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Puzzles & Spiele

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  • 21% sparen
    - With exclusive LEGO spaceman minifigure!
    von Gregory Farshtey
    30,00 €

    Celebrate the epic journey of the LEGO® minifigure. Features an exclusive orange spaceman!Enter the world of minifigures with this fully updated edition. The first minifigure was created in 1978, and today the entire minifigure population could circle the globe more than five times! Starring more than 2,000 of the most popular and rarest minifigures from the LEGO® Minifigure Series and themes including LEGO® NINJAGO®, THE LEGO® MOVIE¿, LEGO® Star Wars¿, LEGO® City, LEGO® Harry Potter¿, and many more. From astronauts and vampires to Super Heroes and movie characters, feast your eyes on the most awesome minifigures of every decade!©2020 The LEGO Group.

  • von Jennifer McCartney
    12,00 €

    »Ich habe aufgehört, mich anzustrengen, und es fühlt sich so gut an.«Keine Lust mehr auf Stress, Selbstoptimierung und Druck von allen Seiten? Dann nimm dir ein Beispiel an Faultieren. Ihr Mantra ist Entschleunigung. Sie schlafen viel, bewegen sich langsam, essen genüsslich, hängen dauernd rum und sind gerne für sich - dies alles jedoch mit nachhaltigem Erfolg: Faultiere gibt es seit 30 Millionen Jahren. Es ist Zeit, die Faulheit auch für uns zu entdecken und von den besten Entspannungsexperten dieser Welt zu lernen. Denn nur denen, die auch mal nichts tun, geht es dauerhaft gut. Willkommen bei den Faultieren und ihrer Lebensphilosophie! Hier ein paar Weisheiten:Schlaf aus - das ist erholsamer für Geist und Körper als um 6 Uhr früh joggen zu gehen. Faultiere schlafen zwischen 10 und 18 Stunden täglich.Iss langsam - Faultiere gehören zur Slow-Food-Bewegung der ersten Stunde. Sie verzehren hauptsächlich frische Blätter, Zweige und Früchte - und kauen stundenlang drauf rum. Plus: Sie essen im Freien, weit weg von ihren Computern.Halt still - Faultiere sind Meister der Reglosigkeit. Sie entkommen Raubtieren, indem sie ganz stillhalten. In unserem aufgescheuchten Medienzeitalter müssen wir dauernd auf irgendwas reagieren. Dies einfach mal nicht zu tun - was für eine Erholung. Sei dir selbst genug: Faultiere sind von Natur aus ungesellig und verbringen den Großteil ihrer Zeit allein. Wir glauben, uns dauernd verabreden zu müssen - und dass Alleinsein etwas Schlimmes ist. Doch das Gegenteil ist der Fall: Endlich mal wieder Zeit für sich zu haben, kann magisch sein.»Ihre Anleitung zu mehr Gelassenheit in einer tierisch hektischen Welt bietet eine humorvolle Lektüre die zum Nachdenken anregt [...].« Mannheimer Morgen »Das Buch ist eine schnelle und leichte Lektüre, trotzdem hat es mein Leben verändert.« GlamourDE

  • von Minecraft
    12,00 €

  • 14% sparen
    von Simon Hugo
    21,98 €

    Jump into the action-packed LEGO Marvel multiverse with DK's latest Visual Dictionary, complete with an exclusive minifigure.Discover everything you need to know about the latest sets, vehicles, and minifigures. See every detail of the Guardians of the Galaxy's spaceship, explore Doctor Strange's Sanctum Sanctorum, examine the advanced vehicles of Wakanda, discover Spider-Man's most dastardly villains, and find out about your favourite LEGO Marvel minifigures - from Black Panther to The Scarlet Witch.Meet all the iconic LEGO Marvel characters and learn about their allies, villains, skills, vehicles and locations.©2023 The LEGO Group.© 2023 MARVEL

  • 15% sparen
    von Glenn Boozan
    14,00 €

    "This book highlights the foibles and failures of fictional and historical dads. Written in verse with humorous illustrations throughout"--

  • von Concernedape
    26,00 €

    By Eric Barone (ConcernedApe), Ryan Novak, and Susan Vu.

  • 21% sparen
    von Riot Games
    23,98 €

    Unlock the mysteries and magic within League of Legends, one of the world's most popular video games, in this encyclopedic and collectable companion book that explores the game's epic lore.

  • 15% sparen
  • von David Younger
    47,00 - 57,00 €

  • 12% sparen
    von Brian Lyles
    18,00 €

    The LEGO Neighborhood Book is your guide to creating incredible LEGO buildings and cities.

