editions with various authors and editors taking liberty to edit and translate the ancient writings and source material. In 1898, Arthur Edward Waite published his The Book of Black Magic and of Pacts, which contained large portions of the Lemegeton. He was followed by Mathers and Crowley in 1904 who published The Goetia: The Lesser Key of Solomon. Many others have assembled their own version of this ancient material since, and it is important to realize that it is the contents rather than the book itself that make up the Lesser Key. Traditionally, the source material is divided into five books: Ars Goetia, Ars Theurgia Goetia, Ars Paulina, Ars Almadel, and Ars Notoria. Mathers and Crowley indicate their edition is a translation only of the first book: Goetia.In the preface to this edition, it is explained that a “Secret Chief” of the Rosicrucian Order directed the completion of the book. The original editor was a G. H. Fra. D.D.C.F. who translated ancient texts from French, Hebrew, and Latin, but was unable to complete his labors because of the martial assaults of the Four Great Princes. Crowley was then asked to step in and finish what the previous author had begun. Traditionally, S. L. MacGregor Mathers is credited as the translator of this edition, and Crowley is given the title of editor. Although impossible to verify, it is often claimed that Mathers did not want to publish this work, but Crowley did so anyway without his permission.

  • von Yasmin Mogahed
    45,00 €

    Things fall apart. And they break sometimes. Like many of you, my journey hasn't always been easy. Pain is very real. And so is loss. Sometimes it's hard not to let the weight of what we carry-or the memory of what we've lost-take over. Many of us know the reality of struggle, and so many people suffer in silence. It's hard. It's hard not to give up when we face the repeated disappointments of life. Like some of you, I've known loneliness. I've known defeat. I've fallen many times chasing mirages, and broken many bones making castles in life's fading sands. Sometimes, all it took was one solid wave to destroy what I had spent years building.So I decided to give it a voice. All of it: the tears, the pain. And the lessons. The things I saw and learned and gained along my lifepath needed a voice. I wanted to give back, in hopes of helping myself and others survive. But then it wasn't just about surviving. I didn't just want people to survive inside their storms. I wanted people to thrive inside their storms. And so I wrote, as I walked through my own.The words found in this book became my voice and my letter to the world. They became my deepest attempt to, not just pick myself up, but others along the way. I wrote because, just as we will fall in life, so will we rise. That's the thing about this world. It never gives us only one kind of path. There is pain. Yes. And loss. And even darkness. But there is also light. There is hope. There is beauty.And there is also love and happiness.

  • 17% sparen
    von Jay Shetty
    17,00 €

    Jay Shetty, social media superstar and host of the #1 podcast 'On Purpose', distils the timeless wisdom he learned as a practising monk into practical steps anyone can take every day to live a less anxious, more meaningful life.

  • - A Spiritual Journey into the Heart of Islam
    von A Helwa
    25,00 - 28,98 €

  • 10% sparen
    - The Greek Myths Retold
    von Stephen Fry
    13,00 - 33,00 €

  • 10% sparen
    - The myths of the Ancient Greek heroes retold
    von Stephen Fry
    13,00 - 21,00 €

  • von Collins UK
    15,00 €

    Title: HOLY BIBLE: King James Version (KJV) Popular Gift & Award Black Leatherette Edition, Author: Collins KJV Bibles, Publication Year: 2001-07-02, Publisher: HarperCollins Publishers, Language: eng

  • von Joseph Campbell
    25,00 €

    The Hero with a Thousand Faces, Author: Joseph Campbell, Publication Year: 2008-07-01, Publisher: New World Library, Language: eng

  • 11% sparen
    von Friedrich Nietzsche
    17,00 €

    'One of the greatest books of a very great thinker' Michael TannerBeyond Good and Evil confirmed Nietzsche's position as the towering European philosopher of his age. The work dramatically rejects traditional Western thought with its notions of truth and God, good and evil. Nietzsche seeks to demonstrate that the Christian world is steeped in a false piety and infected with a 'slave morality'. With wit and energy, he turns from this critique to a philosophy that celebrates the present and demands that the individual impose their own 'will to power' upon the world.Translated by R. J. HOLLINGDALE With an Introduction by MICHAEL TANNER

  • - The International No. 1 Bestseller - Shortlisted for the Women's Prize for Fiction 2019
    von Madeline Miller
    12,00 - 21,00 €

  • von Imam Al Bukhari
    35,00 €

  • 10% sparen
    von Stephen Fry
    13,00 - 21,00 €

  • von C. S. Lewis
    12,00 €

    One of the most popular and beloved introductions to the concept of faith ever written, 'Mere Christianity' has sold millions of copies worldwide.The book brings together C.S. Lewis's legendary radio broadcasts during the war years, in which he set out simply to 'explain and defend the belief that has been common to nearly all Christians at all times'.Rejecting the boundaries that divide Christianity's many denominations, 'Mere Christianity' provides an unequalled opportunity for believers and nonbelievers alike to absorb a powerful, rational case for the Christian faith.

  • - The Richard and Judy bookclub pick and Sunday Times Bestseller
    von Alex Michaelides
    12,00 €

    With film rights snapped up by an Oscar winning Hollywood production company, rights sold in a world record 43 territories, and rave blurbs from David Baldacci, Lee Child and A.J. Finn, The Silent Patient promises to be the debut thriller of 2019.

  • - A Living Transmission from The Sophia Dragon Tribe
    von Kaia Ra
    30,00 - 36,00 €

  • - The Making of the Western Mind
    von Tom Holland
    17,00 €

    A revisionist, controversial account of Western history, sure to be widely reviewed and debated.

  • 14% sparen
    - Searching for Spirituality Without Religion
    von Sam Harris
    12,00 €

    Written by a neuroscientist, and a "new atheist", this book is suitable for the increasingly large numbers of people who follow no religion, but who suspect that Jesus, Buddha, Lao Tzu, Rumi, and the other saints and sages of history could not have all been epileptics, schizophrenics, or frauds.

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