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  • 19% sparen
    von Sharmistha Chakravarty
    61,00 €

    Il diabete mellito è una malattia caratterizzata da un aumento del livello di glucosio nel sangue dovuto a carenza di insulina o a resistenza all'insulina o a entrambe. Di conseguenza, può portare alla glicazione dei tessuti, con conseguenti disturbi metabolici acuti che si concludono con un danno agli organi e un grave deterioramento della salute. Tale condizione comporta un aumento dei livelli di glucosio nel sangue che a sua volta danneggia molti sistemi di organi come il sistema nervoso, il sistema vascolare sanguigno, ecc. Il diabete può insorgere a causa della distruzione autoimmune delle cellule ¿ pancreatiche con conseguente carenza di insulina o a causa di anomalie che determinano insulino-resistenza. A causa della resistenza all'insulina nei tessuti bersaglio, nel diabete si verificano anomalie nel metabolismo dei carboidrati, delle proteine e dei grassi. I sintomi del diabete sono poliuria, polidipsia, perdita di peso e polifagia. Il diabete non controllato può portare a conseguenze acute pericolose per la vita, come la chetoacidosi o la sindrome iperosmolare non chetonica.

  • von Yaxmareli Diaz Araujo
    43,90 €

    In Venezuela, wie in allen unterentwickelten lateinamerikanischen Ländern, gibt es Beweise für eine staatliche Politik, die auf die landwirtschaftliche Produktion im Schweinesektor ausgerichtet ist, wo die kapitalistische Abhängigkeit gefördert wird, mit einem intensiven, rentierlichen und merkantilistischen Wirtschaftsmodell, mit dem abgenutzten Diskurs des Bevölkerungswachstums mit der Förderung und Entwicklung der abhängigen Industrie. Die Etablierung einer unterwürfigen Kultur des Individualismus und des Egoismus, die jede Form der kollektiven Organisation angreift, die Macht des Volkes, der organisierten Menschen und der Gemeinschaftsorganisationen versteckt, obwohl gerade dort ihre besten Lebensbedingungen und ihr produktives Potenzial liegen, wird zur verschleierten Autorität des kapitalistischen Systems. Dies hat zur Auferlegung von Bedingungen sozialer, wirtschaftlicher und kultureller Starrheit geführt, gepaart mit einer unterminierten ländlichen Schweineproduktion, die zur Abwanderung von Land und Produktion in die großen Städte als Spiegel der Unterentwicklung führt.

  • 16% sparen
    von Yaxmareli Diaz Araujo
    37,00 €

    In Venezuela, come in tutti i Paesi sottosviluppati dell'America Latina, è evidente l'esistenza di politiche statali mirate alla produzione agricola nel settore suino, dove si incoraggia la dipendenza capitalistica, con un modello economico intensivo, rentier e mercantilista, con il logoro discorso della crescita demografica con la promozione e lo sviluppo dell'industria dipendente. Stabilendo una cultura sottomessa di individualismo, egoismo, attaccando qualsiasi forma di organizzazione collettiva, nascondendo il potere popolare, le persone organizzate e le organizzazioni comunitarie, quando è proprio lì che si trovano le migliori condizioni di vita e il potenziale produttivo, diventando l'autorità velata del sistema capitalista. Questo ha portato all'imposizione di condizioni di rigidità sociale, economica e culturale, unita a una produzione rurale suina minata, causando l'abbandono della terra e della produzione verso le grandi città come specchio del sottosviluppo.

  • 16% sparen
    von Yahmareli Diaz Arauö
    37,00 €

    V Venesuäle, kak i wo wseh slaborazwityh stranah Latinskoj Ameriki, suschestwuet gosudarstwennaq politika, naprawlennaq na sel'skohozqjstwennoe proizwodstwo w sektore swinowodstwa, gde pooschrqetsq kapitalisticheskaq zawisimost', intensiwnaq, rant'e i merkantilistskaq äkonomicheskaq model', s izbitymi rassuzhdeniqmi o roste naseleniq pri podderzhke i razwitii zawisimoj promyshlennosti. Utwerzhdenie pokornoj kul'tury indiwidualizma, ägoizma, napadki na lübye formy kollektiwnoj organizacii, sokrytie narodnoj wlasti, organizowannyh lüdej i obschestwennyh organizacij, kogda imenno tam nahodqtsq nailuchshie uslowiq zhizni i proizwodstwennyj potencial, prewraschenie w zawualirowannuü wlast' kapitalisticheskoj sistemy. Jeto priwelo k nawqzywaniü uslowij social'noj, äkonomicheskoj i kul'turnoj zhestkosti w sochetanii s podorwannym sel'skim swinowodstwom, chto stalo prichinoj uhoda zemli i proizwodstwa w krupnye goroda kak zerkalo otstalosti.