  • 13% sparen
    von Randall Munroe
    17,00 €

    What If?2 - Additional Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions is a captivating book by the renowned author, Randall Munroe. Released in 2022, this book belongs to the genre of science and humor, providing a delightful mix of education and entertainment. Munroe, with his unique style, takes readers on a journey through a series of absurd hypothetical questions and answers them with serious scientific explanations. Published by Hachette UK Distribution, this book is a must-read for those who love to delve into the mysteries of science in a fun and engaging way. It's an excellent addition to your library that will make you think, laugh, and learn at the same time.

  • von Matt Parker
    15,00 €

    Stand-up mathematician and star of Festival of the Spoken Nerd, Matt Parker presents Things to Make and Do in the Fourth Dimension -- a riotous journey through the possibilities of numbers, with audience participation- Cut pizzas in new and fairer ways!- Fit a 2p coin through an impossibly small hole!- Make a perfect regular pentagon by knotting a piece of paper!- Tie your shoes faster than ever before, saving literally seconds of your life!- Use those extra seconds to contemplate the diminishing returns of an exclamation-point at the end of every bullet-point!- Make a working computer out of dominoes!Maths is a game. This book can be cut, drawn in, folded into shapes and will even take you to the fourth dimension. So join stand-up mathematician Matt Parker on a journey through narcissistic numbers, optimal dating algorithms, at least two different kinds of infinity and more.

  • von Sam Austen
    30,00 €

    A novel for your cat, written in its native language. The word "meow" repeated over 80,000 times, to rapturous effect. Publisher's description: "Meow meow meow meow meow, meow. Meow meow meow meow. Meow? Meow." So begins Sam Austen's searing debut novel: an expansive, stream-of-consciousness fusillade decipherable only by cats, which may very well be a raucous, cogent satire laying waste to the literary establishment and the concept of language itself. Or it may not. Here, the experts weigh in: "Meow meow meow meow meow meow meow, meow meow meow. Meow meow meow meow meow meow, meow meow, meow. Meow meow." - Professor Beans, Unaltered Domestic Shorthair "Meow meow meow, meow meow meow meow! Meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow. Meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow." - Constable Stubbs, Breed Indeterminate "Meow meow, meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow. Meow, meow meow meow meow. Meow meow meow meow meow meow meow, meow meow meow meow meow meow meow."-Cuddle Princess, Devon Rex (very affectionate!) "Meow meow meow meow meow. Meow meow. Meow meow meow meow meow meow." - Fyodor Dostoevsky

  • 12% sparen
    von Kjeld Reby Løren
    23,00 €

    Keglebillard - et håndværk giver dig opskriften på, hvordan du kan arbejde struktureret og systematisk i din billardtræning og hvordan du kan "regne den ud".Dette er den første billardbog, der for alvor tager fat i, hvordan den daglige træning kan struktureres og hvilke metoder, der kan anvendes. Et vigtigt bidrag til billardsporten på et tidspunkt, hvor der mere end nogensinde er brug for seriøse input til træningsmetoder. Afsnittet omkring det virtuelle billardbord vil helt sikkert skabe en masse debat og eftertænksomhed.Jeg kan klart anbefale bogen, der er overskueligt opbygget, eksemplerne og øvelserne er lette at relatere sig til - krydret med forfatterens egne erfaringer. Bogen har primært fokus på to områder. Den systematiske tilgang til træningen samt en mere teoretisk tilgang i forhold til diamantsystemet og vinklerne i keglebillard. På det område leverer bogen et vigtigt materiale til forståelsen af, hvordan du kan "regne den ud". Den systematiske tilgang er nødvendig og vil kunne hjælpe mange i forhold til, hvad og hvordan der skal trænes.At læse denne bog er som at tilbringe et par træningstimer eller dage sammen med bogens forfatter. Den afslører, hvad han har set, hørt og erfaret. Bogen er en inspiration og samtidig en praktisk orienteret tilgang til, at tilrettelægge de nødvendige forandringer, der skal til i din træning, for at du kan skabe endnu bedre resultater.Dan NielsenDAN NIELSEN, den mest vindende danske billardspiller til dato, med 31 danske mesterskaber på rekordlisten.

  • 10% sparen
    von Kendra Norton
    14,00 €

    The third book in the new and exciting Reverse Coloring Book series, where the book has the colors and you draw the lines, finding your creativity and mindful relaxation as you go. This book will focus on the shapes, colors, and inspirations that bring up mindfulness and meditation, including mandalas and nature images.

