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  • von Sven Büchner
    32,95 €

  • von Günter Pritsch
    25,00 €

    Voraussetzung für gesunde Bienenvölker sowie reichlichen und hochwertigen Honigertrag ist in erster Linie ein lückenloses Nahrungsangebot für die Bienen, vom zeitigen Frühjahr bis zum späten Herbst. Günter Pritsch stellt über 220 Bienenweidepflanzen in Text und Bild vor. Umfassende Trachtfließbandtabellen geben Auskunft über Blütezeit, Nektar- und Pollenwerte der Pflanzen und helfen dem Imker bei der Standort- und Pflanzenauswahl. Die zahlreichen Fotos und Zeichnungen machen das Bestimmen leicht und sicher.

  • von Lars Gejl
    39,90 €

    Von einem der renommiertesten Naturfotografen: alle europäischen Greifvogelarten im Porträt.Über 500 Fotos, präzise Artenbeschreibungen, Gefiederkleider, Silhouetten, QR-Codes zu den Vogelstimmen und VergleichstafelnGreifvögel üben eine besondere Faszination auf uns aus - ihr stolzer Blick, die eleganten Flugsilhouetten, die eindrücklichen Erscheinungen mit den scharf bekrallten Füssen, mit welchen die Vögel ihre Beute greifen, zeichnen diese Artgruppe aus.«Europas Greifvögel» porträtiert alle in Europa brütenden Greifvögel. Mit über 520 attraktiven Fotografien bietet dieses Bildhandbuch Bestimmungshilfen und gleichzeitig Informationen zu den einzelnen Arten. Die Artenbeschreibungen liefern Informationen zu Vorkommen und Verbreitung, zur Brutbiologie und Übersichtsseiten mit den Gefiederkleidern. Silhouetten der Arten erleichtern das Bestimmen. QR-Codes, die mit dem Smartphone gescannt werden können, führen zu Tonaufnahmen der einzelnen Art.Besonders hilfreich sind die Vergleichstafeln, welche Verwechslungsarten nebeneinander im Flug darstellen, damit sie schnell und sicher identifiziert werden können.

  • von Sigrid Tinz
    19,90 €

    Igel schützen, Bienen helfen, Vögel füttern: Projekte zum Schutz bedrohter Arten sind beliebt. Aber sie reichen nicht aus, um die Biodiversität zu erhalten. Ohne Blattläuse werden Vogelküken nicht satt, ohne Springschwänze und Asseln entsteht kein Humus, ohne fruchtbaren Boden gibt es keine Blüten für die Bienen.Mit ihrem Buch macht Sigrid Tinz deutlich, warum auch die unscheinbaren, unbeliebten und unbekannten Arten im großen Netzwerk der Natur so wichtig sind. Dazu nimmt die Geoökologin verschiedene Lebensräume im Garten und in der Landschaft genauer unter die Lupe und beschreibt unterhaltsam und fundiert, wie wichtig die einzelnen Akteure der Nahrungsnetze und ihre komplexen Beziehungsgeflechte sind. Gartenboden, Blumenbeet, Wiese oder Mauer werden so zu Schauplätzen des Fressens und Gefressenwerdens. Im Vergleich zu den spektakulären Nahrungsnetzen der ostafrikanischen Savanne oder des arktischen Meeres ist vor unserer Haustür alles ein bisschen kleiner und unspektakulärer, bei genauer Betrachtung aber genauso spannend und schützenswert.Mit diesem Buch wächst das Verständnis für die Bedeutung der vielfältigen Beziehungen innerhalb der Ökosysteme - vor allem für uns Menschen.

  • 12% sparen
    - - den cubanske charmetrold -
    von Gitte Frikke
    23,00 €

    Denne bog om Bichon Havanais'en er overskuelig og let at gå til.Uanset om du allerede har en af disse skønne hunde eller du overvejer at anskaffe dig en, vil du kunne få glæde af bogen. Læs bl.a.:- Den rette hvalp- Jubii, vi skal have hvalp- Hvalpen i sit nye hjem- Ernæring- Pelspleje- Sygdomskendskab- Og meget mereBogen er illustreret med skønne billeder af både hvalpe og voksne havanesere.