  • 17% sparen
    von Tim Coulson
    20,00 €

    A COMPLETE, UNCOMPLICATED GUIDE TO THE SCIENCE OF LIFE, THE UNIVERSE AND EVERYTHING 'Most scientists know only their own field. Tim Coulson is at home with science as an integrated whole. A pleasure to read, and a lasting accomplishment' Richard Dawkins 'Step aside Star Wars - ours is the most astonishing origin story you'll ever hear and its beautifully told by Tim Coulson' Professor Ken Norris, Deputy Director of Science at the Natural History Museum----Have you ever wondered why you exist?What had to happen for you - and all life on Earth - to come into being?What is the true answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe and everything?In The Universal History of Us, Tim Coulson - Professor of Zoology at Oxford - takes us back to the beginning of everything: the Big Bang 13.8 billion years ago. From there, he leads us step by step along the path to the most astonishing thing we have yet encountered - the staggering complexity of the modern human mind.Covering physics, astronomy, chemistry, geology, the emergence of life, evolution, consciousness and the rise of humankind, yet written to be understood by anyone with a child's curiosity, this book takes the biggest story of all and tells it simply, grippingly and, above all, entertainingly.It is the history of you, me and everything - of how we all came to be. In short, it is the greatest story ever told.----'A highly readable and super enjoyable book . . . that takes us on a free-spirited intellectual romp through every aspect of what we know about our universe' Peter Hudson FRS Willaman Professor of Biology at Penn State 'A charming, engaging and erudite account' David Christian, author of New York Times bestseller Origin Story (2018) 'A gangbuster science book. A can't-put-down read. I don't think I have learned more from a single book' Douglas W. Smith, Former Senior Wildlife Biologist, Yellowstone National Park 'Exceptional. A highly infectious read. From the first page I found it impossible to put down' Professor Baroness Kathy Willis, Professor of Biodiversity, University of Oxford 'Achieves something almost impossible, lucid explanation without dumbing down . . . can read this for fun and accidentally you will know as much general science as any Professor' James H Naismith FRS FRSE FMedSci MAE, Head of the Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences Division at Oxford, Professor of Structural Biology 'With wit, wisdom and humility. The prose is of a perfect weight, and an absolute joy to read' Sunetra Gupta, Professor of Theoretical Epidemiology at the University of Oxford 'Will appeal to a broad variety of readers and inspire new generations of scientists for years to come' Quentin Paynter

  • von Helmut Hemmer
    26,00 €

    Die Ansicht um die wahre Natur der im Moorheidegebiet des Exmoors im Südwesten Englands frei lebenden Ponys pendelte in den letzten hundert Jahren mehrfach hin und her zwischen einer sehr ursprünglich gebliebenen Hauspferderasse und einem überlebenden Wildpferd. Für die Klärung dieses Problems entscheidend wichtige quantitative Verhaltensstudien zum Wild- oder Viehwesen dieser Pferde und paläontologische Vergleichsstudien fehlten weitgehend. Dieses Buch bringt nun die Lösung zugunsten einer Reliktpopulation des Europäischen Bergponys und weist damit das kaum für möglich gehaltene Fortleben eines bedeutenden britischen und gesamteuropäischen Naturerbes nach.