  • von Jeremy Clarkson
    12,00 €

  • 10% sparen
    von Randall Munroe
    13,00 €

    What If? 2 is the highly anticipated sequel from the acclaimed author, Randall Munroe. Published in 2023 by Hodder And Stoughton Ltd., this book continues to explore the intriguing and often hilarious outcomes of hypothetical scenarios. Munroe, renowned for his unique blend of humor and scientific insight, once again captivates readers with his imaginative inquiries into the world of 'what ifs'. This book, like its predecessor, belongs to a genre all its own, combining elements of science, humor, and sheer unpredictability. Readers will find themselves laughing, pondering, and marveling at the endless possibilities of the universe. What If? 2 confirms Munroe's status as a master of imaginative storytelling and reaffirms Hodder And Stoughton Ltd.'s commitment to publishing thought-provoking literature. This book is a must-read for anyone who enjoys a good laugh while learning about the fascinating complexities of our world.

  • von Jeremy Clarkson
    13,00 €

  • 13% sparen
    von Tom Simons
    17,00 €

    TommyInnit Says...The Quote Book is an exciting collection penned by none other than Tom Simons. Published recently on the 13th of October, 2022, this book has quickly made its mark in the literary world. The genre of this book is hard to pin down, as it encapsulates a range of emotions and experiences that are universal yet uniquely presented. The book is a testament to Simons' wit and wisdom, as it captures his most memorable quotes in a beautifully designed package. Published by Quercus Publishing Plc, this book is a must-have for fans of Simons and those who appreciate thought-provoking quotes. With TommyInnit Says...The Quote Book, each page turn brings a new insight, a new laugh, or a new perspective. Grab your copy today and dive into the mind of Tom Simons.

  • 11% sparen
    von Paul Murray
    17,00 €

    WINNER OF THE NERO BOOK AWARD FOR FICTION 2023WINNER OF AN POST IRISH BOOK OF THE YEAR 2023SHORTLISTED FOR THE BOOKER PRIZE 2023SHORTLISTED FOR THE WRITERS' PRIZE FOR FICTION 2024SHORTLISTED FOR THE KERRY GROUP NOVEL OF THE YEAR 2024ONE OF SARAH JESSICA PARKER'S BEST BOOKS OF 2023Book of the Year 2023 according to New York Times, New Yorker, The Sunday Times, The Economist, Observer, Guardian, Washington Post, Lit Hub, TIME magazine, Irish Times, The Oldie, Daily Mail, i Paper, Independent, The Standard, The Times, Kirkus, Daily Express, City A.M. From one of our greatest comic novelists and the author of Skippy Dies comes a funny, thought-provoking story of one family desperately clinging on as their world falls apart . . .'A tragicomic triumph. You won't read a sadder, truer, funnier novel this year' GuardianThe Barnes family is in trouble. Dickie's once-lucrative car business is going under - but rather than face the music, he's spending his days in the woods, building an apocalypse-proof bunker with a renegade handyman.His wife Imelda is selling off her jewellery on eBay while their teenage daughter Cass, formerly top of her class, seems determined to binge-drink her way to her final exams. And twelve-year-old PJ is putting the final touches to his grand plan to run away from home.Where did it all go wrong? A patch of ice on the tarmac, a casual favour to a charming stranger, a bee caught beneath a bridal veil?Can a single moment of bad luck change the direction of a life? And if the story has already been written - is there still time to find a happy ending?'The finest novel that Murray has yet written . . . will surely be one of the books of 2023' Sunday Independent'Murray is a natural storyteller . . . Ambitious, expansive, hugely entertaining tragicomic fiction' Irish Times'It's a thing of beauty, a novel that will fill your heart' Observer'Generous, immersive, sharp-witted and devastating . . . a triumph' Financial Times'It's been compared to Jonathan Franzen's The Corrections; I'd argue it's better' Daily Mail

  • 10% sparen
    von Hannah Gadsby
    13,00 - 17,00 €

    'There is nothing stronger than a broken woman who has rebuilt herself.' Hannah Gadsby, NanetteHannah Gadsby's unique stand-up special Nanette was a viral success that left audiences captivated by her blistering honesty and her ability to create both tension and laughter in a single moment. But while her worldwide fame might have looked like an overnight sensation, her path from open mic to the global stage was hard-fought and anything but linear. Ten Steps to Nanette traces Gadsby's growth as a queer person from Tasmania - where homosexuality was illegal until 1997 - to her ever-evolving relationship with comedy, to her struggle with late-in-life diagnoses of autism and ADHD, and finally to the backbone of Nanette - the renouncement of self-deprecation, the rejection of misogyny and the moral significance of truth-telling. Equal parts harrowing and hilarious, Ten Steps to Nanette continues Gadsby's tradition of confounding expectations and norms, properly introducing us to one of the most explosive, formative voices of our time.