  • 19% sparen
    - A New Science Blueprint for Raising Healthy and Happy Canine Companions
    von Rodney Habib & Karen Shaw Becker
    17,88 €

    In this pathbreaking guide, two of the world's most popular and trusted pet-care advocates reveal new science to teach us how to delay ageing and provide a long, happy, healthy life for our canine companions.

  • von Ed Yong
    15,00 €

  • - En lykkebringer
    von Zita Andersen
    23,00 €

    Jeg er i årene med mine hunde, som er af racen Lhasa Apso. Blevet beriget med stor erfaring inden for det at have hund, og få det bedste forhold til den. Mine erfaringer har givet mig stor viden inden for bl.a. Pelspleje, som er meget vigtigt i forhold til ønsket om at bevare den smukke og fyldige pels en Lhasa Apso har. Pelsen er alt afgørende i udstillings sammenhæng. Min store passion og samværet med mine hunde, har været en øjenåbner over for, forståelse for hunden, opdragelse, adfærd, og kommunikation via kropssproget hund og hund imellem. Rigtig god fornøjelse!

  • 12% sparen
    - Nature's Secrets to Longevity
    von Nicklas Brendborg
    15,00 €

    THE INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLER: a deep dive into the science and nature of aging

  • - Vejen til en trofast familiehund
    von Jonas Labied & Birgitte Labied
    18,00 €

    Vil du have en glad og samtidig velopdragen hund? Så er denne bog noget for dig. Bogen beskriver en række enkle øvelser, som du selv kan lave med din hund. Lær hunden at komme, når du kalder, sætte sig på kommando og andre nyttige ting. Træningen foregår på en sjov og hyggelig måde, hvor hele familien kan være med. Du får også forslag til sjove lege og gode råd om, hvordan hunden bliver rolig og harmonisk. Bogen er illustreret med mange farvebilleder.

  • 15% sparen
    von Pil Refstrup
    34,00 €

    "Praktisk katteopdræt" er en helt ny håndbog, som henvender sig til både kommende og let erfarne opdrættere af katte. Den forklarer processerne fra anskaffelse af udstillings- og avlskatte, udstilling, drægtighed og fødsel, til indretning af katteriet, genetik og avlsteknik, i et let forståeligt og ligefremt sprog.Hvis du overvejer at lade din kat få killinger, så er Praktisk katteopdræt bogen for dig, uanset om du planlægger et enkelt kuld eller et egentligt avlsprogram.

  • 24% sparen
    von DK
    29,00 €

  • von James Bridle
    15,00 €

    What does it mean to be intelligent? Is it something unique to humans - or do we share it with other beings? Recent years have seen rapid advances in 'artificial' intelligence, which increasingly appears to be something stranger than we ever imagined. At the same time, we are becoming more aware of the other intelligences which have been with us all along, unrecognized. These other beings are the animals, plants, and natural systems that surround us, and are slowly revealing their complexity and knowledge - just as the new technologies we've built are threatening to cause their extinction, and ours. In Ways of Being, writer and artist James Bridle considers the fascinating, uncanny and multiple ways of existing on earth. What can we learn from these other forms of intelligence and personhood, and how can we change our societies to live more equitably with one another and the non-human world? From Greek oracles to octopuses, forests to satellites, Bridle tells a radical new story about ecology, technology and intelligence. We must, they argue, expand our definition of these terms to build a meaningful and free relationship with the non-human, one based on solidarity and cognitive diversity. We have so much to learn, and many worlds to gain.

  • 10% sparen
    - A World in the Making
    von Thomas Halliday
    13,00 €

  • von Reuel Golden & Susan Michals
    15,00 - 40,00 €

  • 18% sparen
    - Thailand og Indo-pacific
    von Lars Bindholt
    80,00 €

    "Dykkerens Fiskebog" er uundværlig for dykkere og snorklere som besøger troperne. Især i Thailand, men også i resten af Indo-pacific er bogen et nyttigt redskab til at bestemme de fisk, man ser.I bogen er beskrevet 325 fiskearter med tekst og billeder. Fotografierne er fra Andamanerhavet, så fiskene optræder i deres naturlige omgivelser og de lokale variationer, som findes netop i dette område.I bogen findes desuden et stort afsnit med andre tropiske havdyr, bl.a. koraller, søpindsvin, krabber, muslinger, snegle, havslanger og havskildpadder.I "Dykkerens Fiskebog" er der, for første gang, brugt de officielle videnskabelige danske navne til samtlige fiskearter. Desuden er de engelske og latinske betegnelser medtaget.