  • von Sebastian Fritschof
    24,50 €

    Sind Sie bereit, in die faszinierende Welt des Miniature Bull Terriers einzutauchen, einer Hunderasse, die trotz ihrer kompakten Größe in Sachen Charakterstärke und Einzigartigkeit beeindruckt? Traumrasse: Miniature Bull Terrier ist eine leidenschaftliche und umfassende Hommage an diese bemerkenswerte Rasse.Unser Ratgeber führt Sie durch die Geschichte und Herkunft des Miniature Bull Terriers. Lernen Sie mehr über die besondere Stellung, die diese temperamentvolle Rasse in der Gesellschaft einnimmt, und entdecken Sie die charakteristischen Merkmale, die den Miniature Bull Terrier so unverwechselbar machen.Wir begleiten Sie bei der Aufnahme eines Miniature Bull Terrier-Welpen in Ihr Zuhause und zeigen Ihnen, wie Sie seine Erziehung und Ausbildung erfolgreich gestalten können. Das Klickertraining wird dabei als effektive Methode zur Kommunikation mit Ihrem vierbeinigen Freund hervorgehoben.Das Thema des Zusammenlebens von Kindern und Hund wird ebenfalls behandelt, mit wertvollen Tipps für eine harmonische Integration des Hundes in die Familie. Sie erhalten Einblicke in eine artgerechte und gesunde Ernährung für Ihren Miniature Bull Terrier, lernen, wie Sie ihn richtig pflegen und welche spezifischen gesundheitlichen Herausforderungen bei dieser Rasse zu beachten sind.Ganz gleich, ob Sie bereits stolzer Besitzer eines Miniature Bull Terriers sind oder darüber nachdenken, einen in Ihre Familie aufzunehmen, dieser Ratgeber bietet zahlreiche hilfreiche Informationen und Einblicke, die den Alltag mit Ihrem dynamischen Begleiter bereichern werden.Ein Miniature Bull Terrier ist mehr als nur ein Haustier - er ist ein Teil der Familie, ein Quell der Freude und ein treuer Begleiter. Freuen Sie sich auf spannende Tipps zur Freizeitgestaltung und wie Sie Ihren Miniature Bull Terrier in Ihren Urlaub einbeziehen können.Mit Traumrasse: Miniature Bull Terrier erhalten Sie mehr als einen Ratgeber. Es ist eine Liebeserklärung an eine Rasse, die vielleicht klein im Format, aber groß in Charakter und Persönlichkeit ist. Entdecken Sie die Welt des Miniature Bull Terriers und erleben Sie die vielfältigen Facetten dieser charakterstarken Rasse.

  • von Sian Somers
    34,00 €

    Scissors are one of the tools of the trade a dog groomer must have. However, the subject of scissors, from what they are, to the types of scissors, to how to hold them and how to look after them, are areas which are seldom taught thoroughly during the current available dog grooming courses in the UK. This book is a very useful read for all dog groomers, especially those who are learning how to become dog groomers and pet owners who have minimal experience working with and taking care of grooming scissors. Sian Somers is the owners of the multi-award-winning grooming scissors retailer, Abbfabb Grooming Scissors Ltd.

  • von Renata Phelps
    25,00 €

    Acacia, a Squirrel Glider, is rescued as a tiny joey and raised by human wildlife carers. When she is released in the wild she travels to a nearby forest, meeting and learning about native plants and animals, and how important the forest is to them. She overhears humans talking about plans to log the forest and, by collaborating with animals and humans alike, the forest is saved.'If We Care We Can' promotes empathy and understanding towards wildlife and the environment; inspiring optimism and empowerment - helping humans realise the power of collaborative action.This story is uniquely illustrated through a series of collages, melding photos, drawings, scanned flora and other artefacts contributed by more than 25 artists and photographers. 'If We Care We Can' is part of a collaborative community effort to save Bungabbee Forest on the North Coast of NSW, Australia.

  • von Amir Salehi
    66,00 €

    In The Call of a Shikra, embark on a remarkable birdwatching tale that will take you deep into the heart of Iran's urban wilderness. Join Salehi on an awe-inspiring three-month journey alongside the captivating Shikra family. Along the way, witness the extraordinary world of these raptors in all aspect, from their nest-building feats to the heartwarming moments of chick nurturing. Along the way, Salehi faces down obstacles of all kinds, with his dedication to understanding the Shikras prevailing in the face of all.Through engaging storytelling and highly detailed photographs, experience the Shikras' thrilling courtship displays, their daring hunting expeditions, and the tender care they shower upon their chicks. The author's passion for ornithology shines as he paints vivid pictures of each observed bird's individual personality and behavior.The Call of a Shikra is a heartfelt plea to protect our natural heritage. This book is sure to offer a renewed appreciation of the beauty of birds as well as of the challenges faced by those who seek to understand and safeguard them.

  • von Builtart Editions
    26,00 - 72,00 €

  • von Thy Nguyen
    28,00 €

    Escape the hustle and bustle of daily life with this captivating camping coloring book designed specifically for teens.Immerse yourself in charming camping scenes and scenic landscapes that will transport you to the great outdoors.Unleash your creativity and reduce stress as you color in intricate designs of tents, campfires, starry skies, and more.Whether you're an experienced camper or simply appreciate nature, this coloring book is the perfect way to unwind and relax.Grab your colored pencils, find a cozy spot, and let the therapeutic benefits of coloring bring a sense of calm to your day.