  • 14% sparen
    von Tom Alphin
    22,00 €

    The LEGO Architect explores the world of architecture using the LEGO brick.

  • 19% sparen
    von Andrea Rangel
    23,00 €

    A brand new stitch dictionary from the author of the wildly popular, AlterKnit Stitch Dictionary. KnitOvation includes more than 150 brand new colorwork motifs to expand knitters' creative possibilities and draw them further into the world of stranded knitting with clever, quirky, and beautiful motifs including botanicals, animals, and geometric patterns. The motifs are accompanied by a selection of accessory and garment designs to illustrate how the motifs can be used, and technical information on new topics including using charts and adding flourishes with duplicate stitch. More knitters than ever are enjoying colorwork, so now is a fantastic time to give them another tool for their knitting toolbox. Whether you're looking for new colorwork motifs, knitting techniques, or pattern ideas, KnitOvation makes a great gift for experienced knitters or for beginners looking for inspiration.

  • 21% sparen
    von Kyle Newman
    28,00 €

    "Explore the cuisines of the Dungeons & Dragons multiverse with 76 delectable new recipes from the authors of Heroes' Feast"--

  • von G. T. Karber
    15,00 €

    NATIONAL BESTSELLER . "Clever, satisfying and utterly addictive." -Janice Hallett, bestselling author of The AppealG. T. Karber, the creator of the popular online daily mystery game Murdle, presents the first collection of 100 original murder mystery logic puzzles-a perfect gift for armchair detectives and puzzlers to hone their minds and solve a series of crimes.Who committed the ghastly deed?What weapon was used to dispatch the victim?Where did the calculated demise occur?Join Deductive Logico and investigate murders most foul in Murdle: Volume 1. The first of their kind, these humorous mini-mystery puzzles challenge you to find whodunit, how, where, and why. Examine the clues, interview the witnesses, and use the power of deduction to complete the grid and catch the culprit. Together, you'll uncover a buried secret beneath all of the murders and a message that can only be decrypted when you've solved them all.Packed with illustrations, codes, and maps, and brimming with wit and intrigue, Murdle: Volume 1 is the must-have detective casebook for the secret sleuth in everyone.

  • von Laila Dybkjær & Hans Dybkjær
    13,00 €

  • - Interactive Book Game
    22,00 €

    Journal 29 is a riveting book that was first published in 2017. This exceptional piece of literature is the brainchild of the talented team at Rain Projects Software Developers Ltd. The book belongs to a genre that is uniquely its own, captivating the reader with every turn of the page. Journal 29 is more than just a book; it's an interactive experience that challenges and engages the reader in new and exciting ways. The author has crafted a masterpiece that transcends the traditional boundaries of literature, making it a must-have for any book enthusiast. Published by Rain Projects Software Developers Ltd, this book is a testament to their commitment to delivering high-quality content. Don't miss out on the opportunity to dive into the captivating world of Journal 29.

  • 12% sparen
    von Heidi Gustafson
    28,00 €

    Introducing 'Book of Earth' by the talented author Heidi Gustafson. This masterpiece, published by Abrams & Chronicle Books in 2023, takes you on a journey unlike any other. The genre of this book is not just a category, it's a promise of the adventure that awaits within its pages. Heidi Gustafson has crafted a world that is as fascinating as it is compelling. The 'Book of Earth' is not just a book, it's a gateway to a world crafted with exquisite detail and compelling narratives. This book is a testament to Heidi Gustafson's storytelling prowess and her ability to transport readers into the world she's created. Published by Abrams & Chronicle Books, a name synonymous with quality literature, the 'Book of Earth' is a must-read for anyone looking for a captivating read. If you're a fan of immersive storytelling and unique narratives, the 'Book of Earth' by Heidi Gustafson is a book you can't afford to miss.

  • 17% sparen
    von NBC Universal
    11,98 €

    "An illustrated guide to embracing your inner ogre and living your truth, mud, farts, and all"--

  • 23% sparen
    von Critical Role Team
    35,00 €

    This hardcover art collection features a wide variety of gorgeous illustrations from the Critical Role fan community paired with text by cast members.Journey through Wildemount alongside the motley group known as the Mighty Nein! Encompassing the first chapters of Critical Role's second campaign, this tome illustrates the adventures of our unlikely heroes as they meet in Trostenwald, struggle through a heartbreaking encounter with the Iron Shepherds, and more. Featuring stunning works by artists from the Critter community, Critical Role: The Chronicles of Exandria -- The Mighty Nein is a beautiful way to revisit the origin of the Mighty Nein through the perspective of Expositor Beauregard Lionett and the archivists of the Cobalt Soul.

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