  • von Jeremy Clarkson
    13,00 €

  • von Andy Swash
    28,00 €

    The most comprehensive single-volume photographic guide to Europe's birds ever produced-from the authors of the acclaimed Britain's BirdsCovering more than 900 species, and illustrated with 4,700 photographs, Europe's Birds is the most comprehensive, authoritative and ambitious single-volume photographic guide to Europe's birds ever produced. Easy-to-use, practical and accessible, this guide provides the information necessary for birdwatchers of all abilities to name any bird they see. Detailed descriptions cover the birds in all their plumages-male, female, breeding, non-breeding, adult and immatures, as well as distinctive subspecies. The clear text covers all aspects of identification, including moult and vocalizations, and provides details on range, status and habitat. An unrivalled selection of photographs, chosen to be as informative as possible, makes this a beautiful book to enjoy, as well as an up-to-date and essential source of identification knowledge.Europe's Birds is produced by the same team that created Britain's Birds, which has been described as "e;without doubt the best photo guide on the market"e; (Andy Stoddart, Rare Bird Alert). The authors include top-class wildlife photographers, writers and editors, and an imaginative, highly skilled designer. All are experienced birdwatchers themselves, who know what is needed in an identification guide for birdwatchers living or travelling in Europe.Illustrates all 928 species recorded in Europe, including established introductionsFeatures 4,700 stunning photographs showing the birds as you really see themFocuses on identification, covering all plumages and subspeciesProvides detailed comparison of similar and difficult speciesIncludes details of moult, vocalizations, status and favoured habitatsContains 540 maps, prepared in association with BirdLife International

  • - Create 12 Stunning Images One Sticker at a Time!
    von Workman Publishing
    17,00 €

    Paint by Sticker, the perennially popular adult activity series, now includes a book just for dog lovers. Create gorgeous illustrations of dogs--all sizes, shapes, and breeds--in the "low-poly" style (geometric, polygon shapes), one sticker at a time.

  • 15% sparen
    - Bomuldshunden fra Madagaskar
    von Christina B. Møller
    34,00 €

    Coton de Tuléar - Bomuldshunden fra Madagaskar er den første bog på dansk om de charmerende, små selskabshunde.Coton de Tuléar eller blot "coton", som den ofte kaldes, er den lille hund med den store personlighed, der på få år har opnået utrolig stor popularitet og udbredelse i Danmark samt store dele af Europa.Bogen er en komplet gennemgang af racen og beskriver i lette, overskuelige kapitler alt, du måtte ønske at vide om bl.a.: Cotonens historie Cotonen og allergikere Foder Pelspleje og almen pleje Avl og fødsler Køb af hvalp Udstilling og træningDenne bog kan give dig svar på mange spørgsmål, hvad enten du har interesse i cotonen som udstillingshund eller familiehund. Du kan bruge bogen som opslagsværk eller blot som hyggelig læsning, hvis du selv har eller overvejer at anskaffe en coton.Bogen bygger på forfatterens egne erfaringer med racen.

  • 10% sparen
    von George Monbiot
    13,00 €

    Regenesis is a captivating book penned by the acclaimed author, George Monbiot. Published in 2023 by Penguin Books Ltd (UK), this masterpiece is a must-read for those who are intrigued by innovative thoughts and ideas. The genre of the book is not specifically mentioned, but Monbiot's works usually revolve around environmental and political themes. Regenesis, like his other works, is likely to challenge your perspectives and provoke thought. It's a book that promises to take you on a journey, exploring new dimensions of understanding. So, if you are looking for a book that is compelling and intellectually stimulating, Regenesis by George Monbiot is the one for you.

  • 22% sparen
    von Toshimitsu Matsuhashi
    20,00 €

    A delightful treasure trove of tips on how to hold animals without hurting them.