  • von Builtart Editions
    26,00 - 72,00 €

  • von Thy Nguyen
    24,00 €

    The Summer Coloring Book for Kids is a delightful collection of beach-themed coloring pages designed to spark creativity and imagination in children.Let your child's artistic side shine as they bring these summer vacation scenes to life with their favorite colors.Engage your little one in a fun and relaxing activity that will also help develop their fine motor skills and concentration.Whether your child is a budding artist or just loves to color, this coloring book is sure to provide hours of entertainment during the sunny summer days.

  • von Builtart Editions
    26,00 - 72,00 €

  • von Thy Nguyen
    28,00 €

    The Winter Coloring Book is a delightful collection of intricate adult coloring pages that capture the beauty and charm of the winter season. Dive into a world of snowy trees, cozy cabins, and adorable animals frolicking in the snow as you bring these pages to life with your favorite colors. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced colorist, these pages offer a relaxing and creative way to unwind during the cold winter months. Let your imagination run wild as you add your personal touch to each page, creating stunning masterpieces that you'll be proud to display or share with friends and family. Embrace the magic of winter with this enchanting coloring book that promises hours of enjoyment and a welcome escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

  • von Thy Nguyen
    23,00 - 24,00 €

  • von Builtart Editions
    26,00 - 72,00 €

  • von Builtart Editions
    26,00 - 72,00 €

  • von Lynn M. Stout
    20,00 €

    It'll be easy, she thought. A writer's retreat will be fun and simple. At least until the plot twists sideways, and the mentor is murdered. Sam is still reeling from her newfound telepathic talents when she and Connie agree to host what should be a mundane gathering of authors. But when the group's tyrannical mentor is found dead under their roof, she gathers her wits and makes ready to wrestle with the whodunit. Malignant magic blocks her path, and the deceased's specter remains adamant that she won't rest until her murderer is revealed. With every clue pointing to an end that's as dead as the witch herself, Sam and Connie continue digging up the dirt until they uncover the rotten truth. Their supernatural sleuthing results in a dangerous cocktail of revenge and old magic that reveals it's not just the truth that's at stake, but their own lives as well. Mediums and Margaritas is the enthralling second book in the Mystic on the Rocks midlife paranormal cozy mystery series. If you're a fan of unexpected twists, spectral mysteries, and a dash of humor and heart, then you'll love Lynn M. Stout's latest page-turner.

  • von Thy Nguyen
    20,00 - 27,00 €

  • von Builtart Editions
    26,00 - 72,00 €

  • von Thy Nguyen
    22,00 - 30,00 €

  • von Thy Nguyen
    25,00 - 28,00 €

  • von Thy Nguyen
    28,00 €

    This camping coloring book is perfect for kids and adults alike who enjoy the great outdoors and want to relax while coloring beautiful vacation scenes.With intricate designs of mountains, wildlife, and serene camping settings, this coloring book offers a therapeutic way to unwind and destress.Each page is filled with detailed illustrations that transport you to the tranquility of nature, allowing you to escape the hustle and bustle of daily life.Whether you're a seasoned camper or simply appreciate the beauty of the wilderness, this coloring book provides a creative outlet for all ages to enjoy.

  • von Thy Nguyen
    28,00 €

    Dive into a world of vibrant marine life with the "Fanciful Sea Life Coloring Book." This exquisite coloring book features intricate designs of ocean wildlife, including majestic whales, playful dolphins, graceful turtles, and colorful fish. Perfect for both children and adults, this coloring book offers a relaxing and creative way to unwind and explore the wonders of the sea. Whether you're a coloring enthusiast or looking for a therapeutic activity, the "Fanciful Sea Life Coloring Book" is sure to provide hours of enjoyment and artistic expression.

  • von Thy Nguyen
    21,00 - 25,00 €

  • von Thy Nguyen
    21,00 - 24,00 €

  • 18% sparen
    von Bojan Nataraj
    46,00 €

    La exposición aguda y subletal al profenofós tuvo un impacto significativo en los perfiles hematológicos, de ionorregulación, bioquímicos, enzimáticos, de actividades enzimáticas antioxidantes, de genotoxicidad e histopatológicos del pez L. rohita. Las alteraciones de estos parámetros pueden proporcionar señales de alerta temprana para la determinación del nivel tóxico agudo y subletal de los plaguicidas y sus efectos en el medio acuático. Los resultados del presente estudio también proporcionan una mejor comprensión del punto final toxicológico de los contaminantes acuáticos y para determinar un nivel más seguro de estos productos químicos en el medio acuático y la protección de los habitantes acuáticos.

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