  • 12% sparen
    - Choose the Perfect Dog For You
    von DK
    21,00 €

    Choose the top dog for your familyFrom spaniels to sheepdogs, The Complete Dog Breed Guide will help you choose the perfect companion for your family. Fully illustrated and featuring over 400 of the world's best-loved breeds, this is the only breed guide you'll ever need.Q&A selector charts help you choose the right dog for your lifestyle plus expert guidance on caring for your dog, understanding its behaviour and training tips ensure that he'll soon becomes everyone's best friend.The Complete Dog Breed Guide is a one-stop manual to helping you become the owner of a happy, healthy, well-behaved dog.

  • - Freediving, Renegade Science and What the Ocean Tells Us About Ourselves
    von James Nestor
    15,00 €

    Jules Verne's Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea meets Born to Run and the cutting edge of popular science.

  • 12% sparen
    von Sosuke Natsukawa
    11,00 €

    A charming and heartwarming Japanese tale about the importance and magic of books, for all who love reading them.

  • - A Theory and Practice Book
    von Traute Schmidt & Yvonne Müller
    43,00 - 56,00 €

  • von David Attenborough
    32,00 €

    A new, fully updated edition of David Attenborough's groundbreaking Life on Earth.

  • 18% sparen
    von Susan Ogilvy
    21,00 €

    An exquisitely illustrated, one-of-a-kind celebration of the hidden beauty of nature and the ingenuity of birds Susan Ogilvy started painting bird nests almost by accident. One day, while tidying up her garden after a storm, she found a chaffinch nest - a strange, sodden lump on the grass under a fir tree. She carried it inside and placed it on a newspaper; over the next few hours, as the water drained out of it, the sodden lump blossomed into a mossy jewel. She was amazed, and dropped everything to make a painting of the nest at exact life size.This was the start of an obsession; Ogilvy has since painted more than fifty bird nests from life, each time marvelling at its ingenious construction. Every species of bird has its own vernacular, but sources its materials - most commonly twigs, roots, grasses, reeds, leaves, moss, lichen, hair, feathers and cobwebs, less usually, mattress stuffing and string - according to local availability. Ogilvy would, of course, never disturb nesting birds; instead she relies upon serendipity, which is why all her nests have either been abandoned after fulfilling their purpose, or displaced by strong winds.Although Nests showcases the specimens she has found near her homes in Somerset and on the Isle of Arran, its subject matter is by no means only British, since these same birds can be found all over Europe, Scandinavia and as far afield as Russia, Turkey and North Africa. This wondrous book is all the more special for its rarity. Few modern books exist specifically on the subject of bird nests; the most recent among the author's reference works was published in 1932. Exquisitely designed and packaged, Nests will be an essential addition to the libraries of all nature lovers.

  • 16% sparen
    - A Practical Guide to Creating a Paradise for Pollinators
    von Dave Goulson
    18,00 €

    ''Go on, have a flutter! Take a few tips from the new book by biologist Dave Goulson and it''s a safe bet that beautiful butterflies will start gathering in your garden'' Daily MailFrom the Sunday Times bestselling author of A Sting In The Tale comes this practical guide to creating a paradise for pollinators.There are twenty six different species of bumblebees to be found in the UK, of around 250 species worldwide. Bumblebees are among the most important of our insects; these superb pollinators ensure that wildflowers set seed and reappear each year, and that our vegetable and fruit crops give us bountiful harvests. With the decline in the populations of our wild bees, these beloved creatures need looking after more than ever. Gardening for Bumblebees shows you how you can provide a refuge for bumblebees to feed, breed and thrive. No matter how large or small your space is, Dave Goulson shows you how you can make a pollinator-friendly haven. In this book you will learn the best trees, shrubs and flowers for pollinators, how to create the perfect nest and breeding site, and the best ways to control pests. Gardening For Bumblebees will encourage and inspire gardeners and allotmenters alike to make their patch more bee friendly. Praise for Dave Goulson''Ideal for filling the garden with a happy hum''Tiffany Daneff, Country Life''Goulson reminds himself that he ''began studying bumblebees not because they are important pollinators but because they are fascinating, because they behave in interesting and mysterious ways, and because they are rather loveable'' Hannah Rosefield, Literary Review

  • - The new paradigm of kinematics and body awareness
    von Maren Diehl
    38,00 - 50,00 €

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